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A Talent for Surrender

Page 16

by Madeline Bastinado

  ‘Well . . . I once had a lover who wanted to lie under a glass table and have me shit on it. He went on about it so much that eventually I upped the ante, thinking it would put him off. I agreed to do it, but without the table.’

  Dan’s cheeks blazed with heat and colour. ‘And what did he say?’

  Jo laughed. ‘He leapt at the chance. It turned out that the table was his way of making it acceptable to me.’

  ‘And what was it like?

  ‘Messy, incredible, intense, filthy, but I don’t care if I never do it again.’ She stretched out her legs and crossed them at the ankle. She looked languid and sensual and utterly aware of the effect she was having on him. Dan reached out a finger and ran it along her shin. She shivered like a cat who’d been stroked. ‘What’s your most filthy experience?’

  ‘Let me think. Nothing that rivals yours I’m afraid, but I do have a strange one. When I was at university my roommate would come silently into the bathroom when I was in the bath and masturbate into the water. I would get an enormous erection and I found it unbelievably exciting but neither of us ever spoke about it.’

  ‘And did you ever consider reciprocating?’

  ‘I considered it many times but never acted on it. Does that make me bisexual?’

  She shrugged. ‘Don’t ask me. You know how I feel about labels. How do you feel about sex with another man? Would you?’

  ‘Not even curious really. But I can see how it would work in a submissive context. More coffee?’

  Jo nodded slowly. He topped up their cups from the cafetière. ‘Tell me, Jo. A woman like you . . . I bet you have lots of lovers.’ He looked down into his coffee.

  ‘A few. My assistant at work . . . Sam of course . . . and Adam – I see him once a week. And I’ve got a lover who lives in America now. We see each other a couple of times a year.’

  ‘Don’t you want someone more permanent? Someone to love?’

  Jo picked up her cup and sipped it, deliberately avoiding his gaze. ‘Until quite recently I was happy with my lot but I’ve come to realise I want the intimacy of a committed relationship, it’s just a question of meeting someone.’ She looked directly at him. ‘I don’t suppose you happen to know anyone kinky and single, do you?’

  Dan felt his heart quicken. ‘Single yes, kinky maybe, confused certainly.’

  Jo laughed. ‘What’s your next question?’

  ‘I know . . . how did you lose your virginity?’

  ‘I’m not sure if it counts as losing my virginity but the first time I had an orgasm with another person was when I met an older man in the cinema. I was in the sixth form and I’d bunked off school to see an X film.’

  ‘You must have been an absolute hussy.’

  ‘I certainly did my best. I never did get to see the end of the film. He talked me into going for a drive and he took me to a local country park and licked me in the back of his car. I offered to reciprocate but all he’d wanted was to wank off in my face and I eagerly complied. I hung about in the cinema often after that, but never saw him again. How about you?’

  ‘I lost mine on a family holiday to Crete when I was 17. On the beach. It was quite romantic until I realised she’d given me the crabs. But I didn’t get my cock sucked until university. My first proper girlfriend loved it but she always insisted on spitting it into a handkerchief which made me feel ashamed and dirty and unreasonable. When I first met a girl who swallowed I thought I was in heaven.’

  Jo drained her cup. She looked him straight in the eye. ‘Well, maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think you should put it in your mouth unless you’re prepared to swallow.’

  At the end of the evening Dan offered to walk Jo home but she wouldn’t hear of it. He took her hand and led her into the hall.

  ‘Will you do something for me before you go?’ Jo’s voice was a tender caress.

  ‘Anything. I’ll do whatever you ask.’

  ‘Then I’d like you to get on your knees and kiss my feet.’ Her eyes were shining.

  Dan slid silently to his knees. He cupped her foot in both hands and brought his mouth to the soft suede. His face rasped softly against the nylon of her stocking as he rubbed his lips against her shoe. His thickening cock was squashed and restricted inside his clothes.

  ‘Mmm . . . that feels good. I can feel your face through my stocking. You look beautiful on your knees.’ Her voice sounded dreamy and languid.

  He lavished her shoe with kisses. He rubbed it with his lips. The suede felt soft and velvety against his face. His crotch throbbed with heat and pleasure.

  ‘Thank you, Dan. You can get up now.’ She withdrew her foot. Dan stood up. Without speaking, he grabbed her hand and put it on his crotch. He felt her fingers slowly exploring his erection. ‘I assume you’ll be playing with that after I’ve gone.’

  Dan could hear the excitement in her voice. ‘What do you think?’

  ‘Well, when you do, I want you to think of me.’ She smiled softly.

  ‘That won’t be a problem, I assure you.’

  ‘And, when you’ve finished, I want you to eat it.’ Without waiting for an answer she opened the door and walked down the steps.

  When Dan was climbing into bed his phone beeped as it received a text. He retrieved it from his trouser pocket and pressed the button to retrieve the message. ‘Remember that you promised to do WHATEVER I wanted so I hope you aren’t thinking of disobeying me. Talk soon, Jo.’

  He laughed out loud.


  The next day Dan was getting out of the shower when the phone rang. He picked up a towel and ran, naked, into the bedroom.

  ‘Dan Elliot.’

  ‘Dan, it’s Jo. I’m not disturbing you, I hope. I know it’s early.’

  He laughed. ‘As a matter of fact I’ve just got out of the shower. I’m standing here naked and wet.’

  ‘Really? That sounds like a line out of a porn movie. Do you want me to call you back?’ Her voice was soft and full of humour.

  ‘No, it’s fine. What can I do for you?’ He wrapped the towel around his waist and sat down on the bed.

  ‘Well . . . we pussyfooted around it last night but I think we’d both like to take things further.’

  ‘Yes. That’s what I want.’ He closed his eyes and tried to picture her.

  ‘And so do I. So I was thinking that it might be easier to explore things away from everyday life. Somewhere the normal rules don’t apply. The school’s empty for the summer holidays and it’s a wonderful place to play. If you come over on Friday night and leave on Monday morning that should give us plenty of time to explore. If we don’t like it, then we can pretend it was a dream, a holiday romance. What do you think?’

  Dan imagined her sitting at her desk, leaning back in her chair and looking out of the window as she spoke. He pictured the sun making her golden hair gleam and her porcelain skin glowing. ‘I like the idea. It gives a certain element of safety to what would otherwise be terrifying and bottomless.’

  ‘And it ends on Monday, unless you want it to continue.’

  ‘Is that what you want? For it to end?’ There was an odd light sensation in his chest and his heart boomed.

  ‘No, not at all,’ she answered quickly. ‘But it has to be your decision. I have no doubts at all but you aren’t even sure if you’re kinky.’

  ‘At least I know I’ll be in good hands.’

  ‘So you trust me?’ She sounded uncharacteristically uncertain.

  ‘Of course I do, otherwise I wouldn’t even be contemplating it.’ He brought up his knees and curled his body around the phone. ‘I only hope I don’t let you down.’

  ‘I’m sure you won’t. It’s a journey we make together, Dan, and I have no expectation of where it might end. Whatever happens will be right for us.’

  ‘So what happens next?’

  ‘I’ll see you here at seven p.m. on Friday. Text me from the gate and I’ll be waiting for you at the front door.’

  Over the next few days Dan could
hardly think of anything else. Spending all day immersed in the kinky lifestyle didn’t help. He went to a fetish fair with Jim and Poppy and attended a Japanese rope bondage seminar, all under the watchful eye of the camera.

  He was his usual professional self, joking and playing up for the cameras when the expert used him to demonstrate a particularly elaborate technique. As the ropes tightened around his body, in a complicated lattice pattern that bound him from his shoulders to his ankles, he experienced a rush of excitement that coloured his cheeks and make him feel light-headed.

  When the other end of the rope was attached to a hook and he was hoisted into the air he felt an utterly surprising and thoroughly seductive sense of wellbeing and fulfilment.

  But every second of the day he thought of Jo and the weekend to come. Each item of equipment at the fetish fair, each crop, butt-plug and ball-gag brought to mind images of her lovingly using the implements of him as he lay helpless, at her mercy and totally satisfied.

  At the end of the day he was exhausted, sweaty and restless, bubbling over with arousal, longing and frustration. Masturbation only made him feel worse. After several days of unrelieved tension and desire he decided to visit Sarah but that didn’t help either. It was just too familiar, too safe, too predictable. It reminded him of what he was missing and the sexual release it gave him was all too temporary.

  As he walked up the school’s drive on Friday evening his mind was buzzing with excitement and trepidation. The tip of his cock was sticky inside his boxers and his crotch ached with tension and arousal. As he drew close he saw her standing in the open doorway.

  She was dressed in black flared trousers and a long-sleeved top. As he got closer he could see that she was wearing a pair of narrow glasses he’d never seen before and that her hair was up. As he walked the final few yards, his feet crunching over the gravel, his head swam with endorphins and he felt as though his heart was in his throat.

  ‘Come in, Dan, and follow me.’ She turned and began to walk away, leaving him to close the door.

  He followed her down a long corridor. Maybe it was his imagination but, from behind, she looked like she meant business. There was a determined set to her shoulders and something authoritative and slightly impatient in the clip, clip, clop of her stilettos against the tiled floor. He looked down at her feet and he noticed that her heels looked like gleaming metal spikes terminating in a flat base, like a pair of huge nails. His cock tingled.

  She’d wound her hair up into a French pleat. He could see the fine pale hairs on the back of her neck and the smooth hollow of her nape. As he walked behind her, he couldn’t take his eyes of those few inches of bare flesh and downy blonde hair. It seemed intimate and exciting and as illicit and arousing as if he’d accidentally stumbled on her naked.

  They passed through a set of double doors into the main school building. Jo strode ahead as if she’d even forgotten he was there. She opened a door and held it open, waiting for him to catch up. They stepped inside. It was an old-fashioned classroom with rows of desks facing the front and a huge old teacher’s desk on a raised dais. Dan instantly felt twelve years old again.

  ‘Let me start by telling you the rules.’ Jo leaned against the teacher’s desk. Standing on the raised dais she was a good six inches taller than Dan. His heart was beating so fast it felt as though it was rattling his ribs. ‘And listen carefully, because I have no intention of repeating myself. At any rate, it won’t take long, because there’s really only one rule. I’m in charge. You do whatever I tell you when I tell you and how I tell you. Do we understand each other?’

  ‘Yes, I understand . . . sorry, Jo . . . but I’m really not sure how I should address you.’ He gazed up at her.

  ‘Under the circumstances I think “miss” might be appropriate, don’t you?’

  Dan felt his cock twitch. ‘Yes, miss. Absolutely perfect.’

  ‘Now sit down there and behave yourself while I get ready.’

  Dan sat down behind the first desk. He watched as Jo pulled her top off over her head and folded it carefully before putting it down on the teacher’s chair. She undid her trousers. Dan noticed that they fastened at the side rather than the front and, as he watched her sliding them down her legs, the detail seemed mysterious and foreign and utterly exciting.

  Underneath she was wearing a long-line black bra made from silk and lace, and black high-waisted panties which were so sheer that he could see not only her pubic hair but also her appendix scar. His crotch burned.

  He watched as she picked up a black garment from the back of the chair and began to put it on. Dan instantly realised that it was an academic gown and his heart leapt. She fiddled with the front of the gown, adjusting it so that it lay properly across her front, then she opened the desk.

  For a moment, she was concealed behind the open lid and Dan hardly dared to breathe. The desk closed with a bang and Dan saw that she was now wearing a mortarboard and, in her hand, was a long swan-necked school cane.

  ‘Now. I’d like you to undress please. Take everything off, fold it neatly and put it on your chair.’ She somehow managed to sound both authoritative and disinterested at the same time.

  Dan stood up. He bent to undo his shoes then toed them off. He took off both socks and slipped them into his shoes. He lined them up neatly beside the chair. He unbuttoned his shirt, struggling to control his trembling fingers.

  Time seemed to slow down. He could hear the tick, tick, tick, of the classroom clock. He could hear his own heart beating. He folded his shirt and put it on the chair. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers then slid them down.

  He knew that she’d be able to see that he was already hard. His erection tented the front of his boxers and he didn’t need to look down to know that they’d be stained dark by pre-come. He put his trousers on the top of the pile then faced Jo and removed his boxers. He gazed up at her, his cock rigid and his heart pounding.

  Jo stepped off the dais and walked over to him. She looked him slowly up and down and Dan felt a stab of anxiety. More than anything he wanted to measure up to her expectations.

  ‘You’re shaved. Thinking ahead?’

  ‘No, miss. Mistress Sadie did it.’

  Jo laughed. She ran the tip of her finger slowly along the underside of his erection. His cock twitched and his blood pounded in his ears.

  ‘Well, I like it. Keep it that way.’

  ‘Yes, miss.’ Dan felt an irrational swell of pride.

  ‘Now. I’d like you to open your desk and put on the outfit you find in there.’ She turned and walked back to the dais.

  Inside the desk was a neatly folded school uniform. A girl’s uniform. On top of the pile was a pair of navy-blue school knickers and a pair of white frilly ankle socks.

  Dan picked up the knickers and stepped into them. He slid them up, pausing to manhandle his erection into place. They felt thick and rather too warm and restrictive and Dan felt his face colouring from humiliation and excitement. He sat down on top of his own clothes and put on his socks.

  The next item on the pile was a short-sleeved white school shirt. Dan put it on. He buttoned it up to the neck and raised the collar to put on his tie. When the tie was knotted and his collar smoothed down he picked up the final item in the pile. It was a short grey pleated gymslip with a bib at the front and straps which crossed over at the back.

  Dan’s cock tingled. When he’d finished dressing he looked up at Jo, waiting for approval. He felt ridiculous and utterly humiliated yet, beneath it all, blazed a heat and arousal that was so profound it was almost frightening.

  ‘Now, Danielle, I’d like you to come up here and clean my shoes with your tongue.’

  ‘Yes, miss.’ Dan stepped up onto the dais. He dropped to his knees. He cupped her left foot between both hands and began to lick. Her shoes were shiny patent leather and his tongue slid easily over the surface. Her naked foot brushed against his face as he licked. Her skin was silky soft and seemed unnaturally warm.

nbsp; ‘I think you ought to clean the sole while you’re about it.’ She raised her foot off the ground. Dan bent his head down and began to lick her sole. It felt gritty and dry and tasted bitter.

  His hands trembled as he held her foot in place. His cock was fully hard, trapped and uncomfortable inside his tight hot knickers.

  ‘You like that, don’t you?’ Her voice was full of contempt and arousal. ‘You were born to kneel at a strong woman’s feet. To serve her . . . to take punishment or pleasure, whichever she chooses to bestow, and not caring which of them it turns out to be. Yes . . . we both know what you are. Don’t we?’

  ‘Yes, miss.’

  ‘Open your mouth and suck my heel.’ She leaned back against the desk and extended her foot.

  Dan looked up at her. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes were glistening. She gazed down at him silently, waiting. He opened his mouth. He felt the tip of her stiletto against his lower lip. It was hard and cold like the blade of a knife. Sharp and dangerous. He closed his lips and sucked it into his mouth.

  He watched her face as he began to rock back and forth, allowing her heel to fuck his mouth. Dan’s cock ached.

  She withdrew her heel and Dan felt as if he’d been robbed. His hand slid unconsciously between his legs. He rubbed the heel of his thumb against his erection, adjusting it inside the restrictive underwear.

  ‘Did I give you permission to play with that thing?’ Jo put her hands on her hips.

  ‘No, miss. I’m very sorry.’

  ‘You need to be taught a lesson. Stand up immediately.’

  Dan scrabbled to his feet.

  ‘Now pull your knickers down to your knees and bend over your desk.’ Jo slapped the desk with her cane. It swished through the air and landed with a thump.

  He pushed his knickers down to his knees. His erection stood out in front of him. He bent over the desk, flattening his body across it and hanging his head.

  He felt Jo flip up his skirt, exposing his naked rear end. Heat and excitement pumped around his blood-stream.

  ‘I don’t know if you’ve ever been caned before, but I think you’ll enjoy the sensation.’


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