Rocky Mountain Home
Page 39
Blog post: Wedding Bell Blues
It’s not what you think. You’ve been listening to me post about pre-wedding jitters for the past six months, and today is finally the day.
I’m not at all nervous anymore.
In fact, the blues are what’s outside the door. After two weeks of clouds, the sky cleared last night. An Alberta bluebird day. For those of you who have never seen it, consider the pictures you’ve drooled over of a Caribbean ocean, or a pristine glacier-fed lake.
But most importantly, this blue is the colour I see every day when I look into the eyes of the man I love.
Oh, and about those bells…
The happiness inside was real. Dare glanced out the window at her new home, past the picture frames filled with shots of family from near and far, and offered up a prayer of thanks for all her blessings.
Then she hit publish and went to get ready to say I do, forever to the man she loved.
Joel fidgeted with Jesse’s tie then adjusted the bright blue swatch handkerchief tucked into his suit pocket. They were waiting with their brothers out behind the garden shed. The one tucked away to the back of the open area where the wedding was about to take place.
Midway between their two homes, the sound of laughter rang on the air as family and friends gathered.
Jesse was ready for this. He was more than ready for this, which created a happy sensation in his gut.
Dare had done the old-fashioned “refused to be seen” in her wedding get-up route, and he wanted a peek.
After a year together she just got more damn beautiful every day, and he couldn’t wait to make her officially his.
Joel, on the other hand, was nowhere near as collected. “Then after the vows we have to sign something. Then we have to—”
“Why’re you trying to memorize this?” Jesse demanded. “The justice of the peace will tell us where to go next, and if he doesn’t move fast enough, Jaxi will jump in. Poof—instant wedding organization.”
His twin nodded. “I know. I’m just… I want to get on with it.”
“You ain’t the important ones today,” Blake pointed out. Their oldest brother leaned against the wall beside the window.
Matt snickered. “Come to think of it, you’ve never been the important ones.”
Jesse adjusted his cuffs, smoothing the sleeves. “Come on. Everyone knows that the farther down the birth order, the more important the kid. Because they were trying for perfection after dealing with you.”
A snort escaped Travis. “You got that sideways, bro. The fact they went for it again means we were so awesome they were hoping for the same results. Notice they stopped after you two?”
Even Joel mustered a terse chuckle.
“Heads up.” Daniel joined them. “Beth says music starts in under five minutes—the ladies are finally moving.
For one lingering moment there were the six of them. Gathered in a semicircle, tall and solid, and most definitely family. Jesse skipped his gaze over his brothers in turn, solid respect and love for each one of them rising up. Blake—who’d proven he was a man of principle and a man of compassion. Willing to do what was hard to build the strongest family possible, just like their father.
Jesse gazed at Matt and Daniel, each who had settled into happiness in their own way. Travis who had become so much more than a rule-breaker and a wild card.
Then he let his gaze rest on Joel. His brother who was more than family—he was Jesse’s best friend again. Better friends than before because Jesse had learned a thing or two regarding how to give a damn about someone other than himself.
Blake stepped forward and placed an arm around his and Joel’s shoulders. “We Colemans ain’t the prayin’ type, but it seems right to say a word of thanks that we’re all here. That we get to work together and play together and today—celebrate together. We’ve pulled through some tough moments, and dealt with our differences, and I think we’ve come out stronger on the other side. We’re damn lucky we’ve each found the perfect partners willing to head into the future with us.
“I’m glad we’re brothers. I’m glad we’re family, and I look forward to every damn day from here on, even through the rough times, because you’re all with me.”
Jesse’s throat tightened up, and Joel coughed. Even Travis looked touched.
Music started in the background, but Jesse had to say it. “You’re the best brothers ever. Thanks for putting up with my bullshit and making me grow up. Double thanks from the woman crazy enough to agree to get hitched to me permanently, and from my son, and my future kids. We couldn’t do this without you.”
“Jeez, you want me to be a blubbering fool?” Joel complained, wiping at his eyes before flashing a grin. “Stop procrastinating. It’s time.”
They accepted a firm pat on the shoulder from Blake then slipped around the corner to where they were expected to stand at the front of the gathering, waiting for Dare and Vicki to arrive.
Jesse caught Joel before they moved to their assigned positions. “That thanks goes extra for you, considering you’ve put up with more of me being an asshole than anyone else.”
Joel shook his hand firmly. “Asshole or not, you’re my other half. Love you, jerk.”
They grinned at each other, then Jesse took those final steps.
There was no motion from the door of the house yet, so he let his gaze drift over the gathered crowd. Daniel and Beth’s boys were seating the guests, Lance all gangly and teenage awkward in a dress shirt and tie, Nathan and Robbie only a little less so, but all of them proud as they guided the last arrivals to their places.
The entire Coleman horde was there, and at each face a memory or two flashed into Jesse’s mind. Running wild with his cousins Steve and Trevor from the Moonshine clan. Trying to talk his way out of a speeding ticket or two from Anna. Chatting about horses with Karen from the Whiskey Creek. Time spent with Rafe and Laurel—too many good memories to put them all in a neat little package.
Then there was his family and Dare’s.
Hope with a baby belly out to forever with Matt hovering protectively, Colt wiggling in his grasp. Beth and Daniel found their seats, and the boys settled next to them contentedly.
Travis had one arm around Ashley, the other holding bright-eyed, blonde-haired Daisy who happily sang a nonsense baby song while they waited. Cassidy sat beside them, cradling the newest arrival to the clan. Baby River had arrived only a week earlier, with a shocking amount of dark hair and a decidedly Coleman look to his features.
Blake and Jaxi. Mike and Marion. All Dare’s brothers and Ginny—the lot of them were seated together in one giant mixed-up batch. Children had been passed around and were being contained on random laps. Emma Stone sat next to Rebecca, Sasha held Lana’s hand.
Baby Jessie lay sleeping in Ginny’s arms while Joey clung happily to Luke’s shoulder. There’d been enough visits between the ranches that even the non-Coleman-looking person was family to their son.
Jesse’s cup of happiness overflowed.
Something bumped him from behind, and he glanced down to discover Travis at his heels. “What’s up?”
Travis tugged the bottom of Jesse’s pant leg. “You had a smudge.”
He sounded far too amused, but then the music swelled, and Jesse ignored everything except the vision leaving the house.
Dare and Vicki stopped just shy of the back row of seating, hugging each other fiercely.
There was another joy he might have missed if he hadn’t had the good luck to stumble into Dare all those months ago—that the girls loved each other as friends as deeply as they did only made his and Joel’s lives better.
They broke apart, each moving to the top of the aisle that led to where he and Joel waited. While he supposed Vicki looked nice, Jesse only had eyes for Dare.
She’d picked a slim dress in a rich blue shade that matched the cloth in his pocket, the fabric clinging to her curves. Her hair was twisted up on top of her head, a few long strands curling down in a wa
y that made him want to take her somewhere private to mess her up.
Neither of the girls had anyone to give them away, and Dare had sweetly but firmly turned down the offer from Caleb. Jesse realized how right this was. This was her, giving herself into his hands to care for, and love and protect.
Her choice, his privilege.
She walked slowly toward him, a smile growing on her lips that teased his senses. A sexy, trusting look meant for him alone.
A smile he was going to spend a lifetime enjoying.
But when he finally took her hand in his, her sweet, sexy expression turned to pure mischief as she pressed something soft against his palm.
He glanced down at his hand in confusion.
A piece of plastic fruit?
“You stole my cherry, now you gotta marry me,” Dare said softly.
That was all it took to push him over the edge. Screw protocol.
A low growl escaped as Jesse tugged her close so he could kiss her. Right then and there, as laughter rose from the gathering. Dare smiled against his lips before wrapping her arms around him and kissing back enthusiastically.
They’d get to the wedding eventually.
Another Epilogue
The vows were done, and they kissed again, this time with a little less laughter.
Then the justice of the peace motioned toward the table where there were forms waiting to be signed.
Jesse took a step forward, and something rattled. Bell-like.
He stepped again, and it grew louder, like a Santa at the mall at Christmas.
Dare snickered, glancing at Vicki. “You didn’t.”
“It wasn’t me,” Vicki protested, but she was laughing as well.
Jesse lifted a foot and music rang out. Around his boot was a collection of sleigh bells. He checked the other side—yup, another set.
He joined in the laughter, shaking a finger at Travis.
It would be the work of a moment to remove the bells, but when it came down to it, what the hell.
He took Dare by the hand and walked forward—
Happily ringing.
I hope you enjoyed Jesse & Dare's story! I can't believe that the Six Pack Ranch Series has finally come to a close. It's been a long journey, and I am so glad that you've stuck with me for each Coleman's story.
As you may have already guessed, I am so excited to announce that I will be writing more cowboy books, starting with the Stone family of Heart Falls. A RANCHER'S HEART, featuring Caleb Stone and Tamara Coleman will be released in November, and I can't wait for you to read more about the Heart Falls cowboys.
A Rancher's Heart
This cowboy has given up on love, but the new nanny might just make him change his mind. The first in a brand-new series from New York Times bestselling author Vivian Arend.
Caleb Stone is wearing too many hats and it’s making him crankier than usual. He’s a cowboy, a father, and the head of his large family—and has been since tragedy claimed his parents over ten years ago. The ranch is struggling, but it's the title of single dad that’s got him tangled up in knots. He needs a full-time, live-in nanny at the Silver Stone homestead in Heart Falls, Alberta, to help with his two little girls, but the woman about to arrive on his doorstep? Tantalizing, tempting, and trouble with capital T’s.
Tamara Coleman doesn’t regret the choices that led to losing her job, but she definitely needs a fresh start. When a friend recommends her for a nanny position in a new town, she swears this time it’ll be different. No more acting on impulse—except sexy, gruff Caleb is exactly the kind of man who pushes all her buttons. And what’s more, it’s so much fun to push his in return. Sparks fly between Tamara and her gorgeous boss, but she can’t risk her position, and he doesn’t dare risk his heart.
With two people fighting their true natures, something’s going to give. Luckily, there’s more than one way to capture a rancher’s heart.
A Rancher's Heart: pre-order now
If you want more romance set in Rocky Mountain House, check out the Thompson & Sons series, which starts with RIDE BABY RIDE. This is Katy Thompson & Gage Jenick's story, an unforgettable night that gets forgotten.
Thompson & Sons
Ride Baby Ride
Rocky Ride
One Sexy Ride
Let It Ride
A Wild Ride
About the Author
With over 2 million books sold, Vivian Arend is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 50 contemporary and paranormal romance books, including the Six Pack Ranch and Granite Lake Wolves.
Her books are all standalone reads with no cliffhangers. They’re humorous yet emotional, with sexy-times and happily-ever-afters. Vivian pretty much thinks she’s got the best job in the world, and she’s looking forward to giving readers more HEAs. She lives in B.C. Canada with her husband of many years and a fluffy attack Shitzu named Luna who ignores everyone except when treats are deployed.
For news, free vignettes, and all sorts of mischief, sign up for Vivian’s newsletter:
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Rocky Mountain Home
Copyright © 2017 by Vivian Arend
ISBN: 978-1-941456-13-2
Edited by Anne Scott
Cover by Angela Waters
Proofed by Sharon Muha
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations.
First electronic publication: July, 2017