Miyoshi's hands clawed at her ropes while her feet tugged hard over and over again. Her head was thrashing around, but it couldn't move her body enough to get anywhere near the surface. Chiyo was terrified that she would go still at any moment. She was sure that she could never hold her breath that long.
After a nightmarishly long time had passed Akio pulled on the rope again, lifting her into relief. Miyoshi gasped and then coughed. The gag in her mouth was soaked, making it hard to clear her breathing passages enough to get the air she needed so badly. Chiyo needed time to relax too; she hadn't realized how tight the rope around her head was or how deep she was digging into her wrists and arms in her desperation.
Miyoshi hung, her chest heaving while water dripped from her head. She whined a few times, and Chiyo could see that she was looking Akio in the eyes, offering her surrender just as Chiyo wanted to. Before her breath had even been caught she dropped again, her pleading face engulfed in the water.
Again Chiyo had to count the seconds in complete powerlessness while Miyoshi fought for survival when it had been rendered impossible. Her only hope was the mercy of a man who had shown none so far.
"Look at those tits bounce around," said the man behind her to his partner, the man holding Yumi.
Miyoshi wasn't just naked, she was naked and on display. They'd gone out of their way to degrade her as well as make her suffer, and they were getting some strange kind of pleasure out of it. Akio put his hand on her while she struggled, taking no account of what she was enduring while he fondled her like- no, not like a pet.
Chiyo knew what this was. She remembered the festival, and the strange attraction she felt toward Haru while he danced. She wanted to touch him then in a way that was more intimate that even friendship. It was natural, she knew, and suddenly she couldn't understand why she had pretended it didn't exist for so long. But while that had been a loving, beautiful desire these men were expressing it with bizarre cruelty.
Suddenly, and just for a moment, Chiyo knew what would happen to all of them. She forgot just as quickly, and she only remembered that it would be terrible.
Akio lifted Miyoshi again, and again she coughed and choked while trying to fill her lungs. The masked man took a long strip of cloth that had once been part of her dress and dipped it in the water, and while Miyoshi was barely getting the rhythm of her breath back he slapped her with it across her chest.
Chiyo winced at the sound. Miyoshi screamed, and had to fight for control of her lungs again. The man behind her laughed and jerked on her crude bridle, seemingly just to share in the giving of abuse. The man beat Miyoshi again, re-soaking the cloth so that it would sting more. Poor, gentle Miyoshi didn't deserve this. Nobody did.
While she was in the middle of a long, agonizing cry for him to stop Akio plunged her again into the watery hell. Her body twisted in the few ways that the rope would allow it despite how painful it looked. Chiyo had never seen a body contorted this way, arranged and restrained so unnaturally. That her friend could be reduced to what she saw before her shocked her to her core.
The man in the mask didn't think it was enough, and he slapped her right across her stomach with the cloth. Bubbles appeared in the water, and the most frantic and terrifying struggling yet took her over. Chiyo couldn't even count the times Miyoshi was rescued at the last possible moment only to be thrust again without warning into the water. She couldn't count the times the echo of the wet strip against her skin cut through the room. She didn't know how Miyoshi was surviving this, and in the pit of her stomach was the fear that it would happen to her and Yumi too before the night ended.
Her relief when Akio tied the rope to post, holding Miyoshi above the water and ending this sick game, was tempered by her dread of what they would do next.
"Get the board," he said, and the masked man nodded and obeyed. He fetched a square wooden platform covered with triangular ridges and placed it next to one of the posts. He looked over to her and Yumi, waiting to see which one of them it was for.
Akio made a gesture toward Yumi, and the men threw her on the floor in front of Chiyo. One of the men put his knee on her lower back to pin her there while they stripped her pants off, leaving her naked from the waist down. The masked man took her underwear and was about to gag her with it when Akio stopped him.
When he approached Chiyo, his men, not needing a spoken order, lifted her enough so that he could pull her pants down as well. He used his knife to cut her panties off, exposing her pussy for all the men to see. She had never felt so scared or vulnerable before in her life. She closed her legs once they let her back down to hide herself, but one of the soldiers forced them open, and when she tried to resist the man behind her pulled on her bit to remind her of his control over her.
Seeing their eyes on her bare privates made her feel ill. They were practically drooling, like she was a piece of meat to them. Her humiliation didn't bother them in the slightest, and seemed only to encourage them.
Akio took her underwear over to Yumi and put his knee on her head to keep it still. He let the rope come out of her mouth, but before Yumi could even speak a single curse he had the underwear pressed against her face. When she refused to open her mouth to let them in he pinched her nose shut. Yumi could only hold out for so long before Akio won, and Chiyo heard Yumi choking as they were pushed deep inside.
The masked man provided a strip from Miyoshi's dress to finish the gag while one of his assistants tied Yumi's ankles together. Chiyo was struck by how quickly they worked and how neat the lines of rope and knots were. Miyoshi was the same way- there was intent in the way her chest was tied. These men were practiced at this. How many poor women had come into their hands? What became of them?
Yumi was picked up and her shins placed on the board, right on top of the wooden ridges. They forced her to kneel on it while they tied her thighs down, roping them to the board. Chiyo saw Yumi wincing- all of her weight was resting on those ridges, and there was no padding between them and her skin.
Akio crouched in front of her, using her hair to hold her face to his.
"It's time for you to learn your first lesson about obedience. We're going to untie your arms. Once we do, your friend is going to be lowered back into the water. She will stay there until we've re-tied them. And in case you're wondering, I'm not afraid to let her get a little water in her lungs. My man here is very good at keeping his charges alive, although I understand that it's a horrible thing to go through."
He nodded to the masked man, who untied Miyoshi's rope from the post. Miyoshi whined, her eyes shut and her fists clenched. Yumi tried to shake her head, asking him to stop, but Akio was having none of it.
"Make it easy for us, and this will go quickly. Every second you fight is another that your friend suffers."
He let go of her hair and loosened the rope from her chest. As soon as her hands were free the man made good on Akio's words and dunked Miyoshi into the water.
Akio hauled Yumi's blouse over her head. The halter that hugged Yumi's chest to keep her breasts still while she fought gave some resistance, but he muscled it off without much consideration. Yumi tensed and stiffened when he seized her arms, not able to bring herself to let him bind her again so easily, but with Miyoshi already writhing as she hung on for her life she allowed herself to be bent over with her arms behind her.
Akio held them straight while he tied her wrists together. He was working fast, but not fast enough. Chiyo's heart was pounding harder and harder while Miyoshi's time slipped away. After her hands were secured he began to weave rope around her arms. Once they were in place he tightened it, and as he did Yumi's elbows were brought together until they almost touched. Yumi screamed, but Akio showed no concern as he fixed his knots to make the abusive pose permanent.
Still he gave no motion to save Miyoshi. He double-checked his knots, fussing with where each bit of rope lay while Yumi roared at seeing her friend shuddering violently. Almost in disinterest, he gave the sign, and Miyoshi was brought fr
om the brink again, coughing and gasping.
Yumi's situation was quickly growing as bad. Akio put her forearms against the post, raising them until her elbows were as high as her shoulders. Yumi couldn't do anything to stop him as he bound them there, tying them both at her hands and at her elbows. Chiyo felt her own arms aching as she remembered when the tsurujin had her in a similar position. This looked to be even worse. Yumi's breath was already ragged and she was groaning as she tried to wriggle free.
The assistants appeared again, each one holding a heavy bronze disk. Akio motioned for them to come. The first one took his disk and set it on Yumi's thighs, increasing the weight that now bore down on her shins. Yumi made all the noise she could with her mouth stuffed like it was. Chiyo couldn't stand to hear her. She was always so brave, strong, and proud, but now she'd been reduced to crying for mercy from these uncaring monsters. The second disk was placed on top of the first, and a bit of rope was used to make sure they wouldn't slide off.
There was nothing else they had to do. Yumi would stay in agony while they stood back and enjoyed it.
Akio turned his gaze toward Chiyo, and she knew that her time as a spectator was up.
"Put your boot on that one's back."
The masked man put his foot between Yumi's shoulder blades and let his weight come down upon it. Yumi screamed, and even muffled by the gag it made Chiyo's stomach churn.
The man behind her took the rope out of her mouth. Akio was there waiting with Yumi's panties. Chiyo knew what he wanted, but opening her mouth to let him stuff it wasn't easy. She closed her eyes, and in a moment she felt cloth in her mouth. They tasted of sweat and filth, almost making her throw up. She held it down as best she could while he tied it in place. The strip of cloth sank between her teeth, pushing the panties in even further.
The ropes holding her arms fell away and finally let her move them. It hurt. They'd been tied too tight and too long, and her joints were killing her.
They didn't give her long to dwell on it. Yumi screamed again.
"Get rid of your clothes. Now."
Chiyo stared at the ground while she threw off her robe. She fumbled with her bra, her nerves long gone and Yumi's horrible wailing still in her ears. She tossed it down and finished pulling her pants off over her feet. She was completely naked now, her breasts and loins only covered by her hands. Even that was taken away as the soldier behind her grabbed her arms and twisted them across her back.
Her entire body was exposed for everyone to leer at now, and they weren't shy about doing so. Chiyo felt filthy. She was ashamed of herself, even though she'd done nothing wrong. Now that they were gone her clothes seemed like they had been providing some kind of protection against these men, and now she had nothing.
She moaned at Akio, asking him to leave Yumi alone now.
"Take her to the table," he answered.
The two assistants took her from the soldier and dragged her over to a heavy wooden platform. At each end was a thick cylinder with rope wrapped around it, and a loop trailing off at each corner. A wheel and ratchet was at the end of each one of the bars. In the center of the table were three wooden rods sticking up a few inches, pointed but not sharp. Another wheel was on the side of the table, even with the rods.
Chiyo didn't dare resist as they turned her around and forced her onto the table. They laid her flat on her back, or at least as flat as the wooden rods would allow her to be. Two of them were poking her in the kidneys while the third sat a few inches above her butt. They kept her elevated, letting only her shoulders and heels rest upon the cold, hard surface of the table. The men pulled her arms and legs over to the corners so that the trailing loops could be tightened around her wrists and ankles.
Akio took the wheel at her feet and turned it. The slack in the ropes holding her spread on the table slowly vanished. He switched to the one at the head and turned it as well, the ratchet locking it tighter and tighter as her body was stretched out. The rope bit into her skin as the rods forced all of her weight onto three painful points. Chiyo screamed, this time finally for her own sake.
Her tormentor moved to the center wheel. As it spun the rods pushed higher and her back rose with them. There was no more slack in either the ropes on her limbs for the rods to take. Her tendons burned as her body, already pulled too taught, had to absorb the increased strain.
Being on her knees with her chest wrapped in rope and a bridle in her mouth now seemed like luxurious freedom compared to this brutality. Every muscle in her body was tense, but she had no more power to budge than the table itself. Even drawing air into her lungs was an act of great effort. She groaned every time she exhaled in perfect misery.
"You have a nice body," said Akio.
She caught a glimpse of his face. There was a sneering pleasure written all over it. His eyes were studying her naked flesh intently, and they looked very happy with what they saw. He put his hand on her chest, filling his fingers with her breast. She willed her body to jerk away, but her muscles were no match for the dreadful mechanism that held her, and her torso didn't even budge.
"So do your friends. Have any of you been used before?"
Chiyo didn't know what he meant. When he didn't get an answer from her he slid his hand down from her chest, over her stomach, and to her loins.
"I suppose I should check."
His fingers touched her between her legs. They were on her vagina. They were inside her vagina. She bit down hard on her gag. Of all the places to touch her- it was defiling in a way that she didn't understand.
"A virgin," he said. "Good. That's something I'll enjoying taking from you."
Suddenly Chiyo knew. She knew what had happened to Ikumi. She knew what was going to happen to her and her friends. Akio was going to rape her.
She'd never known the word before. Now she did. It was like a veil lifting from her eyes. A part of the world that she must have always known about, but never realized, appeared to her. The way the men stared at her nude body, the pleasure they took in touching her, the leering intent on their faces- they wanted to fuck her, and they knew how exactly how much she didn't want them to. They even seemed to like it.
Chiyo felt string being tied around each of her big toes. She could barely look up enough to see the masked man at the foot of the table. He tied the string to her ankles, holding her feet still as if being able to move them at all, even when her ankles where fixed in place, was too much freedom for her to have.
Akio took a strip of leather from one of the assistants. He let it fall gently across her stomach, dragging it along to let her feel its texture. It was a lot of effort to hold her head up enough to follow him as he doubled it over in his hand and took position at her feet, but she couldn't bear to look away.
He raised the strip in the air and swung.
The strip crashed against the sole of Chiyo's foot. She wasn't sure what hurt more- the sensitive skin on the bottom of her foot, or the way her body reflexively contorted itself against the table and its bindings. She cried out until her throat was sore. She was completely helpless to stop them from performing any act of sadism they liked, unable to even flinch away. She was tied down in a way engineered not only to give them unrestricted access to her most sensitive areas, but to magnify any abuse they chose to inflict on them. Akio hit her again, alternating between her feet to keep each one in agony as she endured fresh strike after fresh strike.
She felt the panties in her mouth, now soaked with her saliva, creeping down her throat. She fought to keep them back with her tongue, even as the beating her feet were taking compelled her to scream with the force of all of the air that could be pushed out of her lungs. Was this going to be how she died? Choking to death on Yumi's dirty underwear while robbed of any speck of dignity? Beaten and stretched until her heart gave out? Bound so viciously that she expired of sheer exhaustion before they even had their chance to rape her?
The lashing paused, but the pain lingered, barely dulling as her muscles burned, unable t
o relax and test themselves. Her heart and lungs tried valiantly to keep up, but were outmatched by the ingenious cruelty of the monsters whose hands she was in.
Chiyo heard splashing. She couldn't look to see, but Miyoshi was being dunked in the water again. Yumi was still groaning, doubtlessly still tied just as tortuously to the post. If only she could beg to submit, to offer them any pleasure they desired, she would. They'd have her soon enough anyway, whether she offered or not.
"That's enough of a warm-up. The whip, now."
Chiyo made every noise that she could. Just let them take out her gag. You've won, she thought, just give me a chance to show it.
Miyoshi gasped for air again, but the sound of the whip lashing against her skin cut it short. Miyoshi's cries were pitiful. She was broken as well. They must have been able to hear it, but they wouldn't stop. Each impact made her sick. It seemed to Chiyo like they spent a whole night whipping Miyoshi. The pause that finally came was too brief, followed by what had to be hours more of Yumi's flesh being ravaged. When the next pause came Chiyo tried to brace herself for the inevitable.
First it came across her stomach. If there was any part of her body that didn't already hurt, any muscle that didn't burn or any joint that didn't ache, it did now. The whip laid agony across her chest, across her breasts, across her ribs, across her thighs, and anywhere else the tip could work itself into. Her skin stung as hard leather collided against it, and the bite sank deeper as well, shocking anything that lay beneath. Chiyo slipped into a delirious nightmare, where they only things she could understand were the notes of torment her body was screaming.
She wasn't even sure when he stopped. It didn't seem to matter. The stinging refused to dull, and the spikes in her back weren't growing any more comfortable with time.
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