"I want your cock inside me," she said, as convincingly as she could. "I want you so deep inside me! Make it hurt, please!"
She was on her back again, this time with her ankles tied to her thighs. Her head was in his lap, or maybe more accurately in his crotch. He was kneeling behind her head and holding her with a hand under her chin while he played with her breasts. The word 'cramp' was written on her stomach, as if she didn't have enough genuine cramps from being tied up so long.
"Please, I don't care if you leave the word there, just fuck me! I can't wait any longer!"
She could wait until the end of the universe for him to put that repulsive thing inside of her, but he'd told her to convince him that she wanted it, and he was going to keep torturing her until he was happy with her performance.
And then he'd fuck her. She knew what the word meant now, and what was going to happen. She was still trying to wrap her mind around it, how strange a thing it was, and how ugly this man was making it. All she knew was that she didn't want his dick anywhere near her, but that was exactly what she was tied up in his room for. He was going to force her to have sex with him, and he was going to make sure she suffered as much as possible in the process.
He leaned over and touched her pussy again. She bit her tongue as his fingers intruded on her, but even if she didn't need to behave to make him take the word off her stomach there would have been no where for her to go to get away from them.
"Then why aren't you wet?" he asked. "Do you expect me to fuck a dry cunt?"
She wasn't wet because she hated him and wasn't aroused in the slightest. Why was he asking such a question? What did he expect her to say? She could pretend to want him to fuck her, but he knew that it was a lie. Maybe he should at least stop torturing her with the brush- that certainly wasn't helping.
"I promise I'll be wet once you start!" she said, knowing that it wouldn't happen, but having nothing else she could say.
A rap at the door took Akio's attention. He put her head on the floor and, thankfully, licked the honey symbol off of her stomach. Miyoshi tried to relax, to get some respite until his next scheme against her, but a hundred aches and the memories of his touch nagged at her.
She kept her eyes shut when the door opened, not wanting to see who was going to get a look at her like this. She opened them again when an angry, muffled curse broke out.
It was Yumi.
"As you requested, Lord Akio," said a soldier, bowing.
Now Miyoshi knew what he had been doing when he left her for a moment earlier. Was he going to torture Yumi in front of her again? Did he think that if she couldn't get aroused being tortured herself she'd do better seeing her friend suffer?
"Yumi!" she said, her voice weak and sorrowful.
Yumi couldn't respond in kind, a gag still in her mouth.
"Very good," said Akio, "You may go."
The man did as ordered while Akio dragged Yumi into the room and shoved her to the ground. Her hands were tied in front of her, but her elbows were tied with rope that went behind her back, keeping her hands pressed tightly against her chest. Miyoshi saw her still trying to struggle, but the wince on her face whenever she moved told her that she was hurting.
"Please," said Miyoshi, "Leave her alone. I've tried everything to please you. Hurting her won't help, you have to believe me!"
"I would rather see for myself. Even if it fails, it will be fun to try."
Yumi growled and tried to fight him off as he took her in his grip, but he was strong and she was too weak from her ordeal. He tied her legs the same way as Miyoshi's, taking every opportunity to grope her in the process. When her legs were finished he tied a rope to her hands and threw the other end over a hook that was hanging from his ceiling.
He untied her elbows, and Yumi immediately tried to take her own opportunity to put one of them in his ribs. He was more than able to handle her, though, and hauled her arms up above her head. He pulled on the rope until she was dangling from her wrists, her knees still touching the floor but her butt in the air. He lowered her just enough that she could support herself on her toes while her rear rested on her heels, then tied the rope in place.
Yumi tugged on her bindings a few times, then gave up. Miyoshi knew how she felt- sore and exhausted. She was amazed to see that Yumi still had the strength to resist as much as she had. She grunted when Akio went back to caressing her breasts, but he was hardly dissuaded. It was when he reached for his brush and jar of honey that Miyoshi couldn't watch in silence any longer.
"No! Don't you think that if I could do what you wanted I'd have done it by now?"
"Perhaps. That is why some experimentation is in order."
Yumi didn't need Miyoshi to tell her exactly what the brush did. When Akio brought it between her legs she recoiled, sensing the danger. Akio simply grabbed one of them and pulled it all the way to the side, leaving the other open to write on. He put the honey mark on her thigh, near her loins- 'hot'.
Yumi screamed as the magic took effect. Akio sat behind her, keeping her legs spread with his hands while she writhed and thrashed about. Her strong, toned body hardened with effort, but the ropes were stronger still, and they refused to let her slip away.
"What? What do you want?" cried Miyoshi, straining against her own ropes.
"If you want it removed, come over here and remove it. You've seen how it works, haven't you?"
He wanted her to- to lick it off of Yumi?
Miyoshi struggled to get her legs up enough to roll over. She fell onto her stomach, and tried to inch her way toward Yumi from there. She found herself wearing out too quickly, and not making enough progress. She struggled again to get back on her side, and from there she worked her way across the floor. All the while Yumi was crying into her gag and trying in vain to free herself with brute force.
"It's all right," said Miyoshi, trying to stay strong for her. "I... I'll do what he wants. I'll make it stop."
She plopped onto her stomach again, this time with her head between Yumi's legs. She couldn't believe how much effort it took just to move a few feet, but she didn't have time to rest. Having her face almost pressed into Yumi's crotch was a strange feeling. Both of them were hot and sweaty, but Yumi stilled smelled sweet to her, and she wasn't grossed out like she was when she had to put her mouth on Akio's skin.
Miyoshi lifted her head and licked Yumi, taking the honey off of her thigh. She knew that Yumi was relieved when her grunting died down. She also knew that it would only be temporary. Akio was already reaching his arm around Yumi's waist, brush in hand.
She watched as he wrote again, this time a few inches above her privates. Yumi fought as best she could, but soon she was contorting in pain again. Miyoshi tried to reach the mark, but couldn't while still lying face down. She had to get to her knees.
It wasn't easy. With no way to lift herself up she had to roll onto them, but for her weak and abused body that took everything she could muster. Even once she was on her knees she had to scoot over to Yumi, and all the while Yumi hung from her wrists, growling fiercely into her gag and straining against her ropes.
Miyoshi finally reached a position where she could lean over and suck the honey off of Yumi's body. It tasted good. She cleaned the area thoroughly, in no hurry once she was sure the magic was broken. Yumi whined in the same what that Miyoshi had when Akio was slobbering all over her body. Miyoshi couldn't blame her- she was surprised she didn't find this more disgusting than she did. Or at all, really.
She pulled herself away and looked at Yumi. She was still beautiful. Akio's ropes and other cruelties hadn't spoiled that. No, it was more than that. Yumi actually looked good like this. She looked- she looked enticing. To her horror, Miyoshi realized that she was admiring her friend in the same way that Akio was admiring her. She suddenly understood the appeal of having a woman bound and helpless in front of you.
Akio pulled Yumi's head back and wrote on her neck, putting the word 'sting' three times on one side. As soon as he le
t her go Miyoshi did her best to get to her. She couldn't reach her neck without entwining their thighs, pressing more of their flesh together. She nuzzled her face into Yumi's neck and kissed her. She wouldn't stop this time. If this was what Akio wanted to see, she would give it to him without making Yumi suffer for it.
She slowly walked her lips down to Yumi's chest. It was working. Akio didn't interrupt her. Yumi was complaining, but it was easier to hear that than her screaming. Miyoshi opened her mouth wide and took in Yumi's breast.
"I think we've found where your tastes lie," said Akio.
The words brought shame to her for the enjoyment she was taking in this. It wasn't right, not when she was doing it for his amusement, and not when Yumi hated it. But she had no choice; no more than when she had to kiss Akio, and she didn't know how not to feel aroused by it.
Akio grabbed her by the hair and pressed her face into Yumi's breasts. She didn't resist. He guided her along, bringing her lower toward Yumi's belly, and she tasted Yumi's skin all the way down. Miyoshi wished he would vanish. She wished she could be untied, and that she could take Yumi in her arms and show her love without his abuse poisoning it.
"Remember this," he said. "They'll be times when you'll be allowed to enjoy it again. But it will always be for my benefit, and you will be expected to show the same passion when I fuck you. Do you understand?"
He pulled her head away from Yumi long enough to answer.
"Yes," she said, shutting her eyes, as if she could make her humiliation go away just by removing the world from her sight.
Akio threw her to the ground again. Miyoshi knew to stay where he put her.
"And for an extra incentive..."
He picked up his brush again and pushed Yumi's head forward, holding her hair out of his way while the pressed the tip to the back of her neck. Yumi started to squirm and moan. She rubbed her thighs together, and everywhere else she could rub something against her skin she did.
"Her entire body will itch while that mark is there. It will be there until after I've been satisfied with a nice, wet cunt."
Akio rolled her onto her back and put his fingers in her pussy again. She hadn't realized until that moment how hot and moist it had become. It was inflamed now, and sensitive to his touch.
Miyoshi watched Yumi wriggling, stretching, and tensing. There was something about the way her body was held in bondage, and about the way her body moved while restrained. It was something she could stare at forever. It was all that could make Akio's touch bearable.
Akio threw the rest of his clothes aside. His naked body and hard member drew toward her, and in a moment he enveloped her. He forced his mouth on hers again, and she used all of her willpower to force herself to kiss him back. His hands and mouth moved all over her while his bare chest laid on hers. He was heavy, and with her legs still tied foot to bottom supporting his weight was all the more uncomfortable.
Akio reached down and guided his cock toward her helpless pussy. His fingers had been a tight fit, and her lips had recoiled at their touch, but this was much worse. He pushed the thing in, and no force of will could have stopped Miyoshi from wincing and gritting her teeth. She felt a sharp pain as it ripped into her, then a deeper one as he continued forward. It was obviously too big for her, but he kept sinking it deeper anyway. She threw her head back and cried out, feeling like she'd been impaled on stake.
"You'll learn to scream better than that," said Akio, giving one last push to make sure he was getting every last bit of his cock inside of her.
"Tell me how good it feels," he said.
"It... it feels good."
"How good?" he demanded, squeezing her breasts until they hurt as well.
"Very good!" she said, trying to keep her voice from cracking. "I hope you never take it out!"
A tear left the corner of her eye and ran down the side of her head. Yumi was furious, raging into her gag so loud that everyone in the castle must be hearing it, but Akio didn't seem to care. He started fucking her, driving hard and deep. With his bulk on top her and her legs bent the way they were Miyoshi's hips were locked in place, and she couldn't do anything to lessen the force of his impact.
Miyoshi tried to breathe, fighting her lungs when they wanted to lock up. She groaned as her sore flesh took him in, over and over again. His hot breath was falling on her face, and she closed her eyes and laid her head to the side to try to get away from it. He wouldn't allow her even that, and he jerked her head back into position for his tongue to worm its way into her mouth again. It stayed for far too long, and even when it was gone his lips still worked at hers while he fucked her unceasingly.
Miyoshi thought she was going to pass out. How long was this going to last? Akio wasn't slowing down at all, and if anything he was driving harder and harder with every moment. He reared up where he could put the maximum amount of force behind each thrust and pounded on her poor loins. Her entire body rocked with each impact, and a feeling of dizziness came over her.
Akio grunted loudly and pushed extra hard. Miyoshi felt something being released inside of her, and with a wave of nausea she realized what it was. Akio finally slowed down, but took his time making sure he filled her with every drop of cum he could get out of himself.
His cock hurt pulling out of her as much as it had going in. She was incredibly sore, or rather she was incredibly sore in one more way. Akio rolled off of her, but even as uncomfortable as her position was, she couldn't fathom being able to roll onto her stomach.
"That was adequate," said Akio, "for now. You'll be expected to do better next time."
Taiko was shivering. The cold water had long since sapped all of the warmth from her body, and as time stretched on she felt like it had soaked her through to her very spine. She was still bound just as tightly, the strands having lost none of their stickiness for being submerged. No amount of struggling had accomplished anything other than tiring her out. She floated, unbreathing and unable to move, listening to silence and staring into blackness.
Maybe she was already dead. She certainly felt like she was in a watery grave, forgotten and waiting to decay. If not, then she would be soon. She could no longer feel the magic in her lungs. She never imagined that she could die like this, and once again she begged for her friends' forgiveness and prayed that, somehow, they would survive. She was afraid.
The first urge to inhale came to her. She was holding her breath for real now. The magic was dying slowly, giving her plenty of time to feel her lungs burn and face the end that was coming to her. As it grew in intensity she lashed out one more time, trying to rip the strands away with the brute strength she didn't have. She grew more and more frantic as holding on became harder and harder, fearing madly that the water would rush into her lungs at any moment.
Taiko jerked against the strand binding her to the rock, knowing that she wasn't even coming close to breaking it. Until she did. She was shocked at first, feeling her legs stretch out and her body float away from the rock. Then she started to swim, kicking her legs liked a fish, racing to the surface before her chest imploded.
Her head broke into sweet, merciful air. She took in all of it that she could, but keeping her head above water while still wrapped in the strands wasn't easy, and her arms more no more willing to come free than a moment ago. Her escape would be short lived if she couldn't get out of the water before she tired out and couldn't swim anymore.
Something surfaced behind her. It was Aka, the little sneak who'd gotten her into this in the first place. Then Taiko spotted another familiar face- the creature was at the other end of the cave, staring at her, probably wondering why she was still alive and how she'd gotten loose. Taiko filled her lungs again and dived.
Aka followed her, and she tried to stay still while he chewed away the strands around her arms and chest. Her magic was fading just slowly enough to extend her stay under the water and give him the time he needed. When her hands finally came free she tore at her gag, but even there she needed Aka's help. She
was amazed at how fast he could bite through the sticky material- it was tough, and even once it was cut in half peeling it off of her skin hurt.
Taiko looked up to see the creature hovering over the surface of the water. She was still in no condition to try to fight the thing, but now she had a few seconds to act, and she didn't waste them. For a second time that day she used the last of her breath to cast a spell while underwater.
The cave wanted to be dark. So dark that not even the creature would be able to see.
Devour all light, little cave!
The monster's den went totally black. Taiko broke the surface again, needing to breath, and hoped that the creature would be too confused to grab at her based on the sound of her splashing. She readied her magic again and listened for Aka.
"Bat's ears!" she said, giving him the means to find his way in the utter darkness.
Now she only had to escape herself. She dived again and heard the creature lunge into the water where she'd been, just as she feared. She surfaced and flattened herself against a wall, feeling the splashing of the creature a few feet away from her.
"What did you do, 'Taiko'?" she asked, going mostly still and only occasionally making a sharp burst of action. "I want to know how you did that. Won't you tell me? We can talk about it while I wrap you up again. I'll do a better job this time."
Aka barked from the other end of the cave.
"Who's there?" said the creature, climbing out of the water. "Is that you, 'Taiko'?"
Taiko made her motions as quietly as she could under the cover of the creature's questions.
"Mouse's tread!" she whispered.
She moved quickly, finding the edge of the pool and pulling herself out of it. The creature hit the wall where she'd been hugging it seconds ago, but didn't know where to go from there. Even dragging her legs, Taiko moved silently now, feeling her way along the edge of the cave.
The creature went silent as well, not needing Taiko's magic to do it. Taiko imagined her systematically feeling her way around the cave. She was still faster, especially with Taiko's legs still bound. Her heart pounded in her chest as she moved toward the other end of the cave as fast as she dared. It jumped when something tugged at her feet, but the tickle of fur against her skin told her that it was Aka. She let him gnaw her legs loose, then scurried blindly toward where the exit should be.
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