Professor Sexy: Hockey Romance

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Professor Sexy: Hockey Romance Page 4

by Aja Cole

  I still get hard as fuck though, because the bits of brown skin peeking through skin-colored lace is sexy as hell. She’s wearing a high-cut lace thong and a strapless bra that’s longer than a regular bra.

  “What’s that bra called?”

  She looks down at her chest. “A strapless bustier?”

  “I like it. It frames your waist well, plus, cleavage.” I mumble. “Shit, woman. I could’ve used a warning.”

  “Well, I’ll be wearing it all day today under my clothes so you can think about that, while you get ready. Now, go shower.” She slips on a robe, and I want to weep at her covering up such a sexy view.

  But I know she’s right. I’m not going to be able to think about anything else all damn day.

  “Zip me up, please?”

  I finish securing my belt and walk to where she’s turned around, back of the deep green dress gaping open. God, it’s like she’s been poured into, it drapes over her curves so well. I’ve been hard since I walked back out of that bathroom and it’s a testament to my self- control and respect for my friends that I don’t say fuck this wedding and keep her in this room indefinitely.

  I find the zipper at the swell of her lower back and pull it up slowly, making sure I don’t catch any fabric or skin.

  “What the hell is that scent you’re wearing?” I keep leaning closer and inhaling because it makes me want to go back for more. With her dress zipped fully, I indulge myself and nuzzle my face into her neck and around her ears, where it’s strongest. Peaches? Something sweet? Maybe honey? But something spicy too.

  It’s like it never fucking ends.

  “It’s a perfume oil I ordered from this indie company.” She laughs. “I’m guessing you like it?”

  “Just start walking. I’ll stay like this all day. No one else will be able to get near you.” I’m only half-kidding. I know some of the other guys who’ll be at the wedding today and around this weekend.

  They’ll take one look at Neiko, smell her delicious scent, and try to make their moves.

  I usually keep my fights to the ice, but if I have to punch a fucker in the face this weekend for not heeding my warnings, I will.

  Neiko is mine.

  “Are you trying to keep me all to yourself?” She goes to move away, and I hook an arm around her waist, keeping her in place. I know she can feel how hard I am now, and I make it a point to press against her so there’s no ignoring it.

  “If I see a man talking to you for too long, I’m going full cave-man. You’re sexy as fuck, it’s going to be open season and if anybody thinks they get to touch any of this…” I can’t help the growl in my voice; it’s pissing me off just thinking about the other guys. Because I know them.

  And I know what I would do if it were me. I’d do my damnedest to swoop in, and the thought of any of them taking her away from me sends panic shooting through my veins.

  “You sound pretty possessive right now.” She turns in my arms, wrapping hers around my waist. Sparkling brown eyes peer up at me from under sooty lashes, and there’s a tantalizing glaze to her lips that makes me think of my favorite desserts. Neiko’s a full package, and I want to unwrap her so badly, it hurts.

  “You’re mine this weekend, Neiko. That’s not up for discussion.” I grunt.

  “Does that mean you’re mine this weekend too?”

  “Baby, I couldn’t be more yours this weekend if you slapped a leash on me and made me crawl around behind you,” I say seriously, liking the sound of her laughter.

  “Alright cave-man, let’s get this show on the road and make your bridesmaid back off.” I move in for a kiss, but she turns her face away. “Uh nope, lip gloss. Later.”

  I let her go and frown darkly, shrugging on my jacket and following her to the door after she grabs her clutch. Her ass came straight out of my dreams.

  Goddamn lip gloss. What a cock-block.



  The wedding was beautiful, and since it was one of my team-mates, there’s a lot of good friends and people to celebrate with.

  A few of the women I’m cool with have told me how much they approve of Neiko and she’s delightful to talk to. I’ve warned off my guys about fucking with me when it comes to her, and they seem more amused than anything, even though they were disappointed.

  I feel this odd sense of pride watching her mingle and laugh with some of the people I’ve gotten closest to.

  She fits into my life. That’s not something I’ve experienced or looked for before. Women have been temporary, for quick and mutual fun. I didn’t introduce them to friends, even accidentally. I knew this weekend would be more intimate than I’ve ever been with someone, and it almost made me tell her that I didn’t need a date after all.

  When I video called her to tell her that she didn’t need to worry about the weekend, she answered with such a bright smile that it hit me somewhere almost uncomfortable. Because she’s genuine. She’s not acting a certain way just because of who I am or operating with an ulterior motive.

  She’s just Neiko. And I want her to keep looking at me the way she does, like I can be more to someone than just a hit it and quit it.

  So, here I am watching her dance with the flower girl, twirling her around the floor and laughing with her. Something is expanding in my chest that I’m not quite ready to identify.

  “Tyler.” A syrupy voice comes from behind me, accompanied by a hand sliding its way around my hip and I remove it firmly, stepping away.


  “Oh, don’t be like that.” She pouts her lips, and once upon a time, I would’ve loved seeing that on her face. She’s a pretty girl, that’s why we got together in the first place, but it does nothing for me now. “I see you brought a date.”

  “Yes,” I say tightly, looking over her head and searching for Neiko. She was on the dance floor, but I’m not sure where she disappeared to, and I wish I could send up an SOS flare.

  “Well, that was silly.” She steps into my personal space again and puts a delicate hand on my chest, fluttering her lashes and leaning in conspiratorially. “You know that we’re going to end the night together anyway.”

  “We haven’t ended a single night together since that weekend, and that’s not changing tonight.” I step back again, but she follows me, relentless. It’s like what I say goes in one and ear and flees out of the other. Every damn time.

  “The more you deny me, the more determined I am. This playing hard to get thing is going to make things so good when I’m back in your bed tonight.” I don’t know how she’s so confident about her assertion, but it freaks me out.

  “I’m afraid that the spot in his bed is already taken, sweetheart, and three’s company.” Neiko comes up beside me, plucking Brandi’s hand off my chest firmly. “It’d be in your best interests to take your hands off my man.”

  In my head, I’m popping champagne and jumping on the bed at Neiko’s words and at the realization that’s finally dawning on Brandi’s face. It’s about damn time! I haven’t said an encouraging word, admired, or done anything suggestive to egg her on at any point. Some guys are fuckers and lead people on when they claim not to want them, but that’s not me.

  At the same time, even though I want her so much, hearing her claim me to someone else makes me feel a little odd. But I push the feeling away.

  “I just…I thought he was just being difficult.” Brandi looks chagrined, and I’m trying to keep my mouth from dropping. Difficult for two years?? The mind is terrifying. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep.” She nods at me and then moves away, sweeping her blonde hair over her shoulder and sidling up to one of the single rookies.

  “I’ve been trying to shake her for two years, and you freed me in a matter of seconds?” I search her face, and she looks pretty smug and proud of herself.

  “What can I say, I’ve got the magic.”

  “You’ve got some kind of magic.” The voice belongs to Liv, my buddy Carter’s fiancee. She introduces herself t
o Neiko and gives her an appraising look. “I’ve been trying to convince Brandi to let it go for months now.”

  “It’s because no one believes Saxton would settle into a relationship.” Carter comes up, slinging an arm around Liv’s shoulders.

  “Is he your typical playboy athlete?” Neiko raises an eyebrow, and I give Carter a warning look.

  “This one? The only thing I’ve seen him commit to in the time I’ve known him is winning.”

  Goddamn it.

  “Hm.” Neiko looks up at me, no expression on her face but curiosity, and I fidget.

  “Well, I think that’s enough from you two for tonight. See you later.” I take Neiko’s hand and guide her through the double doors of the great room, heading outside. The back deck opens into a garden with fairy string lights hung up everywhere, and we walk for a while without talking.

  Finally, she tugs me down to sit on a bench, stretching her shapely legs out in front of her and crossing her ankles.

  “You seemed to want to get away from your friends before they said anything else.” She sizes me up, and I widen my legs and lean against my knees, linking my hands together.

  “They know a certain side of me…and you know a certain side of me,” I admit, turning to her. She looks away and fingers a rose that’s on the trellis next to us.

  “So you’re different with me, is that the line you’re trying to hook me with?” She fingers the soft petals. Startling her, I tug her over into my lap and she protests, holding up a deep red petal. “You messed up the flower.”

  “I like you, Neiko.” I rest my chin on her shoulder. It’s a favorite place of mine lately. And she still smells damned enticing.

  “Do you like me, or do you like like me.” Her voice is playful.

  “I think I like like you.” I don’t know if she’s expecting that, and she quiets, settling herself more securely over my thighs. Turning, she drapes her arms lightly around me.

  “And how’s that going to work?”

  “I don’t know yet, just…wanted you to know. I’m not playing any games here or…you’re not a Brandi to me.”

  “Well, there’s no way in hell I’d chase you like Brandi did either.” She scoffs. “No matter how bomb the dick is.”

  “It’s pretty bomb,” I smirk, pressing a kiss to the side of her mouth. Her hands stroke my back lightly, and I wrap my arms around her waist.

  “Is it?” She murmurs, pressing in closer and turning her lips to mine fully. Hot, slow, deliberate. The kiss is a promise of things to come. “Show me, then.”

  I still. “Are you sure?”

  “Just know I’m grading you Professor Sexy, and I expect quality work.” Never have I wanted to laugh with a woman as much as I wanted to have her under me, over me, in front of me.

  Standing as she yelps in surprise, I hold her tight in my arms and stride around the deck and down the short pathway that leads back inside. Making it to the elevators, she presses the button since my hands are a bit full, and grins happily up at me.

  “Embracing the caveman, hm?”

  “Just wait until I get you behind a closed door.” I rasp. “This ass is mine.”



  There’s anticipation running through my veins, and my skin feels hot all over. Tyler picking me up in his arms and seeming so impatient to have me alone is an aphrodisiac all in itself.

  And his admission about liking me…unexpected, but it makes me feel so much better about all of this. I know that it doesn’t guarantee anything, and who knows…it could just be words.

  But it’s more than we had before. I open the door with our key-card since his hands are currently full of me, and I drop my clutch on the table by the door before sliding down his body. Immediately, he presses me back against the door and falls to his knees, making my breath catch. He touches his forehead to my abdomen, shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it aside.

  Pushing my dress up my hips, he palms my bare ass cheeks in his hands and presses his face to the lace covering my mound, prompting a moan to escape my lips. I can feel his breath on me, and his hands are roaming over my ass and fingering my pussy lips lightly over the fabric.

  I stroke my hands through his hair as a shudder runs through me when he inhales deeply.

  “Love the way you smell.” He growls, gripping my ass the way I love.

  “I might’ve swiped a little perfume oil on the lace, too,” I whisper, the anticipation almost too much for me to handle. I do not doubt that Tyler’s understanding of the female body is very comprehensive.

  “No, this is all you, baby.” He turns his head and presses a kiss to my thigh, nipping the skin with his teeth before he soothes the small pain with his tongue.

  Trailing his hands around to the front of my hips, he drags my thong down my legs, and I step out of it, still in my heels. I start to reach down and undo the straps, but he stays my hand.

  “These stay on.” He looks up at me, blue eyes heavy-lidded and face taut with arousal. God, the look on his face is intoxicating. He’s so focused on me. So much need.

  Running his fingers teasingly up the inside of my calves and thighs, he strokes one finger through my wetness, and I inhale softly. I want more, but I’m almost afraid to ask because I want to see what he does first. I’m lost in my wonder at what he’ll do next, how he’ll make me feel next.

  Parting me with both of his thumbs, he makes me feel vulnerable because he just stares at me.

  “What?” I breathe, pulling my bottom lip between my teeth nervously.

  “Let me just look at you.” He rasps. He looks almost reverent, and it’s a new experience for me. Anything dealing with my vag that wasn’t penetration has always seemed like an after-thought. I feel like I’m the only one who knows it intimately because it’s on my body…but Tyler looks at me like…like he wants to be very, very intimately acquainted. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Are you waxing poetic to my vagina right now?”

  “Shhh, we’re having a moment.” There’s dark laughter in his voice, and the seriousness of it weakens my knees, so I press my hands against the door. I don’t know if I’m going to be upright much longer if he keeps this up, let alone when he gets down to business.

  With one swipe of his tongue, he unravels me.

  And with another, and another, he tears me apart completely. He wraps a tongue around my clit, suckling it and closing it in his lips, parting me further with a thick finger. He massages my entrance, pressing one finger inside, then two. Thrusting those fingers into me in an upward motion, he’s hitting all the right spots. That plus his constant pressure on my clit feels so damn good, and I’m clutching at his hair and trembling in my heels. Jerking a leg over his shoulder, he dives deep into my pussy, and I keen low in my throat, unable to stop myself. He’s practically holding me up against the door now, and my pussy is one mass of sensation, threading out to electrify the rest of my body and make me tingle all over.

  I can’t even form words anymore, all I can do is moan and make unintelligible sounds that I can’t believe are coming from me. It’s an out of body experience if I’ve ever had one because I can feel how much he’s enjoying himself. Like he’s whispering his enjoyment and speaking to my pussy without words. That makes all the difference, to know how much someone is relishing in giving you pleasure, and my body is dripping with its thanks.

  He manages to press a third finger inside me, and it’s that fullness coupled with his talented mouth that sends me tumbling over the edge. I wrap my leg tighter around him, and hold him to me, riding his face with my body. If anyone’s outside the door, there’s no way they can’t hear my loud moans as he keeps up his motions, bringing me down from my climax. Pressing a soft kiss to the top of my mound as I sag lightly against the door, he then removes my shoes and tosses them aside.

  When his hands go to his belt, I almost give in and collapse to the floor because of the shiver that hits me. My cunt spasms, as if I didn’t just get off. I haven�
�t seen his cock, but I’ve felt it, and I can’t wait to lay eyes on him. He shoves his slacks down and magically produces a condom from I don’t know where, ripping the package with his teeth and sheathing his cock with it. It’s veiny and thick, and he looks like a warrior coming back to me, brandishing his sword.

  I don’t know if he picks me up first, or if I jump into his arms, but my head drops back against the door when he taps his cock-head against my clit a few times. Even through the condom, I can feel his warmth and I cream even more. With my legs locked around his waist and his hands full of my ass, he lowers me down onto his dick slowly, and I catch his gaze with eyes that I can barely keep open.

  “That look on your face, I’m going to see it every time I close my eyes.” His voice is throaty, and I pull his face to mine with my grip in his hair, opening my lips over his and kissing him sweetly. It’s almost a thank you for already being one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had. He picks up what I’m putting down, dipping his tongue lightly into my mouth and canting his head to kiss me deeper.

  While he busies himself with my lips, he lifts me off his cock and back down, pressing me back against the door for leverage. It feels so damn good every time he pushes the thick length inside me, and I break away from his lips because he’s making me breathless.

  “Pussy feels so good.” He traces my ear with his tongue, and I groan. It’s a hotspot for me, and he knows it. “Gripping my cock like it doesn’t want to let me go. Rippling around me. Wanna feel your cream all over me.” Dark and sensual, his voice is doing as much for me as his body is and I grip him tighter with my arms and legs, wanting it never to end. “That’s right baby, squeeze me tight.” He brings me down faster and pumps into me harder, and I just hold on for the ride, grinding down when I can and accepting his hot kisses.

  “Fuck, I’m close. Come with me, Neiko.”

  “Yes. Please.” I gasp, our movements uncontrolled and sloppy, but full of frenzy and need. It’s enough to drive us both wild, and I swear I can feel him coming even with the condom, and it sets me off too. He seals his lips against mine and swallows my yell, gentling his kiss as we both come down, and running his hands over every part of me he can reach.


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