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A Talent for Surrender

Page 11

by Madeline Bastinado

  ‘You look magnificent . . . mistress.’ Dan had spoken without thinking. He wasn’t sure he was even allowed to speak but he hoped that giving Sadie her correct title might make her overlook the transgression.

  ‘I don’t recall giving you permission to speak, but thank you. Follow me.’ She turned and walked away and Dan followed, on all fours, at the end of his taut lead. Unable to focus on anything other than the floor in front of him, it wasn’t until they’d almost reached it that he realised she was taking him over to the medical chair.

  An instant rush of heat crashed over him. ‘Can I change my mind now?’ He looked over his shoulder at the camera and put on a mock-terrified face.

  He felt Sadie’s warm hand on his shoulder. ‘It’s far too late for that, I’m afraid. Now climb aboard and we’ll have some fun.’ She patted the chair.

  ‘Fun for you maybe . . .’ Dan got to his feet. He sat down in the chair. ‘Christ, it’s freezing . . . it’s torture.’ He wriggled and mugged for the camera.

  ‘Stop making a fuss and sit still.’ Sadie began to fasten the wrist restraints.

  The sheepskin-lined cuffs felt soft and itchy. She buckled them tightly. Sadie operated a lever tipping the chair back, then lifted each of Dan’s legs into the stirrups. She fastened the ankle cuffs. When all four of the restraints were fastened Dan struggled and wriggled, making the leather creak.

  ‘I’m absolutely helpless now.’ He looked up at Sadie’s face. ‘You will be gentle with me, won’t you, mistress?’

  Sadie picked up an item from the trolley beside the chair. She held it up for him to see. It was a leather blindfold, lined with the same white sheepskin as the chair restraints. She pressed it up against his eyes and buckled it behind his head.

  ‘Can you see how many fingers I’m holding up?’ Sadie asked.

  ‘No. Can you see how many I’m holding up?’ Dan made a fist with his right hand and extended his middle finger towards the ceiling.

  ‘If you continue to misbehave you’ll make me angry.’ Sadie had put her mouth right beside his ear. He could feel her hot breath on his skin. ‘And you really won’t like me when I’m angry.’

  ‘Oooh, now I’m really scared. Do you go all green and huge like the Incredible Hulk?’ He wriggled against his bonds.

  ‘If you don’t behave I’ll have to gag you.’ She caught his face in her hands. Her tone of voice left him in no doubt that she was genuinely annoyed and that she knew he was playing up for the cameras.

  ‘Sorry, mistress, I’ll be a good boy, I promise.’

  ‘I’m glad to hear it.’

  Dan heard her move around the chair and stand between his legs. She reached forwards and ran the tips of her nails slowly down the front of his body. He shivered. She began to rake her nails down his sides, each pass a little harder than the first.

  Soon Dan was wriggling and thrashing his head. ‘It burns . . . it tickles . . . it’s terrible. Stop, please stop.’ Deprived of his vision, every sensation seemed magnified and intense. He could feel the cool air against his body. He could feel the smooth leather of the chair against his back. He was conscious of Sadie’s breathing and could hear Dave and Dennis moving quietly around the room.

  Sadie began to scratch his legs. She ran her talons along the length of his inner thighs, digging them in deep. His body jolted. He clenched his fists. His skin was on fire. The sensation was unbearable, a mixture of heat and itchy tickling that was impossible to ignore.

  She began to tease his belly with her nails, circling his navel and running them along the top of his codpiece. Dan felt his cock responding. His skin instantly rose into goose pimples.

  Her hands slid up his torso and she began to circle his nipples with her nails. Dan pictured the gleaming red tips moving across his chest. She used the point of one nail to flick across the tip of his nipple. He gasped. She increased the pressure, scratching the tip of his nipple harder and harder until he began to wince and bite his lip.

  Sadie began to tease both nipples at once. They prickled and throbbed with pleasure and pain and every sensation seemed to be directly transmitted to his tingling cock.

  ‘That really hurts.’ His voice was a strangled whisper.

  ‘But does it feel good too?’

  ‘It does, strangely enough. Do you think that means I’m a pervert?’

  ‘No . . .’ Sadie shook her head. ‘You’ve got a long way to go yet.’

  Without warning she gripped each of his nipples between thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze. She gradually increased the pressure. Dan imagined her eyes shining with passion and excitement. The pain was intense and pure and overwhelming. He felt heat and exhilaration crashing over him.

  ‘That’s incredibly painful . . .’

  She squeezed harder. Dan wondered if she had begun to smile as she watched him squirm in pain, her gaze never wavering.

  ‘You’re a vicious bitch and I don’t think I like you any more.’ Dan spoke through his clenched teeth. She gave his nipples a final squeeze and released them. She laughed.

  Dan heard Sadie lean over and pick up something from the trolley. She put it into his hand and he fingered it, trying to identify it.

  ‘What’s that? Is it a clothes peg? I’m not sure I like the thought of that. I didn’t realise you were planning to do your laundry.’

  Sadie took the peg. ‘It’s a simple object, really. Nevertheless it can deliver quite a sting. You can use them anywhere. Nipples . . .’ She brushed the tip of the peg across his sore nipple, making him gasp. ‘Testicles . . .’ Dan’s eyes widened beneath his blindfold. ‘But I find it’s more fun if you’re inventive.’ He heard her pick up something else from the tray.

  She was standing between his parted thighs. He felt her pinching up a section of skin on the inside of his thigh with her fingertips then a strong pinching grip as Sadie attached the peg to it.

  He grunted as it bit into his flesh. It was tight rather than painful, but distinctly strange and not a little alarming. He heard Sadie pick up another peg. She pinched the skin directly beside the first and attached the second peg. She repeated the procedure over and over. The sensation intensified with each new peg as the skin was stretched tighter and tighter and the pressure grew more painful. He was trembling and shaking. Sweat was pouring down his body.

  Dan counted each peg, gasping in pain as they bit into his flesh. When she stopped he had ten pegs stuck to the skin of his inner thigh. Sadie ran her fingertips across the ends of the pegs rippling and jiggling them and moving the biting ends that gripped his stretched skin. He grunted.

  He felt a rapid burning pain as all the pegs were ripped away from his body in a single sudden movement. ‘Ouch, ouch, ouch. You’re so mean. What was that?’ Dan lifted his head up off the chair.

  ‘It’s called a peg zipper. I fixed the pegs over a length of ribbon and then tugged on the ribbon so that they all ripped off at once. It’s supposed to feel intense.’

  ‘You can say that again. Oww . . .’ Dan gasped as feeling began to flood back into the spots where the pegs had been.

  Sadie bent down and gently kissed each of the peg marks in turn. He felt her silky hair trailing along his inner thigh. He felt her hot breath and her warm lips. Inside his codpiece his cock twitched.

  She straightened up and unbuckled his ankle restraints. She walked round the chair and undid his wrist cuffs and then took off his blindfold. Dan opened his eyes slowly, blinking in the bright light.

  ‘Now stand up please . . . but slowly, because you might feel light-headed.’ She pulled the lever, raising the chair to the upright position. Dan got to his feet and Sadie picked up the dangling end of his lead.

  She led him over towards the whipping bench. She fastened the end of his lead to a hook on the bench and walked over to the door. Her stiletto heels clacked noisily against the stone floor. Dan watched her backside undulating as she crossed the room. Her back was ramrod straight and her carriage was regal and imperious. Dan felt a little flut
ter of excitement under his ribs and his heart quickened

  She opened the door. ‘Slave . . . bring in our other guest now, please.’ She held the door open and Dan saw the slave lead someone out of the changing room by a lead. Like him, they were moving slowly on hands and knees so it took Dan a few moments to realise that the client was a woman. He could see long blonde hair pulled back in two plaited pigtails, a white shirt and striped tie and a short grey pinafore-type garment which he worked out must be a gymslip.

  The slave led her into the room. As Dan watched her slowly moving across the stone floor he realised that she had an enormous chest and that her shirt was unbuttoned down to her cleavage, the tie had been pulled down and loosened so that its knot rested directly between her magnificent breasts. She looked up at him and smiled. When they had reached the bench Sadie walked over and took the handle of the lead from the slave.

  ‘Mount the bench, please.’ Sadie patted the leather top of the whipping bench.

  The girl stood up. She spent a second rubbing her reddened knees. She stepped up to the bench and knelt down on the lower platform then leaned her body along the bench’s length.

  The slave moved around fastening the sheepskin-lined restraints. There were straps for each ankle and wrist and similar restraints for the back of the knee and each thigh. He fastened a strap around the girl’s upper arm and then laid a broad foot-wide band of leather across the small of her back and buckled it up. Dan assumed it was designed to protect the kidneys from damage, as well as anchoring the victim firmly to the bench.

  Dan could see that the girl’s cheeks and lips had grown dark and her breathing had grown noisy. She clenched and unclenched her fists and he realised that, apart from lifting her head, it was the only movement she was now capable of.

  Sadie walked slowly over to the side of the room. The sound of her heels seemed to echo ominously. Dan noticed that the girl had turned her head and was following Sadie with her eyes.

  Sadie chose a long vicious-looking cane and she walked back over to the bench with it. Dan saw that she was holding the cane across her body, between her two hands and she flexed it from time to time, bending it into an arc.

  He hardly dared to breathe. He could hear the girl panting and the leather creaking as she resisted her bonds. Dan was already half hard.

  ‘Would you be kind enough to lift up her skirt for me?’ Sadie flicked the bottom of the girl’s skirt with the tip of her cane.

  Dan stepped forwards and, with trembling fingers, lifted up the skirt of the girl’s gymslip. He folded it up over her back and smoothed it down neatly. Underneath she was wearing big navy-blue school knickers. He looked up at Sadie.

  ‘Now I’d like you to pull her knickers down to her knees. She’s got to be punished and we need to be able to see the target.’

  The moment she had made the request Dan felt his cock responding. He leaned forwards and hooked his fingers under the top of the girl’s knickers and pulled them down. The girl pressed down with her knees and raised up her hips slightly so that he could slide them down over her bottom and thighs.

  Her arse was round and creamily perfect and, as he pulled her knickers all the way down, he caught a glimpse of her swollen shaved pussy.

  ‘Oh no . . . I think I’m getting an erection!’ He turned to the camera. ‘I can just see the headlines. BAFTA-winning presenter gets a stiffy on national television.’

  Dan played the rest of the session for laughs. He covered his eyes in mock fear and alarm when Sadie delivered a vicious caning to the restrained girl. He could clearly see that, for her part, the girl was enjoying every moment of it. She grunted and sighed each time the crop made contact and he could see her hips rocking back and forth as she brought up her buttocks to meet the crop.

  He watched the whole scene with a throbbing erection concealed behind his codpiece. The cock ring pressed pleasurably against his perineum and squeezed his scrotum as he became aroused.

  When Sadie had finished caning the girl she ordered the slave to release her and take her over to the medical chair. Dan watched as Sadie walked back over to the equipment racks and hung up the cane. She selected a thin riding crop with a narrow loop of leather at its tip and walked back over to the bench. It wasn’t until she tapped the bench’s broad leather back with her crop that Dan realised she intended to use it on him.

  He swallowed melodramatically and did a double take for the camera. ‘I hope you’re not going to leave marks on me, only I play football every Sunday and it’ll be really difficult to explain a striped arse to the other lads.’

  ‘I’m sure you’ll think of something . . .’ Sadie slapped the bench with the shaft of the crop and it landed with a loud crack.

  Dan turned to the camera and pretended to bite his nails. He climbed up onto the bench.

  The leather was cold and clammy against his skin. The slave began to fasten the restraints. As Dan felt the cuffs being buckled up, his sense of helplessness and excitement grew.

  Dan struggled against his bonds, but he was powerless. The leather creaked and the straps dug into his flesh but he could barely move. He hung his head and waited. He could smell the leather and the sharp tang of his own sweat.

  He had no idea where Sadie was and he daren’t lift his head to look. He heard her heels clacking against the floor and he worked out that she was walking around the bottom of the bench behind him. She took up position on his left side.

  Dan held his breath and closed his eyes. He waited for the sound of the crop swishing through the air and the moment of pain that would follow. He could feel the tip of his cock rubbing against the rough leather inside his codpiece. He heard Dave and Dennis’s trainered feet moving softly across the floor. He imagined the camera focusing in on his soon-to-be striped behind.

  He lifted up his head and looked over his shoulder. ‘Does my bum look big in this?’ Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sadie’s arm rising into the air. He heard the crop swishing through the air and he gasped and his body juddered as it landed across both buttocks. It stung and burned, a moment of agony that quickly dissolved into something he could only describe as pleasure. He lowered his head.

  The crop swished and slashed across his behind. He felt the sharp throb of pain and, a moment later, a hot flash of excitement and contentment crashed over him. He imagined dark red weals forming on his skin and the camera focusing in on every shameful detail.

  His cock was rigid and throbbing. Sadie gave him three strokes in quick succession. His body jolted forwards and the front of his thighs banged against the bench. The impact moved his erection inside the codpiece, making it tingle.

  Sweat poured down his face and into his eyes. Sadie whipped him over and over again. His body juddered and shook. His arse was burning, tingling, throbbing.

  He lost count of the strokes but he could hear Sadie panting from the effort and grunting from exertion. The leather beneath him was slick with sweat and he was itchy and uncomfortable beneath the sheepskin-lined restraints. He heard the crop clatter to the floor and Sadie bent down beside his head. She pushed his wet hair off his face and wiped the sweat off his brow with her fingers. She leaned forwards and laid her forehead against his.

  The sound of her panting throbbed in his ears and he could feel her hot breath on his face.

  ‘Well . . . we’re not making wisecracks now, are we?’

  When Dan had showered and changed Sadie took him up to the kitchen for coffee and brownies. She poured a slug of brandy into his first cup and he gulped it down. She watched him drink, an expression in her eyes that he couldn’t read. She sipped her own coffee and nibbled at a brownie silently, never taking her eyes off him.

  He drained his cup and slid it silently across the table for a refill.

  ‘Do you want brandy in it this time?’

  ‘No thanks.’ He watched her pouring the coffee. She refilled her own cup and put the pot down. ‘You’ve been staring at me . . .’

  ‘And now you’re staring at
me.’ She set his cup down in front of him.

  ‘Trying to work out what you were thinking.’

  ‘Did it occur to you to ask?’ She smiled.

  ‘OK. So what were you thinking?’ Dan picked up his coffee and blew on it.

  ‘What a complex man you are . . . and what a showman.’

  ‘Thank you – I think.’

  ‘Oh, it’s a compliment I assure you. I live half my life behind a mask. I can hardly blame you for retreating behind yours.’ She sipped her coffee. ‘But you do realise you won’t be able to play it for laughs when it’s just you and me? Then, it will have to be real.’

  Dan nodded. ‘Yes. I promise. I’ll be myself, no mask, no pretence. Just you, me and the chains.’

  ‘Do you know, Dan, that millions of people indulge in kink every day without the need to even give it a name. They come from every walk of life, classes, races and backgrounds. Everybody’s doing it, have done for centuries. Don’t make the mistake that whips and chains are what makes a person kinky.’

  ‘I’m not sure what you mean.’ Dan selected a brownie.

  ‘How many relationships do you know where there’s a real power dynamic? One person has it and the other hasn’t and that’s the way they both like it yet neither of them has ever heard of domination or submission and has no desire to be addressed as master.’

  ‘I think I understand. One of my women friends recently got married to a much younger man. He’d been in the army and he seems to really like being told what to do and, fortunately, she’s always been bossy. I thought it odd at first, yet it seems to work for them.’

  ‘That’s it exactly.’ Sadie opened a drawer and took out a novel. She laid it on the table in front of him. ‘I’d like to give you this.’


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