by Stalingrad- The City that Defeated the Third Reich (epub)
“Not one step back!,” 7, 88, 176, 207, 264, 279
Novaya Nadezhda, 157
Novikova, Lyolya, 144, 155–156, 182, 200
Novikov-Priboy (author), 371
Novoshitsky (Junior Lieutenant), 320
Novy Mir (New World), 434
NSFO. See National Socialist leadership officer
Nuremberg trials, 75, 87
Nurses, 284, 314 (photo)
Kokorina as, 144–148, 146 (photo), 152–154, 161–162, 172–173, 187–188, 192
Mikhailovna as, 148
Stoylik as, 145, 174
See also Gurova, Vera Leontyevna
October Revolution, 23, 28, 268, 439
Odinokov, Mikhail Afanasievich, 91, 112
Okhitovich, Lev, 50
Oleynik, Pyotr Nikolayevich, 208, 211, 212, 214
Olkhovatka, 310
Olkhovkin, Alexander, 35, 44, 78
101st Guards Regiment, 324–331
113th Infantry Division, 142, 272, 350–351
116th Division, 392
124th Rifle Brigade, 204, 210
131st Division, 327
138th Rifle Division, 143–144, 177, 277, 319
149th Rifle Brigade, 395, 397
154th Marine Brigade, 36
178th Regiment, 226, 376
193rd Rifle Division, 143
1011th Artillery Regiment, 146, 188–189, 191
1043rd Regiment, 347–348
1045th Regiment, 347–348
Operation Blue, 7
Operation Ring, 11–12, 11 (photo)
Operation Uranus, 10, 144, 422
see also Counteroffensive
Operation Winter Storm, 10–11
Order no. 227, 7, 51, 52, 55, 57, 58–59, 81, 87
Order no. 270, 34, 475 (n. 156)
Order no. 345, 226
Order of Alexander Nevsky, 352
Order of Lenin, 49, 162, 217, 221, 369, 398
Order of the Red Banner, 49, 353
to Aksyonov, 356
to Averbukh, 318
to Brysin, 181
to Kostyuchenko, 179
to Kosykh, 162
to Novikova, 156
to Ryvkin, 181
to Stoylik, 174
to Trifonov, 189
Order of the Red Star, 49, 312, 338, 339, 353
Orlovka, 272
Osadnaya Balka, 210
OSOAVIAKhIM (Society for the Assistance to Defense, Aviation, and Chemical Construction), 30, 125
Osobists, 40, 53
Osoby otdel, see Special Department, of NKVD
Panfilov soldiers, 63, 465 (n. 216)
Panichkin (Lieutenant), 325–326, 331
Panikhin (commander), 304, 306, 307
Panzers, 8, 87
14th Panzer Division, 223, 235–236, 317, 384
heroes and, 63
in Operation Winter Storm, 10
62nd Army and, 64
308th Rifle Division and, 141
See also 14th Panzer Division; 24th Panzer Division
Parkhomenko, Alexander Ivanovich, 83, 225, 374–378
Paulus, Friedrich, 5, 10, 11, 12, 40, 222–261, 260 (photo), 400
Bukharov and, 237–238, 246
Burmakov and, 233, 239–241, 242, 247–252
as field marshal, 12, 223, 254–256
Golovchiner and, 236, 245, 255–256
Hitler and, 223, 255, 390
Khrushchev and, 259
Morozov and, 246
Operation Ring and, 12
Osobists and, 40
Rokossovsky and, 222
Shumilov and, 252–255, 253 (photo)
64th Army and, 226, 255
36th Rifle Division and, 223, 224, 226
38th Motor Rifle Brigade and, 223, 225, 374
Vinokur and, 244–245
Yegorov and, 234, 242–243
Pavlov, Alexei, 177, 178 (photo), 330
Pavlov, Yakov, 293
Pavlov House, 293
Pe-2 dive bomber, 32
Penal units, in Red Army, 51, 53–55
The People Immortal (Grossman), 21
People of the Stalingrad Tractor Factory, 69
People’s Commissar for Defense, 38, 146, 290
Perekovka (reeducation), 55
Pervomaysk, 297
Peryshkin (Lieutenant), 217, 221
Peskovatka, 316
Petrakov, Dimitri Andrianovich, 49, 145, 152, 162, 472 (n. 95)
Petrukhin, Nikolai Romanovich, 91, 103, 125–126
Pigalyov, Dmitri Matveyevich, 91, 92–93, 94, 99, 101, 103–104, 108, 109–110, 131–132
Piksin, Ivan Alekseyevich, 91, 95, 97–103, 110–112, 119, 123, 128
Pincer movements, 32–33, 271
Pist, Helmut, 404–406
Poland, 32, 292
Politruks (commissars), 24–25, 39
Polte (Sergeant), 412
Polukhin (soldier), 60–61
Polyakov, Alexei Mikhailovich, 91, 113–114, 128
Ponomaryov (Captain), 352
Pornographic cards, 397, 483 (n. 200)
see also Wehrmacht
Pospyelov, Pyotr, 73, 358
Pozdnyakova, Agrafena, 132–141
Pozharsky (chief of artillery), 273, 280
PPSh. See Campaign women
Pravda, 8, 20, 38, 46, 73, 183 (photo), 431
Chuikov and, 290
on Grossman, 434
Kessel diary in, 428–429
on Mamayev Kurgan, 346
Zaytsev and, 358
Prisoners, 349 (photo), 351, 399 (photo), 440 (photo)
Burmakov and, 232, 233–234, 236–237, 250
Chuikov and, 287–288
Conrady as, 418–420
death of, 13
Duka and, 230–231
escape of, 422
execution of, 26, 256, 331, 348, 407
food for, 412, 422
Fyodorov, F., and, 256
Golovchiner and, 235–236
interrogation of, 400–429
Karpov and, 232
Komsomol and, 182
at Mamayev Kurgan, 348–349
Morozov and, 231–232
from Operation Ring, 12–13
from pincer movements, 33
for propaganda, 392–393
to Special Department, 250
by 38th Motor Rifle Brigade, 228
torture of, 407
Vinokur and, 233, 241
Yegorov and, 234–235, 257–258
See also Paulus, Friedrich
Prokhvatilov, Vasily Petrovich, 91, 127–129
Propaganda, 11
Beevor and, 17
cat for, 393
Chuikov and, 288
Conrady on, 420
“Daddy Is Dead,” 386, 386 (photo)
by Germans, 12–13, 17
against Hitler, 386, 386 (photo)
megaphones for, 391–392, 392 (photo), 393
99th Division and, 391
poster for, 291 (photo)
prisoners for, 392–393
on racial differences, 16
radio for, 391, 393
Rokossovsky and, 391
about snipers, 357
at Stalingrad Tractor factory, 393
Strotmann on, 409
Yeryomenko and, 391
See also Zayonchkovsky, Pyotr
Prutkov, Stepan, 63
Psychic attack, 25–26, 50, 375, 460 (n. 90), 462 (n. 164)
Pütz, Karl-Heinz, 413–415
Racial differences, 9, 16
See also Jews; Non-Russians
Radio, 109
Chuikov and, 280
Kessel diary on, 428–429
for propaganda, 391, 393
in 308th Rifle Division, 182
Rakityansky, Vasily Ivanovich, 345, 350
Rape, 134, 208
Rashomon (Kurosawa), 83
Ravine of Death, 190, 193, 200
The Red and the Black (Stendal), 371
Red Army, 23–26, 38, 48 (photo),
65–68, 317 (photo)
Bredahl on, 422
casualties to, 33
Chuikov and, 269
Communist party and, 34–35, 42–46
counteroffensive by, 10, 72, 134
discipline in, 51–59
education in, 57–59
enlistments to, 32
expansion of, 30–31
fearlessness in, 49–50, 462 (n. 164)
forms of combat for, 59–64
heroes of, 47–50, 61, 265–266
Jews in, 437
Komsomol and, 42–46
Main Political Administration and, 42
NKVD in, 39–40
non-Russians in, 55–57, 204
penal units in, 51, 53–55
political activity of, 42–46
promotions after victory, 432
purge of, 31
reduction of, 29
renaming of, 239
Rodimtsev in, 292
in Russian Civil War, 26
snipers of, 359
soldiers in Stalingrad ruins, 352 (photo)
Stalin and, 64
telephone operator for, 131–132, 132 (photo)
torture of, 207, 391
vodka for, 59–60
women in, 25, 311
Red Barricades, 26
Red Cross, 147
Red Flag on, 345
Red Fleet, 366
Red Guards, 23, 264
Red October steelworks, 5, 86, 89, 90, 95, 117, 121, 126, 126 (photo)
Chuikov and, 264, 278
mass grave of soldiers at, 202 (photo)
Red Star (Krasnaya Zvezda), 34, 46, 49, 192, 296–297, 431
Red Army and, 39
Red Verdun, 1–2, 27
Reeducation (perekovka), 55
Refugees, 8, 116 (photo), 134, 140 (photo)
Registration cards, 133–135, 138
Reshetnyak, Ivan Kuzmich, 209, 217, 218–221
Reshetova, Zina, 161
Resurrection (Tolstoy, L.), 296
Richthofen, Wolfram von, 86
Rodimtsev, Alexander Ilyich, 265–266, 272 (photo), 273, 274, 291–310, 303 (photo), 304 (photo)
Chuikov and, 280, 300, 301, 304
Communist party and, 292
deserters from, 282
87th Rifle Division and, 298
42nd Regiment and, 306–307
Grossman and, 292–293
Gurova and, 310
horses and, 295–296
L-shaped building and, 305–306
Mamayev Kurgan and, 293, 301, 305
Red Star and, 296
62nd Army and, 298, 300
in Spanish Civil War, 292, 296–297
tanks and, 299, 305, 310
34th Regiment and, 306–307
Yeryomenko and, 299–301
Rodimtsev, Alexander, 23, 56, 59, 83, 119, 127, 265–262, 272 (photo), 273–274, 280, 282, 291–310, 311, 432, 433, 434 (n. 14)
Rokossovsky, Konstantin, 9, 11, 222, 243, 391
Rokovanova, Zoya, 182
Romanenko, Grigory Dmitrievich, 91, 129
Roske, Friedrich, 223, 224
Burmakov and, 247–252
Golovchiner and, 245, 256
Hitler and, 255
Shumilov and, 255
Vinokur and, 244–245, 252
Yegorov and, 245
Roske, Ilchenko, 359
Roslyakova, Olga, 225, 360, 374
Rostov, 7, 408, 416
Russian Academy of Sciences, 6
Russian Civil War, 8, 70–77
Chapayev in, 318
Chuikov in, 23, 264–265, 269
Cossacks in, 26–27
Furmanov in, 318
Rodimtszev in, 23
Stalin in, 26–29
Stalingrad in, 26
Russian Security Service (FSB), 16
Ryabov (Special Department agent), 237
Rybak (Captain), 237, 238–239, 242
Rykin, Vasily Kuzmich, 269
Rynok, 100–101, 272
Ryvkin, Semyon Solomonovich, 145, 148, 181
Rzhishchev, 319
Salnikov (Lieutenant), 343
Samsonov, Alexander, 16, 207, 485 (n. 40)
Samsonov, Georgy, 34 (photo), 169 (photo), 440 (photo)
Sandin (commissar), 165
Sapryagayev, Ivan, 61
Savchuk (Captain), 237
Schlippa (Lieutenant), 414
Schmidt, Arthur, 223, 241, 245, 254
Burmakov and, 251–252
Morozov and, 238–239
Schmitz, Johann, as prisoners, 387
Scholl, Hans, 15
Scholl, Sophie, 15
Schools, 131
Screechers (dive bombers), 200
2nd Combat Engineers 16, 205–206
Sector on the History of the Great Patriotic War, 436
Seleznev, Gavriil Grigorievich, 145
Self-mutilation, 162
Seligeyev (soldier), 160
Senyavskaya, Yelena, 18–19
Serdyuk, S. T., 64 (photo), 252
Sergeyevich, Nikita. See Khrushchev, Nikita
Serov, Yakov, 37–38, 46, 47
Sevastopol, 7
7th Corps, 236
71st Infantry Division, 12, 134, 223, 245, 359
76th Infantry Division, 142
79th Guards Division, 353
79th Regiment, 409
Shadrinsky Bay, 211, 218, 221
Shamshina, Alexandra, 77, 318, 381
Shapiro, Henry, 4
Shaposhnikov, B. M., 290
Shavrin (scout), 346
Shchegoleva, Maria, 81, 468 (n. 278)
Shcherbakov, Alexander, 38, 55–56, 73, 369
Shelyubsky, Alexander, 427–429
Shevyrda (Petty Officer), 220
Shigalin (commander), 167
Shlyapin, Nikolai, 21
Shonin, Boris, 166–167, 167 (photo), 183 (photo)
The Short Course of the History of the All-Union Communist Party, 69, 71, 485 (n. 34)
Shumilov, Mikhail Stepanovich, 62–63, 64 (photo), 224, 226–227, 235, 252–255, 254 (photo), 400
Abramov and, 252–253
Burmakov and, 241, 242, 259
Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War and, 77
Paulus and, 252–253, 253 (photo)
Vinokur and, 241
Shuvanov (medical orderly), 188
Shuvanova, Anya, 161
Siberian Military District, 382
in Komsomol, 182
in 308th Rifle Division, 141, 146, 192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 203
in 284th Rifle Division, 331–356
Sidorov, Arkady, 73, 184, 438–439
Sikorsky, Alexander, 49–50
Silikat factory, 165
Simonov, Konstantin, 16, 39, 434
Sitnikov, N., 140 (photo)
685th Infantry Regiment, 168–170
16th Antiaircraft Tank Unit, 205–206
16th Panzer Division, 89, 208, 384, 399, 409–411
Latoshinka and, 204, 205
6th Army, 7, 9, 10–13, 133–134, 141, 241, 252, 265,
14th Panzer Division and, 384
Rokossovsky and, 222
Zayonchkovsky and, 379, 384, 388
6th Guards Brigade, 272
6th Airborne Brigade, 298
60th Motorized Infantry Division, 384
61st Regiment, 297
62nd Army, 8–9, 49, 52, 63, 77, 99–100, 114–115, 119–121, 131 (photo), 176, 264–290, 272 (photo), 298, 300, 316, 341–342, 346, 427
executions in, 17
Grossman and, 432
non-Russians in, 56
in Operation Ring, 11
panzers and, 64, 141
People’s Commissar for Defense and, 290
snipers in, 357
Stalin and, 184, 437
Stalingrad Tractor factory and, 89
64th Army, 9, 12, 52, 62, 63, 77, 224, 226–227, 235–236, 241, 245, 252–256, 253
(photo), 254 (photo), 258, 348, 400
Chuikov and, 265, 279
Paulus and, 226, 255
66th Army, 9, 49, 206, 378–398, 381 (photo)
Sklyarov (machine gunner), 230
Skvortsov, Fyodor Maksimovich, 144, 145, 172, 173–174
SMERSH, 461 (n. 137), 464 (n. 206)
Smirnov, Alexei Stepanovich, 57, 145, 165, 165 (photo), 186–187
Smolyanov, Matvei Petrovich, 56, 78, 226, 258
Snesarev, Andrei, 27
Snipers, 181, 230, 232, 246
Aksyonov and, 337–338
Brysin and, 181
Chekov as, 358
Dudnikov and, 178
Ehrenburg and, 357
German, 343
Kalentyev as, 337–338, 357, 364
Karpov and, 232
at Mamayev Kurgan, 337–339, 365–366
Metelyov and, 357
propaganda about, 357
of Red Army, 359
in 62nd Army, 357
on Stalingrad Front, 357
in 284th Rifle Division, 357
Zaytsev as, 356–373
Socialism, 20, 29
Society for the Assistance to Defense, Aviation, and Chemical Construction (OSOAVIAKhIM), 30, 125
Sofyin, A., 208 (photo)
Sokolov, Vasily, 41 (photo), 280
Soldatov, Anatoly Gavrilovich, 40, 55, 224–225, 228, 251, 257
Solodchenko, Semyon Alekseyevich, 208, 211–212, 213, 214
Song of the Nibelungs, 12
Sormovskaya Power Station, 169
Sosnin (Lieutenant), 320–321
Southeastern Front, 9
Sovchinsky, Vladimir Makarovich, 145, 174
Soviet secret police. See NKVD
Spanish Civil War, 30, 86, 292, 296
Spartak, 160
Special Department, of NKVD (Osoby otdel), 16, 39–40, 66–67, 237, 250
see also SMERSH
Special Far Eastern Army, 270
Speidel, Hans, 133
Spies, 186
Spitsky, Georgy, 57, 60
Square of the Fallen Heroes, 92, 126–127, 257 (photo)
Burmakov and, 236–237
non-Russians at, 56
64th Army around, 12
victory celebration at, 259 (photo)
Srednyaya Akhtuba, 299
Srednye-Pogromnoye, 210
Stakhanovites, 357
StalGRES, 90, 94–96, 115, 122–123, 124, 130
Stalin, Joseph, 13, 20, 64, 71, 290, 432–433, 434
on abolition of commissars, 40–41
agitcult case and, 45
Aksyonov and, 353–354
anti-Semitism and, 261
Chapayev (film) and, 25
cult of, 332–333
evacuations by, 8
as general secretary of the Central Committee, 38
Gordov and, 70
The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union and, 438
Grossman and, 435
Hitler-Stalin pact, 32
Jews and, 434
Khrushchev and, 289
Mamayev Kurgan and, 332, 341
as Marshal of the Soviet Union, 333, 353
Mints and, 437
“Not one step back!” by, 7, 28, 88, 176, 207, 279
Order no. 227 by, 51, 52, 57, 58–59, 87