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Hot For The Boss - Complete Edition

Page 5

by Ariadne Wayne

  ‘Alisha,’ he whispered in my ear. He pulled the vibrator out of me and rolled me onto my back. Kissing and licking me down my body he gently sucked my clit before pushing his cock into me. He moved so slowly it was torture but he filled me up as always, then he came and when he pulled out of me he held me and stroked my face lovingly with his hand.

  ‘Scott,’ I murmured. He’d almost rocked me to sleep and it would not be much for me to drift off again.

  ‘Goodnight Alisha,’ he whispered, kissing me softly and I fell asleep in his arms.

  We went back to the city the next day. I hugged Kathy and she told me she was coming for dinner next Friday and to stay the night at Scott’s.

  ‘I’ll look forward to it,’ I said, kissing her on the cheek.

  Chapter 9

  On Thursday night we had our first fight. We were wrapped up in each other as usual and it was the end of the evening so we’d slowed right down.

  It was easy to tell from the look in his eyes what he was going to say before he said it. ‘Alisha,’ he said, ‘I love…’

  I covered his mouth with my hand. ‘No, not yet. I’m not ready for that, not by a long shot. There’s a lot we both need to learn about each other first.’

  ‘There is nothing more I need to learn about you Lish, my heart is telling me what’s right and that’s you.’

  ‘Please Scott, don’t screw this up. Not yet anyway. Can’t we just be fuck buddies for the moment while we get to know each other better.’

  ‘I don’t know if I could know you better. Your body sings to me Lish, I can see when you’re on the verge of cumming, I know when your body is ready to be fucked hard, when it’s time to take it slow. We laugh together, my mom loves you…’

  ‘I can’t do this right now, I’ve asked you to slow down now please tell me we can keep things like they are I don’t want anything screwed up.’

  He rolled away from me. ‘If you don’t want to be with me just say Alisha, I won’t hold you back if you want to leave.’

  ‘I don’t want to leave but you’re backing me into a corner. If you say those words I’ll be obligated to say them back and I’m not ready.’

  His sigh told me what I already knew, he was sulking. ‘Fuck this, I’m going home,’ I said.

  ‘It’s one o’clock in the morning. Just go to sleep Alisha, we’ll talk about this tomorrow.’

  I was already out of bed and getting dressed. ‘I have done everything your way this whole time, there’s nothing more to talk about Scott. For once I want you to do something for me, hold back to let me catch up and don’t smother me and you don’t even want to do that.’

  ‘I’ve given you everything,’ he yelled at me.

  ‘I only wanted you,’ I yelled back. The tears rolled down my cheeks now and I threw my phone at him. ‘Here’s what you’ve given me, fuck you.’

  Then I walked and he didn’t follow me. I had enough to get a taxi home so I did that rather than trying to find a bus or walk. He had no way of contacting me and I was kind of relieved.

  I was sure I felt the same way he did but love had always been such a complicated thing for me and I struggled with it. If I was honest with myself it was why I could be such a bitch to the people I cared about.

  I had Friday off work as I was due to top up my contraception injection. It took ages as the clinic was busy and I went looking around the shops before it was time to go to Scott’s place. I didn’t know if he wanted me there but I wanted to see Kathy even if it was to say goodbye.

  When I got there I let myself in with the key I still had and could hear this annoying laughter coming from the kitchen. It turned out to be Anna. Fuck. It hadn’t taken him long had it?

  Kathy was sitting there too and she leapt off her seat and came over for a hug. ‘When I got here she was already here, I think she invited herself,’ she murmured in my ear, ‘I don’t think Scott has the heart to tell her to leave.’

  ‘I wonder if he’ll feel the same about me,’ I said and she looked at me strangely. ‘I’m not exactly Scott’s favourite person right now.’

  Scott wouldn’t even look at me. ‘Your girlfriend is here,’ Kathy said. Anna turned and looked at me and glared.

  ‘Alisha isn’t my girlfriend mother. She’s just my fuck buddy.’

  That hurt. He didn’t have to be an asshole about it; his mother didn’t deserve to hear this.

  ‘I don’t know Scott; something tells me she loves you as much as you love her.’

  ‘She doesn’t love me. She loves the sex and the money and herself.’ He’s slurred the words and I was alerted to the fact that he’d been drinking. In the time we’d been seeing each other he’d always been a health freak and never drank alcohol.

  This was a side to him I hadn’t seen and I didn’t like it.

  ‘Scott, that’s no way to speak about Alisha. I think she means more to you than that,’ Kathy said.

  Anna snorted. ‘I think Scott knows what he means.’

  ‘What the fuck did you just say?’ I asked her, ‘Why are you even here, have you stopped fucking his best friend yet?’

  She shot me a filthy look and I showed her my middle finger.

  Kathy laughed and I hugged her again before leaving. ‘Fuck you Scott, I just asked you for more time but you’re just being a wanker now. See you round.’

  I slammed the door behind me and burst into tears. If that’s what one disagreement did, I didn’t want to be part of Scott Peters’ life. Fuck him.

  Chapter 10

  It was three weeks since the stupid fight I had with my lover, Scott. We were going well I thought, at it like rabbits and we were good at it. With each other anyway.

  Then he had to go and screw it all up by trying to tell me he loved me. I wasn’t ready for that at all and asked him to slow down but he got all pissed with me and now we’re not together.

  Making matters worse is the fact he’s my boss so even though we’re not talking I still see him every day and on top of that his ex-fiancée who was a total bitch and cheated on him is hanging round.

  She’s so fake and it annoys the crap out of me. Sometimes I think if I hear her whiny voice again I might just have to punch her in the face but that might get me fired. It would almost be worth it though. She works for a similar import company so I really hope he doesn’t employ her either. I’d walk out if that happened.

  I’m so miserable and the thought of her in his bed is driving me crazy. Maybe I shouldn’t be so stubborn but he was the one being a dick about it and I hate people who push me into situations I’m not comfortable with. It’s happened enough times to me in this life.

  So I started looking for another job. I had to do it at work as I had no internet at home having given him the phone back he bought me. He’d also bought me a laptop but I got burgled the week after we broke up and it got stolen. He doesn’t know about that yet, I don’t know if he’d even care.

  No man has ever bothered me like this and I’ve been with a few. He’s the closest thing to being “the one” for me if there is such a thing. Now I’m not sleeping, eating junk food like there iss no tomorrow and have to endure work with him. This is the downside of sleeping and then breaking up with the boss.

  Mary, the admin manager at work was surprisingly sympathetic. She didn’t like me at first but I wore her down and now she takes good care of me.

  “He’s so moody now he’s not with you,” she said, “It was so nice to see him happy, especially after what that awful woman did to him.”

  Irritated at the thought of him being with her again I sighed. “I hope he doesn’t make the same mistake again Mary, I do care about what happens to him.”

  “I know love, you’ve done so well since you’ve been here I’ll be sorry to lose you when I do. At least you won’t do without a reference.”

  When the mail arrived there was a card for me. Opening it I grinned, it was from Scott’s mother.

  I’m so sorry Alisha, you were so good for him and he’s just
being so stubborn. I thought it might interest you to know that Anna hasn’t managed to get her claws into him yet, he’s not over you and she complains all the time about it. Whatever happens between you I’m always here as your friend. Love, Kathy.

  For the first time at work I burst into tears and Mary came over again to make sure I was alright. I handed her the card and when she read it she started to laugh. That made me laugh, and we were soon both howling with laughter, making so much noise that Scott stuck his nose outside his office to see what was going on.

  Tears were rolling down my cheeks and he made eye contact with me before pulling a face and disappearing. “He loves you,” said Mary.

  “I know,” I said.

  Chapter 11

  It was close to Christmas so I went to see Mom. I loved my Mom, she was the most important person to me in the world but I usually stayed away because I knew I disappointed her.

  Our lives had been so fucked up. She’d married my dad because she was pregnant with me and they’d been happy enough. One of the reasons I had real issues with those three little words (I love you) was when I was six I’d done really well in school and won an award. My dad told me how proud he was, that he loved me more than anything and would always be there for me. Six months later he died in a car accident, a drunk driver crossing the line and hitting him head on.

  They’d been typical young people and partied until I was on the way, then they’d given up drinking. With him gone she hit the bottle hard. A year later she hooked up with a guy who was going to solve all our problems. He told her he loved us and would always look after us and then he showed me how much he loved me by touching me where he wasn’t supposed to.

  When I told my mom she didn’t believe me, she thought I was still missing my dad and wanted to get rid of the new guy. It wasn’t until she came home and caught him that she threw him out, called the cops and sobered up.

  We did alright for ourselves and she had a couple more boyfriends who were good for her and good to me but she attracted losers too. I’d just started high school when she got together with one. This time it was more than just touching and this one went to jail for rape.

  Rumours spread about me, that I was a whore who had slept with her mother’s boyfriend and I started being bullied. I went from top of the class to the bottom within months and that’s where I stayed.

  Mom would cry at her failure to protect me but I didn’t blame her, she wasn’t to know and I felt awful as I knew if I just tried harder I wouldn’t be failing so hard. I had no motivation to do so, the girls thought I was a slut, the boys thought I was easy and although I stayed away from boys the reputation stuck to me all through school.

  So I left and found jobs in takeaway bars and shops eventually leading to the grocery store that I’d worked before coming to work with Scott. By then I had slept with quite a few guys, including the blowjobs I gave my former boss to keep in good with him.

  I knew I had a shitty attitude. There were so many barriers I’d put up around me and though I appeared tough on the outside I still felt so much on the inside. Scott had come closest to dismantling those barriers until he pushed too hard.

  “It’s lovely to see you Alisha, it’s been quite some time,” Mom said.

  I hugged her tight. “It’s good to see you too Mom.”

  “You’ve gained weight. It looks good. You always were too skinny Alisha.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been eating junk food. Man problems.”

  “Are you still working at the grocery store?” she asked.

  I told her about my new job and how I was moving up in the world. Then I told her about Scott and found myself crying my eyes out in her arms. She convinced me to stay the night and we sat up late talking about men and the good things that happened in the past as there had been a few and I missed Scott more than ever.

  “Maybe we can see each other for Christmas?” she asked as I was about to leave.

  “I think I’d like that Mom,” I said.

  At the end of the week Mary went nuts decorating the office, she was really into Christmas and it showed. She’d ordered this huge Christmas tree for the office; it took up most of the reception area and was so tall we couldn’t reach to put the Christmas angel on the top.

  I volunteered to climb the ladder and I have no idea what happened but when I woke up I was on the reception couch with a really hot paramedic taking my pulse.

  “What the fuck,” I said.

  “Hi Alisha, I’m just taking your vitals and then we’ll get you off to the hospital to get some further checks done. We just want to make sure you’re not suffering anything more serious than a bump on the head.”

  “Hospital? What happened?”

  “You had a fall,” said Mary, “you seemed to get dizzy and hit your head on the reception desk.

  My head did feel rather sore.

  Mr hot paramedic spoke. “It’s quite a heavy fall so I would definitely recommend we get you in to see a doctor just to make sure.”

  “Are you sure I don’t need mouth to mouth? I mean if it was that heavy a fall.”

  He just looked at me; his dark brown eyes the type you just want to melt into. Mary started laughing. “I would say you’ll be fine Alisha,” she said.

  The front door swung open and Scott stood in the doorway with his lunch in one hand, drink in the other. “What’s with the ambulance outside?” he started to say and then saw me on the couch with the paramedic beside me.

  He dropped the drink and I watched the juice splatter over the floor and up the reception desk. “Baby,” he said and was by my side in an instant.

  I looked at him. “You dropped your drink Scott; I hope you’re going to clean that up.”

  “Fuck the drink. Are you alright?”

  He knelt beside me and stroked my forehead, pushing the hair from my eyes.

  Hot paramedic spoke up. “She had a fall from the ladder and we’re going to the hospital to get her checked out.”

  Scott nodded. “I’ll come with her if that’s alright.”

  “It’s fine, as long as Alisha wants that?”

  I smiled. “The more the merrier.”

  The wicked part of my brain was imagining them both fucking me or one fucking me while I sucked the others cock but I didn’t know if that was my real fantasy or if I was concussed.

  “You should be alright to walk to the ambulance if you feel up to it Alisha,” hot paramedic said.

  “Fuck that,” said Scott and picked me up to carry me out to the ambulance.

  “You’re such a potty mouth now,” I said, “I trained you well.”

  “You are nothing but trouble. Let’s get you seen to by a doctor and back home with me.”

  I was about to open my mouth and say something cheeky but we were surrounded by the office staff, some of whom were just discovering we’d been together.

  When we got to the hospital they did all their tests and checks and sent me home, telling Scott to keep a close eye on me for the night.

  “You bet I will,” he said.

  He called a taxi and despite my protests took me back to his place. I got cranky at him because he couldn’t tell me what to do, we weren’t together but he stuck to his guns and I was glad because it showed he did still care.

  My things were still in his room and he pulled out a nightgown for me to wear. Not that I had ever bothered with one when I stayed there previously, we were always naked. It was nice to be comfortable though.

  After calling Mary to reassure her that I was alright he climbed into bed with me and pulled me into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, “I thought you were broken up with me and hated me and stuff.”

  “I don’t hate you baby, I could never do that,” he said, “I was just so hurt that you didn’t want to take that extra step. God Alisha when I saw you on that couch and found out about the fall I kept thinking about what a fucking idiot I’ve been.”

  “Yes you have been,” I sa
id, “how are you going to make it up to me?”

  He kissed me and ran his hand down my side. “Perhaps I was too hasty putting you in the nightgown,” he murmured.

  I pulled it up over my pussy, showing him there was no underwear in his way.

  He grinned. “I love seeing that but I really want to see your tits. I’ve missed them.”

  “Here I was thinking it was me you missed.”

  “I missed all of you Alisha; the last few weeks have been awful knowing you were just in the next room.”

  “Maybe next time you won’t be such a stubborn asshole,” I said.

  He laughed and kissed me again, pulling up my nightgown so he could see my tits. Burying his face in my ample cleavage he nuzzled them before kissing and licking them.

  “I really want to cum on your tits Alisha.”

  I nodded and he knelt over me, pulling the nightgown the rest of the way over my head.

  Running his hand over my tits he pressed them together so he could slide his cock between them. I loved the feel of him again.

  “After I’ve cum it’s your turn baby,” he said, “I’ve missed that hot little pussy of yours.”

  “I’ve missed your tongue inside me.”

  “Have you been a good girl Alisha?”

  “I’m only bad for you,” I said and grinned, “Sir.”

  Opening my mouth I caught the end of his cock as he thrust between my tits, licking the tip of it and he made what could only be described as a growling noise.

  “Tonight we take it easy but from tomorrow you had better get used to that pussy being pounded again Alisha, we have a lot of time to make up for.”

  He groaned as he came on me and then went down on me, driving me crazy with his tongue. I had missed it so much, and I ran my hands through his hair.

  “Scott,” I said softly.

  “Hmmm?” he said, his tongue not skipping a beat.

  “I love you,” I said.

  The tongue stopped and he sat up.

  “Really?” he asked.

  “Yes you dick now get back to work, I haven’t cum yet.”

  “I love you too,” he said with a grin.


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