Book Read Free


Page 16

by Jessica Prince

  His confused face flicks back over to me, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Oh come on! You’ve never seen Taken? How is that possible?”

  “What can I say? I’m a busy man. I haven’t had much time to sit and watch movies.”

  “Well there’s no excuse. We’re having a movie night and you’re watching it. Liam Neeson is a total badass.”

  He reaches over and grabs my hand, entwining our fingers and bringing them to rest on his thigh. “A movie night sounds good. But I don’t know how I feel about you getting all hot and bothered over this Liam dude.”

  “Jealous?” I ask with a giggle.

  Bringing our hands to his lips, Gabriel kisses each of my knuckles before lowering them back down to rest on his leg. “Insanely.”

  I lean over and kiss his scruffy cheek. “”You’ve got nothing to be jealous about. He doesn’t hold a candle to you.”

  “Just remember whose name you were screaming at the top of your lungs last night,” he says with a chuckle.

  Covering my reddening face with my free hand, I let out a groan of embarrassment. “Oh, God.”

  He laughs, giving my hand a squeeze. “You said that too.”

  I reach over and give his shoulder a light punch. “Shut up!”

  “I think the people three floors down heard you.”

  We tease back and forth until Gabriel pulls into my complex and cuts the engine. He gets out and comes to open my door for me then walks me to my apartment with his hand at the small of my back the entire way.

  “Thanks for driving me home,” I say once I’ve gotten the door opened. “I’ll see you later?” I try to sound casual even though it comes out as a question. I’m suddenly nervous about where we stand now that we’ve had sex. I know he said that our relationship is different, but I just can’t help but worry, given his reputation with women.

  Gabriel steps into my space, crowding me against the doorframe. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to come inside and wait while you get ready, then I’m driving you to work.

  He was too good to be true. “You don’t have to do that. I can take the bus. You’ve already gone out of your way.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. My girl doesn’t take the bus. Now go get ready.”

  Butterflies take flight in my belly at him calling me his girl, and there’s no preventing he goofy smile that spreads across my face.

  Gabriel makes himself comfortable as I walk back into my room to grab my uniform and head to the bathroom to take a shower. An hour later, I’m dressed and ready to go. I head into the living room and find Gabriel sitting comfortably on my couch, flipping through channels on the TV. He should look so out of place, relaxing in his expensive designer suit, sitting on my second hand couch. But he doesn’t. He just…fits.

  I try to push down the excitement that’s bubbling up inside me. I’m quickly falling for this man and that’s thrilling and terrifying all at the same time. Part of me wants to dive into this relationship feet first, but the other part of me is holding back, trying to remain cautious in order to protect myself—even though all my attempts to so far seem to be failing miserably. I have to keep a straight head. I need to be smart.

  Clearing my throat to alert him to my presence, I grab my purse off the kitchen bar and step toward the door, “Ready.”

  “Beautiful as always,” Gabriel replies as he switches off the TV and comes to stand in front of me.

  I flush slightly at his attention and glance down at the ground. “It’s just my work uniform. Nothing special.”

  Grabbing my chin between his thumb and forefinger, he tilts my face back up to his. “You’re beautiful in anything, never doubt that. And you have no idea just how special you are.”

  My cheeks heat at his passionate declaration. I’m still so uncomfortable at being someone’s sole focus. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable being the center of attention. Maintaining my anonymity is more than second nature to me, it’s a survival technique. More than anything, I want to be normal for Gabriel—I just don’t know how to do that.

  “You ready to go?” I ask, trying to break the tension that seems to be overwhelming me.

  His brows tilt down when I don’t acknowledge what he just said, but as always, he doesn’t push. “Yeah, baby. Let’s get you to work.”

  Things have lightened back up on the drive to Fletchers, and we’re both laughing and joking by the time we pull in. I lean across the console to give Gabriel a kiss, but he already has his door open and is stepping out before I can reach him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask as he opens my door and gently pulls me from the car.

  “What’s it look like I’m doing? I’m walking you into work.”

  “My, my. And they say chivalry is dead,” I joke.

  We make our way inside, catching the eyes of the customers that have arrived just before the lunch rush. It’s not packed, but not quite empty and I feel my discomfort building at the stares Gabriel and I are receiving.

  I make my way to the bar, waving at Matt and Carmen who are both wearing stupid grins at seeing me and Gabriel together. The attention we’re receiving from everyone is starting to make skin prick.

  “Hey guys,” I say, feigning nonchalance.

  “Well hello there. Someone’s looking all glow-y this morning,” Carmen jokes.

  “Holy shit, is that a hickey, baby doll?” Matt’s booming voice echoes through the dining room as his eyes dart to my neck.

  “What? Where?”

  I rush around the bar to get a look at myself in the mirrors behind the liquor bottles. Sure enough, there’s an angry purple spot right where my neck and collarbone meet. I was in such a hurry to get ready this morning that I didn’t pay much attention to my reflection in the mirror.

  “Fuck,” I whisper-yell as I try to adjust the collar of my shirt to hide the hickey Gabriel gave me last night, but it’s pointless. There’s no covering it.

  I turn from the mirror to see Matt, Carmen, and Gabriel all laughing at my discomfort. “I’m glad you assholes find this funny.”

  “Ah, come here, baby,” Gabriel says, reaching for my hand and pulling me back around the bar. He’s sitting on one of the barstools and spreads his knees wide enough to accommodate my hips as he sets me between them. “It’s not so bad.” He nuzzles his face into my neck, pressing a kiss to the spot in question.

  I watch as the gaze of the people in Fletchers comes back to us. Some of them leaning in to each other and whispering while looking in our direction.

  “Gabriel, stop,” I say as I push back on his chest.

  His hands skim my waist and come to rest on my hips, his fingers digging in as he tries to get closer. “What? I can’t kiss my girl?” he asks with humor in his voice.

  “No,” I respond in a clipped tone, pushing him away again. “This is my job. You can’t do that here.”

  The corner of his mouth twitches as he tries to suppress a grin. “It’s a bar, Marley, not an office. I’m sure people will be fine with a little PDA.”

  He leans back in, but I grab his hands and remove them from my hips, taking a step back. “Well I’m not. You’re making a scene, Gabriel,” I whisper, my eyes darting around the room. “People are staring.”

  His eyes darken, making the gray appear stormy, as his brows furrow. All of his earlier humor is gone. I can see his jaw tick as he clenches his teeth, his tell that he’s quickly becoming annoyed, but trying to control his temper. “Let them stare. I don’t give a fuck.” He reaches for me but I take another step back out of his reach.

  “I need to put my stuff away. You should go, you’re probably already late for work.”

  Not giving him a chance to respond, I turn on my heels and head back toward the employee break room. I know what I just did was cold, but I couldn’t stand everyone staring. Gabriel always garners attention in public, I just never stopped to consider that I’d become the focus of other people when I was with him. I hate that
I’ve upset him, but I hate the attention more.

  When I come back out the stool Gabriel had been occupying is empty. Matt is sorting silverware and wrapping them, preparing for the lunch rush and Carmen is looking at me with a disapproving expression. Having caught my eyes scan back to the vacant barstool, she speaks up as I round the bar and begin wiping it down. “He left. He seemed upset.”

  Unable to make eye contact because I feel terrible, I shrug slightly and keep wiping. “He’ll get over it. This is my job, he really doesn’t have any right to be pissed.” Even as I say it, I feel like an asshole.

  “He didn’t look pissed,” Carmen tells me. “He looked hurt.”

  Shit. He always seems to in control of everything. I didn’t think I had the power to hurt him.

  “You could have been a little nicer, babe. That man’s crazy about you.”

  She turns away from me, going about her job and leaving me to feel even worse.

  I owe Gabriel an apology. I just hope he’ll give me the opportunity to say it.

  Never in my life have I been dismissed by anyone, least of all by a woman I’d just been inside of hours earlier. It’s been three hours since walking out of that fucking pub after Marley turned her back on me and my blood is still boiling. My bella has no clue what she’s in for now. Her perfect little ass will be tanned red the next time I see her.

  “Mr. Bertozzi,” Yvonne’s voice comes through the intercom on my phone, “You have a visitor, sir.”

  I glance over at my clock, unable to recall having any meetings scheduled. I push the intercom button and demand, none too nicely, “Who is it?”

  “Miss Van Beck, sir.”

  Fuck. “Send her in.”

  The last thing I need to deal with right now is Kiersten Van Beck.

  My office door swooshes open as the woman in question makes her way in. Dressed as impeccably as always in an ivory dress that hugs every single one of her curves, she makes her way across my office in her high as fuck heels like she’s walking the runway.

  “It’s nice to see you, Gabe,” she says, her voice coated in sex.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure, Kiersten?” Seeing her right now is anything but a pleasure. My family grew up close friends with the Van Beck’s my entire life. When I was younger I made the mistake of allowing my family to influence my decision on whether or not I should date this woman—who would eventually turn into a vicious man eater.

  Not one of my finest moments, but my father was convinced that a union between myself and Kiersten would be a wise choice given how close both of our families are. I stupidly jumped into that relationship—thinking solely with my cock—since she was one of the hottest women I’d ever seen. All legs and amazing curves with fiery red hair. I’d been obsessed with Kiersten’s ass since hitting puberty, and the moment she let me fuck it I was done for. Our relationship lasted for four insanely messed up years. We fought and fucked with an unhealthy amount of passion. That was the extent of our relationship.

  Needless to say, when I was finally able to cut the cord on that shitty situation, she did not take the breakup well. Unfortunately, my mother has still remained close friends with the Van Beck’s since my father’s passing, making it to where I have to see the red devil on a semi regular basis. Remaining any level of civility with someone as unbalanced as Kiersten is a test of strength.

  “Can’t and old friend stop in to say hello every once in a while? I haven’t seen you in forever, Gabe. I’ve missed you.”

  I trusted this bitch just about as far as I could throw her. “Is that right?” I asked with sarcasm.

  “Yes, how have you been?”

  Sitting back in my chair and steepling my fingers, I regard her as one would regard an enemy. I know her too well, there’s always a hidden agenda when it comes to her. “I’ve been well. And yourself?”

  “Good, good. Word on the street is that you were seen out on a date not too long ago.”

  And there it is.

  “And who might you have heard this from?” I ask, knowing mine and Kiersten’s social circles bleed together too often for my comfort.

  “Oh, don’t get so defensive, Gabe. I’m simply curious about an old friend.”

  I sit back up and place my elbows on my desk. “An old friend.” I repeat, knowing she’s full of shit.

  “Yes. So who’s this new girl who’s caught your attention?”

  “I don’t see how that’s really any of your concern, Kiersten.”

  She places a perfectly manicured hand to her chest, drawing my attention to the low cut neck line that showcases her magnificent tits. I’m only human after all. The woman might be a Praying Mantis, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t fine as hell. I’d have to be dead not to notice. That doesn’t mean I intend to act on anything. I know what a sole sucking vulture this woman really is.

  “I’m truly hurt, Gabe. I thought we were friends.”

  “Cut the bullshit. Why are you really here?”

  Her red painted lips tilt up in an evil grin. “I simply wanted to inquire about the girl who seems to have caught the interest of someone so…unattainable. I must say, I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

  My back goes straight and my shoulders tense, setting me on edge. I make the mistake of letting my calm demeanor slip. “You’ll stay away from Marley if you know what’s good for you.”

  She releases an evil cackle as her eyes grow bright. “Ooh, someone’s defensive.”

  Knowing I’ve just fucked up, I stand and place my hands on the top of my desk, my knuckles growing white. “We’re done here Kiersten. Have a good day.”

  She stands, sliding her designer purse up her shoulder. “See you soon, Gabe. It’s been a pleasure.”

  With that, she saunters out of my office leaving me to wonder what in the ever loving fuck just happened.


  I worked the rest of my shift at Fletchers in a haze of confusion. Should I text him and apologize? Say it face to face? When work finally came to an end I decided that the best thing to do was see him in person and issue my apology.

  With no classes to delay me any further, I pull out my phone and text him to see if he’s still at work. All I get in response is a simple, “at home”.

  Swallowing my pride, I hop onto the bus, not even going home to change first. I just need to get this over with.

  My heart is pounding at a frantic pace the entire ride there. I finally get off about a block from his building and make the trek the rest of the way, nervously picking at my cuticles the whole time. When I finally arrive at the front of his building I pace and smoke for several more minutes, playing over my apology in my head until I’m confident enough in my speech that he’ll hopefully forgive me.

  The same man that assisted me that last time buzzes Gabriel to let him know I’m here, after being told to send me up he walks me to the elevator, swipes the card, and sends me on my way to the penthouse.

  My stomach is in knots as the elevator climbs, my palms sweaty, my hands shaky. I’m a total mess. What is this man doing to me that—after just one night—the thought of him being upset with me has turned me into a ball of nervous energy?

  The ding alerting me to my arrival at the penthouse floor echoes so loudly I’m momentarily startled by it.

  The doors slide open to reveal Gabriel in all his intense glory leaning against the open doorframe leading into his apartment. He’s still dressed in his work clothes, but has lost the jacket and tie. The top two buttons of his dress shirt are undone and the sleeves are rolled up to mid forearm. His arms are crossed over his chest and the expression on his face is anything but pleased to see me. His stance may be casual, but anger seems to be radiating from him, hitting me like a sledgehammer.

  I take a hesitant step off of the elevator, my eyes bouncing between him and the marble floor beneath my feet. “Hi,” I whisper weakly, unsure of what else to say.

  “How did you get here?” he asks, still not moving from his spot at the door.<
br />


  My warm Gabriel is gone, in his place is the surly, arrogant man I first met at Fletchers. The speech I’d prepared in my head minutes earlier flies away like leaves caught in a turbulent thunderstorm the moment I lay eyes on Gabriel. All I can do is stand there, shuffling from foot to foot like a skittish cat.

  “May I ask why you’re here?” he finally speaks after several tense moments.

  I open my mouth to speak but the words get lodged behind the lump that’s formed in my parched throat. Licking my lips and clearing my throat, I finally steel my spine and find the courage to meet him face to face for more than a few seconds. I breathe in a fortifying breath and say, “I owe you an apology,”

  By the way his eyes widen and his brows raise, it obvious that wasn’t what he was expecting to hear. Feeling somewhat relieved that he hasn’t kicked me to the curb just yet, I push on. “I’m sorry for how I acted when you dropped me off at work today. I was a bitch and you didn’t deserve that.”

  He pushes off of the door frame, leaving his arms crossed and appraises me for what feels like forever before finally saying, “Take off your clothes.”

  My hands that I’ve been wringing in front of me uneasily this entire time drop to my side, my jaw hits the floor. “W-what?”

  “I said take off your clothes.” Everything about him is cool and casual. I’ve still yet to see my Gabriel. “If you’re truly sorry you’ll be willing to show me just how much.”

  His request should offend me, should send me running in the opposite direction. But I can’t walk away. I’m in too deep with him. At this point, I’d do just about anything to see that warmth return to his eyes when he looks at me. I hate this cold man standing in front of me right now. I want my Gabriel back, and as pathetic as it may seem, I’m willing to push myself to the limit to get him.

  As if reading my mind when my eyes begin scanning the corners of the tiny alcove we’re standing in, Gabriel says, “There are no cameras. No one can see you but me.”

  “How can you be sure?” I ask, still not completely comfortable with the idea of getting undressed somewhere where people could possibly see me.


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