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Zaxon B: The Final Struggle (Galaxies Collide Book 4)

Page 17

by Andrew McGregor

  David’s hands ran across the surface of the transparent protective alloy above the weapons, his eyes widening as Begum moved on to the next silver display case, ‘We had developed drones, but we realise your own technology may have exceeded these from the records we translated on your ship…’ He turned briefly, glancing across at the pilot and smiling, ‘We have repaired your vessel and will provide fighter escort back to your space station…Alexion One I believe it is called from your crafts records?’

  The pilot’s voice rose in excitement from the other side of the room, David’s eyes narrowing as the man called out, his adrenalin almost reducing his tone to a whisper, ‘Is this what I think it is? Please tell me it is…’

  Begum smiled politely, moving between the display cases to stand by the Trevakian, his eyes wide with excitement as the Fahimian spoke, ‘That is the latest innovation our scientists came up with…technologically superior to anything the Morgons possess we think and able to fire for several bursts before recharging. There is an energy pack supplement that reduces the recharge time, or you can use standard power cells to supply a similar, but slightly longer effect…’ The Fahimian adjusted his cloak, David glimpsing the sparkling gold clasp at the interpreter’s neck, the dagger encrusted with sparkling gems as Begum noticed his observation, a black gloved hand rising to the jewellery, ‘Do you like it? It is the mark of our people…a sharpened blade to demonstrate our resolve.’ He indicated towards the Trevakian two steps ahead, his voice lowering, ‘I will perhaps explain more later…now your friend seems to be interested in the weapon displayed.’

  David drew next to the excited pilot, staring down at the white embossed prototype rifle, a sight set upon the back of the sleek barrel with two extending silver canisters seemingly encircled with thickly wrapped protected wire and electronics, their length complimented with an enlarged muzzle set behind, the silver etched and lined weapon seeming almost a polished museum piece due to the protective surround on the casing.

  The pilot spun round, his eyes wide and pupils dilated with exhilarated and energy charged excitement, his voice rising pleadingly, ‘Tell me what it is…please…’

  Begum blinked in surprise at the demanding but exhilarated tone, glancing across both the pilot and David’s excited expressions, ‘Why…that is a laser rifle…do you not have those? We found none in your vessel and could not understand why. We have just developed them and only have a couple of hundred produced…’ He shook his lowered head despondently, ‘…they came too late to be used in the battle for our planet, but we think they could have made a difference.’ The Fahimian looked up and stared in disbelief as the pilot’s eyes filled with tears of excited emotion, ‘What is the matter…both the first couple of examples produced work perfectly? Are they inferior to what you already have?’

  The pilot gradually sank to his knees, muttering excited words in Trevakian as David stared down at the perfectly crafted weapon, the muzzle seeming to glisten in the subdued lighting as the man below sucked air, his knees buckling as Begum dropped to a crouch next to him, a hand patting his back comfortingly as the words became concerned and adrenalin fuelled, ‘Are you alright? Perhaps the air is not sufficient for you in here…we can call for medics…’ His spare hand waving frantically for assistance, eyes narrowing in surprise and some concern as the pilot giggled excitedly.

  Slowly the pilot looked up, his lips glistening with spittle, his voice almost pleading, ‘Can we take this please? Please give us the plans for this weapon…’

  Slowly Begum solemnly nodded, his eyes glistening, ‘We have a small manufacturing facility on board and I believe the rifles are currently being made in larger numbers for our frontline commandoes and marine units. I should be able to release the schematics and the first production batch, I will have to confer with our leader for permission.’ Honour guard soldiers adopted stances around them as David’s eyes glistened, his heart seeming to swell as he realised the significance in the pilot’s reaction…that they may now soon possess the weapon that could make a difference.

  Chapter Seventeen: Rangara Visit

  Riaz stared through his almost clear visor, the snow billowing around his figure as he stood atop the outposts upper walkway and lowered behind the defensive wall. Looking along the deserted main street of the village, he shivered slightly, the combat suit attempting to warm him in the freezing night air. His assault rifle slung over his back, he felt the cold air seeming to tug at his combat uniform collar, a further shiver shaking his frame as he stamped his boots, the soles cracking against the metal plate below.

  Further along the wall, Shino stood hunched against the wind, her teeth gritted as she shivered, the low light of dawn beginning to spread across the sky as she stared out towards the east over the main gate manned by two further sentries. With the snub barrelled machine gun’s strap slung over her shoulder, she stared at the flickering torches leading from the village entrance, wondering how the war was progressing beyond the nearby medical base and Red Leopard defensive positions as a distant rumble of gunfire reached them. Rubbing her gloved hands together, she glanced across at Riaz, puzzled by his statement the night before, her mind considering why they would perhaps both wish to remain on Zaxon B if given the choice. Grinning ironically, she turned back to glance down at the gate, shaking her head, ‘as if they would get a choice now!’

  Either side of them, two quad guns sat idle on the corners of the defensive walls, waxed tarpaulin covering the defensive barrels and armoured plate from the elements. Several power cells lay covered next to the mounted weapons in readiness for any prolonged attack, the remainder of the cells stored in charging bays in the armoury, the high powered batteries swapped daily to ensure a maximum charge.

  Riaz stared across the dishevelled village buildings as the light became stronger, wisps of smoke beginning to rise from chimneys as the locals prepared their morning soup like drinks, the distinct aroma of stale heated stale bark and milk beginning to waft towards him as he grimaced. The building exteriors were worn, weak lights filtering through the few weather beaten shutters that protected the inhabitants from the cold. He considered what life must be like here, a hard existence formed around the love and care of animals and the few resilient crops that may grow. Many of the locals may have worked in the mines, his eyes widening as he considered they relied on the outpost for their security and additional food at night, albeit just one canister. With the military demands further to the east, his chest filled with pride as he realised they now could possibly look at him as one of their protectors. He grinned, thinking perhaps some did, the others swayed to consort with the Silakians in an ever continuing game to ‘win the hearts and minds’ as the news articles back on earth used to say. He wondered how long their keenness would last if the supplies were reduced or stopped completely due to shortages.

  Visibility down the snow laden street was clearing slightly, Riaz retrieving the binoculars from a metal shelf before him at the sentry spot and raising them to his eyes to scan the edge of the houses. Looking across the sloped and flat grey blanketed roofs, he stared at the small chimneys and thin rising trails of smoke, a faint smile crossing his lips as he imagined the local families sat by fires. Perhaps awaiting their ‘local brew’ to be ready, chatting about what they would accomplish that day or perhaps playing with young children…a simple life, yet perhaps more appealing than the luxuries of London and the never ending need for money. He swallowed hard, surprised at the rising emotion in his chest and admiration for the local inhabitants…realising his love of the mammoths and even the snow tigers…though perhaps not too close up. Wondering what other animals he could experience, he panned the military glasses across the rooftops then moved them back to the track in the distance, the street and outer thoroughfare still deserted.

  Riaz shuffled closer to the shelf, lowering his frame to rest his elbows on the support, the binoculars focussing and refocussing on items in the distance, an electronic display at the bottom of the view indicat
ing the distance, the image clear and sharp. His mind wandered once more as he stared out, the light becoming clearer as he thought about his future, a determination rising to speak to Captain Dugachard later as he realised his resolve to stay with the Trevakians, to embrace the experience he had been lucky enough to taste so far. Clearing his stifled throat, he realised his vision was blurred, emotion filling his eyes as he lowered the glasses, one gloved hand pushing beneath his visor to wipe them.

  He spun round as the low voice startled him, Shino standing provocatively with her hands on her hips a short distance away along the walkway, ‘What’s the matter with you…you are very quiet this morning!’

  Riaz forced a smile, shrugging, ‘It’s just a little early…’

  Shino stared inquisitively at him, observing his moistened eyes as she lowered her arms, ‘Are you ok Riaz? Has something upset you?’ She stepped towards him, her hand rising to his shoulder armour, ‘What’s wrong? You are usually ok on earlies…what have you been thinking about?’

  Riaz shrugged, attempting to play down his reaction, turning his head in embarrassment, ‘Nothing really…I just realised how much I want to stay with the Trevakians…’ His voice lowered as he coughed, the emotion stifling his speech, ‘I love all this…new races, excitement…they seem to try and do the right thing and its written into their laws! I feel so alive here!’

  Shino rubbed his arm fondly, her eyes wide with sympathy, ‘I know what you mean…I have not worried about all the stupid things we think about back on earth once!’ She giggled nervously, ‘Mind you there was no race hell bent on killing and eating us then…well not a few days ago anyway, I dunno about now!’

  Riaz grinned, turning back slowly, his hand pushing her shoulder gently, ‘Not thought about your little Audi once then…your ‘baby’ you used to call it?’

  The Philippine scowled in jest, her eyes staring into his, ‘Not really…mind you, the vehicles here are kind of cool…’ She grinned widely, ‘…all come with strapping Trevakian marines!’

  Riaz shook his head, slowly raising the binoculars back to his eyes and muttering in mock disapproval, ‘Naughty girl…’ He blinked as the glasses came in front of his eyes, his body stiffening as the view surged red, hands jerking the military goggles for side to side before holding them steady, his voice a hiss, ‘Silaks incoming!’ He twisted the zoom as the binoculars focussed more readily, the view surging once more as he counted, ‘Five figures…all in uniform! They are just walking down the street towards us!’ Riaz quickly lowered the binoculars, depositing them onto the shelf and reaching for his assault rifle, ‘Raise the alarm and get the Captain…I will cover them!’

  Shino nodded, her eyes widening in horror as she strained her eyes down into the snow covered street, the distant figures just entering the village and seeming to walk in a group towards them. Spinning round, she lunged towards the ladder, grasping the handles with her gloves and boots and sliding down past the rungs, a triumphant grin sweeping across her face as she accomplished something she had been considering since their arrival. Dropping to her knees in the snow at the foot of the ladder, she grimaced in self-embarassment, pulling herself upwards and sprinting towards the barrack block.

  Pushing the door open, she gasped inside, ‘Onto the walls…Silak party incoming!’ As she turned away, ten figures scrambling from their bunks, a number struggling as they grasped rifles and helmets in the gloom.

  Shino sprinted across the small compound, slipping near the doorway to the command block as she slammed her fist on the door, slipping the snub barrelled machine gun from her shoulder. The metal barrier swept sideways, Captain Dugachard staring out with puffed sleepless eyes, Shino pointing upwards towards the gantry as Riaz’s determined and excited shout filled their ears, ‘Stay there! Raise your hands and drop to your knees or I fire!’

  Dugachard shouted at Shino in alarm, ‘Get back up there! Help him!’ Her eyes widened as soldiers ran from the barracks, their rifles raised as she stepped forward, ‘Six of you to the front gate…defend the entrance! The others, get on both the quads…keep your eyes on the other street…it may be a diversion!’

  A loud burst of gunfire rang out, echoing across the compound…then a single shot. The soldiers ducking instinctively as they reached the ladder, several others running towards the closed main gates, the two sentries gripping their weapons tightly as they stared through the external viewers set on either side of the armoured barrier.

  Chapter Eighteen: Departure from Fahimian Hospitality

  Begum marched confidently forward, his short red cloak flowing behind him as he negotiated the narrow shining corridors of the ship. Two Honour guard Fahimians followed, David Bland and the pilot behind them, with an additional two soldiers bringing up the rear, the parties boots squealing on the polished floors.

  Passing crew and personnel, the red and light purple uniformed staff staring wide eyed in awe at the taller visitors, some shuffling away quickly as Begum glared at their perceived rudeness. Turning into a wider corridor, the petit translator turned, smiling widely at a group of scientists as they disappeared rapidly into a side room.

  Walking backwards for a few steps, the Fahimian stared at David and the pilot as the honour guard snapped their boots together, his voice rising in excitement as he touched the receiver in his ear, ‘It appears your request for our laser rifles has been granted. We will provide the plans for the weapon and two hundred items as a gesture of goodwill…along with an additional power cell per rifle.’

  The Trevakian pilot nodded gleefully, a broad grateful smile spreading across his face, ‘My planet and our allies will be eternally grateful…is there anything we can offer your race in return?’ He nudged David abruptly, the airport manager nodding and smiling in unison with the Trevakian, his face flushing with embarrassment.

  Begum hesitated, his tanned face straining as he thought for a second before smiling once more, ‘I could ask that you leave us out of your war for a couple of centuries…allow us to locate a new planetary system and develop it before we head back into a suicidal conflict that we cannot hope to win…’ He raised a small hand in defence, ‘My apologies…just my attempt at sarcastic humour I think you call it on earth!’ His eyes narrowed as he saw David grin politely, ‘It will take a little time to load the weaponry we have agreed upon…I thought it therefore of assistance to show you our projects to recolonise…’

  The small figure spun on his heels, sweeping his red cloak over his shoulder and indicating to the doors on either side of the corridor, ‘These are our incubation laboratories…set in the lower centre of the ship and surrounded by additional armoured plate and blast doors…’ He indicated to either end of the thoroughfare, ‘As you can see, there are regular sensors…this is to ensure none of the air is polluted or any of the incubation gasses are escaping…’ He glanced over his shoulder, eyes seeming to glimmer with excitement, ‘I personally find this area very stimulating, it is literally teaming with life on either side and we could jettison the entire section to fly cloaked to a planet with a suitable atmosphere if we come under direct attack.’

  The Fahimian waved his hands to either side enthusiastically, ‘My race is very fond of nature and wildlife and we have gone to extraordinary lengths to preserve each species from our existing galaxy. When we realised the war was lost, we extracted samples of the DNA of each animal and placed them in these incubators in these rooms. There are literally thousands of different creatures on each side of us…would you like to have a look?’

  David nodded eagerly, his voice rising in intrigue, ‘Yes please…this sounds fascinating…how are you able to ensure the integrity or survival of the DNA?’

  Begum giggled, stepping forward and tapping a console on the wall before pressing his palm against it, ‘This is the viewing room…you will be able to witness the considerable efforts we have made to ensure survival and that these beautiful creatures are not hunted for sport to extinction by the Morgons…’

  The door sw
ept sideways, a bright glare surging from the room as David and the pilot shielded their eyes, Begum happily walking into the light. As their pupils adjusted to the glare, David stepped through the doorway, his eyes widening as he stared through the thick glass protective shield that surrounded the small room.

  The laboratory extended for some distance in either direction, matching the length of the corridor outside. At almost seventy metres deep, the white glaring room was filled with glowing shelves, the bases slightly heated to ensure a consistent temperature. Numerous Fahimian scientists shuffled between the rows of shelves, checking instrument readings and sensors, their orange boiler suits complimented by enclosed resin helmets to ensure the quality of the air in the vast room.

  David smiled as he saw the contents on the shelves, Begum tapping at a screen on the centre of the transparent wall, his voice becoming even more excited, ‘Choose a colour…’

  The pilot giggled as David grinned widely, enjoying the game as he stared across the millions of small eggs, all split into sections of sparkling tones and colours, his voice rising in curiosity, ‘I have never seen so many eggs…were they manufactured?’

  Begum nodded eagerly, ‘This ensures the integrity of the species and allows us to increase the growth rate when we arrive at our new galaxy. Each species has a different colour…some startlingly bright and others more withdrawn. Several are multi-coloured and the scientists will probably know which species are assigned to each colour…’ He shrugged dismissively, ‘Unfortunately, I have not got such knowledge…there are just too many eggs!’ The Fahimian smiled, ‘There are four rooms like this one…all containing as many samples that we could retrieve. Now, why not choose a colour…I can spend considerable time in here with this computer when my services are not required by our commander.’


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