Professor Sexy: Hockey Romance

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Professor Sexy: Hockey Romance Page 5

by Aja Cole

  He doesn’t say anything, but somehow, he has enough strength in his body to move us towards the bed. He falls back on it, and I make a little sound because everything’s a little tender.

  “Sorry, baby.” He strokes a hand down my face and I turn into it, feeling very soft.

  “It’s okay.” I lay on his chest, and he rubs a hand down my back soothingly. “I guess I should release you, huh?”

  “Let me get rid of this condom, and I’ll give you all the cuddling you can handle. Then I’m going to fuck you again.” He slaps my ass lightly, rolling me over and pulling out to throw the protection away. He undresses me and gets rid of his shirt, cuddling up behind me. He pulls me back tight against him, cupping my pussy with his hand and leaving it there. It’s oddly comforting.

  I don’t know how long we lay there, but I doze off with one of his hands covering my mound and another holding my breast possessively.

  It’s the most cared for I’ve felt in awhile.



  I feel really warm, and content.

  Like I did before Vic stopped staying over.

  I don’t open my eyes yet, but I feel Tyler moving his hands over my legs and side and over my breasts. That’s all he’s doing, just…touching me leisurely. I peek one eye open, and it’s to see him staring at his hands as they move over my body, and when he gets back up to my chest, he realizes I’m awake.

  “Morning.” His mouth kicks up, and he leans over for a kiss, but I turn my head away slightly.

  “Morning breath,” I speak through my closed fingers, and he pulls my hand away.

  “Closed mouth, then. But I don’t care.” He presses a quick kiss to my lips.

  “Why do you look so fascinated? I’m sure you’ve seen many female bodies.” I roll to my front and rest my head on my arms, watching his face. He’s got a bit of shadow where he needs to shave.

  “It’s the first time I’ve woken up with a woman.”

  “Ever? What do you do, disappear right after sex at night?” He looks chagrined, and I sit up, gathering the sheet over my breasts. “Wow, you’re that type of playboy, huh?”

  “It was just never like that with the women I was with; we had an understanding.”

  I press my lips together, lifting an eyebrow, and he sighs.

  “Okay, Brandi was an outlier.”

  “Unhuh. How did you manage that being in relationships?”

  He goes quiet, and I clutch the sheets around me even tighter.

  “You haven’t…because you don’t do relationships.” I say slowly.

  “I didn’t do relationships.” He emphasizes, and I slide away from the bed, trying not to jump to conclusions. But I do have questions. I wrap the sheet around me and tuck it under my arm, so I’m free to move around.

  “Just so we’re clear, what did you mean last night about liking me? Was that just something you said to make me feel better about sleeping with you?”

  “No.” He shoots up from the bed, standing. “Neiko, it wasn’t like that at all. I’m not going to lie and pretend I’ve wanted more with women over the years because I haven’t. Not really. But that doesn’t mean I was lying to you last night.” He comes closer, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking down at me. “I’m willing to try. I don’t have all the answers, but I figure taking a step is good for now right?”

  I don’t know if I believe him. I want to believe him. But why is it any different with me? Why would a guy who’s never seriously dated all of a sudden want to change that? People have patterns, and they do things for a reason.

  The words are coming out of his mouth, but I won’t know if they mean anything until I see more actions.

  In any case, I don’t want to think about it anymore. So I go with distraction.

  “We’ll worry about it later.” I slide both my hands into his boxers and grip his cock, loving his groan.

  “I think we need to talk about it. I want you to know I’m serious.” It’s like he’s forcing the words out, and instead of heeding them, I drop to my knees and tug his boxers down.

  “Oh, hello.” I kiss the tip of his cock, and he hisses. Licking my tongue around the head, I take him between my lips and taste the musky pre-cum and relish in the earthy smell of his skin.

  “Neiko…” He starts, and I take him deeper into my mouth, gagging just a little when he reaches the back of my tongue. But I push through it and when he curses above me, I know it was a good move. “Fuck.”

  I push him back until he’s sitting on the bed and crawl forward on my knees, claiming my position again and taking him in my hands. I sculpt every inch of his cock with my hands, thumbing the veins and enjoying the feel of him pulsing in my fingers.

  “Don’t tease me, Neiko.”

  “Don’t tease me, Neiko,” I repeat softly, looking up at him.

  He grimaces, hands clenching on the bed. “You don’t appreciate how much control it’s taking not to fuck you on the floor right now.”

  “Maybe I don’t care.” I tap his cock against my tongue playfully, and lick him like the tastiest lollipop around, covering every inch of him with my mouth. He’s so thick that he stretches my lips a little, but I love it.

  “You’re asking for me to light that ass on fire again with all that lip.” I laugh at the disgruntled tone of his voice and take him in my mouth again, bobbing my head up and down in a rhythm I think he likes, because he’s starting to move his hips to meet my mouth. I suck him with the same attention that he paid to my clit, and he rubs my head gently. “Fuck, don’t stop, baby. I’m going to come.”

  I’ve never swallowed before. Now seems like as good a time as ever, and I want to.

  When the first spurts of cum hit my mouth, it’s a little bit of a weird feeling and I gag before reminding myself to swallow. Things go smoother as he finishes, and I pull back, cradling his still hard dick in my hands.

  “First taste of sperm…not bad.” I muse. Giving me a look I can’t decipher, he cradles my face in his hands and kisses me, nipping my bottom lip as he pulls back.

  “I’m the first guy you’ve ever swallowed?”

  “New milestone I get to tick off, I guess.” He’s so close that when I talk, my lips brush his.

  “That’s hot.” He kisses me again in small, short kisses, pulling me up from the floor. “Really hot.” He murmurs, pressing his face to my skin.

  “I know you’re not ready to…do anything again.” I laugh because he’s started to tickle my sides and I try to roll away, but he’s not having any of that.

  “I’m ready to do everything.” He snatches the remaining sheet away, and directs his attention to more…southern territory.

  A girl could get used to this.

  I can’t say that I’ve ever walked the grounds of a vineyard hand-in-hand with a hockey player, but there’s a first time for everything.

  “Favorite color?”

  “I’m partial to grays.”

  “Fifty Shades of them?” He gives me a look, and I shake my head, grimacing.

  “Christian had way too many issues.”

  “That’s about as much as a reference as I can make, I didn’t watch or read any of it. Girls uh…” He trails off. “This is such great scenery.”

  “Girls what?”

  “Huh?” He glances at me from the corner of his eyes, shaking his head. “I don’t even remember what I was going to say.”

  “Liar.” I swat his arm lightly. “They wanted you to tie them up and everything else like him, didn’t they?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He hedges. “You know, we should go for a night-swim.”

  “Nope, not until you confirm that those girls didn’t wake up some wannabe Christian Grey.” I’m teasing him clearly, because no part of me that believes that the sexual confidence that he wears like a second skin is an act. I know there’s more to experience with him in bed, and I can’t wait to go down that road even more.

  He stops, turning m
e to face him. “I think you just insulted me.”

  “Who, me?” I widen my eyes innocently. “Nope. So, night swim?”

  He lowers his voice, sliding his hand around to my nape and stroking gently. There’s something about the move that always makes me feel a little more…deferential to him.

  “We’ll go on a night swim, and then you can decide if I’m a wannabe or not.” The heat in his eyes and voice is controlled, and I wonder if I’ve just opened a can of worms that I can’t put back.

  “You gotta be kidding me,” I whisper angrily, unrolling a wad of toilet tissue.

  My irregular period strikes again.

  I have the arm implant for birth control, and it’s made my periods pretty whacky. My doctor said things should stabilize soon since I’ve only been on it for four months now.

  I didn’t bring any pads or tampons with me, and I’m embarrassed that now I have to tell Tyler that our plans are over because cramps are definitely going to start with a vengeance soon.

  Fucking shit dammit fucking hell.

  Resigning myself to it, I open the bathroom door, and Tyler’s waiting in shorts and a tee.

  “What’s that face about?” He asks, setting his phone on the bed.

  “Uhm…” I hesitate. “My period started, and I’m not prepared for it. I’m sorry.”

  He doesn’t say anything.

  He stands and toes on his shoes, picking up his keys from the table, and I feel my stomach drop.

  “Are you…you’re leaving?”

  That’s it? Because I can’t exactly have sex right now?

  I feel myself tearing up, and I curse the goddamn extra hormones. But really, I know I’d probably feel this disappointment regardless, because I didn’t expect this from him. Not after the time we’ve spent together, little as it may be.

  He picks up his phone from his bed and finally looks at me, alarm covering his face.

  “Oh shit, are you crying?” He tugs me to him, and I try to wipe the tears away, angry with myself.

  “It’s stupid. I knew what this was. I’ll be fine. You can go.” I try to pull away, and he takes my chin in his hands, making me look at him.

  “Whoa, you cut that shit out right now. I was just thinking about where we passed a store so I could go pick up what you need, that’s it.”

  I feel my bottom lip trembling, and I feel extremely foolish and dramatic now.

  “We’ll talk about the fact that you thought I’d do some foul shit like leave, when I get back.” He frowns, wiping his thumbs under my eyes. “For now, give me a list of what you need, and I’ve got you, okay?”

  I nod, mute because I’m still berating myself. Leaning my forehead against his chest as he wraps strong arms around me, I sign before letting him go and sending off a quick text to his phone of what to get.

  When he gets back, he cuddles with me on the couch in front of the TV while we watch America’s Next Top Model re-runs and eat way too many peanut butter cups.

  Not once does he say anything about it being blowjob week or what he needs from me since I’m not into full-blown period sex. He just…is there.

  And it makes me wonder how I’m going to cope when he’s not.



  I’m pretty sure Neiko is avoiding me, and I don’t like it.

  I thought we ended the weekend on a good note, and since I’m not going to her class anymore, I’ve been trying to set up time with her for the past week.

  But she keeps being busy, and it’s pissing me off a little bit. I don’t think she believes me about wanting her. It feels like she took everything I said to her about my past with women, and is using it against me.

  I don’t chase women. I don’t beg for their time, but dammit, I really want to see her. I want her to want to see me too.

  I take the four flights up to her door and knock, waiting for her to open it. I didn’t call her and let her know I was coming because I didn’t want to give her the chance to tell me no.

  If she is avoiding me, then I want to know. None of this I’m busy bullshit at every turn.

  The door opens, and she looks put out that I’m standing on the other side of it. It does wonders for my ego.

  “Ty, what are you doing here?” Her voice is resigned, but I like that she uses a nickname instead of asshat.

  “I miss you. Can I come in?” She hesitates, and I think she’s about to close the door in my face, but she steps back, closing the door behind me.

  There are papers spread all over the table, and her laptop is out, along with a couple of books. She sits on the couch and she looks a little miserable.

  Was it a bad idea for me to come over? I set the bag of chocolate pastries down on the table and move to sit next to her on the couch, but I lean on my knees and keep my hands to myself. I don’t think she wants to be touched by me right now and damned if I know what the hell I did.

  “Did I do something?” I frown, glancing at her. I’m not used to this anxious feeling with a woman. There was only one person who gave me anxiety all the time…my mother.

  I’ve avoided caring that much ever since. But Neiko is under my skin now, and it can’t be helped. The only way to stop it is if I stop being with her, and I don’t want that.

  I feel like I’m an addict needing a fix. The craving to be near her, to touch her, to feel her…is stronger than anything I’ve ever felt before.

  “No, I just, I have a lot going on right now. I’m applying for jobs; I have exams and I just…I don’t have time to entertain you right now.” The exasperation on her face and in her body language surprises me.

  “I don’t need you to entertain me.” I clarify. “I just wanted to see you, even if it’s just sitting around while you take care of what you need to. Is that such a bad thing?” I’m genuinely baffled. And a little annoyed that she thinks I want her to be some plaything for me.

  I don’t. Not at all.

  “Look, this might be new to me, but it’s a good new. You don’t have to shut me out because you have this idea of what I want from you.”

  She’s quiet for a bit, and I wonder what’s going through her mind.

  “I had this problem before too; it’s not just you.” She says softly, regret in her eyes. “That’s part of why Vic broke up with me, because I shut him out when I got stressed.”

  “Well, Vic’s stupid.” I deadpan. She chews on her bottom lip, and her face is a little brighter and less stressed than it was when I first got here.

  “He was right, though. I retreat to myself if I’m dealing with a lot. I don’t let people support me.”

  I tug her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

  “Well, let me.” I kiss the side of her face, her cheek, the corners of her mouth. Hell, I’m just happy she doesn’t have that grimace on her face anymore.

  “Okay.” She whispers. “I’ll try.” Needing the feel of her soft lips beneath mine again, I capture her mouth and put all my pent-up need into the kiss. When she’s breathing hard and my cock’s straining against my jeans, I slide my hands under her shirt to cup the breasts that I know are bare.

  But she pulls away, shaking her head.

  “Not tonight, Ty. I’m not feeling up to it.”

  I take a deep sigh and pull my hands away.

  “Okay. No problem.” I’m horny, but I’m not going to be an asshole about it. Even if my balls are so blue that they’re probably purple.

  “Look, you can leave if that’s all you want.” She starts to stand, and I throw up my hands, annoyed for a different reason.

  “If you’re going not to believe what I say and create your own narrative, then what the hell am I even doing?” I stand too, propping my hands on my hips and pacing.

  She narrows her eyes at me and I glare right back, feeling ridiculous, but slightly vindicated when she exhales loudly and rubs her hands over her eyes.

  “I’m being a bitch; it’s been a rough week. I get snappy when I haven’t had much sleep.”

nbsp; “Well then, come on.” I shrug off my jacket and strip off my shirt. “Let’s sleep. Whatever it takes for you to stop treating me like I’m the enemy.” I probably sound petulant, but I don’t know what else to do.

  It’s never been hard for me, dammit.

  When I’m standing before her in just my boxers and my watch, she shakes her head and comes closer, sliding her arms around my waist and hugging me.

  “I’m a butt, I’m sorry.” She rests her chin on my chest, meeting my eyes. “I’ll make it up to you when I’m not so tired. You can even spank me if you want. I know you have a thing for my butt.”

  “Like I have to have your permission. I owe you one anyway from last weekend.” I scoff, tugging on her ear lightly.

  “Please don’t punish me, professor.” She grins, and I shift on my feet, because the words send lust through me.

  “Alright, the last thing we’re going to do is sleep if you don’t cut it out,” I warn, scooping her up and making her shriek. She lays her head against my chest, and I turn off her lights as I pass the switches, then set her down in bed.

  She ties a small scarf around her head then pounces on me, making me groan because I have to protect the family jewels with my hands.

  “Careful, woman.”

  “I’ll kiss it better in the morning.” She smacks a kiss on my lips and settles on top of me. I pull the covers over us, and our legs tangle together.

  Her breathing evens out, and I lay there for awhile, listening to her and feeling her heartbeat against mine.

  We haven’t talked about being exclusive or anything, haven’t defined the relationship. I know I’m not interested in seeing anyone else, and I know she’s not seeing anyone else either.

  Yet somehow, it still makes me nervous to start the actual conversation.


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