Book Read Free

The Perfect Affair

Page 12

by Lutishia Lovely

“Whatever you say, Blair. I don’t speak that language. Where’s Aaron?”

  “Over at Hunter’s house. They’re having some type of tournament with stupid video games.” Albany noticed the bag. “What did you buy me?”

  “Girl, as quiet as it’s kept, life isn’t all about you. I bought me a new dress.” She pulled out the formfitting black-and-tan dress with the geometric print she’d tried on at the mall. She’d purchased it after discovering that it looked just right with a dose of new Spanx.

  “That’s cute, Sherri,” Blair said.

  Albany’s face was in a frown, no doubt because the dress wasn’t for her.

  “When your dad returns, he and I are going on a date.”

  Albany frowned. “Another one?”

  Ignoring her, Sherri turned to Blair. “Do you think you’d be able to spend the night one day next week?”

  “Sure, no problem. Just give me a heads-up a day or two in advance. There’s nothing I do at home on my laptop that I can’t do here.”

  “You’re a godsend, Blair.”

  “What else is in there?” Albany was still fixated on the Loehmann’s shopping bag.

  Sherri reached inside it. “These.” She twirled the dainty sandal this way and that.

  “Okay, Mom. I have to give it you. Those shoes are tight.”

  “I’m glad they meet with your approval, Tyra.”

  “Ooh, does that mean you’re going to let me try out for America’s Next Top Model?”

  “If the show is still on the air when you turn eighteen, you can do what you want.”


  Sherri placed her purchases back in the bag. “Tonight’s dinner is on the fridge,” she said. “Mexican, Thai, Italian, whoever delivers.”

  “Why? Where are you going?” Albany asked.

  “If I get in touch with Elle, it might be to a gym.”

  She got in touch with her neighbor. They didn’t make it to the gym. Instead, they tortured themselves in Elle’s newly renovated, open-space basement which housed their new custom gym. Some guy named Shaun T, with his insane behind, had made her use muscles she hadn’t known she had, muscles that tomorrow would probably let her know how much they hadn’t appreciated it. Heck, truth be told, they’d been complaining from the get-go, as soon as she sat on the floor to stretch. “You’ll love it!” Elle had said about the workout video.Wrong. Right now she hated it, and Shaun. So did her muscles.

  Once home, Sherri took off sweaty clothes and eased into a tub filled with steamy hot water. She’d been in the water for about fifteen minutes when the phone rang. It was a number she didn’t recognize, so she let the call go to voice mail. As soon as the message indicator sounded, she listened to her one new message:

  “Sherri, hello. This is Debbie, James’s wife. You don’t recognize my number because I changed it when I got a new phone. Long story. Tell you later. Anyway, it’s been way too long since we talked, so I thought I’d give you a call. My number probably registered on your missed calls, but just in case, here it is again. It’s five-one-six—”

  Instead of listening to a number she knew had been captured, Sherri hit redial and then put the call on speaker before placing the phone on the ledge beside her and leaning back against the bath pillow. “Debbie! Sorry about that. You’re right. I didn’t recognize your number.”

  Debbie laughed. “I figured as much. I said to myself, ‘I know Sherri is looking at the number and sending me to voice mail.’ Ha!”

  “You know it. I’m glad you called because I had sure planned to call you. Randall mentioned you after spending time with James in Los Angeles. Said we were overdue for a grown-folks-only get-together, going somewhere fun like Atlantic City or Vegas.”

  “I vote for Vegas, get me off of the East Coast. I almost surprised James with an impromptu visit when he was in LA.”

  Sherri’s head lifted off the pillow a bit. “That’s a great idea! Why didn’t you do it?”

  “Mama stuff. You know my son plays baseball.”

  “You probably told me, but I don’t remember. I barely can keep up with my own children’s extracurricular activities.”

  “I hear you, sis. But, yes, Montell plays for his high school team and they’re doing some practice thing that’s city-wide, where scouts from several colleges will be coming to check them out. So I had to give up my plans for having a wild time on the West Coast and report for mommy duty.”

  “I’m sure Montell appreciates you.”

  “Did I tell you that he is sixteen? Kids that age don’t appreciate anything but money in their pocket, food in the fridge, me playing taxi driver when they need a ride, and oh, let me not forget designer clothes, one-hundred-dollar sneakers, and the latest iPhone and video games, thank you very much.”

  “You’re right about that,” Sherri said with a chuckle. “Albany turns thirteen in December and you’d think she was getting married. She’s asking for everything but a car!”

  “They grow up fast. How old is Aaron?”

  “Ten going on twenty-one. But he’s my quiet one. Albany is the hellion.”

  “Both of mine are out of control.”



  “Have you and James discussed having a child together?”

  “Yes, and we also agreed that hell would have to freeze over first.”


  “His son is grown and mine are almost out of the house. As soon as the last one leaves, hubby and I are going to screw in every room in the house.”

  The women laughed as Sherri reached to pull the stopper up. “Girl, I’m about to shrivel up and turn into a raisin. I’ve been soaking this whole time, hoping that my body forgives me for trying to keep up with that crazy Insanity video. Not that I kept up with any of it, not even close!”

  “So you’ve started working out? Good for you.”

  “Yes, everybody hasn’t been blessed with your kind of genes, the kind that allows you to eat anything, not break a sweat, and gain absolutely no weight.”

  “Funny you should mention that. I’m actually trying to put on a few pounds.”

  “See what I mean?” Sherri stood and reached for a towel.

  “On that note, let me get out of here and go check on the kids. Aaron should be home now and I have to make sure he’s eaten. That boy will stay on a game all day, even if his stomach is growling.”

  “Okay, Sherri. It was nice talking to you. And, hey, just because I can’t surprise James in LA doesn’t mean you can’t pack a bag and come to New York. I know Randall is here with James.”

  “It’s been about a year since I’ve been to Manhattan. I’m definitely going to think about it.”

  “Either way, let’s talk again soon and make plans for all of us to do a weekend somewhere.”

  “That sounds good, Debbie. We’ll talk soon.”

  Sherri rubbed her body down with some lotion that Elle had suggested. Her husband was also a doctor, one of the reasons they clicked so quickly, and he specialized in rheumatology. The lotion, she said, would help relax the muscles and keep the tissue pliable as well.

  After checking on the kids and answering a few e-mails, Sherri settled onto their large TempurPedic mattress with the latest tabloids—her guilty pleasure. She wanted to see who was being lied on about being pregnant, sleeping around, getting arrested, doing drugs, or other acts of foolishness. But her mind kept wandering. She kept thinking about what Debbie said about surprising Randall in New York. She knew he had meetings over the weekend, but they wouldn’t last all night. The more she thought about it, the more she believed that it was exactly what she needed to do. Sherri placed down the magazine and reached for her iPad.


  Deciding to surprise Randall had been the easy part. Now Sherri stood in the middle of their humongous walk-in closet, clothes strewn everywhere, trying to decide what to pack into her carry-on. This weekend, their housekeeper was going to earn her pay.

  Come on, Sherri.
It shouldn’t be this hard. After all, she was going to be in New York for less than forty-eight hours, taking the first flight out tomorrow morning and returning Monday night. Technically, she only needed two outfits. Maybe three—something dressy should they decide to dine at a fancy restaurant. Since she’d begun working out, and following her conversation with Debbie, she’d become more conscious of herself as wife versus mother. It was time for a wardrobe makeover.

  Not that Randall was neglected, nor had Sherri let go of her looks. She was the wife of a prominent member of the science community, and she was heavily involved in community and social events as well as her children’s school activities, so she normally dressed in business casual. Unlike her neighbor, Elle, or her fashion-forward daughter, Sherri didn’t necessarily follow the fashion trends. While home, she usually donned fashionable leggings and a slightly oversized top. If out running errands, she’d pair the ensemble with wedgie sandals or stylish flats. She’d had to buy a pair of tennis shoes to join Elle in her workouts, and she still possessed the classic pumps and tailored suits she wore during her brief career in education.The pumps, she could still comfortably slide into. The suits? Buttoning those jackets would require her to get just a little more insane with Shaun T, her man on the side.

  After an exasperated sigh, she picked up her phone, scrolled down her contact screen, and tapped a name. She was glad that Debbie picked up.

  “Hello, Deb.”

  “Hey, Sherri! I was just thinking about you.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yes. Are you going to surprise Randall?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes.”

  Debbie squealed like a schoolgirl. “Ooh, I’m so happy. That’s what I wanted to hear.”

  “Why, are you coming in from Long Island?”

  “I hadn’t planned to, but now I might. I was just thinking about how romantic surprising your husband would be.”

  “I think so too. That’s why I called you. I haven’t joined Randall on one of his business trips in ages, and cannot figure out what to take.”

  “No worries, chickie, you’ve called the right number. First of all, do you have some of those stretch jeans, the design that should be in every woman’s closet?”

  “Where do I get those?”

  “Oh Lord.”

  Sherri smiled; she could just see Debbie rolling her eyes. “Go to any department store; even T.J. Maxx, Marshalls, or Ross may have them. Definitely put a pair of those in your carry-on, along with a sexy top and some heels to go with it. Heels, not flats. We want this to be a grown-up, sexy weekend for the two of you.”

  Sherri reached for a top that she’d only worn once, an off-the-shoulder yellow sweater with a subtle swirl print. Still listening to Debbie, she walked over to the shoe section and pulled out a pair of navy ankle boots with gold studs.

  “Okay, I think I have the outfit I’ll wear on the plane, for when Randall first sees me. This top makes me feel sexy, and I think I know where I can get those stretchy jeans.”

  “Good. Now, you’ll need to pack a slinky dress, preferably one that looks as ratchet as possible.”

  “Ha! I only know what that word means because of Albany. I said someone looked hoochie in front of her friends and she almost choked.”

  Debbie laughed. “Oh yeah, girl. Hoochie went out when the new millennium came in. Teenage kids are good for something, huh?”

  “One or two things,” Sherri agreed as she eyed the black dress she had worn to a New Year’s Eve party two years ago. It was simple yet sexy. Randall had barely kept his hands off her all that night, and they had made love real good after coming back home. With the Spanx, I think I can pull it off.

  She tossed it into the carry-on, along with two comfortable yet stylish maxi dresses, another sweater, a pair of black stilettos, a pair of flats (if she was going to shop she was going to be comfortable), and several pieces of fancy lingerie.

  “I think I’ve got it together,” she said, going into the master bath to put various toiletries into her cosmetic case. “Haven’t done this in a while. Guess I just needed someone to talk me through it.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Debbie assured her. “Did you remember perfume?”



  “Of course.”

  “Fragrant douche?”

  “Girl! Stop!”

  “Look, I’m just keeping it real.” They laughed. “I’ve got to run. But keep me posted on how things go, okay? Call me when you get here. I’ll come in if I can. No matter what, have a great time!”

  “Thanks, Debbie. I plan to do just that.”

  The next morning Sherri didn’t need the alarm to wake her, even though it had been set for six a.m. Her flight was scheduled to leave from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington, D.C. at nine o’clock and arrive in New York’s JFK airport at ten fifteen. She figured that even if Randall’s work consumed most of his day, she could still get in some good shopping, maybe even take in a Broadway matinee.

  Sherri made quick work of her shower and dressed fast as well. These really are flattering, she thought as she viewed herself in the new stretch jeans. She’d always had a nicely shaped rear, but the pants made it look smoother. The three-inch sandals elongated her frame, and she was thankful that her hairdresser was able to make a change in the schedule and fit her in. The short, tapered style worked with Sherri’s round face, and regular facials paired with her just-waxed brows made makeup almost unnecessary. Satisfied that she looked like a tempting chocolate morsel for any man, let alone her husband, she closed her carry-on, grabbed her cell phone, keys, and oversized Coach bag, and left the master suite.

  She reached the hall leading to the kitchen and was surprised to see lights. “Blair! Good morning. I didn’t expect to see anyone up.”

  “Good morning, Sherri. I’m an early riser, take after my mom. Even on the weekends I’m usually up before eight o’clock.”

  “Good Lord!”

  “But I’m usually in bed by ten . . . like my grandma.”

  The women laughed. Sherri walked over to the island, picked a banana and apple from the fruit bowl, and placed them in her bag. “I don’t have to tell you that for a young adult, this is unusual behavior.”

  “Trust me, my college roommates let me know it every chance they get.” Blair looked at Sherri’s carry-on. “Do you have everything?”

  “I believe so. What I don’t have, I’ll buy.”

  “Don’t worry about the kids, Sherri. I’ll be extra observant and make sure they’re safe.”

  “Blair, if it weren’t for the fact that I believe so strongly in higher education, I’d put in a serious bid to keep you in our family.”

  “Thanks, Sherri. I appreciate that. I look forward to getting my master’s but will miss you guys just the same.”

  “You have both my and Randall’s cell. I emailed you copies of our flight itineraries, hotel information, along with the household and children’s schedule. If you need anything, or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call.”

  “Stop worrying, Sherri. And get out of here before you miss your plane.”

  “I guess I should.” She walked back over to give Blair a light hug. “Thanks for everything.”

  As she navigated the light traffic on the George Washington Memorial Parkway for the short trip to long-term parking, Sherri’s thoughts whirled. She was 99.9 percent sure that Randall would be delighted that she’d decided to do something spontaneous. Since having the children, it seemed that their lives had been planned to within an inch of Outlook, and his increasingly busy travel schedule only added to the chaos. Their last vacation had been a year ago, and had included the children and her mother as well.

  Realizing they hadn’t spoken that morning, Sherri decided to call Miss Elaine when she reached the gate. After parking the car, taking the shuttle and arriving curbside, she headed for the security checkpoint. Halfway to her destination, her phone rang. She immediately
recognized the number: her mother’s neighbor.

  “Hello, Ms. Riley. I must have thought you up. I’m at the airport and was going to call mom as soon as I got to the gate. How is she?”

  “We had a little episode.”

  Sherri stopped. “What’s wrong?”

  “She’s home now, so I want you to stay calm. But Elaine walked off this morning.”

  “Walked off!” Sherri’s raised voice caused heads to turn. She lowered her voice, but knew that lowering her escalating blood pressure wouldn’t be as easy. “What do you mean, walked off?”

  “When I called this morning she didn’t answer, so I went over. The door was unlocked and she was nowhere to be found. I called the police and we found her after about ten minutes of searching.”

  “And you’re just now calling me?”

  “Child, I don’t want to get you all worked up, but I felt this was something you needed to know.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “She’s in her bedroom, lying down. We’re trying to get her to go to the hospital, but she swears that she’s okay.”

  Sherri turned and headed to the Delta counter, ready to book a flight to Raleigh. “Thanks for everything, Ms. Riley. Just watch her until I get there. Tell Mom that I’m on my way.”

  Jacqueline walked down the hotel corridor, purposeful and confident. She’d looked at the agenda and knew that Randall didn’t have a session until that afternoon. A quick look around the restaurants and lobby area had suggested he hadn’t come down for breakfast. Their schedules had both been packed and aside from their Broadway date, not much intimate time had been shared. But if he’d ordered room service, as she suspected, this was about to change. Nearing his door and wearing nothing beneath a chic, wrap dress, Jacqueline’s breasts tingled at the mere thought of what she had planned. Soon, she’d be wearing nothing but a smile.


  Randall stepped through the door of his spacious colonial-style home in the Mt. Vernon subdivision on the Potomac. He’d done a rare thing: left a conference early. It couldn’t be helped. After getting Sherri’s phone call about Miss Elaine, he knew that staying another night in New York wasn’t an option. So he’d checked out of the hotel and boarded the first available flight back to Virginia.


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