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Break My Fall (Broken)

Page 19

by Chloe Walsh

  “You’re right, I don’t understand. I thought we were friends Kyle,” I shouted, “But friends don’t treat each other to the way treat me and friends don’t fuck.” I paused for a moment, taking in his scrunched up face. He closed his eyes. “That’s it Kyle close your eyes and pretend I don’t exist, you’re getting really good at it.” I opened the door and half-shimmied half fell out. I stormed to the front door not looking back. I heard his truck rev up and pull away. I reached the porch steps and collapsed, my body raking with tears. I couldn’t move my body, it was shutting down, or maybe that was my heart. I stayed right there on the steps. The cold was seeping through my bones, but I didn’t care. I was broken.


  When I pulled the car out of the drive, my pulse was racing. My emotions were raging a war inside of me. My fucking heart was screaming at me to go back and get her, do whatever I had to do to fix this, because I swear to god when I saw her lying on the porch steps, so tiny and fragile, I feared I had broken her, worse than her bastard of a father. However, the other emotion was twisting inside of me was more forceful. It was the one that had been swelling inside me all day, and now compelling me to drive until I was outside the bar we’d been in earlier. The phone call I’d gotten from Cam back in the ally, confirmed that he was here.

  “Perry Franklin?” I asked, approaching a group of three guys leaning by the bar, his fucking henchmen no doubt. “What’s it to ya, preppy?” The broad one said, eyeing me up and down. I had on jeans and a black button up shirt, but I guess I did look well groomed next to his dirty wife beater and denim shirt. He was the tallest of the four, and I had a good two inches on him. I knew him. He was the guy in the picture Cam had sent me. This was him. Perry stepped right up to my chest, and I smiled at him, wanting him to egg me on. I needed this. I was going to rip his fucking head off. I could see Derek approach us from the corner of my eye but I shook my head. This one was all mine. “I said what’s it to ya, pretty boy?” he growled, pushing me back with his meaty hands.

  I laughed once, before my fist connected with his face. There was a sickening crunch as blood sprayed from his nose. He staggered back and I wasted no time. I rushed him, knocking him to the ground, punching him repeatedly in the face. “That’s for touching my girl, you fucking sorry excuse of a man.” A pair of arms held me back long enough for him to get a sucker punch in. I spat out the blood that was pooling around in my mouth. He covered his nose with his hand, “Are you fucking crazy? What are you taking about?” I broke free from his friend’s grip, and lunged for his throat, “Lee Bennett? Ring any bells you fucking serpent?”

  Perry’s face paled and his eyes widened for an instant before twisting into a sneer. “That bitch is crazy. You’re welcome to her. But she sure tastes good doesn’t she?” His friends’ grabbed me as I tried to get to Perry, and it was my turn to take an ass kicking. They held me down, as Perry returned the favour. I struggled to break free, but the bastards had me locked in a bear hug with my arms behind my back. His fist cuffed me, and my neck snapped back. “Oh hell fucking no,” I heard Derek shout, as he dragged Perry’s goons off me.

  All hell broke loose and there was a lot of screaming and kicking and punching, before a tap of beer sprayed all over us. I looked up and saw Cam standing on the bar, holding the beer hose in her hands. “Stop Kyle,” she shouted, “Think about Lee. He’s not worth going to jail for.” I took a sharp breath and looked down at Perry, who was lying on the ground beneath me. His eye was swollen shut, and blood was trickling from his mouth. But he was conscious, which was a lot more than he deserved. “I’m gonna take you down for this,” I hissed in his ear, before staggering to my feet.

  The bartender rushed towards me with a bat, and I held up my hand, “We’re going.” Derek helped Cam down from the bar and we walked towards the door. I kept my back to the door, watching Perry and his henchmen every step of the way. “You know you really should be more selective in who you serve in here,” I said when we reached the door, “Rapists are bad for business.” I pointed at Perry’s stunned face and walked out.

  I turned the truck towards back to Lee’s house, convincing myself that it had been at least thirty minutes; she was bound to have gone inside. But when I pulled back into the driveway, she was exactly where I left her.

  I slammed the steering wheel with my palms. Fuck, this was gone beyond complicated. My legs carried me towards her, but I shitless. I didn’t know what to do. When I heard her sobbing the closer I got, I darted forward, pulling her into my arms. I didn’t think about it, I just held her. “Shh baby, don’t cry.” I would have given a kidney to stop the pain for her. I knew how she felt; I was feeling it too. It shredded me to know that I was the cause. I was destroying this amazing girl, piece by piece.

  She clung to me like a child, and I held her tighter. Her eyes were clenched shut; she couldn’t look at me either. “I can’t help it, Kyle you’re hurting me so bad,” Lee said and I swear that was a new low point in my life. “I don’t want to hurt you baby,” I whispered, hoping she’d believe me, “But that’s what I do, I fuck things up. I’m not good for you Lee, I’m destroying you.” I needed her to walk away from me, while I could still let her go. But she held onto me even tighter, her frail fingers clasping my shirt.

  “I love you,” she whispered. Her eyes met mine and my heart fucking leapt out of my chest. “Im so in love with you, please, please don’t leave me again.” I was drowning in an overwhelming cocktail of emotion. My heart was bouncing between utter possessiveness and sheer adoration for her.

  Fuck staying away from her, I couldn’t do it anymore. I wanted so bad not to let her down. I wanted to deserve her love.

  I stood up with my new found resolve and carried her inside, “Shh baby I’m here, I’m not leaving anymore.” I wasn’t. I couldn’t. I carried her upstairs, taking her to her room, there was no fucking way I was leaving her tonight. I sat her on the bed and undressed her, then undressed myself.

  Tonight there would be no more barriers. Lee had blown them clean out of the water anyway. I pulled back the covers and laid her into bed, then climbed in beside her and drew her into me. I felt her body relax against mine, and then I did something with Lee that I had never done with anyone before. I made love.


  I knew I was asleep, but on the cusp of waking up. The wonderful dream I was having pulled farther away from my reach as I was dragged into consciousness. Sun light poured into the room, and I tried to twist myself up but couldn’t move. I was trapped under six foot two inches of man and muscle. Holy Mary mother of God. Kyle’s face was tucked into the crook of my neck, his arm and leg thrown over me, and he was naked. I wiggled out from underneath him and turned on my side. I was also very much naked.

  Kyle grunted softly in his sleep, his hand snaked around my waist pulling my back up against him, his face nuzzled into my neck. He mumbled something incoherent and shifted closer. He curled against me, fast asleep, his penis pressed against my butt. He was aroused; he was rock hard. I couldn’t keep my mind in the present as the memory of last night flooded into me. He came back. I had truly thought it was over, but he had come back for me, and taken me to my room.

  My toes curled when I remembered his gentle touch as he undressed me and took me in his arms, kissing away every one of my doubts, touching me as if I was made of glass. He had been different. He had been with me, really, truly, completely with me. He didn’t fuck me. Last night he made love to me. He’d taken precautions and I had been amazed to watch him slide on the condom with such ease. I had been so overwhelmed with my feelings for him, overflowing as I responded to kisses, touching him in a way I would normally be too shy. Last night there had been nothing separating us, and everything pulling us together. My heart skipped and I tucked into Kyle’s embrace, wanted to feel as close to him as I was my own skin.

  But those pesky doubts gnawed away at me until I was questioning everything. What if he was back to the old Kyle today? What if he ignored me aga

in until I left the room? What if last night was a one off and it didn’t mean as much to him as it had to me. Oh god, talking about dousing the fire, I was cold to the bone now. I pulled away from him again.

  “You keep running away from me.” His voice was gruff as he clamped a strong hand down on my hip. “I’m sorry,” I muttered, unsure as to what to say. He pulled himself up on one elbow and lowered me onto my back with the other. I went easily. “Are you sorry?” he stroked my cheek with his thumb, as he looked down at me, “About last night I mean, do you regret it?” I stared up at his face, and gasped, “What happened to you?”

  I touched his cut lip with my fingers; he had a cut over his eye, and a bruise on his left cheek. He shook his head and smiled, “I told you, I had something to do last night.” I pulled myself up on my elbows, “Something that caused you to get beaten up?” He grinned, his dimple stretching the skin under the bruise. “You should see the other guy,” he chuckled, skimming his thumb over my cheek.

  Even all battered up; I’d never seen anything so perfect or beautiful in my life. God I was so in love with him. “Do you regret last night?” he asked again, this time there was a nervous tone to his voice and vulnerability in his eyes. I reached out and smoothed his worried brow. I shook my head, “Do you?” I whispered needing to hear his answer.

  He smiled down at me, stroking my cheek. He leaned down and kissed me softly, “I could never regret you. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes,” he sighed contently, “I’ve never seen or felt anything so fucking close to perfect as you.” I studied him, his eyes were full of truth, and my breath caught in my throat. Closing my eyes, I exhaled deeply, “Please don’t ignore me again Kyle, that’s all I’m ever going to ask from you, just to not ignore me.”

  He shuddered, and closed his eyes. He pulled me close to him, and whispered into my ear, “I won’t leave you again baby.”


  “Do you want to see him before we leave?” Cam was piling our bags into the trunk of her ford focus. “I don’t think so. I mean I know he’s alive and going to be okay. I am glad for him. But that’s all I can feel for him right now.” Cam smiled, “Good, I’m happy for you babe.” She gave me a one armed hug, and I melted into her side.

  “Uh oh, lover boy’s coming,” she said and pointed towards Kyle. I’d told her about last night, not every detail, but the important part that Kyle and I were together. She took it well, much better than I had anticipated considering all the warnings she had given me. I had a feeling she knew how Kyle got those cuts and bruises because Derek was sporting a black eye, “Are you going to tell me what the boys did last night to get those bruises?” Cam shrugged nonchalantly, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Oh, she knew all right, but the way she kept denying it made me think that I’d be better off not knowing. I decided to let it go.

  “Are we really bringing the flea bag with us?” Kyle asked as he approached us with a grumpy looking Bruno on a leash. I had to laugh at the nervous look on Kyle’s face. “Yes.” Cam and I said together. Kyle huffed, “Well he can ride with you and Derek,” Kyle said, handing the leash to Cam. “He keeps giving me this evil dog stare. It’s freaking me out.”

  Cam took Bruno’s leash and opened the car door for him, “He can smell your fear,” Cam chuckled as Bruno jumped and she closed the door, “And he’s sizing you up, to see if you’re good enough for his girl.”

  Kyle grabbed me and tossed me over his shoulder, causing me to yelp in surprise. “Yeah, well see that dog? She’s my girl now,” he laughed, slapping my ass. Bruno started barking and pawing at the window. “Ooh, you’re so brave when he’s locked inside the car,” Cam choked out through fits of laughter, “Let’s see how brave you’d be if I leave him out.” She motioned towards the door handle and Kyle placed me back down, holding his hands out in front of him.

  “Let’s not do anything hasty,” he said, edging closer to his truck. My stomach was churning from Kyle throwing me over his shoulder, “You coming princess?” he called, opening the passenger door for me. I covered my mouth with my hand and held two fingers up before making a sprint for the house.

  I made it to the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of my stomach. I knew drinking was a bad idea. I should have learned my lesson the last few times. “Whoa, heavy night Lee?” Derek walked past the open door laughing. I got up and cleaned myself up. This was going to be a long drive home.


  “Are you okay princess?” Lee’s face was white as a ghost when she came out of the house. She smiled softly as I lifted her into the passenger seat of my truck. “I drank too much last night. I’ll be fine in a little while,” she said quietly. I couldn’t argue with that, Cam had fed her too many shots.

  I shut her door, ran around and hopped into the driver’s seat. Lee’s pale, tired face made my heart constrict. “You tell me if you’re feeling sick again okay?” She nodded. I pulled away from her old house, fucking thrilled at the thought of taking her home to Boulder as mine.

  Everything else could wait, because right now I wanted to focus on the amazing girl beside me.


  The next few weeks were like my own little slice of heaven. I ate, drank and slept Kyle Carter. He was filling up the largest contours of my heart. Kyle had stayed true to his word. He hadn’t ignored me, not once since the night at my father’s house. Instead, he lavished me with attention, and I loved every second of it. I wasn’t sure what we were exactly; we never titled our relationship, but I knew he had no other women. He spent all his free time with me. He always touched me when we were alone together, held my hand or made some intimate gesture.

  “I’m making sure any horny little shits that think about looking twice at you, know you’re mine” is what he told me the other night when I asked him why he branded my neck with a love bite. He did not need to do any of that, because God knows I was his, heart and soul, every slither of me was irrevocably his. He did not touch me in front of anybody besides Derek and Cam. It stung a little but Kyle was coming around slowly. I just had to have patience and have a little faith in him. He came into the restaurant every time I had a shift, minus the dates now. Now he came with Derek or by himself. My heart contracted in my chest every time I saw in in my section.

  Mike had backed off quite a bit since I came back from Louisiana. He didn’t eat lunch with me anymore or ask me out again. Of course, I did not tell Kyle about Mike hitting on me. I didn’t want anything to burst the bubble we were in. They truly disliked one another and I was yet to discover the reason. Kyle was so blindingly beautiful; I had a hard job focussing on any other customers when he was there. Truth be told, I was having a hard time focussing on anything besides Kyle.

  “There you are,” a familiar deep voice whispered in my ear. I shivered, as two strong arms came around my waist and pulled me against a warm muscled chest. The cleaning rag and can of polish fell from my hands. “Why aren’t you at college? I thought you had classes today?” I admonished gently, as Kyle nipped at my neck with his teeth, “I’m trying to work.” It was a feeble argument, one I would lose. “Just one, and you can’t expect me to able to concentrate in class, when I know you’re in my office looking like that.” I moaned as his hands moved up to cup my breasts.

  “Baby you’re so distracting, I’m thinking I need to change your job description.” I laid my head back against his chest, panting, “Oh, and what would my new job entail, sir?” Kyle growled, and squeezed my breasts hard. I felt heat pooling inside me, as Kyle’s erection dug into my back. “Would you be opposed to being tied up in my bed naked all day,” he paused, turning me to face him, he claimed my mouth with a heart-searing kiss. “I’m pretty sure that goes against company policy. There are rules about that kind of thing,” I whispered, running my finger through his silky hair. “Oh yeah?” he said huskily, pulling at the edges of my housekeeping uniform until I was exposed from the waist down. “I’m fairly certain what I’m about to do to you blows those rules
out the window.” He turned me around again, and ran his hand down my back, cupping my butt cheek.

  “Bend over, princess.” I obliged, placing my hands on his office desk, which I was supposed to be polishing. I felt his hands tug at my panties, a moment later they fell to the ground. I trembled with anticipation as his cock rubbed against my wetness. “Do you want this baby?” he asked, and I knew why he was asking me. Kyle knew all my dark secrets and he wanted my approval. “Yes. Oh yes,” I muttered, “Don’t ask me. I’m yours. Take me when and wherever you want.” He gripped my waist and plunged into me. I cried out at the feel of him stretching me to the core. “You feel so good,” I whimpered, as I pushed my ass against him, “I love you so much.” His pace slowed as he leaned over me, “You’re mine Lee. I am always going to want you. That’s never gonna change baby,” he vowed.

  I turned my head and accepted his lush wet kiss. He didn’t say he loved me, but would always want me. I focused on those words as the swell of pleasure building inside me boiled over.


  “Mr Carter, how good of you to grace us with your presence today.” Mr Peterson, my econ professor blocked the door of the classroom, “Can I be assured that you will be in full attendance next semester?” For a short man, he had an intimidating aura. “Sorry Larry,” I muttered, shifting my notebook bag to my other shoulder, “I’ve had a lot on lately.” Like my sexy roommate who I couldn’t keep my hands off. As fond as Larry Peterson was of me, I didn’t think he would take too kind to me skiving off class to make out with my girl. Then again, if he saw Lee I reckoned he might understand.


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