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The Slaver Wars: First Strike (The Slaver Wars Book Four)

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by Weil, Raymond L.

  The Slaver Wars

  First Strike


  Raymond L. Weil

  Books in the Slaver Wars Series

  Moon Wreck: First Contact (Book One, part one of three)

  Moon Wreck: Revelations (Book One, part two of three)

  Moon Wreck: Secrets of Ceres (Book One, part three of three)

  The Slaver Wars: Alien Contact (Book Two)

  Moon Wreck: Fleet Academy (Book Three)

  The Slaver Wars: First Strike (Book Four)


  Copyright © October 2013 by Raymond L. Weil

  Cover Design by

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter One

  The 800-meter Hocklyn escort cruiser Kraken exited the swirling white spatial vortex in the next system of their exploration sector. The cruiser WarFire appeared out of a similar vortex two hundred kilometers distant. The two cruisers were far from their support base in search of a mystery and for future worlds for the Hocklyn Slave Empire to conquer.

  “Jump complete,” reported Second Leader Slith as the different departments began reporting in.

  “Status on sensors!” barked First Leader Malken from the command pedestal, glaring impatiently at the sensor screens.

  The screens were still covered in static, which was normal immediately after a jump. During those few brief seconds, his ship was vulnerable. Malken wore light body armor that was nearly gray in color as was customary for command officers. He stood nearly two meters tall, and the six digits of his right hand were closed tightly in a fist as he waited.

  “Sensors are coming online,” the sensor operator reported as data began coming in.

  “The WarFire reports a successful jump,” Second Leader Slith informed Malken as communications were established with the other ship. “They are moving into a support position.”

  “No other contacts showing on sensors,” the sensor operator added calmly.

  “Very well,” replied Malken, glancing coldly at his second in command. “Begin standard scans and let’s see what this system holds.”

  Malken sat down in his command chair and gazed about the War Room. His ship and the WarFire were on a special mission. For the last one hundred years, there had been numerous reports of strange sensor readings and mysterious ships on the fringe of the empire. These ships had vanished before they could be engaged, and their system or systems of origin remained unknown.

  There had also been a marked increase in the number of escort cruisers that had been sent out on exploration missions and failed to return. There was a growing unrest in the Hocklyn High Council that some new and unknown enemy was systematically probing the empire’s defenses.

  As a result, the Hocklyn High Council had ordered that all future exploration missions would consist of two ships. In the past, one ship would jump into a system and scan it while the other held back in a nearby system and waited for a report. Now, both ships jumped in so as to be able to engage any enemy they might encounter. The council was confident that two Hocklyn ships could easily handle any hostile ship. More pairs of ships had been ordered sent out on exploration missions to determine if there was an imminent threat to the empire.

  It had been centuries since the Hocklyns had engaged a serious adversary. In that war, the Human Federation of Worlds had been destroyed at great cost to the Hocklyn attacking fleet. Now the Hocklyn High Council was worried that another powerful adversary was waiting in the near future and was behind these mysterious sensor readings and strange ships that had been detected. The numerous missing escort cruisers sent off on long-range exploration missions seemed to confirm this. If this continued, it would be necessary to notify their AI masters.

  “Sensors continue to report nothing in our immediate area other than the WarFire,” Second Leader Slith reported after speaking with the sensor operator in detail about the system. “The WarFire is ready to micro-jump farther in system on your orders.”

  “Very well,” First Leader Malken answered as he stood up and gazed impassively at the large sensor screen. “Set both ships up for a micro-jump and let’s get on with this exploration mission. The empire is growing impatient to find more worlds to bring us honor.”

  “This system holds no communications traffic,” commented Slith, gazing over at the First Leader with his large dark eyes. “This system will hold no honor for us. Perhaps it is best for us to go on to the next system.”

  “Be it as it may, we have our orders,” rasped Malken, impatiently. “We will scan all the systems in our search area thoroughly, even if they hold no new civilization to bring honor to our people.”

  A few minutes later, the two cruisers entered their respective white vortexes and jumped briefly into hyperspace, to appear several billion kilometers farther in system. The red dwarf system they were in contained seven planets, none of which seemed to be inhabited, even though there were three in the liquid water zone.


  Aboard the Human Federation of Worlds light cruiser StarSearch, a warning alarm suddenly sounded. The commander instantly focused his attention on his second officer, his eyebrows arching in a question.

  “What do we have, Mason?” demanded Commander Thomas, feeling apprehensive. It was very seldom that particular alarm ever sounded.

  The alarm indicated that there had been an unauthorized hyperjump into a neighboring system. All the systems around Earth and New Tellus for twenty-five light years were equipped with sensor buoys that could detect hyperjumps. It had been discovered a few years back that hyperjumps gave off an energy spike when the spatial vortex collapsed. Since that time, numerous sensor buoys had been placed in all of the star systems around the new Human Federation of Worlds to detect such spikes.

  The StarSearch was currently twenty-two light years from Earth on a standard patrol with two escort destroyers. The 700-meter cruiser was heavily armed and tasked with maintaining the security of New Tellus, Earth and the other systems of the new Human Federation of Worlds.

  Glenn Mason, the StarSearch’s executive officer, was standing by the holographic plotting table, which currently showed all the nearby stars within five light years of the ship. One of the stars was blinking a troublesome red.

  “One of the hyper detection buoys in Gliese 667C is reporting two unauthorized hyperjumps,” reported Mason with concern in his voice. He was worried as all Federation ships, both civilian and military, carried transponders that cleared them with the buoys.

  “Gliese 667C!” Commander Thomas replied, his eyes widening in alarm. “How many planets are in that system?”

  “Seven, Sir,” Mason replied as he
called up the information on his plotting table. “Only one is marginally habitable, Caden’s World, and there are several large mining installations on the planet’s surface. There are approximately twenty thousand people living in the two mining settlements. There are also twenty defensive satellites above the mining installations in geostationary orbits.”

  “Contact our escorts and set up a jump,” Thomas ordered with growing unease showing on his face. “Send a message back to Fleet Command that two unauthorized hyperjumps have been detected in Gliese 667C, and we are proceeding to investigate.”

  A few moments later, the communications officer reported that the message had been sent. It would take a few minutes for the message to reach Earth and New Tellus. All the systems around Earth had FTL communication booster satellites that allowed quick communication between the planets of the Federation.

  Thomas closed his eyes. For years, they had been expecting the Hocklyns to find the human worlds that Earth and the Federation survivors had settled. He opened his eyes and took in a deep breath as he watched his crew set up the jump. He hoped the hyperjumps detected by the buoy were just a couple of freighters off course with nonfunctioning transponders. If not, then the war the new Human Federation of Worlds had been preparing for might have just arrived. It the buoys had only detected one unauthorized jump he wouldn’t be too concerned, but two were an indication of something troublesome and possibly dangerous.

  “Destroyers Argyle and Swanson both report ready to jump on your command,” Major Mason reported as he listened to the incoming reports over his mini-com.

  Thomas nodded his head, knowing he might be taking his ships into a war situation. “I want the destroyers and us at Condition One when we exit the warp vortex. Have our two Talon fighters ready to launch if needed. This might just be a false alarm, but we will take no chances.”

  Major Mason nodded his head as he passed on the orders. He felt tense knowing what might be ahead. Almost instantly, red Condition One lights began flashing and a warning klaxon sounded. Mason spoke over the ship’s com system announcing the setting of Condition.

  Aboard the StarSearch, the crew raced to their battle stations, hoping that this was nothing more than a routine drill. In just a few minutes, all departments reported the setting of Condition One.

  Thomas leaned back in his chair at the command console. He gazed at the large viewscreen on the front wall, which currently showed a myriad of beckoning stars. He hoped the hyperjumps detected were not Hocklyn exploration cruisers. Thomas knew that back at New Tellus and Earth his message would cause quite a stir. Additional forces would quickly be rushed to Gliese 667C, but he couldn’t afford to wait. If those were Hocklyn ships and they discovered the mining installations, they would know they had discovered a high tech civilization. If even one of those ships escaped, it could mean disaster for the human race.

  “Jump,” ordered Thomas, staring straight ahead at the viewscreen. “Let’s find out what’s waiting for us.”

  In front of the three ships, blue-white jump vortexes formed. Quickly the three ships entered the vortexes and jumped into hyperspace as the vortexes collapsed behind them.


  First Leader Malken gazed in surprise at the latest data from the ship’s sensors; the system was inhabited! They had detected several mining installations on the fourth planet.

  “It’s confirmed, Sir,” Second Leader Slith reported as he turned to face the First Leader. “Long-range sensor scans have detected two large mining installations on the planet as well as numerous satellites in orbit. We may yet find honor in this system.”

  “It’s those satellites that worry me,” replied First Leader Malken, gazing suspiciously at the sensor data on the main sensor screen. “They are positioned directly above those two installations, and why are there so many of them? If they were just normal communication or weather satellites, they would only need six or eight to cover the entire planet. We are detecting twenty, and they are positioned extremely close together.”

  “Defensive satellites?” Second Leader Slith said warily, his dark eyes widening at the thought. “That would indicate they are expecting an attack.”

  “Possibly,” Malken responded as he studied the data on the screen. “Move us in closer, but keep us out of the planet’s gravity well. I want to get some more detailed scans before deciding on a course of action. We are too far out to be able to transmit a message to the nearest fleet base and I want to be prepared to run if necessary.”

  “Run!” blurted Slith in shock as he took several steps back from the First Leader. “We are Hocklyns; we don’t run! We will gain no honor running from an enemy.”

  “In this case, we do,” responded Malken in a grave voice, his cold eyes focusing on his second in command. “We have been losing ships mysteriously for years. Our orders from the High Council are clear; if we detect any advanced civilizations, we are to report back immediately. We will suffer no loss of honor in doing so. We will only be following orders.”

  Slith was quiet as he weighed the First Leader’s words. There would be no honor in retreating. Orders from the High Council could not be refused, and severe punishments awaited those that disobeyed.


  On the surface of the planet, long-range sensors had already detected the two Hocklyn cruisers. A frantic message had been sent to Fleet Command indicating that two enemy ships had been spotted and were approaching the planet.

  “Put the defensive satellites at Condition One and order all personnel to the deep bunkers,” Lieutenant Krandle ordered as she studied the data coming across the sensors in the operations center. “Order all marines to their defensive positions in case the Hocklyns land Protectors.”

  “Surely the Fleet will arrive before that happens,” Sergeant Simmons responded as he quickly passed on the orders. He knew they were ill prepared to stop a Hocklyn attack.

  He had never been in combat before, and those two approaching ships worried him. Counting the lieutenant and himself there were only forty marines on the entire planet. Twenty were stationed at each of the two mining installations. The area they had to protect was too large for the forces they had on hand. All they could hope for was to fight a delaying action until help arrived.

  Lieutenant Krandle glanced down at her watch. “We’re twenty-one light years out from Earth and fifteen from New Tellus, which means we’re on our own for at least an hour unless we have a patrol fleet close by.”

  “Our people are making their way to the bunkers,” Adam Severson reported as he walked up to the lieutenant. He was a civilian and in charge of the mining operations. There were a number of other people in the operations center operating the different consoles that monitored the settlements and mining operations. “It will take nearly an hour to get everyone safely inside the bunkers. The miners are going to the deeper sections of the mines until we sound the all clear.”

  “That’s all we can do for now,” responded Lieutenant Krandle, wishing she had more marines to protect the civilians. Why had the Hocklyns chosen her system to show up in? Krandle let out a heavy sigh as she weighed her options.

  If the Hocklyns landed Protectors, they would lose a lot of people. From what she had been told by her superiors, the Hocklyns showed very little mercy toward civilians. She just hoped they didn’t get nuked from orbit. The Hocklyns had a propensity for using nukes against civilian targets.

  “Hocklyns,” Severson spoke with fear and worry in his voice as he looked at the two threatening red icons on the main sensor screen. “How did they find us?”

  “Probably one of their standard survey missions,” replied Krandle, wishing the doors to the operations center were armored. If they got through this, that would be one of the first things she would recommend. This room would not be a good place to defend; it was extremely vulnerable to attack. “They have been coming nearer to our space every year, and it had to happen sooner or later.”

  “Multiple hyper traces being recorded in the outer
system,” Sergeant Simmons suddenly reported as three more red threat icons suddenly appeared on the long-range sensor screen. The three red icons suddenly turned green, indicating friendly ships.

  “I guess today’s our lucky day,” Lieutenant Krandle breathed with a sigh of relief. “A patrol group must have been close by.”

  “Thank, God!” spoke Severson, looking with renewed hope at the sensor screen. He didn’t relish seeing his mining operation turned to rubble in a battle with the Hocklyns. “Can they handle the Hocklyn ships?”

  “We will know shortly,” replied Krandle, her eyes focusing on the screen. “Make sure everyone continues to the bunkers until this is over. Communications get me a line to whoever is in charge of those Federation ships.”


  Commander Thomas had felt the normal queasiness associated with a jump and waited expectantly for the long-range sensor screens to come online. In just another few moments, he would know what the two unidentified ships in the system were.

  “I have a communications from a Lieutenant Krandle on Caden’s World,” the communications officer reported. “She is reporting that they have two Hocklyn escort cruisers inbound. She has placed the planet’s defensive satellites at Condition One and is sending everyone except the operations center staff and marines to the deep bunkers.”

  “Sensors online, and I confirm two Hocklyn escort cruisers,” the sensor operator reported in a calm voice. “They are 20 million kilometers distant from the planet and moving inward at approximately 10,000 kilometers per second.”

  “We have less than an hour before they hit the planet’s defenses,” Major Mason commented as he studied the data above his holographic plotting table. “If they don’t jump out before then and report back to their fleet base.”

  Thomas shook his head as he weighed his options. “We can’t let them do that. We have our standing orders to destroy any Hocklyn ships that appear in our space.”


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