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The King's Vampire

Page 14

by Brenda Stinnett

  “You never answered me, Elizabeth. Does the king bother you?”

  She stepped out from behind the screen wearing a gold satin dressing gown, and she slipped into a pair of matching mules. “What kind of question is that? After all, Darius, he is the king, isn’t he?”

  “Has he made love to you?”

  “No, of course not, how can you think such a thing of me? You told me to protect him from Buckingham, not sleep with him.”

  He said nothing.

  “You do believe me, don’t you?”

  When he remained silent, she said, “Darius?”

  “I believe you. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “I’m sure I don’t know, but you are acting rather strangely. Right now the king isn’t my biggest problem.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My former husband, Michael, is threatening to tell Charles I’m a vampire. I don’t know how to stop him.”

  “He’s just threatening you. It wouldn’t be to his advantage to tell, because all you’d have to do is tell Charles he’s a vampire, too. With the witch hunters coming to London, I don’t believe anyone will want to admit being a vampire.”

  “So the witch hunters are coming. How bad will it be for the immortal vampires?”

  “It’s going to get much worse. The psychic vampire demons have gotten the abyss open. They can come and go as they please, allowing them access to turn anyone in a weakened or depraved state into a demon. That’s how Buckingham became a psychic vampire. London is in a very dangerous situation.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  She saw his gray eyes glitter. He cupped her face between the palms of his hands. “I’ll think of something, Elizabeth, don’t worry.”

  His mouth crushed down on hers, and she drew him even closer, the heat from his body warming her, taking away the icy chill of being a vampire. His passion penetrated every fiber of her being. The kiss seemed to last forever, and yet, forever wasn’t quite long enough.

  He glanced out the window, where streaks of light appeared along the river. “You must rest now. If you can, come to the Boar’s Head Inn tonight. We’ll discuss our plans. All the vampires need to be at the meeting. Have John and Amelia come with you.”

  Her hands flew to her lips, trying to safeguard the imprint of his last kiss. “I’ll be there. But please be careful, darling.” She watched him walk away, and her mind drifted to Sir Michael. She knew her ex-husband was going to be trouble unless she found a way to keep him under control.

  When she dropped off to sleep, horrifying dreams of the family’s house blazing up into flames, kept her tossing and turning. She could almost swear she heard the agonizing screams of her little girl inside that house.

  Elizabeth woke up in a cold sweat, thinking of Christine when she was little and how she’d clutched her daughter close to her breast at night, thinking she’d never lose her daughter if she just held her close enough. What would happen if she now gave herself completely to Darius? Would she lose him too? The thought was unbearable. She’d lost enough in her lifetime.

  Chapter 17

  The witch finder had finally come to London. He’d been delayed for three weeks because so many witch finders had been needed in France. Darius had never met one before, and he hoped he’d never have to face the experience again.

  He knew their tactics for vampires and werewolves were quite different than those they used on witches. Witches were allowed the benefit of a trial. Of course, a witch finder wouldn’t allow vampires the benefit of a trial because they’d never survive the contact with the daylight, so they’d make their escape beforehand. And anyone who had ever hunted a shape-shifter would know the creature would turn back into an animal and run into the forest before ever facing a judge and jury.

  Beth warned Darius of the witch finder’s presence at the inn. But Darius, no longer a vampire, had no fear in confronting him. The December weather had turned cold with a drizzling rain, and so a blazing fire roared in the fireplace at the inn when Darius first encountered the witch finder.

  He stood by the fire, warming his hands when Darius walked up and stood beside him. He barely came up to Darius’s shoulder, with a nose sharp and pinched, and a forehead wide and boney. His wispy brown hair barely covered his skull, with only a few strands falling down to his shoulders. The deep bags beneath his eyes suggested a man who didn’t rest easily in his bed. He dressed in the solemn gray plain clothes of a Puritan sympathizer.

  Darius stepped closer to him, and the witch finder stiffened, moving away. Darius threw his arm around him. “What brings a fine gentleman such as you to London?”

  “I’ve come on personal business, Your Lordship. My name is Obadiah Lucas. I’m just a humble servant of God who roots out evil where I see it.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be pleased,” Darius said in a low voice.

  “Excuse me, Your Lordship?” Obadiah eased himself out from under Darius’s powerful arm.

  “I said I’m sure it must not be easy.”

  “God’s work is never easy, Sire.”

  “How long do you plan to stay in London?”

  Obadiah’s thin lips narrowed over his protruding front teeth. “For however long it takes. I’ve heard Your Lordship has much influence here in London, so perhaps you might help me perform my sacred duty.”

  With a bow, Darius answered, “I’ve never been derelict in doing my duty before, so let me know if I can be of assistance to you in any way. My name is Darius Einhard.”

  “I’d appreciate your cooperation, Sire.”

  Darius nodded to the innkeeper. “Well, good Beth has just brought out this fine joint of beef and a tasty pudding for you, I’m sure. Enjoy your dinner, Mr. Obadiah Lucas. I have business of my own to consider right now. I’ll be pleased to help you when you have need. Just send me word.”

  Darius left in a swirl of his cloak. He knew he’d have to wait until sunset before he spoke with the Duke and Duchess of Denham. With the witch finder here, the vampires would quickly panic, so he must have a plan ready to reassure them they’d be safe. He needed to assure their safety before he confronted the psychic vampire demons.

  He’d just kicked off his boots, and loosened his cravat, then lay down on his bed, when the room’s temperature plummeted. He shivered and pulled the coverlet around him. He couldn’t take his eyes off a gel-like substance that came together in the form of his former lord and master, Charlemagne.

  Charlemagne stood over him, his mighty hands on his hips, his aquiline nose flared out, while a jewel-encrusted crown rested upon the top of his fair hair. “What are you doing, my son? Have I named you Darius Einhard, Demon Slayer for naught?”

  Darius leaped from his bed and knelt before Charlemagne. “Your Holiness, you did name me so, and I hope it wasn’t for nothing. Why have you come back from the world of spirits?”

  “I came because I need to know what you’re doing to defeat the demons. I christened you a demon slayer, and yet you’re so busy trying to satisfy everyone, you’ve done nothing. The demons multiply and grow stronger.”

  The admonition stung because he knew it as the truth. “Begging your Lordship’s pardon, but I’ve been waiting until I decide what’s the best line of action to take.”

  “Inaction is the death of the civilized world. If you leave these demons in charge, they will destroy every good and true thing I’ve ever worked for. I restored much of the unity of the old Roman Empire, and now England has the opportunity to do the same, unless you let the evil ones take control of the world.”

  Humbly, Darius tried to grasp Charlemagne’s hand in order to kiss his ring, but his hand went right through the king’s fingers. Coldness shot up his spine and he gave a shudder that shook his entire body. “My liege, so much blood was on our hands in the name of God. I don’t want to make the same mistakes we did during the wars with the Saxons and the Moors.”

  Charlemagne stared at Darius with no sign of apology in his eyes. “I ruled by the sword and th
e cross, and mistakes were made. The gloriousness lies in the fact that the masses of people I killed in the name of Christianity still exist, and they’ve forgiven me, as did God. Forgiveness is a powerful tool. But don’t forget the psychic vampire demons are purest evil, and no longer human. They are beyond forgiveness and trapped in damnation.”

  “I understand,” Darius said, but he couldn’t lift his head to face Charlemagne, so he kept his head bowed. His face burned with shame, and he didn’t know if he could ever face his former lord again. Somehow, Charlemagne’s somewhat high-pitched voice reverberated inside his head and ordered him to look up.

  “What is troubling you so deeply, my son?”

  “I’m afraid of what will happen if I do fail. I’m terrified if I try to destroy the psychic demons I might . . . fail. I don’t know how to contain them now the abyss is open. What must I do?”

  “There’s no shame in fear. The disgrace lies in being frozen into a state of inaction. Look to your faith for answers. Remember our Council of the Knights at Aachen? Our greatest ideas came after prayer and meditation. Pray.”

  “I haven’t prayed since I became a vampire.”

  “You’re a vampire no longer. Perhaps it’s time you learned to pray once again.”

  Darius felt the temperature of the room rise, and the gel-like substance of Charlemagne disappeared through the stone wall. Once the spirit of Charlemagne left him, he felt bereft. He wrestled with his own thoughts. Could something as simple and pure as his faith destroy the power of the demons? If he were to close up the abyss, Julian must be destroyed first.

  The clock on the mantle struck five, and he knew it was time to go and talk to the Duke of Denham. If anyone could help, it would be his friend. He knew he could travel faster on foot, but it was always best to keep up an appearance of normalcy in his life. He ordered his coach, and it quickly delivered him to the duke’s estate.

  Darius handed his riding cloak to the servant who led him into the Duke of Denham’s library. The clack of Darius’s high leather boots on the marble floor caused his friend to glance up. Books were strewn across the table’s surface.

  The duke grimaced and asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Darius sat across from his friend. “The witch finder is here in London, John. The vampire community is in danger, and that includes you, my friend.”

  John set down the leather-bound manuscript he’d been reading. “You saw him?”

  “He’s staying at the Boar’s Head Inn.”

  “How convenient for you, at least this way you can keep an eye on him. Will he try to arrest anyone?”

  “The witch finders work differently with vampires. He’ll be searching out those who work at night.”

  John lifted the treatise he’d been reading and said, “These are some writings of Catherine Montvoisin, the woman who became La Voisin.”

  “Isn’t she the one who has set herself up in Paris as high priestess of the psychic vampire demons?”

  John’s face clouded over. “I’m afraid so. I’ve heard many of the aristocrats of King Louis XIV’s court are taking an interest in her teachings. I think that’s what the demons have planned for the Duke of Buckingham to do in Charles’s court, entice the courtiers to embrace the dark arts. The court has become jaded enough I’m afraid they will fall for it simply out of boredom. We need to stop the demons from succeeding.”

  Darius furrowed his forehead and raked his hand through his hair. “Don’t you think I know that? But we need to study spiritual writings, not La Voisin’s blasphemies. That will give us the answers we need.”

  “How can we vampires help? We have no souls, so how are we to have faith?”

  “I need the vampires as a diversion to the demons. The demons still wish to work together with them in order to preserve the immortal bodies in the world. Vampires are attractive, whereas, psychic vampire demons are definitely not appealing in their true form, and no one would willingly choose to become one without deception.”

  “I’m with you. Whatever you want me to do, I’m here for you.”

  Amelia strolled in, her luxurious blonde hair flowing down her back, and the beauty of her face radiated light like the moon. “Darius, my dear, whatever are you doing here? I thought you were busy protecting Elizabeth.”

  He took her hand and kissed it. “I have need of your husband tonight.”

  “Certainly, but where are we going?”

  With a shake of his head, he returned, “Not this time, Amelia. We’ll be dealing with a witch finder. I know John would be too concerned about your safety if you went with us, and then he’d be of no help to me.”

  Her blue eyes flashed sparks and she spoke in frustration. “What are you talking about? I’ve faced the psychic vampire demons, so you know I’m not afraid.”

  “I don’t doubt that, love, but Darius doesn’t want you to come along this time.” John wrapped his arms around his wife. Pulling her close, he said, “Just for once, won’t you please listen to reason?”

  “Truly, Amelia, I need you to look out for Elizabeth. Between the king, her ex-husband, and the Duke of Buckingham, I hardly feel she’s safe at Whitehall. It would be a great comfort knowing you were with her.” Darius took her hand in his.

  She crinkled her delicate, upturned nose. “Very well, I’ll leave you men to your business, but only because I want to protect Elizabeth.”

  “Thank you, darling. I truly mean that from the bottom of my heart.” Darius bowed his head briefly, before turning to John. “Now, my friend, we must be off.”

  The Duke bent down and kissed his wife passionately, seeming reluctant to let her go. He then released her and nodded. “Let’s go and save the immortal vampires from the witch finder.”

  Darius felt a sharp pang of jealousy when he saw the closeness and deep attachment apparent between John and Amelia as husband and wife. Would he and Elizabeth ever be able to form such a lasting relationship based on mutual love and trust? He feared that if she remained a vampire, she’d never fully accept his love. He vowed to himself that, together, they’d find a way to save her soul and stay together forever. The psychic vampire demons wouldn’t defeat them.

  Chapter 18

  Elizabeth paced the floor of her bedroom, trying to make up her mind if she should go to the Boar’s Head Inn. Her little mongrel dog, Charlie, started yapping. She went into the corner of the room where he stood, and what she saw caused her to gasp in horror. Apparently, he had sucked the blood from one of the King’s spaniels who had wandered into her room. She lifted up the poor little limp dog only to discover all the blood appeared to have been drained from his body. She panicked. How on earth could she explain that to King Charles?

  Before she had a chance to make up her mind what to do, one of her maidservants announced the Duchess of Denham had arrived to see her. She wrapped the pup in a pillow casing and shoved the spaniel beneath her four-poster bed.

  When Amelia entered, Elizabeth dismissed her maid, and waved her friend into a chair, while she continued to pace.

  “Elizabeth, what’s wrong?”

  “What?” She sat down beside Amelia. “Nothing—nothing’s the matter.”

  “Don’t lie to me. What has happened?”

  Her little wire-haired dog leaped into her lap and tried to nuzzle her neck. Impatiently, Elizabeth sat him on the floor. “You’ll not get around me that easily after what you’ve done.”

  Amelia looked at the ragtag dog. “Are you angry with this poor little mongrel?”

  “Angry? I’m furious with him. He’s killed one of Charles’s spaniels, and I’m terrified Charles will find out.”

  “This fellow killed one of the king’s dogs?” She leaned over to pet him, but he gave a growl, showing canine incisors that were much longer than normal. Amelia yanked her hand back. “What’s wrong with the little beast?”

  “He’s a vampire dog.”

  “How did he become a vampire?”

  “I’m afraid I accidentally made him one.

  Amelia’s voice scaled up a notch. “You’ve made a vampire dog? How did you manage that?”

  She sighed impatiently. “When I fed on him, I must not have drained him entirely of blood. I can’t let him loose now.”

  “You can’t keep him at court, you know. If people find out about him, they’re sure to discover your secret and maybe ours as well.”

  “What if he makes other dogs into vampires? That’s all we need in London.”

  Amelia tickled Charlie behind the ears until he wagged his tail, and then she raised him up, allowing him to lick her face. “I can take him home and watch him there. At least that will be safer than court. Where are the . . . remains of the king’s dog?”

  “He’s beneath the bed. We can sneak him out, and then take Charlie to your house before I go meet Darius at the Boar’s Head Inn.”

  “Actually Darius sent me here to look out for you tonight. He and John plan to warn Godfrey and the others the witch finder is here.”

  “The witch finder’s finally arrived?”

  “Yes, he’s staying at the Boar’s Head Inn, too.”

  “Then we must go help Darius and John.”

  Amelia put a hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “I did promise Darius I’d take care of you. Besides, they don’t want us there.”

  Indignantly, she jerked her arm away. “What? Do you think you’re my mother now? I don’t need anyone to look out for me. I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that Darius thinks you’ve got enough to worry about here between the king’s attentions, Buckingham’s threats, and now your husband, Sir Michael Horbury’s plots. Let’s be honest. Nobody knows what he’s really after.”

  Ashamed of her ill temper, she patted Amelia’s hand, “I know you want to help me, but I’ve got things under control. If you’d just take Charlie and the dead spaniel away now, that would be a great help to me.”

  A tiny woof from beneath the bed made Elizabeth look underneath just in time to see the petulant face of the spaniel poke his nose out from beneath the pillow casing and he wagged his tail. Mouth dropping open, she said, “Charlie must not have drained all the blood from the spaniel.”


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