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Blue Moon

Page 19

by Angela Colsin

  There wasn't a cut left on her body, save the remnants of the bigger wound on her back. But even that had faded into nothing more than a pink area of skin. Sara was right about the perks of being a lupine. I'll have to keep them in mind more often.

  The lack of mars on her face got her more enthusiastic about looking her best, so she'd done her makeup in a fun manner, and pulled her hair into pigtails. After a lifetime of being called cute, Ashley knew what her strong points were, and pigtails seemed to work for her.

  She was doing well that night with her tips too. The customers were all agreeable and fun—thankfully—and Ashley thought she might have broken the seventy dollar mark by fifteen til nine.

  So with work, all was going well. But personal affairs? Those were different.

  Ashley was feeling out of sorts, and after two days, she realized that all of her misgivings were centered around the Alpha. She couldn't stop herself from thinking about Cade, something that only got worse when she accidentally spied him in his bedroom after a shower with only a towel wrapped around him.

  Ashley wasn’t used to simply looking at a man and feeling aroused, but Cade did it with all the grace of ease. She’d dumbly watched him heading to his dresser through the half open door with little trickles of water cascading from his dark hair and across his broad back.

  When she realized that she was staring like a deer caught in the headlights, she went to her room and tried to forget that she’d ever seen him like that. Ever.

  Her hormones were going hard though, as if to slap her and say bitch please, don't you know forgetting is impossible? All she could think about was running her fingers over the skin she'd glimpsed, finding out if he were as hard as he looked, and just how hard she could make him.

  Ashley determined that her lusty thoughts were definitely her new nature as a lupine because she never would've considered something like that before. Come to think of it, I was kind of a prude when I was a human.

  Now, she was so interested that she even felt territorial. Women who tried to get close to Cade always struck a chord, and working at Blue Moon, Ashley picked up on a lot of the pack's gossip—including the single she-wolves admiring the Alpha.

  Ashley bit her lip on more than one occasion, reminding herself that she had no right to get angry no matter how much her instincts argued with her otherwise.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t like Cade either. Her physical attraction to him was only the tip of the ice burg. He was considerate and attentive, and did the best he could for the members of his pack to ensure their well being—as well as hers.

  He was drawing her in easily, and despite her resistance, she'd began to wish something more would happen between them, desperately so. I'd kill to have an actual shot with him.

  But damned if he wasn't giving some mixed signals. One moment he'd joke with her, and the next, he was clipped, as if he didn't want her around. So Ashley couldn't tell if she had a chance, or if he was just being a good friend whenever he was agreeable.

  It was starting to really drive her nuts.

  In order to hopefully alleviate some of the strain, Ashley inquired about more permanent living arrangements twice. But Cade brushed her off both times, at first saying he'd get back to her, and then that he was working on it.

  Ashley wished he'd get something worked out sooner rather than later because not only was she so strongly attracted to him, but she was also growing fond of his home. She tried telling herself that maybe the place she moved to would be even better, but a part of her always argued that Cade won't be there.

  Ashley never felt quite as enthusiastic after that.

  But she came to one decision easily, informing Cade that she wanted to join his pack. After meeting so many good people there, staying was a no-brainer, and Cade's response was much more pleasant—he smiled and said good.

  It was uncertain whether he was glad she'd decided to stay, or if he was merely grateful she'd made up her mind, but it was nice not getting brushed off for once.

  Currently, the Alpha was standing at the entryway of the bar, keeping a watch over the patrons. She wished he didn’t look so damned good in those blue jeans and the tight black work shirt he wore, but whenever she looked, all she could think was the word damn.

  Trying to remain oblivious to the sight, Ashley served her tables, and took some drinks to deliver to booth eleven where Joe was sitting. He'd come in earlier with Caleb and a lupine that Ashley met the night before named Brett Hobbson, or just Hobbs.

  Hobbs worked at Blue Moon on weekends as a bouncer, and with good reason—the man was a giant. Even taller than Cade, he was heavily muscular with tattoos up and down both arms and a head of wavy dark brown hair that he tied back into a ponytail at his nape.

  He was currently on break, talking with Caleb and Joe as Ashley walked to their booth with their drinks on her tray.

  “Hey, Ashley,” Caleb started, “I didn't get a chance to ask how you're gettin' along when you took our orders.”

  “Good,” she replied, sitting their drinks down before glancing at Joe with pursed lips. “Sometimes I have trouble, but good.”

  Joe grinned, and Hobbs warned him, “She's onto you, bro. Better up your game.”

  “I'm not out of hands yet. She'll break down soon,” Joe assured Hobbs while winking at Ashley playfully. Then he asked, “You need a ride home tonight? It'd give me a chance to try them out.”

  Ashley was about to respond when Caleb said, “Shut up, Joe. I'm talkin' here. So Ashley, tell me something.”

  Caleb put his arms up behind his head as he relaxed against the wall behind him, turned sideways in the seat of his booth. “Has my brother been acting strange at all? I mean, from what you can see.”

  Ashley's brows drew together in thought. She could only wonder why he'd asked, but shrugged plainly. “Not that I can tell.”

  “He isn't irritable, or just being a grumpy bastard?”

  “Well, yeah, he's been a little irritable,” she replied, “but I don't really know if that's strange or not. He's just kind of moody, like it's his time of month with the full moon coming.”

  Joe and Hobbs laughed while Caleb grinned. “He hasn't been snapping at you, has he?”

  “Not really,” Ashley shook her head. “Just . . . grumpy. I gotta get goin' though. Tables won't wait themselves.”

  “You'll be back,” Joe remarked playfully as Ashley walked on, making her grin. Indeed she would return, and she'd have to ask Caleb what he'd been on about.

  After a little more work, she inevitably noticed Cade again, standing at the entryway with Aislinn. They were discussing something, and Cade suddenly laughed at whatever the witch told him. Aislinn had a good wit about her, so it could've been anything.

  Regardless, jealously stabbed into Ashley, and she groaned at herself. Aislinn was a very attractive woman with crimson hair, silvery blue eyes, and nicely curvy assets. The witch could probably make any female jealous, but she was also a good person. Being jealous of her just didn't feel right.

  Why couldn’t she simply ignore her attraction to Cade and let him talk to whomever he wanted?

  Because he's mine. She rolled her eyes at the possessive thought and turned from the bar where Martin and Sara were serving drinks, heading to the kitchen window to get a quick breather and clear her head.

  Not ten seconds after she'd stopped, the waitress named Rachel dropped a plate of food on the floor. It didn't make too much of a mess, so Ashley bent down to get it up for her. Rachel thanked her endlessly before running off to inform her customers of the mishap.

  Ashley got the broom and the dust pan after handing the dirty plate off to the cook. While sweeping up the food, the music in the bar grew softer, low enough that she could hear a conversation taking place at Caleb's table which she found herself listening in on.

  They were sitting right on the other side of the wall from the archway, and Ashley picked up on Joe saying, “Bullshit.”

  “I'm tellin' you man, Cade
's bonding with her,” Caleb replied. “That's why Ashley's driving him crazy.”

  Bonding? What's that?

  “Then why aren't they together?” Joe asked.

  “Bad timing. He thinks Ashley isn't—,”

  Whatever else Caleb said was drowned out by the music picking back up without warning. Ashley was so focused on listening in that she jumped when the bass suddenly pumped out of the speakers.

  It got her back into gear, hurrying the dust pan over to the trash can to dump it out before she washed her hands.

  What was Caleb talking about? Cade was irritated with her because he was bonding with someone? What the hell was bonding?

  After Ashley finished drying her hands off, she went back to the kitchen window when three of her tables were called out, and grabbed a tray to put the plates on.

  Carrying the first order out, she served the customers, idly glancing back at Cade in curiosity. Aislinn looked like she was trying to convince him of something, and he grinned at her.

  Ashley stood from the table and moved around, passing the entryway in the process. When Cade saw her, his expression grew sour, and that struck a nerve.

  So she decided to stop and ask him what was wrong just to see what he’d say.

  “Nothin’,” Cade shrugged, still leaning against the wall with his arms folded over his chest.

  Ashley shrugged despite her frustration, and carried her tray on to Caleb's table. I can play the indifferent card goddamn it.

  Cade's response made her wonder if Caleb knew something she didn't. Maybe Cade mentioned something to his younger brother that she didn't know of. If so, should she ask Caleb about it?

  She also hadn't forgotten their interrupted conversation a few nights before, and now Caleb had said the exact same thing, that Cade didn't think she was . . . something.

  So what was it? Good enough?

  The thought was incredibly disheartening, and made the ride Joe offered earlier look like a great idea. I should capitalize on it.

  As soon as Ashley reached Caleb's table with their food, she settled the plates down and looked at Joe, asking, “So, you still got room in your car?”

  Joe perked up, grinning. “Any time you need it.”

  “Good. I'm not gettin' off until later though if that's okay.”

  “No problem,” he returned.

  “Thanks, Joe.”

  Ashley gave him a small smile before turning to go. There, that should be a little less on Cade's plate. She served her last customers, then headed back to the kitchen and frowned. It felt good getting a load off of Cade's shoulders, but at the same time, it was depressing to think she was bothering him so much that she needed to do such a thing.

  Thankfully, now that her tables were caught up, she could focus on some prep work instead of her disappointment, and went to the kitchen where Tyler was struggling with the overflowing trash.

  He had a mile of tickets to prepare and the other cooks were so busy that she offered him a hand. Tyler thanked her, grabbing a new trash bag while Ashley tugged the full one out and began hauling it to the back door to toss in the dumpster outside.

  When she opened the door where the back lot was located, the cool air hit her along with the poignant scent of garbage, the dumpster only a couple of feet away. Ashley suddenly decided she missed being a human—the garbage didn't smell quite as strong then.

  She hurriedly tugged the bag up and threw it in, then shut the bin's door to get back inside as quickly as possible. Just as she turned, she heard footsteps rushing up behind her.

  Ashley spun around in time to be tackled by a man she hadn't scented over the garbage. He shoved her into the wall, and the back of her head smacked against the brick, causing a light to flash in her eyes on impact.

  Pain streaked through her head, but she forced herself to retaliate, blindly swinging a fist while trying to gain her bearings.

  Her fist rammed into something hard, and her assailant growled, telling her that she'd landed her blow. But he'd grabbed her ponytails, and slammed the back of her head into the wall a second time.

  “Fuckin' bitch!”

  Those snarled words were all she heard, the second blow enough to knock her unconscious.

  Chapter 23

  “When you go home tonight, lay the cards out on the table. Ashley's bonding with you and she'll be receptive. You're just gonna have to make sure you explain things.”

  Standing at the entryway with Aislinn, who'd just given the advice after Ashley walked by, Cade muttered the words, “I don't need to hear that, Aislinn.”

  The witch rolled her eyes and waved him off. “Here I am trying to tell you I have good vibes about something, and it doesn't even cheer you up.”

  “It's only making this worse,” he grumbled back.

  “Fine, but at least now you know and you can do something without worrying. So go ahead and grump all night if that's your thing.”

  Despite his irritated mood, Cade smiled and let his gaze settle back on the bar in order to watch the patrons while idly considering his level of frustration.

  On a scale of one to ten, he was at an eleven. If his instincts were annoying a few days ago, now they were nothing short of exasperating.

  There were pressing matters to worry over, and the strain of ignoring them was getting in the way, making things worse. While the draconian hadn't come back, some of his wolves reported catching a few scents in the territory. It was making Cade consider getting a group to actually travel outside and find the lupines chasing Ashley.

  But whenever he tried to focus on it, Ashley would walk by, and Cade dropped what he'd been considering in favor of watching her the whole way. Against his better judgment, he'd eye her hips swaying in her shorts, and become even more frustrated than before.

  Aislinn's tonic had worked as well. Ashley was blemish free on Friday morning, her skin an even ivory color, not that Cade wasn't already staring at her.

  Over the past two days, his curious interest had grown to desire and heavy attraction, inquisitive over everything about Ashley, from her personality down to what she'd like in bed. He almost felt like he'd go crazy if he didn't find out, and the more he learned, the more curious he became.

  One thing he liked specifically was Ashley's love of laughter. Cade usually found her jokes witty enough to get him chuckling right along with her, and he hadn't smiled so much in a long time. Damned if it wasn't a good feeling.

  With her company, he'd realized that this past year as Alpha was miserable. He knew it was his own doing with isolating himself, but he hadn't realized just how lonely things were until she showed him, setting up plans, keeping him company, and doing things with his family.

  It made his time spent at home worthwhile again.

  Cade definitely wanted her to stay. So when Ashley asked about a more permanent living situation, he brushed her off, saying I'm working on it while hoping she'd stop asking altogether.

  He wasn't working on a damned thing.

  But ignoring his instincts was starting to take its toll. It was common knowledge that a lupine who denied himself in these situations could grow ill, and Cade was feeling physically anguished whenever he didn't give into an urge to pull her closer, or tell her how he felt. Even eating was becoming a chore.

  He needed to strengthen their bond, develop a solid connection with her, but he hadn't even allowed himself to talk to her much, putting an aching distance between them that he damned near couldn't take anymore.

  Aislinn was right. He needed to lay the cards out on the table.

  After work sounded like the best time to do so.

  Cade continued watching his bar while considering it, though no one had been particularly misbehaved that night. He wasn't so sure he'd be upset if a disruption occurred with his patrons either. At least then he'd have some way to alleviate his frustrations.

  And if someone else smacked Ashley's ass, he'd kill.

  While having the thought, Cade heard his name called, and saw h
is brother walking over. Caleb stopped about three feet from where he stood, shaking his head, and his expression had Cade curious.


  “Look, I don't wanna point out the obvious,” Caleb started, “but you're bonding with Ashley.”

  Cade rolled his eyes. “Yeah, apparently everyone but Ashley knows it. Why?”

  Caleb started grinning, glancing over at his booth where Joe was sitting, then back at his brother. “She asked Joe to take her home a few minutes ago. I thought I should tell you because I get the feeling she thinks you're upset with her about something.”

  “Shit,” he groaned, seeing Caleb smirking, which prompted him to ask, “What's so funny?”

  “Nothin', I just thought my big brother was smoother than this.”

  “Shut up, Caleb,” he muttered, though he was also amused at himself. Maybe I could buy her pair of earrings to replace the silver ones and prove I'm not upset.

  But Caleb distracted him from the thought when he asked Aislinn if she was all right. The witch had a funny look on her face, and in response, she shook her head. “I'm not sure. I just feel like something bad's happening.”

  Just then, Cade's phone rang as if in omen to Aislinn's words. He reached into his pocket for it, and found Mike's name on the ID.

  Mike was patrolling the territory that night with the help of another wolf in their pack named William Harper, so Cade could only imagine why he was calling.

  “Hey Mike, what's up?”

  “Cade, there's a scent in the territory. It's faint, so whoever it was either came a while ago, or they're trying to mask themselves, but it's there.”

  “Where was it picked up?”

  “About six miles north of Blue Moon out in the woods east of Braddock's Field. That's where they just called from, saying they tracked it for a mile before it was lost, but the direction was leading to the inner city, heading your way.”

  Cade kept his expression neutral, replying, “All right, why don't you head that way with William. I don't think we're gonna have to worry about the west end much. We'll keep our eyes out over here in the meantime.”


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