His hands occupied themselves with her body, feeling the soft skin of her shoulders, her sides, and her waist. She pulled away from them wherever they went, but all she accomplished was grinding her body against his. The motion of her lips began to match his, and she slowly let him coax her tongue out between her lips where he wrapped his around it and sucked. He felt her gag underneath him, but he wouldn't let such a thing give him pause.
She was succulent. Even in desperate need of training as she was it was still paradise to have her in his arms. When she broke away he put his lips on her neck again and kissed her there while she gasped and let out such an arousing little squeal.
"That's enough! Please, it hurts! Take it off and I'll be good, I promise!"
He turned her head back to face his and resumed his embrace. He would not act on her command, even with such a promise. She would learn to take him at his word when he said that he leave it there until he was satisfied. He felt himself driving his hips at hers, and his cock burned to taste her cunt. He let her continue, happy to know that she was doing it through the pain she was feeling, and willing to let her suffer as long as he was enjoying her mouth.
When a new fancy finally took him he let her go, squeezing her breast as he sucked the honey off. She was left panting on the ground, her chest rising and falling and making the ropes that bound her pinch deeper each time her lungs expanded. Akio slid off of her and pulled her to her knees again. She swayed uneasily, visible exhaustion sapping her balance.
He opened his shirt and let it fall off of his shoulders, exposing his bare chest. He guided her face to it, pressing her against him.
"Now it's your turn. Pleasure me like I've been pleasuring you."
She obeyed, although not without groans of complaint. The girl, finally adapting to her new status as a sexual servant, worked her lips against his skin. She whined when he tightened his grip on her hair, but he paid no heed, too busy reveling in how sweet her mouth was as it warmed his flesh. He breathed deeply, feeling his body relax and grow excited at the same time. There was little passion or skill in her service, but the fearfulness of her submission made up for it. Like a predator watching wounded prey his blood was heating at the vulnerability she couldn't help but show.
Akio turned her around, putting her back against his chest so that he could reach his fingers to her pussy. She closed her legs around them when she saw what he was doing, but a simple jerk on her hair opened them up again, just wide enough to hug his hand as it sought her out.
She was warm and moistened by sweat, but her cunt was still too dry. She tried to jerk out of his arms, still not ready to give her loins to him.
"You're not wet. Have I not been to your satisfaction?"
"I... I don't know what you mean. I'm sweating all over, aren't I? Why does that even matter?"
"Your cunt, you imbecile. I want your juices flowing from it."
"What? Please... I can't do that."
Akio marveled at such virginity. Had she never even played with herself before? He stroked her clit while holding her head tightly against him, letting her wail and struggle all she liked. If this wasn't to be enough, then he would let her taste the brush again. He could always simply write 'aroused' on her, but that would be too crude a method for his taste. It would rob her of the proper conditioning.
And if the pain he could bring her with the brush didn't make her appreciate his touch when it was gone, then he wondered if bringing in one of her friends would help. He smiled to himself; even if it didn't, it would still be amusing.
Taiko tried to stay quiet while she slipped through the trees. They were thick here, which meant that she was close, at least according to Nǎinai's directions. She was looking for a rockier area now, where she would find a small hill with the shrine on it. It was trickier than she expected- the closeness of the trees made it hard to see very far ahead of her. She checked the compass the villagers gave her again, and was thankful to see that she was still on track.
Eventually she broke through, and found the earth rising as she approached a thinning of the forest. A large boulder greeted her, and behind it was a mound that blocked her view beyond. Now that she was out of the trees she scanned her surroundings, and when she came back to the boulder she was startled to see a strange figure crouching on top of it.
It looked like one of the Punnydins, except thin to the point of starvation. A white mask covered its face, carved to look like it was laughing. Aside from the mask it was wearing nothing but a loincloth. Taiko noticed dirty fingernails and patterned scars across its chest.
"Who are you?" ask Taiko, wary of the creature.
It cocked its head, letting Taiko wait a moment for its answer.
"I'm the guardian of this forest. Those who pass through must pay me tribute. What do you have to give me?"
Nǎinai hadn't said anything about a forest guardian, and Taiko doubted that she would have failed to if it was true.
"If you're a guardian, then why do you let that evil spirit haunt the shrine here?"
"Evil spirit? That's nonsense. What would you even be doing here if you thought there was an evil spirit around?"
"I'm coming to vanquish it," she said, standing tall.
It laughed, and Taiko swore she saw the mouth on the mask move subtly as it did.
"You? You're going to 'vanquish' something?"
Taiko listened to the forest. It wanted to be dark, brooding, and scary. She pointed at what she was sure was the evil spirit, threw her other arm out to the side, and then twirled them in a wide circled to come together over her head.
"Show this creature my power, forest! Bare your teeth and show it your anger!"
The forest obeyed, growing darker and more sinister. The air itself boiled with menace.
"I am the great Taiko of Umai! My power is vast, and my patience is not. Leave this forest! Vanish and never return, or you will see more than just this petty demonstration!"
What it would see, Taiko wasn't quite sure of yet. The forest wanted to be threatening, but that's all it cared to be. With her fish's breath spell still going she couldn’t enhance herself any further, but this spirit probably didn't know that.
The spirit looked around, impressed, and dove behind the boulder.
"Why don't I just hide until you leave, great Taiko of Umai?"
The voice was coming from behind her. She turned to face it and dodged a swipe at her side. No, not a swipe at her. It had the compass, which had been hanging from her belt, in its hand.
"You wouldn't have this if you didn't need it, right? I'll just let you get lost out here."
Taiko grabbed for the compass but the spirit launched into a sprint, bounding toward the mound with speed and ease. She ran after it, looking for something she could use to trip it. Pulling together a spell on the run wasn't easy, but she couldn't let it get away.
She chased it over the mound and another behind it, barely making it over bounders and thick roots from the few trees that rose from between them.
"You'll need to be faster than that to keep up with me!" it shouted. A moment later the spirit made an abrupt turn and dove into an opening in the earth.
Taiko rushed into the opening, hoping to catch it before it could disappear too deeply into the burrow. Her heart stopped when she found herself barging into open air, the opening below much larger and the drop much steeper that she expected. She did her best to land on her feet, but her balance was off and her knees crumpled on the impact. She tumbled onto the dirt beneath her, which was thankfully soft and free from any bare rocks.
She shook her head, knowing she didn't have any time to waste, but even before her vision came back into focus she knew she'd lost the spirit. The cave was dark, the light coming in from the opening already too dim from the forest above. Her eyes adjusted as best they could, but all she could make out was a tunnel with a pool of water at the end.
Taiko didn't see any trace of the spirit. Then again, she didn't see where it could have gone
, either. The cave didn't go back very far, and she didn't see any passageways it could have fled down. Of course, it was hard to tell, but as she stepped closer toward the pool she grew more certain that she was seeing all there was to the place.
Had it just vanished? It was a spirit, after all, but why lead her on a chase first if it could just do that? Had it wanted her to come to the cave for some reason? Taiko turned to run when she realized that she'd just charged straight into a trap. She stopped before she'd even taken a full stride. Something was between her and the entrance.
The thing made her skin feel like it wanted to tear itself off and hide somewhere. It was almost twice Taiko's size in all, but that was hardly the worst part. It had the head of a woman with pale skin, but her back was covered in hard, black pieces of shell with long, thin hairs growing out of them. It had no legs, but eight arms grew from where its ribs should be, each covered in the same way as her back all the way down to its hands where they merged with long, black fingernails.
Taiko looked into its face, and immediately wished she hadn't. The creature had as many eyes as arms, four large ones and four smaller ones running across her forehead. None of them blinked, no matter how long she stood frozen in front of it.
"I... I'm sorry," said Taiko, her blood turning to lead. "I didn't mean to disturb your den. I was just following someone, and I thought they came in here."
"Don't be sorry," it said in a voice that was hollow and raspy, but unmistakably feminine. "I haven't eaten in a long time. Will you tell me your name, before I wrap you up? All anyone does once I start is scream. It's annoying, you know."
The stillness of the thing kept Taiko locked in place. Even as she spoke, nothing but her jaw itself moved. No, she couldn't think about that. She needed a spell, right now.
There was nothing there but the cave. Taiko rushed her movements, trying to draw as much of its will out as quickly as possible. Maybe she could get it to swallow the thing up. She knew she didn't have time to think. Whatever happened, maybe it would at least keep it off balance long enough for her to dive past it.
She had even less time that she was counting on. The thing didn't need to crouch first or give any sign. She just moved, leaping at Taiko straight from where she was without a trace of warning. Taiko's spell was just forming, and she was just opening her mouth to give it its command, but instead she only screamed as she was enveloped by the creature's grasping hands.
She was pinned in an instant. Two hands held her wrists to the ground and a pair of arms wrapped around her legs. Two more hands held her arms near the shoulder, and she still had two hands to put on Taiko's face, holding it straight up to stare into the eight unblinking eyes and mouth full of black teeth.
The thing was strong and heavy. Even if the thing had only two hands to hold her with she would still have been almost impossible to throw off. There was no 'almost' for Taiko now. The creature filled her view, looming over her as her back pressed firmly into the dirt. A woman's breasts hung from her chest, and her entire underside was warmer and softer than her back looked when it came to rest on top of Taiko.
Taiko had never been this afraid before. It was paralyzing. She knew she had to do something, but her mind refuse to tell her what.
"Can you tell me your name, now? Please do. You won't be able to in a little bit."
The voice was cool and distant, passionless in tone but strikingly sincere.
"T... Taiko," she said, grasping at the hope she could convince the thing to let her go.
"That's nice. 'Taiko'. I don't know if I've ever eaten a 'Taiko' before."
"What do you mean 'eaten'?" she said, "You're not just some beast! You can talk! Wh... why would you eat someone if you know they don't want you to?"
"Well, they taste good. It's good to eat. That's what people are for. Why do you scream and fight so much if you know how good it is to eat you?"
"Please! I can get you something better to eat!"
"Why? I have you. You'll taste very good."
The creature leaned closer. Taiko shut her eyes and screamed again, telling herself that this couldn't be real. None of this could be real. None of this horrible, grisly day could be real.
Fingers slid into her mouth and held it open. Taiko felt a tongue invade her throat, lapping around and spreading its saliva everywhere. She started to gag, only stopping herself from throwing up because she wouldn't be able to turn her head to the side to spit it out. The tongue covered her lower face generously, only stopped when the creature started to spit something up from deep inside her throat.
A wet, sticky mass landed on Taiko's mouth, oozing inside before toughening up. The creature's hands spread it over her face, pulling it into strands and wrapping them around her head. Taiko yelled as loud as she could, but her mouth was completely sealed off. She bit down on it, but it was too tough to chew through. She dared to open her eyes and saw a white, taffy-like substance hanging from the creature's maw.
"See?" it said, "Now you can't talk at all. We could have talked some more, while I got you ready. Now we can't."
Taiko's stomach lurched as the world spun, and in an instant she was face down, her cheek pressed into the dirt. She couldn't believe how quickly and easily the monster was handling her. It took her arms into three pairs of hands and held her wrists behind her back. She felt the tongue running over them before they were wrapped in the strands, which seemed to glue themselves to each other and to her skin.
Taiko fought as hard as she could, but she was lost in the creature's grip. She bent her elbows and crossed her wrists against her upper back, putting her hands between her shoulder blades, and no matter what Taiko did to resist the creature continued to work, quickly and efficiently. She wrapped more strands around her wrists, binding them completely. She pulled on the strand between her wrists and her head tight, forcing Taiko to bend her neck back. Her body was lifted as easily as a doll's while four arms worked in concert to encircle her chest with the ropey substance. It all tightened as it dried and toughened up, squeezing her chest and leaving her arms without the slightest bit of room to move.
Every second she became more and more helpless in the hands of the monster. She was going to eat her, and for the first time in her life she couldn't imagine a way to stop it. She couldn't even hope for her friends to come rescue her. They'd been counting on her. She'd failed them when they needed her the most. She'd never even see them again to tell them how sorry she was. They'd never know why she didn't come.
Taiko thought about her friends and cried, not being able to believe that their last time together had already passed. Their last festival. Their last song. Her tears ran down her cheeks and mixed with the dirt that still stuck to them.
She felt a tugging on her feet and her boots being pulled off. Now it was her ankles being licked and covered with the strands. The thing turned her over again and worked her way up Taiko's legs, layering the stuff on thick in several places. Not even her leg muscles were a match for the creature, and once her knees where bound tightly together she gave up. Taiko surrendered and waited for the end.
When the thing was finally finished with her it crawled away, leaving her only in the grip of the strands. It didn't matter; escaping was impossible. She lay with her back against the ground and her legs bent, knees pointed up toward the roof, the strand between her feet and her arms too tight to stretch them out. Her head pointed back, forced that way as well, and she could see the pool of water.
The creature crawled into view. Taiko was horrified by how quietly it could move. She was dragging a large stone to the water's edge, one that must have been almost as heavy as Taiko. The monster grabbed Taiko again and dragged her to the pool as well, right next to the stone.
"You're almost done now," she said. "It's too bad you couldn't talk until it was time to eat you, but this is as long as you would have been able to talk anyway. 'Taiko.' I'll remember that when I start eating you."
The creature picked up the stone and wrapped the st
rands around it, weaving a net that it wouldn't slip out of. The same strand was still attached to her feet. Taiko's eyes went wide when she realized what was about to happen.
The stone plunged into the water. A moment later, Taiko went with it. The stone pulled her violently into the pool in a disorienting rush. Cold water engulfed her, shocking her and submerging her completely. The pool was deeper than it looked, and she hadn't hit the bottom yet.
Taiko opened her eyes and let them fill with water. She saw the surface, visible only by the meager light of the cave, disappear above her as she plummeted into the depths. She descended into complete blackness, and when there was nothing left to see she shut her eyes again.
The pull of the stone finally ceased as a dull, distorted thud reached her ears. She sank further a bit before floating up again, coming to rest with a slight tension on her ankles where the stone kept her anchored to the bottom of the watery pit. Silence consumed her, and only the rustling and swishing of her own body as she jerked against the stone, trying in vain to pull loose, disturbed it.
She had some time. Her spell, the one she had first cast when she fell into the river, was still holding. She wasn't drowning quite yet. She thrashed around, but she was restrained too tightly to get anywhere. Her arms weren't coming free, that was certain. Her hands were in a useless place. With her heels almost against her bottom she couldn't move her body enough to either sink down farther and reach the stone or put any real force against the strand that held her to it.
She had some time, but nothing to do with it other than think about what was going to happen when her magic ran out.
Miyoshi did her best not to cry. She had done everything in her power to please Lord Akio, even the most disgusting and humiliating things she could imagine doing, but it was never enough.
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