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by Frost Queen Tomiko [MF] (epub)

"This one as well," said a voice. She thought it was Akio's.

  "All three still have their flowers. A fine selection, I have then."

  Chiyo heard him pacing, taking his time with some decision while the table held her stubbornly, no matter how desperate her silent pleas for it to slip just a little were.

  "This one," he said.

  Chiyo couldn't see which one of them he meant, but the sound of Miyoshi being lowered to the floor gave it away. Miyoshi and Yumi's muffle voices filled the air, Yumi's letting Chiyo know that she was still in awful pain and Miyoshi's letting her know that she was afraid and heartbroken.

  "See that the other two are more appropriately behaved by tomorrow," said Akio. "I'll be having that oath from them."

  Chiyo caught only a brief glance of him as he left the room, pushing an unsteady Miyoshi in front of him. Her and Yumi were in the hands of the masked man now, and if there was any hope that he would offer them relief, it was crudely brushed away when he put his hands on the wheel and turned it. Chiyo couldn't even scream this time. She wished she could.

  Punnydin village was in a clearing, of sorts. There were no trees within the small collection of wooden huts, but Taiko still couldn't see any sky above her. She thought about the time that must have passed since she and her friends had their battle with Akio, and she wondered if it shouldn't be nighttime yet. Still, the forest had grown no darker.

  The village looked empty, as far as she could see. Vines grew over the houses and the ground was little more or less covered with vegetation than the rest of the forest. Nobody showed their face, nor did their chimneys smoke.

  "Is anyone here?" asked Taiko.

  "Yeah, they should be," said Aka. "They're afraid of strangers, though. And you are a little weird-looking."


  "What? It's true- pink hair? And that outfit? Who goes around looking like that?"

  "I do!"

  "Yeah, and you're weird-looking."

  "You shut up," said Taiko. She looked around the village one more time, then took a deep breath and called out as loudly as she could.

  "Hey, everyone! My name is Taiko! I'm not here to cause any trouble, I promise! Come out and meet me- I'm sure we can be great friends!"

  "Seriously?" said Aka, "That was so bad I'm not sure I don't think you're working for Lord Akio now."

  Aka trotted forward into the middle of the village.

  "You can come out, guys. It's me, Aka. The girl is a big-time crazy, but she's good crazy, you know?"

  A few doors opened and men holding carved and painted clubs stepped out, cautiously but showing no signs of aggression. Taiko followed Aka, stopping before she came too close to anyone but entering the village. A few others came outside as well, and more peeked through windows.

  The Punnydins were short and round, their tallest barely matching Takio's height and their thinnest rivaling Mayor Ryouta for his girth, although they seemed to hold it more naturally. They wore simple cloth tunics, mostly undyed, and few visible decorations. Their hair was a deep grey, and it stood straight up from their heads.

  "Hello everyone," said Taiko, bowing to them. "I hope I didn't frighten anyone."

  "Where did Aka find a creature like you?" asked an old woman as she approached, leaning on her walking stick with every step.

  "I found her wandering through the forest. I was caught in a snare set by a soldier, and she showed up and ran him off. She even healed my leg."

  "How did she do that?" asked the old woman suspiciously.

  "Magic!" said Taiko, winking and giving them a thumbs-up.

  "You have healing magic? That's something I haven't seen for a very long time. Where are you from?"

  "I'm from Umai village. Have you ever heard of it? We're not far away, but everyone keeps acting like I'm from another world."

  "No, I haven't. My name is Nǎinai, by the way. I supposed I should thank you for helping Aka; we're fond of him here, for some reason. He's a nuisance most of the time, but he's hard to get too mad at. Has he convinced you to come here for some scheme of his?"

  "Actually, he's helping me. My friends were taken prisoner earlier today by a man called 'Lord Akio'. He-"

  Taiko stopped when she say the reaction to that name. Everyone shrank away just a little bit and the men gripped their clubs nervously.

  "That's terrible to hear," said Nǎinai, "Always so terrible to hear."

  "Don't say that like they're gone forever. I'm going to save them. I just need a little help."

  "A little? My poor sweet thing, there isn't enough help in the world to save your friends if they've been taken by that man. We're lucky that he isn't interested in the girls from our village, but many others have lost their young women to him, and there's nothing any of them have been able to do."

  Taiko was taken aback. How could she talk about this so passively? She seemed sympathetic enough, but was she really expecting Taiko just to shrug and move on, abandoning her friends?

  "I won't accept that," said Taiko, hardening her expression. "Aka said that there was a spirit here- one called Minoru- that knows things about this Akio person."

  "So that was his little game, was it?"

  Taiko looked down to ask Aka what she meant, but her new friend was nowhere to be seen.

  "We haven't spoken with Minoru in a long time. There's a shrine that we used to summon him at, but now the area is haunted by a dark creature. As much as we'd love to have him back, it's just too dangerous. I'm sure that Aka had visions of you figuring out how to get rid of it, the little sneak."

  "I'll do it."

  Nǎinai nearly dropped her walking stick.


  "I said I'll do it. I'll get rid of the evil spirit so you can have your shrine back. Then I'll talk to Minoru, and whatever it takes I'll beat Lord Akio and put an end to this horrible spell of fear he's put everyone under."

  "Slow down, girl. You just walked in here. You don't even know what's going on around here yet. Maybe you should sit down and rest for a little while, and we can-"

  "Talk me out of it? No thanks. I've made up my mind. I'm going to help my friends, and everyone here too."

  "That's madness. Lord Akio isn't some minor bully you can just thump on the head. He's dominated this part of the world since anyone can remember, striking out from Ishi-jo Fortress and taking whatever he wants from whoever he wants. Nobody gets away with going against him. Besides, at least his war with Queen Tomiko keeps them both occupied, usually."

  "Queen Tomiko?"

  Nǎinai nodded.

  "We only hear stories and rumors. They say that she's even worse than Lord Akio. That she's a frozen demon in the form of a woman."

  Taiko looked around at all of the grim faces and nervous glances into the forest. It was as if they though that just talking about this would summon Akio's soldiers, and they might come rushing out of the forest at any time. None of the them except Nǎinai even seemed to want to come forward to talk.

  This wasn't right. Evil spirits, bullying lords, and tyrannical queens- where were these people's heroes to help them? Someone had to give them hope. Taiko put her hands on her hips and stuck her chest out.

  "Well haven't you been saying that you've never seen anyone like me before? This is going to be the day where everything changes. And it's going to start with your shrine. So who here is going to tell me where to find it?"

  Lord Akio pushed the new slave into his personal chamber. She was weak. She'd offered no resistance on her way up to his room, already cowed after such a short time in the cellar. A few rounds of dunking and a few lashes, not even hard enough to break her skin, and she was barely able to walk but so afraid that she did so on his command anyway.

  It only took a minor press on her shoulder to send her to her knees. She stayed there, shivering and tugging nervously against her ropes. She whimpered purposelessly and tried to sneak her glimpses around the room, keeping her eyes close to floor level and not daring to face him directly.

sp; He would have expected such timidity from the typical village woman, but not from one of the four warriors that defeated a group of his men. Not even he expected them to break so quickly, although at least the one with the spear seemed to have more spirit.

  The woman in his room now was gorgeous beyond belief. Her body was a dream, with a perfect heart-shaped ass and breasts that would overflow in his hands. She was flawlessly smooth, starting with her unblemished skin, obviously untouched by hardship, but going deeper than that. Her flesh was like the water of a gentle brook in how it flowed from one part of her to the next, as soft as a pillow but slender and delicate where it should be.

  Even while cowering on her knees there was a glowing vitality to her. There was only one other woman who he'd ever known of that could raise such desire in a man, but the ice queen Tomiko wasn't in his chambers tonight. This one was.

  Akio crouched behind her and loosened the knot that held her gag in. Even when it was ready to fall out, she held onto it with her teeth, apparently too nervous to spit it out on her own. Akio ripped it away and pulled her underwear out of her mouth. She gasped in response, but said nothing, letting her jaw hang open while spittle sat on her lip.

  "I don't recall whether you told me your name before I had you gagged the first time. Tell me now."

  "Miyoshi," she said meekly.

  "Have you learned who your master is, Miyoshi?"

  "Yes," she said in an almost sob.

  "Are you ready to serve me with your body?"

  "I... I don't know what you mean."

  How could she not? All three of them seemed shockingly naive. The cat-woman had as well. Was it a foolish bluff, part of some vain hope that he would be too embarrassed by her ignorance to take his right from her? Or was she unwilling to admit it to herself?

  Akio let it hang while he removed his belt and boots, along with other extraneous bits of clothing. She didn't offer any comment while he made himself comfortable, stripping down to only his undershirt and pants. They hung loosely off of him now, and he felt more relaxed to be free of the uniform he'd been wearing since dawn. He'd been looking forward to this moment since they'd captured her. His cock had been hard all throughout her dunking and whipping. She was mad if she thought there was any way she was going to get out of this.

  He lowered himself to one knee in front of her, put his fingers in her soft brown hair, pulled back her head, and pressed his mouth against hers. She squealed and turned her head away, but he pursued her, twisting it back and kissing her again, running his tongue along her sealed lips.

  "Open your mouth," he said.

  She whined in response, shaking her head. He threw her onto her back and straddled her, watching her squirm under his weight.

  "That was disgusting!" said the girl, "What are you doing that for?"

  Akio squeezed his fingers around her breasts. They were round and firm, and sensitive too judging by the way she arched her back and screamed. He pinched her nipples to make her scream again, drinking in the sight of her body as it writhed under him while her sweet voice rewarded his every touch with some cry or moan.

  "Stop it! That hurts! Just tell me what you want! I already told you, I'll do it!"

  "I won't explain it to you like a child. If you still don't understand, then you'll have to learn by experience."

  He leaned down and sucked on her lips again, holding her head with one hand while feeling her ass with the other. His body weighed down onto hers, and he felt his hard, throbbing cock press against the warmth of her loins. It begged to thrust inside of her, but Akio wanted to savor this. She tried to wriggle away, but it only caused her body to rub against his.

  Her scent was sweet, and as she grew warm in either lust or embarrassment- Akio didn't care which- it only grew sweeter. Despite her submission she still held some things away from him. He would take them, leaving her with nothing that she didn't know, to the very depths of her heart, that he owned.

  Akio stood up and approached his shelf. The girl rolled onto her side, a more comfortable position for her but not the one he preferred.

  "I didn't tell you to move!" he barked. "Stay where I leave you, slave."

  She froze, still on her side, waiting for him to come back. He took a box from the shelf and returned, rolling her over again and retaking his position over her. He placed the box on the ground next to her shoulder and opened it, taking a brush and a small jar from the inside.

  Lord Akio didn't have any magic users of his own to command, and far too little expertise on the subject that he could call on. He was careful to acquire whatever magic items or tools he could find and use, however, and this one was a fascinating little treasure.

  The girl watched him in confusion as he opened the lid of the jar. He dipped his fingertip into it and smeared the gooey contents across her lips. She recoiled at first, but when she finally realized that it was merely honey she risked licking it off. He watched, amused at her wariness. The honey was harmless, and she needn't be afraid of it. The brush, on the other hand...

  He let the fine bristles of the brush soak up the golden liquid, then parted her legs and put his own between them, holding them open. He put the tip of the brush to the inside of her thigh and began to write a single word- 'itchy'.

  Even as he wrote she tried to pull her legs away, but he held tightly to her thigh to complete his work.

  "That tickles! Stop- Hey, ugh, what is that?"

  He watched her face grow more distressed as the brush's magic took old. He held on to both of her legs, keeping them apart while she started struggling to close them.

  "That itches!" she said.

  "Of course it does."

  She wanted to scratch at it, naturally, but her hands were bound and he couldn't rub her leg up against anything while he had it in his grip. She twisted and squirmed against the floor as the itching drove her toward madness. Lord Akio knew that it was no mild sensation. He'd tested the brush on many young women before, and the girl's frantic struggle was no surprise to him.

  "Please! Let go!"

  "Do you want me to remove it?"

  "Yes! Please, yes!"

  Lord Akio let her endure it a little longer before he leaned down and licked the honey off of her skin, sucking on her flesh to get all of it. Her leg tasted as good as her lips, and even this close to her cunt he was pleased with her aroma.

  She calmed down when he was done, but still shifted uneasily.

  "You're gross," she said through a wince, "How are you enjoying this?"

  She thought this was gross? He tried to imagine what she would think when he put his cock in her mouth and made her swallow his cum. But not tonight- she'd take him in her cunt tonight.

  He picked up his brush again. He made sure she saw it as he gathered her breast in his hand and touched the tip to her skin, right below the nipple.

  "No, no! Please!"

  A few strokes drew the word 'hot' on her flesh. She fought to stop him, feebly trying to turn away, but she had nowhere to go. She threw her head back and let out a high pitched scream. She rocked her hips, but they were pinned under his.

  Akio took her other breast, dipped his brush into the jar again, and marked it as well, this time as 'cold'. The girl thrashed her head from side to side while the feeling of burning and freezing ate into her skin, even though she was physically unmarred by any actual harm to her body. It was far too precious to leave scars on, of course.

  "That's enough! Take it off!" she cried.

  "Do you want me to lick it off?" he asked.


  "Tell me. Tell me that you want my warm mouth on your breasts."

  "I want your warm mouth on... on my breasts," she said. She wasn't able to face him to say it, her head turned away and her eyes shut.

  He gave her what she wanted. He gorged on her tits, feeling her nipple in his mouth while he sank his fingers into her shoulders to hold her still. He wasn't in a hurry, and made sure he'd thoroughly cleaned one before moving to t
he other, and giving it the same loving attention.

  The girl didn't keep her revulsion to herself. She groaned as he devoured her, letting sounds of distaste flow freely from her throat. Akio would do something about that.

  He grabbed her by the jaw and held her head down. This time it was her neck that was his target, and she was just as helpless to stop him as before. 'Tight' appeared just alongside her windpipe.

  Her mouth and eyes opened wide as she found her throat refusing to let air through. He let it sit for a while, waiting until her face was a charming shade of red before relieving her with his tongue. She gasped when the word disappeared, but Akio wouldn't let her have more than a few gulps of air. He drove straight from her neck to her mouth, dragging his tongue over her chin on the way.

  She was slow to close her lips this time, and his mouth joined fully with hers. She turned away again, and this time he let her. He ran the handle of the brush down the side of her face while she quivered under its touch.

  "You're very beautiful," he said. "If only you knew what a figment of raw desire your body is when wrapped up in those ropes-"

  He ran his finger along the path one of them made as it sank into her chest and watched it hold taught while her muscles tensed, testing it and finding it more than a match for them.

  "You wouldn't ask silly questions and try to deny me."

  She was breathing deep and fast, her mouth gaped open again. Beads of sweat hung onto her skin, and still she squirmed, letting him see over and over again the strong rope defeat her. He fondled her breasts again, and all she could do was shut her eyes and moan sorrowfully.

  Akio coated his brush in honey again. He wrote small this time, fitting the word on her areola.


  She shuddered violently and screamed. Her voice was beautiful, and even in agony she hit the perfect pitch and tenor. It was as if this girl was crafted by the gods to delight him.

  "Kiss me," he said, leaning over face. "Kiss me until I'm satisfied, or I'll leave it there all night."

  He smothered her lips with his and felt her reflexive resistance before she drove herself to relax and let him have his way. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and mingled it with hers. She was still tense, and her whining gave away her disgust. It was alright- he would take his time, and she would suffer until she learned.


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