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Page 5

by Sapphire Knight

  Viktor gradually pulls away, kissing my top and bottom lips softly, chastely. I remain still, unmoving, relishing in the feeling of being touched and kissed and actually enjoying it.

  He tenderly places his forehead on the side of mine, holding my face in place, and I keep my eyes closed. Just enjoy this feeling a little longer.

  He whispers gruffly, “Now that – that is how our kiss should have been.”

  Vik places a tender kiss in my hair and I pull back. I look him in the eyes and nod minutely, staying silent. He literally took my breath away just now. My mind is reeling trying to process this feeling of wanting to do more right now instead of being scared as I normally would be.

  Grasping my purse, I scramble out of the vehicle quickly and he lets me go. I was almost expecting him to hold me back. Maybe pull me in and kiss me again. Perhaps that’s just what I wish would happen.

  Turning to face him, I stand beside the car, peering at him dazedly. I take in his dilated eyes, chest rising rapidly and clenched fists making him appear even more delicious. I lean in, kindly saying, “Thank you for caring about me, Viktor.”

  “Good night, my lovely,” he responds and grins as Spartak closes the car door and leads me to my vehicle. Minus the scuffle in the club, I’d say it was a very good night.


  Chapter 4

  One week later…

  I’m standing in the club chatting with Alexei about business when he immediately moves in front of me to intercept Nikoli. Niko’s my brother’s pet, the blond gorilla, who is storming toward me at full speed.

  He would probably smash Alexei up quite easily, but my guards are loyal. They will take it as much as possible in order to protect me. I can’t imagine what could possibly have Niko wound up in a tizzy, to come at me like this.

  “It’s okay, Alexei, he’s Tate’s man.” I tap him lightly on the shoulder and he moves back to my side.

  Niko yells loudly, his Russian accent stronger than mine, as he shoves in to me “You fuck!”

  Backing up, I place my hands up in a placating gesture and breathe deeply, attempting to cool my rising temper before I do something to upset my little brother. Niko obviously has a death wish, pushing me like that.

  “Nikoli! Touch me again and I will put you in a lake!” I growl sternly and he huffs angrily in return. “Did you jump Tate’s leash? He would have your head if he were to witness your behavior right now.”

  “I am on no leash, ass face. Tate is my best friend, he would show me support.” His outburst is defensive.

  “No, you are his guard, Nikoli, and you are messing with business and family right now. Tell me, why are you wasting my time and why am I not drowning you right now?”

  “Do you have any clue who Kendall is?”

  “Of course I do, I have had business with her father in the past.”

  “Well, I hear from her sister you bust her nose. Bina not happy so I come to fix.”

  “I did not bust that troll’s face. She was interfering with Elaina and me leaving the club. She started it and Elaina finished it. I spoke to her father the other day and everything is settled.”

  “How is it settled? I have not heard of this.”

  “He asked me to take her to lunch and apologize. I agreed. Not that it’s your business. Who is Bina?”

  “Sabrina Cheslokov, Kendall’s younger sister.”

  “Ahh, I see, and you fancy her?”

  He looks at me skeptically. “She is good friend.”

  “Very well. I understand. Is that all?”

  “Yes, my apologies, sir, I didn’t know it was fixed.”

  “I understand that.” He starts to turn around. “Oh and Nikoli?” I call out calmly and he turns back to me.

  “The next time you want to inquire, have my brother call. You approach me in such a manner again, and I will not hesitate to teach you manners. You forget my brother is not the only powerful man around here.”

  He looks taken aback for a moment then nods in resignation. “Sir,” he says and when I nod back he takes his leave.

  “You okay, Boss?” Alexei turns to me, concerned.

  He scans me from head to toe once Niko is out of the club. I pull on my jacket to straighten it out again, brushing the small creases with my hands. I can’t stand not looking professional when I’m out in public.

  “I’m fine,” I grunt. “I’ll let that one go.” I rub my temples, trying to soothe my irritation, and continue, “I know what it feels like to be taken with someone and wanting vengeance when they are hurt.”

  “Are you planning on letting Knees know about what happened?”

  “No, I know if I call my brother he will put Niko down and I don’t want to take his close friend from him. Don’t call him that in public either. That name is for our ears only and I don’t want the wrong person getting wind of it. There are many Feds out there trying to figure out who matches up with that name.”

  “Yes, sir, of course. It won’t happen again,” he responds and goes back to watching the club.

  “Would you like anything, Viktor?” my Printsyessa asks, distracting me from my anger.

  Smiling slightly at the light she ignites inside me each time I hear her voice, I gaze at her, entranced by her stunning blue eyes. “No, lovely, I’m fine. I need to go handle a few things. Are you okay? I will leave Spartak for you.”

  “I understand you can’t always be here, Viktor, and it’s okay. Thank you for always hanging out, but go. I’ll be okay and you don’t have to leave Spartak if you need him.”

  “No, Elaina, I will leave him. I like knowing someone is here to help if you need anything. It gives me peace of mind and calms me.”

  “Okay, if you insist. I’m going to pretend he’s my personal assistant though, less of a stalker feeling. I have to go sit in on a meeting, so I’ll see you later?”

  “Of course, you can see me anytime you wish.” She blushes and I grin in response. “Shall we have dinner?”

  “I guess that would be fine, but nothing crazy. Just something simple, please.”

  “I promise I’ll keep it tame.” I had tried to wow her in the past and it was the opposite, she left and went home prior to even eating. I was embarrassed to say the least and haven’t had the nerve to ask her for another chance until now.

  “Okay, great,” she replies with a beautiful bright smile.

  Finally she agrees to dinner with me again. It’s been months and this time I’m not screwing my chance up. Now I just have to figure out something she will like. I wish I didn’t have to leave her right now.

  It’s Saturday morning, around eleven, and Elaina has to go to that boring staff meeting she mentioned. Then she’ll be stuck here doing the weekend prep for the staff. She’s off but comes in to get paid for a few hours of prep and stocking.

  I came up with it so she would have an easy way to make the extra money I know she needs. She isn’t aware that it’s not a normal position and I prefer it that way. I wanted to pay her even more but the manager said it would be too obvious. The other bartenders were happy to give up some of their required side work. They are lazy goons wanting to slack off, nothing like my sweet Elaina.

  Unfortunately I have to meet with Kendall today for our ‘lunch date’. I don’t want to, but I am keen on keeping the peace between our families. The best part about today will be getting to have dinner with Elaina. It will completely make up for having to subject myself to Kendall for an hour or so.


  I’m sitting through this mind-numbing meeting listening to the manager basically telling us all how we are doing a shitty job and to quit slacking off. I work my butt off here so I’m pretty much ignoring him. As if dealing with the drunk assholes isn’t enough, the manager has to be one too.

  I stare, bored, at his bald little head and beady gaze. I don’t understand how he even has this position. I wonder if he’s related to the Masterson’s and they just gave him the spot. I could do a better job with this place t
han he does. Aren’t managers supposed to interact with customers and motivate their employees? Because we get none of that with him.

  My phone beeps loudly with an alert in the quiet room and everyone in the meeting turns to me. Shit! I forgot to turn it on silent. I always do that and hate when this happens! Todd, the asshole manager, grunts and stares at me, irritated.

  “Umm, sorry,” I stammer. Fuck!

  He shakes his head and turns back to resume talking. I roll my eyes defiantly; that idiot just makes me want to throat punch him, he’s such a jerk. I’d bet your sweet ass his phone isn’t on silent either.

  Might as well check it out since everyone knows it went off anyhow. I swipe my finger across the screen and a new message pops up from an unknown number. I click on the message to download the attachment.

  A few beats later after it finishes loading I’m staring at an image of Viktor and that snotty bitch from the other night.

  Kendall’s dressed to the nines. All slutted up in a snake skin print dress that dips so low down her chest her breasts would be showing in a strong gust of wind. She probably weighs an extra ten pounds with her obnoxious jewelry. Her painted on face is bright with laughter, and Viktor’s smirking. They’re seated in what appears to be a fancy restaurant and Kendall’s arm is stretched across the table, resting on his wrist.

  My anger swells up into my throat. I study Kendall’s features closely, I’m glad to see her nose still looks bruised. Ugh! Stupid bitch! I know Viktor’s not mine, but he’s here for me almost every shift! Does this mean he sees her during the day? Then shows up here in the evening? I tell him nothing fancy, so he takes her to a nice place instead. Viktor has nerve to spew that shit about caring for me and then take Kendall to lunch.

  He can go fuck a duck. I’m not meeting his ass for dinner. Fuck that shit. I look at the number again. I don’t recognize it; I’m going to text it back.

  Me: Who is this?

  Unknown: No one

  Me: Why did you send this?

  Unknown: You should know the Devil you spend time with

  Me: Devil?

  Me: Why is he a Devil?

  Me: Hello?

  I get no response and I feel my throat wanting to close up on me as if I’ve just been stung by a thousand bees. I stand abruptly in the middle of the meeting, “Fuck this.” I choke the words out loudly and walk out.

  Todd stands there with his mouth open, gaping at me. I don’t care, won’t be the first time I walked out of a place and probably won’t be the last. I’m sick of these Russians.

  I hurry to my car in the employee parking area. Slamming the door and revving the engine, I peel out through the gravel parking lot, spewing rocks all over Viktor’s car that the guard uses and grinning manically as it happens.

  Good, fuck that dude. I start to pass the liquor barn and flip a U-turn to go through the drive-thru. It dings loudly when I pull up to the window.

  “Can I help you, ma’am?” I start to reply vodka and gag on my words.

  No vodka and no Russians.

  “Tequila. Give me a pint of José Silver, a pint of cheap rum and a two liter of Coke.”

  The dorky kid sniffs and nods. “Sure, just a sec.” I wait impatiently, drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. “That’ll be twenty-four dollars and fifty-one cents please.”

  I hand the guy twenty-five dollars. “Keep the change.” I gesture to him, indifferent. He beams, showing off his acne-decorated cheeks and hands me my paper bag full of liquid pain killers.

  I pull up in the parking lot and pour about a quarter of the Coke out my window onto the ground, then dump the pint of rum in it. Screwing the lid on tightly, I turn it upside down carefully, then back upright and rest the bottle between my legs for when I’m ready. I twist open the cap on the tequila and place it next to me in the cup holder, perfect for easy access.

  Rolling my window back up, I take a large swig of tequila, swiftly chasing the tequila shot with my soda/rum mixture. It burns my throat and chest, but I delight in the feeling, knowing it will steal away my thoughts from me soon.

  Hammering down on the gas, I head to my apartment. My poor Camaro’s taking a beating today but I don’t want to have a repeat of when I crashed my car. It’s amazing that I’m even allowed to drive.

  If it wasn’t for Tate’s lawyers I would have spent time in jail, paid a hefty fee and lost my license. I almost killed them. Tate got me off with a lot of cash. It’s just something else to beat myself up about while I drink myself into a stupor.

  I take another large gulp of my rum, swerving as I hold the big bottle. Pulling swiftly into my parking spot I’m surprised when hear a screech of tires. Glancing in the rear view mirror, I see Spartak’s black car parked behind me, effectively blocking me in.

  He jumps out in haste as soon as he slams the car in park, rushing to my window. Spartak beats angrily on the glass with his fist, glaring at me. I unlock the door and stagger out leisurely.

  Spartak bellows, “Have you lost your mind?! Viktor will KILL me if something happens to you! What was that back there?” He’s too close so I shove against him to back off some.

  “Yeah right! Viktor doesn’t give a shit!” I shout back at Spar and round the car to get my purse and bottles.

  “You’ve completely lost it, woman, he follows you around like a love sick fool. You’re the only person he cares for besides his family, the only one he’s even remotely nice to.”

  “Is that so? Then why would he be seeing her?” I ask, the liquor starting to thrum through me.

  He peers at me, bewildered, as if he doesn’t have a clue what I’m talking about. “Pshh, whatever, it’s not even worth it.” I shoo him with my hand. Snatching up my things angrily, I take a swig of tequila and head to my apartment. Spartak stands next to my car, staring at me, worried.

  I make it into my apartment, slam the door and lock the crappy locks. Screw them all, I’m going to forget about all men, about all of my problems.

  I chug my soda mixture and love the dizziness that starts to show up to overtake my mind.


  My phone vibrates and I check it immediately. Deep inside I hope it’s Elaina. She’s the only one I ever want it to be.

  Spartak: I don’t know what happened, Boss. She’s drinking and upset. She almost wrecked driving crazy. I’m at her apartment but locked out.

  My heart speeds erratically as I read the message. What on earth happened? Elaina was just fine. God, I hope she’s okay. I can’t listen to this twat for a second longer, my princess needs me.

  Clearing my throat loudly, I lean forward. “Please excuse me, Kendall, an emergency has come up. Sergei will finish out lunch with you, I am truly sorry.” She shoots me a look mixed between worry and pouty.

  “Oh no, okay, Viktor, I understand. Go, baby, and we can finish up another time. You will be missed badly,” she replies in her whiny voice. God, Kendall disgusts me. She’s so pretentious; I could never care for her no matter how much her father wants me to.

  “Thank you for understanding,” I answer and nod at Sergei. I’m just not interested in being here. I speedily make my way to the valet and give him my ticket. I slip him a hundred.

  “Quickly, please.”

  He nods. “My pleasure, sir.”

  The valet rushes off and a few seconds later my Mercedes approaches. I get in swiftly and lay on the gas. She screeches on the smooth surface and I’m off like a rocket. I turn up the radar detector volume and get to Elaina’s hole-in-the-wall as quickly as I can.

  As I park next to Elaina’s car and my sedan, I see Spar standing outside. He’s leaning against her wall next to the door looking pale. Music is pouring out from her place.

  I hustle out, slamming my door. “What’s that?” I gesture to Elaina’s door.

  “I think it’s called ‘Superman’ by an artist called Eminem. She’s had it on repeat, so I Googled it.”

  “No, not the song, idiot, what’s going on with her? What’s the mess

  “I don’t know, sir. When she arrived she was drinking and talking about you not caring for her. I knocked after she went in, but she won’t answer.”

  He looks distraught. It appears he has also come to care for her, probably from me having him always watching her. I’m glad; it means he will protect her better. On the downside, if he gets too close to her, I will have him put down.

  I look up at the sky, exasperated. “Of course I care for Elaina, have you tried the door?”

  “Yes, Boss, it’s locked.”

  I nod and pound on her door a few times. I get no answer so I remove my jacket, hand it to Spartak and roll up my sleeves. I pull my pants legs up slightly and kick forcefully next to the locks.

  The door splinters next to the lock, from the crappy quality. I kick once more and the door goes flying open. The music loudly thrums around me as I scan the living area. God, I can only imagine what she’s thinking while listening to this song, over and over.

  I find her in the kitchen, sitting at her table. She has her arms resting on the plastic surface with her head in her hands, gripping her hair tightly. Her shoulders shake; she appears so fragile, almost broken.

  “Have you gone mad?” I boom.

  She’s surrounded by an empty rum bottle, a large soda and a tequila bottle that’s about a quarter gone. Elaina freezes in her trembling and slowly glances up at me as if she doesn’t believe she heard my voice.

  “Well?” I bellow and gesture around me at her trashed apartment.

  She glares crossly at me, spearing me with her gaze. Her face is swollen and she has hot tears running down her cheeks.

  “What do you care, Viktor? Go back to your priorities,” Elaina responds heatedly.

  She’s not fragile after all, broken maybe, but she’s definitely ready for a fight.

  “You are my priority, Printsyessa”

  “LIAR!” she screams and throws the empty rum bottle at me. I duck to the side. She would have clipped me with the bottle had I not moved so quickly. This is new; I’ve seen her upset, but she’s ready to castrate me.

  “I do not lie! Stop this nonsense and talk to me!”


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