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Page 21
"Shima, you're finally back," said the woman.
"Lady Satsujin," he said, bowing. "Our mission was a mixed success. We captured these three, but Lord Akio escaped, along with the one named 'Yumi'. I set six men to track them down; they should return, one way or the other, before nightfall."
"Tch. Well, these three will have to do for now."
She walked forward, taking Miyoshi by the neck and inspecting her. Takio watched her fingers squeeze experimentally, and the creature- Satsujin- smile in response when Miyoshi squealed in pain and fear.
"She's pretty, I suppose, but I don't see what the big deal is. Bring the Dunnie out here. And tie them to a bench."
The soldiers walked Taiko over to one of the stone benches that Dunnies had in their village center. She was put on her knees in front of it, and her body was bent over to lay her chest on the seat. Miyoshi was placed next to her, a few feet away, and Chiyo on the other side of her. A rope was fed under her arms, not easily because of how tightly they were pressed against her body, and pulled through. Both ends were run under the bench to the other side, where they were thrown across her lower back and tied around her abdomen.
Once they let her go Taiko tried to lift herself back up, finding the ropework secure enough to keep her fused to the bench.
A Dunnie huntsman came out, flanked by two guards. He didn't look happy with what he saw, but he didn't look like a prisoner either. Taiko knew she'd seen him before, but couldn't place him.
"That's the one you wanted, right?" asked Satsujin, gesturing toward Miyoshi.
"Yes," he said coldly. "You didn't need to tie her up like that. What about Akio? Did you get him?"
"No," said Shima. "We're still hunting him."
"I've got good news, though," said Satsujin. "I'm still going to let you fuck your woman before I execute her."
"What?" he said, stepping forward with clenched fists. "We had a deal, and I-"
"I'm bored of that deal. Go ahead, whip your dick out and do your business. I'm guessing it was more than you were going to get any other way."
Taiko heard Miyoshi grunting angrily. Taiko was furious herself at the way this monster of a woman was talking about her friend, but fear gripped her in equal measure at the flippant sentence that she had just pronounced on them.
"No, I won't let you do this!" said the Dunnie.
The Oni slapped him, sending him sprawling to the ground.
"Then I guess our partnership is over."
She bent over and grabbed his ankle, dragging him by the leg over to the edge of the plateau, not far from the village center.
"Thank you for all of your help," she said. "Thank you, and goodbye."
The huntsman grabbed for everything he could, but she easily outmuscled him, and once at the ledge she swung him over with one hand. He screamed as he disappeared over the side, and then abruptly stopped.
Lady Satsujin returned to the village center, grinning maliciously.
"I guess we'll need someone to take his place. Shima, pick one of your men. And two more, I guess, for her friends."
Taiko's blood ran cold when she realized what she meant.
"Uyeda, Yasuno, Eiji," called out Shima. "You performed well in battle. Choose for yourselves, in order."
Three men stepped forward, men that Taiko recognized from their skirmish.
"The Dunnie had the right idea," said the first, lifting Miyoshi's head by her hair. "I'll take this one."
"I owe this one for breaking my brother's arm," said the next, slapping Chiyo on her ass.
"I guess that means it's you and me," said the last.
Taiko looked up at the man who had just claimed her. He had a scarred face with rough features underneath. Black hair crept out from under his helmet, thin and coarse. He was hardly a handsome man, not that it would have made what he was threatening her with any better.
He circled behind her and started yanking on her skirt. She roared at him in indignation and pulled at her ropes, throwing brute force at them since her arms were too rigidly held for anything else. All she did was hurt herself while her clothes slipped off.
The man put his hands on her bare ass, testing his fingers against her now naked vagina. Taiko threw muffled curses at him which mixed with the grunting and moaning that was coming from beside her.
Satsujin laughed, loudly and heartily.
"I'd think you would be used to this, traveling with Akio and all. Is this your first time? That's always the best part."
Taiko would have glared at her, but at that moment she felt a hard, fleshy rod poking at her vagina. She struggled, trying to free herself anyway she could. She wanted to kick out at him, but he was already between her knees. She winced as the man's cock sank deep into her body, invading her in a way that Kuzuno's tongue could have never prepared her for. He groaned in pleasure, had at her expense, while she shut her eyes, helpless to stop what he was doing to her.
His hips rocked against hers, his dick breaking into her over and over again. As cruel as her bindings had been during her trek across the desert in them it was nothing compared to now, the rope fixing her in place as an offering to a man who took his pleasure from her. She bit down hard, tasting blood in her mouth as the knot scratched it. She fought the ropes still, even as they showed no signs of budging. Nothing mattered, none of it reducing the horribleness of the feeling as her cunt was beaten into submission.
The man squeezed her sides, his fingers digging into her, as he started grunting like an animal. His dick came with more and more intensity, and Taiko finally screamed in agony. He refused to stop, and she could only wait and pray as his taunts let her know fully how much he was enjoying it.
She felt a hand on her face. It was Satsujin. The Oni lifted Taiko's head so that she could look into her eyes. Whatever she saw pleased her, and Taiko had to shut her eyes to deny her. Even then she was sure that there was enough misery on her face to amuse her.
The soldier's grunting reached a crescendo, and Taiko felt something spill into her. It was the most disgusting thing she could imagine, but with her hands tied it was there to stay. The soldier pumped into her a few more times, then rubbed her back and moaned in satisfaction.
"You're prime cunt, girl," he said. "Too bad it's going to waste soon."
His dick pulled out of her, leaving a stickiness on her lips. Even when he stepped away from her she still felt him there, like a rotten taste that would never wash out of her mouth. Miyoshi was still moaning in unbelievable sorrow, her rapist still going strong. Taiko had to wait, used and soon to be discarded, while he finished.
There was a moment of quiet once all three men had dumped their repulsive loads into Taiko and her friends and were putting their dicks away. Satsujin paced in front of them, occasionally running her fingernails against one of their scalps.
"Are the crosses ready?" she asked.
"Yes, Lady Satsujin," said one of the soldiers.
"Good. Take them. I'd love to let another round of you boys have your go, but we need to get them in place before we waste too much of this wonderful desert sun."
Akio knew they were getting close. The desert was quiet by nature, and it didn't take much noise from the Dunnie's camp to carry over the dunes. He missed his walking stick, thrown aside in his escape. The woman wasn't inclined to help him, or even talk to him, and he'd been obliged to stumble after her, tripping and bouncing off of the occasional tree.
The sounds became louder, and soon he could smell burning bleachwood and cooking food. As they entered the camp he strained to follow Yumi, cursing his infirmity.
"Yumi," said an annoying voice, one that had been named 'Jumo'.
"You look like a rough day. Where is the rest of your band?"
"We were attacked," she said, her voice at least steady now. "I got away, but the others were captured."
If Akio had been a petty man, he would have shared the details, taking credit for their escape, but it wouldn't help him right now.
sorry," said Jumo. "That is a great loss, in many ways, and I won't underestimate your grief. But although I don't wish to be crass, there is one thing that I must consider first, which is how this affects our chances tomorrow."
"Can we still win?" asked a voice, one which Akio didn't recognize. "We were counting on their magic."
Akio heard several other voices, most of them worried and blossoming into panic.
"We should stay out here," said one. "Wait them out. They can't stay camped in the village forever."
"Yes, yes," said Jumo, with some resignation in his voice. "We may have to consider a less direct assault. Perhaps if we lure some of their patrols away and pick them off, we can-"
"They'll burn your village and kill everyone who didn't escape with you. You should be ashamed of your cowardice. You've already been given advantages you didn't have last time. Defend your homes, and be prepared to die doing it, or go surrender yourselves and hope for mercy, but don't pretend to be warriors while you cower in fear of the enemy. What kind of men can't fight without a bunch of little girls coming with them to hold their hands?"
Akio's words silenced everyone. Nobody was willing to be the first to announce his fear of fighting now, least of all their leader.
"We'll rework our plans," said Jumo. "I'm sure there's some other advantage we can call."
The discussion started again, this time directed toward how to win, rather than making excuses not to fight.
"Since when do you care so much?" asked Yumi, speaking close so that only he could hear her. "You didn't want to try to fight for the village either before."
"There was nothing to be gained from it before your friends were captured. I need them to get into Frostspire, and now they're in Satsujin's hands. It's a simple matter of priorities."
"So that's it? You'll sacrifice the Dunnies to a lost battle if it gets your sight back?"
"Of course I would, but a lost battle won't help me right now. I'm counting on them to win, even if it's a gamble."
Yumi was silent for a while.
"This is going to make me sick, there's something I want to try with you."
Akio laughed.
"Afraid of dying tomorrow with your virginity still intact?"
"Keep your mouth shut. I wouldn't be suggesting this if I didn't think we'd need it."
"So what is your idea? From your tone it sounds like you think I might enjoy it."
Chiyo could barely walk. It wasn't just her tired legs; she'd pushed on while wearier before. It was the fate she was walking to that turned them to lead and made her tremble so badly that she thought she was going to throw up. If she could have fallen and stayed where she was on the hard ground of the plateau she would have, but the soldiers all around her forced her along.
One of them was the man who'd just raped her, his cum dripping down her leg while she walked. Chiyo's vagina didn't feel like hers anymore. It was just a thing that these men could take and use whenever the liked, and if she couldn't fight them off it would accept them and give them their pleasure while Chiyo suffered.
Her arms had the now-familiar aches and pains of being tightly bound for too long. There was no strength left in them, even if struggling would have done her any good. Like before her jaw was burning, and she could still feel the dried saliva where she'd drooled on herself.
Chiyo saw where they were headed. There was a line of crosses- simple ones that were merely two diagonal beams each sticking out of the ground and tied where they crossed in the middle. They barely came up to head height, but Chiyo had no doubt that they would be effective for whatever torture was planned for her.
The monster woman grabbed Chiyo and threw her into the first cross, her chest crashing into one of the beams.
"This one first. Untie her and get her nice and naked."
The woman held her by her throat while the soldiers worked her ropes free. This time Chiyo was expecting the pain that would come when her arms were able to move again after being in strict bondage for hours on end, and it didn't fail to meet her expectations.
She tried limply to grab onto the woman's arm, but her grip was like iron. The soldiers pulled her clothes off, leaving her naked again for the men's pleasure and her humiliation. The woman slapped her breasts a few times, laughing when Chiyo cried in pain.
"You're such a worthless little thing. I can't believe that you thought you were going to challenge my army."
The woman turned Chiyo around, forced her to her knees, and put her back against the point where the beams crossed. The soldiers took her arms and put them along the beams, and once more rope appeared around her wrists as they tied her up. Chiyo moaned in misery when they pulled her knees apart, making her sink down to where she was almost hanging from her wrists. They tied her legs to the beams, holding them open.
Chiyo was fixed to the cross now, with the sun beating down on her naked skin. The soldiers didn't miss their chance to grope her, of course, feeling her up while checking the ropes and giving her nipples a pinch just to be sure.
The only thing that surprised her was when she felt the woman untying her gag. Chiyo readily spit the thing out, but it was only to set up her for another cruel twist- they had another one ready for her. This one was nothing more than a metal ring with straps on it. The men helped their commander force it into Chiyo's mouth. It would have been singularly ineffective at keeping her quiet, but seeing how much they enjoyed it when she screamed that obviously wasn't the point.
With the new gag strapped in place and the metal ring stuck behind her teeth Chiyo's mouth was held wide open. She would be drooling already if her mouth wasn't so dry from the other gag. Worse, the hot, dry desert air now flowed freely down her throat.
The men moved on to Miyoshi, and Chiyo could only hang her head while her friends were stripped, bound to the crosses, and gagged like she was.
The woman paraded herself in front of them while the men finalized Taiko's bondage, holding up Taiko's shirt.
"What an awful little thing," she said, tossing it to the wind where it blew over the edge of the plateau and out onto the dunes.
"As I'm sure you've noticed, it gets very hot out here in the desert. If you're wondering how you're meant to survive all day with no water and with the sun beating down on your poor, soft little bodies-"
The woman laughed.
"Well, you aren't! With any luck, you'll be corpses by nightfall. If not, then I'm sure tomorrow won't be any cooler. Someone might find your bones up here one day, but I wouldn't count on it. Have fun."
The woman turned and walked away.
"I'm sorry," said one of the men, their captain, once she was gone. He held Chiyo's chin and craned her face up so that he could look into it.
"I won't take any pleasure out of leaving you here to die, but Lady Satsujin..."
He shook his head. Then he unbuckled his pants.
"Come on," he said to his men. "Let's get some use out of them one more time."
Chiyo screamed, unable to close her mouth as he let his penis slip through the ring and into her mouth, sliding across her tongue. It was the most disgusting thing she'd ever tasted, and she started gagging when he pushed it deeper, not stopping until her face was smashed up against his crotch.
"Use your tongue," he said. "It'll make it go faster."
Chiyo groaned as he began to fuck her mouth. She didn't know how she managed not to throw up as he was grinding against her tongue, hoping she would- what? She didn't even know what he expected her to do.
His cock poked her in the back of the throat while his hands, gripping the side of her head, pulled her face onto him again and again. The awful grunting that marked his building orgasm started, and Chiyo panicked when she realized that he meant to cum in her mouth. She tried to bite down, but the ring sank into her gums and kept her teeth apart. His grip on her head was too tight and her arms were bound too well.
A musky goo squirted into the back of her throat. She had to suppress her urge to vomit again, his
dick still filling her mouth.
"There you go," he said, a little out of breath. "Swallow it."
When Chiyo saw that he didn't intend to take it out until she obeyed she swallowed, thinking bitterly how this would be the last thing she ever tasted.
She wasn't quite right. There were five soldiers there, and only three of her and her friends. Chiyo got to taste a second dick. This man was no more gentle, although he seemed to prefer holding her head still while he jammed his hips into her face. He was smaller, at least, but he also put effort into working his head against her tongue, and when he came it was right on top of it. He made her swallow too, but he was sloppier, and left a little bit of his seed on her lips when he pulled out.
Once the men were satisfied they left, cum and spit mixing and dribbling down Chiyo's chin.
Then their deaths began. It didn't take long for Chiyo's throat to dry out like it never had before. Each breath was torture as it came down her parched windpipe. Sweat dripped from her body, and Chiyo knew that she was quickly dehydrating. Her head grew light and she panted, exhaling precious moisture with every breath.
This time, they wouldn't come to pull her down. Not even for another round of being raped and tortured.
"What did I tell you about that?" said Yumi, shoving Akio's hand off of her arm.
"There's nowhere else to put it," he said. "This was your idea, stop complaining about it."
Yumi had spent the entire morning, and part of the night before, lying with Akio under a blanket, which itself was covered with sand. She didn't enjoy having his body pressed against hers for so long, but she needed him for her plan. More than once she'd felt his cock getting hard, doubtlessly due to him having thoughts about tying her up and forcing her to fuck him.
One end of the blanket was propped open just enough to let fresh air in. Yumi could tell that it was getting hotter, and guessed that it was about midday. She waited, knowing that Jumo would wait until the desert sun- something his men were more used to than the soldiers- was beating down the hardest.