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ROMANCE: Trapped on Ice Planet: Science Fiction Romance - A Sci-fi Alien Invasion Warrior Romance Thriller Story Book (The Adventure of Leila and Auzo 1)

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by Selena Bedford

  Trapped on Ice Planet

  by Selena Bedford

  Copyright © All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter One


  I’ve never believed in aliens. Like everyone else, I love reading sci-fi stories. Sometimes when I’m reading I’ll daydream about being captured by a huge alien. That always makes me horny. Oh wow, imagine having rough sex with the alien. I’d love to try that.

  I’m always taken away by these fantasies, even on the bus or in bed.

  Unfortunately, my actual life is boring as hell.

  Like my friends in college, I found a nine-to-five job, Monday to Friday.

  Unlike my friends though, I’ve never had a long-term relationship.

  Don’t get me wrong, I do love men, and it’s easy enough to pick one up for an all-nighter, especially when I go to the right bars. But those assholes never take me seriously. They just want my body, not a long-term relationship.

  I’ve gone on a few blind dates, but they just end the same way.

  I don’t blame them. Guys like sexy girls, right? Unfortunately, my body is not that sexy.

  I’m not horribly overweight, but I have to admit that I need to shed a few pounds before I can comfortably use the word ‘slim’. Heck, probably fifteen or twenty pounds.

  There are the girls who do ballet or yoga, but I like self-defense. I’ve been training since middle school. I’ve even entered a few competitions. I think that’s pretty cool. Unfortunately, even the guys at karate prefer soft-spoken beautiful girls to me.

  I do go out with guys. But it never gets to the point of being a relationship. Either they end up disappearing, or I do.

  The truth is this: the guys I meet are all well-educated, polite, and soft-spoken.

  What I secretly crave is an alpha male, someone like the aliens in my fantasies. Someone who abducts me, rips off my clothes, and then fucks me hard in their spaceship.

  Today is another boring day. I just got a promotion from bank teller to financial consultant. I get an office, and higher pay. I also get to work later with no overtime. Goody.

  It’s seven-thirty before I get to leave; by the time I make it through my commute home, I’m totally exhausted. Oh, and I’ve brought work home with me.

  But first, dinner. I flop onto my couch with my KFC Go Cup. The drumstick smells greasy and delicious. It’s not the best to take in so many extra calories, but I can always go train to work off the pounds.

  And anyway, tonight is going to be as busy as hell. I’ve got to prepare a few profiles for tomorrow morning. If I can’t get them done, my boss Howard is going to kill me.

  Howard’s a total ass. He always tries to get in my pants. I have no problem with that. But he has a wife already, who happens to work in the same building. That makes me feel sick. I don’t want to fuck her husband and then say hi to her like nothing ever happened.

  “Why do you want me?” I asked him once.

  “Your tits.” His eyes roamed along my deep cleavage. After a while, he added, “Your ass, too.”

  He’s so fucking right. I have huge boobs and my ass is full and firm. Except for the few extra pounds I carry, my body is pretty damn nice. Unfortunately, Howard is far away from an alpha male. I don’t think he can last long enough to give me even one orgasm.

  I finish my chicken and turn on my laptop. The huge number of emails in my mailbox almost gives me a heart attack. I’ve responded to all the emails before leaving the office but now they’ve piled up again. My evening is doomed.

  Soon, my eyes are super sore. I rub them a few times, typing fast.

  Soft moonlight comes in from the window. It’s a perfect evening to go out. Heck, I wish I could do that. I suck my lips and type faster.

  Soon, the moonlight becomes a bit… too strong. I raise my eyes and see sharp beams slicing through the sky. What the heck is going on? Is it an airplane flying by?

  Within seconds, the light becomes so strong that I have to look away. Is this fucking plane going to crash on me?

  I feel my body lightening, and my arms begin to rise of their own volition. Soon, my entire body is lifting off the couch. I’m actually floating! This must be a dream. I tell myself.

  I pinch myself hard, and it freaking hurts. Hell no, this is not a dream!

  I’m drifting towards the window. I’m about to slowly crash into the glass. If I somehow break through and die what would the news say? “Woman Twenty three plummets to her death through apartment window.”

  I scream as I speed up towards the glass, but no sound comes out of my mouth. Suddenly, I am through, floating above the street like the glass never existed. I look down and see the city. Everything is tiny as I look down from my apartment on the 42nd floor.

  My body is drifting higher and higher. Soon, the city is far away. Then even the clouds are beneath me. It’s getting cold. Very cold.

  I look up and see the bright light guiding my flight: it’s from the bottom of a huge space ship.


  Chapter Two


  I’ve read so many sci-fi romance fictions on my Kindle. I know exactly what’s going to happen: an alien, or a few, will exam my body. They will remove all my clothes and measure everything, including my boobs and pussy—or vagina, a term more suitable for their scientific research.

  Then things will turn romantic. A chief alien will want to have sex with me. He may or may not ask for my permission.

  I never believed in aliens. So I’ve never imagined having sex with an alien. But now, I’m so scared yet so excited. I’m kind of expecting it. Well, if that has to happen, let it happen to me tonight.

  Is the alien a tiny, green creature? Does he smell bad? Hopefully not. Hopefully he is huge and rough, with a cock of fifteen inches, or more...

  “Ouch!” My head hits something. It’s the roof of a metal room. Then my body drops to the floor, earning me another grunt of pain.

  I lie on my back and cover my nose right away because it smells like shit. The lights are dim. The walls are all metal. I see a few ugly creatures looking down on me. They are a bit shorter than me, but well built. Their bodies are dark purple, and covered with wrinkles. Their funny looking ears wiggle. Their tiny eyes are shining with green light.

  Hell, no. This is anything but romantic.

  What are they going to do to me? Are they going to strip me for their ‘scientific research’ and then have sex with me? This is gross!

  I move my arms and legs. Good, they work fine. I look at them with a smirk, ignoring the soreness on my body.

  The biggest alien is about a hundred pounds at the most. I can easily send him to the floor with one blow. Heck, I’ve never tried my self-defense for real. But I’m sure I’ll have to put it to good use tonight.

  A short, most wrinkled alien steps closer, looking at me with extreme care. I watch his every move, readying my body
for a quick punch.

  He turns to the other aliens, issuing a sudden burst of sharp whistles. A few aliens respond with more whistling. They nod and laugh. Hell, are they making dirty jokes?

  After a few minutes, the short alien bends down, looking at my lower body. I see a bulge on his green pants. Oh, man, this gross thing does want to fuck me.

  I give a mean look, trying to stare him down.

  He ignores my warning glare, bending down further, as he sniffs hard. His lumpy fingers are approaching my crotch. I see at least seven or eight of them, or maybe more.

  “Go to hell!” I roar, sending my fist into his ugly face.

  The alien tumbles away with a deafening whistle. I jump up. Within seconds, two more aliens drop to the floor.

  The other aliens step back, uncertain, and this is my opportunity to take an offensive position.

  I step over and swing my fist, sending a blow to a fat alien. He ducks, my fist misses him by about an inch or two. Fuck, this fat ass knows how to fight.

  As I pull back for a new attack, I feel a sudden pain tighten my chest. A sharp light beam disables my eyesight for a few moments. Heck, is that from a laser gun or something?

  I drop to the floor, gasping. The aliens gather again, staring at me. I try to stand up, but my arms and legs feel so heavy.

  The short alien stumbles close, whistling a few times to the fat one. Soon, the fat alien waves his arm. The other aliens grab my body and drag me on the floor.

  “I can walk myself, you fucking assholes,” I yell and struggle. But they won’t pay any attention to me.

  They open a door and drag me in. They toss me on the floor, go out, lock the door, and then leave.

  It takes me a while to get used to the darkness. There is a soft orange light emanating from the ceiling.

  It’s a big room. The door is made of thick iron bars like in jail. The hallway is all dark.

  I see some bodies on the floor. Are they dead? I’m not sure. After a few moments, one of the bodies turns to the other side. Still alive. There are at least thirty bodies in the room, all sleeping.

  Maybe they are Earth people captured by the aliens like me?

  I sit up, rubbing my temples. My head hurts like hell. I stand and walk, trying to stretch out my sore muscles.

  “Ouch!” My head bumps onto the iron beam on the roof. The room is barely high enough for me to stand straight. I let out a curse and rub my head.

  “Hi, there.” I turn and see a woman sitting on the floor, not far away from me.

  “Hi.” I’m so happy to see someone I can talk to. I walk over and sit beside her.

  “I’m Darcy.” She gives me a smile.

  “I’m Leila. Nice to meet you.” I smile back.

  “Nice to meet you too, Leila.” She stops for a moment and then continues, “Let me guess.”

  “Guess… what?”

  “You’re single, right?”

  “Right. How did you know?”

  “Between eighteen and twenty four, right?”


  “No kids?”

  “Ah… no. How did you know?” I ask again.

  “See these girls?” she gestures to the prone figures on the ground, “We’re all like that.”

  “You mean… the aliens caught young single women and keep them in this… cage?”


  “What are they going to do to us?” My heart races much faster.

  “They sell us for money.”

  “Are you serious?” My eyes widen.

  “Yup.” She points at a tiny earring. “See this? They give it to me so that I can understand their language. They want me to listen to their orders and pass them to the girls.”

  “Oh my gosh.” I’m so shocked. “Where are they going to sell us to?”

  “Don’t know. Some remote planet, I guess.”

  “What the fuck,” I mumble.

  Chapter Three


  I try to get some sleep. The floor is metal and cold. The air is filthy. I lie on my back but it’s too cold. I turn to my left side and use my arm as the pillow. This is going to be a long night.

  When I wake up, I see that all the girls are eating. I sit up and blink my eyes. A few big lamps on the roof are casting bright lights everywhere. It takes me a while to get used to.

  Darcy smiles at me. “I’m guessing you’re hungry.”

  My belly begins to rumble. I nod slightly. She passes me two straw balls but nothing else. I look at them, not knowing what to do.

  She takes a tiny bite from a straw ball in her hand and then smiles, “Eat.”

  I take a bite. It tastes like some sort of seaweed. The smell is fresh. But it’s so dry that I can barely swallow it.

  “You will get used to it,” Darcy grins, takes another bite.

  “No water?” I ask.

  “Once a day.” She tosses her chin. I see a few faucets on the wall. “That’s for everything. Drinking, cleaning.”

  It takes me almost an hour to finish the two balls. I chew carefully and swallow hard. I want to finish them all because I know this is the only food I’m going to get for the day.

  Soon, I meet other girls. They are mostly from the east coast, like New York, Boston, North Carolina, and Florida. A few girls are from the west but they were caught on their way to Disney World.

  There is a girl from Toronto, Canada. She was on her way to Chicago when she was sucked into the air from her car. “I thought it was a tornado.”

  They are all exhausted. No one wants to talk. They simply eat the straw balls and then lie still to save energy. When water runs down from the faucets, they run over to drink and wash.

  “This is hell. I want to get out of here.” I murmur to Darcy.

  She pushes a finger at her lips, looking at the door. “Shhh…”

  I don’t see any aliens outside but I keep quiet. After a while she turns to me. “Okay, you can talk now.”

  “Did you hear anything?” I look at the earring.

  “I hear two aliens talking not far away. Maybe around the corner.”

  “What are they saying?”

  “Something dirty.” She stops for a short moment and then adds. “Fucking girls. Ah-yeah, they want the girls here.”

  “You mean they’re going to rape us?” My eyes widen. This is so gross. What if a girl gets pregnant? Is she going to give birth to an ugly creature like the ones who kidnapped us? I almost gag.

  “It happened before. Every girl is scared.” Darcy lowers her voice.

  I bite my lips and my brain is on rapid fire. “Darcy, I’d rather die than staying here,” I finally say.

  “But what can we do? We are up in the space. And those aliens have weapons.”

  “I’ve been thinking…you know what I noticed in the last few days? There are two kinds of aliens. One kind is short and skinny. They make decisions and give commands. The other kind is fat and strong. They take commands and watch us.”

  “You’re right. So what’s the plan?”

  “I’m not one hundred percent sure yet. But if we can capture a senior officer of the ship, maybe we can bargain our way back to Earth.”

  Darcy thinks for a long time and then says, “That’s a bold plan. How the hell do we know who ranks the highest?”

  “I bet it’s the one with the most wrinkles. When I was first captured, he was the one giving all the orders. I bet he’s the top dog.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right about that but…” Darcy looks sideways at the other girls, uncertain.

  I grab her shoulders and look into her eyes. I’ve never felt such urgency before.

  “Look, I know we may fail,” my whisper is harsh, “But this is the only way we can go back to Earth. Do you want to be raped and then sold to some gross aliens?”

  Darcy shakes her head.

  “That’s right, girl. We’ve got to do this. Can you help me with one thing?” I ask.

  “Sure. Anything.”

“Figure out where the top alien stays most the time.”

  She gulps then says, “I believe I know. Most time, he gives orders from a control room. It’s at the end of the hallway.” She points out of our cell.

  “Is it far from here?” I ask.

  “I don’t think so. But there are guards on the way. I can always hear them talking.”

  “How many?”

  She tilts her head and listens carefully. “Two? I’m not so sure but that’s how many I can hear now.”

  “Great. Look, we can outnumber them.”

  “You mean with all the girls?”


  She looks around and shakes her head.

  I look and see weary faces. Every girl looks so tired and scared. I highly doubt that they have any energy to fight the armed aliens…or the courage.

  I need to come up with a well thought out plan. We have only one opportunity. Once everything is laid out in my head, I’ll have to talk to the girls one by one, to motivate them.

  I spend two more days watching, putting the pieces together in my head. I find that once a day, three fat aliens come to give us food. Then two leave. One stays nearby as the guard. The guard comes to the door and looks inside every fifteen minutes or so. He may stroll away and disappear for a long while.

  “See, here’s my plan.” I look at the door and turn back to Darcy. “We will have to get the guard into the cage.”

  Chapter Four


  “You mean to get the guard into this cage so we can then disarm him?” Darcy looks at me.

  “Yup. We can knock him out and take his gun. Then we can capture the two guards with our gun.”

  Darcy looks up at the ceiling, thinking hard. “Hmmm, we can pin the guy with all the girls. Then… with the gun... Right. Good. Um… What if the two guards down the hallway fight back with their guns?”

  “Then we will shoot them.” I know how to use a shotgun and I’m sure that I can shoot with the alien gun, too. It looks like a rifle and should be easy to use.


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