by Stalingrad- The City that Defeated the Third Reich (epub)
Fedoseyev (Lieutenant), 304
5th Airborne Brigade, 298
51st Army, 9
57th Army, 9, 77, 376
The Final Battle (play), 30
Final Hour (newscast), 392 (photo)
Finnish Front, 297, 312
1st Brigade of River Ships, 218
1st Guards Army, 9, 142
1st Kiev Artillery School, 319
1st Reserve Army, 270
Flamethrowers, 278, 307, 308, 309
Food, 109
for children, 115
discipline with, 405
for Germans, 239, 405, 406, 409, 414, 423–425
horses for, 134, 137
for prisoners, 412, 422
for refugees, 134
for registration card, 138
for 308th Rifle Division, 199
for Wehrmacht, 225
For a Just Cause (Grossman), 435
“For Merit in Battle” order, 311
41st Guards Division, 385
42nd Regiment, 300, 306–307
45th Rifle Division, 37, 41 (photo), 42, 55, 143
14th Panzer Division, 223, 235–236, 317, 384
4th Panzer Army, 141
4th Submarine Brigade, 361
Frolov (commander), 165
Front (Korneichuk), 63
Frostbite, 129, 256, 409
Frunze Academy, 297
FSB. See Russian Security Service
Fugenfirov (junior officer), 187
Fugenfirov, Genrikh Aronovich, 78, 145, 167, 191
Furmanov, Dmitri, 25, 318, 371
Fyodorov (Captain), 209, 211, 213
Fyodorov, Fyodor Ivanovich, 226, 233, 256
Garin, Georgy Grigorievich, 225
Gavrilovka, 320
Genkina, Esfir, 77, 81–82, 225, 374
Gerasimov, Alexander Akimovich, 63, 316–318, 324–331
Gerasimov, Innokenti, 317–324
Gerke (Lieutenant), 206
Gershman (translator), 392
Ginzburg, Lidiya, 433
Glamazda, Nikolai, 35–36, 41 (photo), 42–43
Glasnost, 435
Glavlit, 80–82
GlavPURKKA. See Main Political Administration of the Red Army
Glazkov, Vasily, 316, 324, 325, 479 (n. 96)
Glomozdin (Lieutenant), 218
Glushakov (soldier), 180–181
G-obrazny dom. see L-shaped building
Goebbels, Joseph, 2, 12, 81, 431
Golovchiner, Yakov Mironovich, 226, 235–236, 245, 255–256
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 435
Gordov, Vasily, 63–64, 70, 465 (n. 219)
Göring, Hermann, 12, 413
Gorishny (divisional commander), 280
Gorky, Maxim, 69–70, 76, 440
Gorokhov, Sergei, 143, 204, 206–207, 209, 222, 279
Gossman, Heinz, 389
of civilians, 13
of Germans, 427 (photo)
at Red October steelworks, 202 (photo)
Great Patriotic War, 16, 19, 31, 181, 433
Historical Commission and, 436
Mints and, 72
Zayonchkovsky and, 381
See also Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War
The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (Mints), 438
Grossman, Vasily, 7, 16, 20–22, 193 (photo), 265, 292–293, 340, 432, 435, 440, 465 (n. 223), 484 (n. 19)
Chuikov and, 36–37, 285, 432, 477 (n. 52–53)
Gurtyev and, 192–203
on Latoshinka, 203–222
Main Political Administration and, 39
Mamayev Kurgan and, 425–436
308th Rifle Division and, 61, 192–203, 435
Volga Military Flotilla and, 203–204
War and Peace and, 434–435
Yeryomenko and, 477 (n. 53)
Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, 266
Gubarev, Alexei, 269
Gulag, 54–55, 58, 463 (n. 183)
Gully (balka), 142, 210
Gulyutkin (Private), 329–330
Gumrak, 272
Gurov, Kuzma Akimovich, 52, 92, 99, 272 (photo), 273
Chuikov and, 266
at Finnish Front, 312
Gurov, Mikhail Ivanovich, 52, 225, 241–242, 244
Gurova, Vera Leontyevna, 83, 310, 311–315
Gurtyev, Leonty Nikolayevich, 144, 146, 148, 150–151, 162–167, 177, 189–192, 191 (photo), 195
artillery and, 194
Chamov and, 189–191
Grossman and, 192–203
Svirin and, 185–186
Guryev, Stepan, 57, 63, 126 (photo), 279, 282
Halder, Franz, 16
Hall of Military Glory, 436
Hero City, 356
Hero of the Soviet Union, 64, 217, 439–440
to Gerasimov, 318
to Rodimtsev, 292, 293
to Zaytsev, 338, 358, 369
Heroes, 47–50, 49, 61, 69, 194, 200, 265–266, 394
Communist party and, 184, 186
of Great Patriotic War, 381
Komsomol as, 154
Kukharskaya as, 394
Novikova as, 155–156
panzers and, 63
Reshetnyak as, 217
Rodimtsev as, 292
Rokovanova as, 182
Shonin as, 183 (photo)
women as, 284–285
“Heroic Stalingrad” (Genkina), 81–82
Hill 102.0, See Mamayev Kurgan
Hill 137.2, 321
Hill 143.8, 151, 152, 163
Hill 154.2, 151, 152, 157, 163, 167
Himmler, Heinrich, 2–3
Histoire totale, 76
Historical Commission, see Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War
The History of the Civil War, 73
History of the Factories and Plants, 69
Hitler, Adolf, 10, 15, 279, 416
Chuikov and, 286, 288
Goebbels and, 8
NSFO and, 22–23
Paulus and, 223, 255, 390
propaganda against, 386, 386 (photo)
Hitler-Stalin pact, 32
Holzapfel (German soldier), 412, 414–415
Horeski (Corporal), 389
Horses, 134, 137, 295–296, 433
House of Specialists, 117, 302
How the Steel Was Tempered (Korchagin), 30, 49
Hube, Hans, 205
Hühnel, Heinz, 411–413
Hüsken, Hubert, 383–384
Hütler, Max, 402–404
Ignatievna, Natalya Nikolayevna, 125
Ilchenko (Lieutenant), 237, 239–240, 241
Morozov and, 238–239
Yegorov and, 242–243
Ilchenko, Fyodor, 359
Ilmen (Lake), 10
Ilyushins, 335
In Memory of the Paris Commune (steamer), 89
“In the Line of the Main Drive” (Grossman), 192–203
Industrial district, 169 (photo), 177
Industrialization, 29, 68
Informburo, 187
Ingor, Mikhail Lazarevich, 145, 184–185
Institute for the Red Professors, 71
Institute for the Study of the Great Patriotic War, 358
Institute of History, 438–439
Internal city line, 99
International Brigades, 292
Ioffe, Ezri Izrailevich, 91, 93–94, 96, 105–106, 107, 113, 126, 130
Irtysh River, 163
Istpart. See Commission for the Study of the October Revolution and of the Russian Communist Party
Izvekov (medic), 338
Izvestiya, 290
Janeke, see Jaenecke, Erwin
Jaenecke, Erwin, 419
Jews, 437, 438–439
execution of, 8, 133
Grossman as, 435
as reason for war, 401, 408
Stalin and, 434
in Treblinka, 2–3, 455 (n. 7)
Vinokur as, 261
See also An
Joseph Stalin (steamer), 89
Ju-87 dive bombers, 196
Kalentyev, Alexander, 337–338, 357, 364
Kalganova, Zoya, 200, 203
Kalinin, Mikhail Ivanovich, 358, 369
Kalinin, Vasily Petrovich, 144, 145, 170–172, 181
Kalyada, Vera, 200
Kannengiesser (Captain), 395
Kanonetko (Junior Lieutenant), 320
Kapustyansky, G. B., 126 (photo), 378 (photo)
Karpov, Nikolai Petrovich, 38, 56, 225, 228, 232
Karpushin, Mitrofan, 46, 78
Kashintsev, Semyon Yefimovich, 91, 102, 107
Kashtanov (Lieutenant), 322
Kasterina, Nadya, 200
Katyusha rockets, 95, 123, 162, 228, 250, 335
Chuikov and, 274, 287
at Latoshinka, 209
Schmidt and, 239
Kayukov (soldier), 177–180
Kazakov (Seaman), 213
Kazatskaya, 299
Kessel (cauldron), 2, 10, 13, 222
Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War and, 84
diary from, 422–429
KGB, 440
Kharkov, 408, 416
Khodnev (Lieutenant), 376
Khozyain (boss), 38
Khrushchev, Nikita, 31, 38–39 (photo), 258 (photo)
Burmakov and, 258–259
Chuikov and, 271, 289
Rodimtsev and, 265
Stalin and, 289
Kiev, 298, 313, 340
Kirichenko, Alexei, 39 (photo)
Kirov District Committee, 123–124
Kirschenbaum, Lisa, 18–19
Klashin (Captain), 321
Klenovkin (commissar), 21
Knight’s Cross, 206
Knoerzer (Senior Lieutenant), 206
Koars (Lieutenant), 405
Kobylyansky, Isaac, 207
Kokorina, Nina Mikhailovna, 144–148, 147 (photo), 148, 152–154, 161–162, 172–173, 187–188, 192
Kolchak, Alexander, 25
Kolesnik, Alexei, 54, 78
Kolkhoz, 74
Kolosov (soldier), 200
Koltynin (Major), 400, 402, 409
Komarov (Seaman), 220–221
Komsomol, 29, 38, 39, 42–46, 228
Bolsheviks and, 48–49
Duka and, 226
Gurov and, 315
heroes of, 154
Kokorina in, 146
Maksin and, 154–156, 182
military sports programs of, 30
prisoners and, 182
Rodimtsev in, 295
Shonin in, 166–167
Siberians in, 182
38th Motor Rifle Brigade and, 226
Zaytsev and, 339, 361, 371
Komsomolskaya Pravda, 183 (photo)
König, Erwin, 356
Konov, L. I., 98 (photo), 110 (photo), 127 (photo)
Kopeykin (platoon commander), 320
Kopylova, Klava, 200
Korchagin, Pavel, 30, 49
Koren (comrade), 310
Korneichuk, Alexander, 63
Korobkov’s flotilla, 336
Korostylyov (orderly), 353–354
Koshkarev, Alexander Fyodorovich, 78, 145, 166–167, 188
Kosmodemyanskaya, Zoya, 154
Kostyuchenko (Private), 177, 179
Kosykh (Private), 161–162
Kotkin, Stephen, 20–21
Kotluban, 141, 157, 167, 187, 316
Kotov (Captain), 338, 346, 352, 363, 364
Kovalenko (soldier), 227
Kovalyova, Olga, 102–103, 102 (photo)
Kozin, Nestor, 31
Krasnaya Sloboda, 352
Krasnaya Zvezda. See Red Star
Krasnooktyabrsky District Committee, 102, 107
Krasnoufimsk, 362
Krasnov (doctor), 338
Krasnov, Ataman Pyotr, 27
Krichman (Colonel), 272
Kruglyakov, Andrei, 55
Krylov, Nikolai, 272 (photo), 280
Krylova, Anna, 18–19
Kudryavtsev (Sergeant), 344–345, 350
Kudryavtsev, Ivan Vasilievich, 226, 235, 256
Kukharskaya, Marusya, 394
Kulikov, Nikolai, 366
Kulinich (Lieutenant), 328, 329
Kuprorosnoye, 272, 325
Kurvantyev (soldier), 53
Kurosawa, Akira, 83
Kushnaryov, Ivan Antonovich, 145, 200
Kuzin, Ilya, 154
Kuznetsov, Fyodor, 73
Kuznetsov, Ivan Alexandrovich, 52–53, 180, 209, 221–222
KV tanks, 283
L-shaped building (g-obrazny dom), 232, 293, 305–310, 306 (photo)
Landsmannschaft, 22
Larin (Seaman), 212
Laskin, Ivan Andreyevich, 242, 246, 249, 252, 475 (n. 156)
Last Letters from Stalingrad (anthology), 423
“Latest Hour” program, 393
Latoshinka, 203–222
Afonin and, 207, 209
Extraordinary State Commission for Ascertaining and Investigating Crimes Perpetrated by the German-Fascist Invaders and, 207–208
Gorokhov and, 206–207, 209
99th Division in, 399
124th Rifle Brigade at, 210
16th Panzer Division and, 204, 205
66th Army and, 206
Stalingrad Front and, 204
300th Rifle Division and, 204–207
Volga Military Flotilla and, 203–204
Yeryomenko and, 207
Zayonchkovsky and, 207
Law, Jude, 356
Lazarev, Lazar, 20
Lazo, Sergei, 371
Leader (vozhd), 38
Lebedev (Military Council member), 274
Left Socialist Revolutionaries, 268, 269
Lemeshko (politruk), 217
Lenin, Vladimir, 23, 27, 45, 69
Leningrad, 7
Leonovy (soldier), 321
Lerenman (Major), 400, 409
Leshchinin, Vasily, 60
Levykin, Alexander, 43–44, 78, 431–432
Life and Fate (Grossman), 20–21, 265, 435, 440
Litvenenko (Lieutenant), 341
Livestock, 97, 128–129
See also Horses
Lizunov (Captain), 322–323
London Times, 4
Long Ravine, 346–347, 348, 362, 368
Looting, by Germans, 134, 137, 138, 388–389
Lüben, Herrmann, 402, 415–418
Ludwig, Günther, 223, 224, 235
Luftflotte 4, 86
Luftwaffe, 133, 151, 197
Lukin (Colonel), 241, 252
Lysenko (Captain), 211–212, 215, 217–218
Lyubimov, Yuri Valerievich, 208, 212–213, 215–217, 222
Lyudnikov, Ivan Ilyich, 144, 177, 280
Mail, 290
Main Political Administration of the Red Army (GlavPURKKA), 23, 24–25, 38, 39, 42, 55–56, 73
Makarenko, Andrei, 317
Makarov (Lieutenant), 387
Maksimov (Lieutenant), 344–345, 350
Maksin, Ivan Vasilievich, 144–145, 154–156, 182
Malenkov, Georgy Maximilianovich, 162, 163
Mamayev Kurgan, 11, 266, 271, 274, 277, 305, 342, 344–345 (photo), 346
Batyuk at, 341
devil’s domes on, 336
Grossman and, 425–436
prisoners at, 348–349
Rodimtsev and, 293, 301, 305
snipers at, 337–339, 365–366
Stalin and, 332, 341
284th Rifle Division and, 332–356
Zaytsev and, 359
Mamekov, Mikhail, 65
Manstein, Erich von, 10–11, 15
Markelov (commander), 165, 195, 197
Marshall, Samuel, 79–80
Marxism, 23–24, 47, 224
Mass-Observation, 468 (n. 271)
Matevosyan, Pavel Petrovich, 90, 91, 121, 122, 126 (photo)
Matyukha (soldier), 321
Medal for Battle Merit, 31
2, 336
Medal for the Defense of Stalingrad, 221, 356
Medal of Valor, 217, 363, 370
Megaphones, for propaganda, 391–392, 392 (photo), 393
Mekhlis, Lev, 38, 40
Meri, Arnold, 154, 182
Merridale, Catherine, 18
Messerschmitts, 123, 220, 284, 296, 335
Metelyov (Colonel), 337, 339, 357, 364, 366
Metiz factory, 334, 337–338, 341, 363, 364, 371
Mikhail Kalinin (steamer), 89
Mikhalyov (Colonel), 165, 166 (photo), 168, 195–196, 200
Mikhaylov (Private), 211
Military administrations, of Germans, 133
Military Council, 184, 274, 280, 289, 361–362
Military Council of the Pacific Fleet, 361
Military Publishing House, 436–437
Military sports programs, of Komsomol, 30
Military Supply School, 361
Mines, 122, 278
Minkin, Yegor, 269
Mints, Isaak, 4, 5, 6, 70–77, 71 (photo) , 75 (photo), 358, 400, 436–440, 438–440
anti-Semitism and, 438–439
in Communist party, 438
Gerasimov and, 317–318
October Revolution and, 439
The Short Course of the History of the All-Union Communist Party and, 71
Stalin and, 437
Mirokhin, Igor, 159
Mirolyubov (Lieutenant), 58, 59
Mokraya Mechetka, 395
Molchanov, Pyotr, 42, 44, 53, 65–66, 66 (photo)
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 81
Moroz (Lieutenant Colonel), 214, 217–218
Morozov, Lukyan Petrovich, 225, 226, 231–232, 237–239, 242, 245–246
Mortars, 194, 196, 215, 286, 322, 409, 419
the Fool, 199
79th Regiment and, 409
in 38th Motor Rifle Brigade, 228–229
308th Rifle Division and, 196
Motherland Calls (statue), 266, 425–436
Mukhin (Petty Officer), 219, 220
Musicians (dive bombers), 124, 200
Nakhimov, Pavel, 379, 381
National Socialist leadership officer (NSFO), 22–23
Nebolsin, Yakov Vasilievich, 208, 210, 217–218
Nechayev (Lieutenant), 229
New World (Novy Mir), 434
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 69
Nikiteyev (Captain), 352
Nikitin (Private), 322
Nikolayev (Private), 322
19th Division, 160
92nd Rifle Brigade, 302, 326, 330
97th Brigade, 236
99th Division, 399
Ninth of January Square, 348
9th Army, 265, 270
NKVD, 252, 398
blocking detachments and, 17, 33, 53, 58, 100, 162, 463 (n. 166)
censorship and, 67–68
Chuikov and, 265–266
deserters and, 58
evacuation and, 88
execution by, 17
in Red Army, 39–40
Special Department of, 16, 39–40, 66–67, 237, 250
with Chuikov, 276
at Latoshinka, 222
in Red Army, 55–57, 204
in 13th Guards Rifle Division, 293
in 300th Rifle Division, 204