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The Troublemaker Next Door

Page 20

by Marie Harte

  Before she could apologize for sleeping all over him, he stuffed her into her car and shut the door.

  Not even a kiss good-bye.

  She wanted to be angry about it, but this platonic barrier was for the best. She kept reminding herself of that fact all the way home.

  And the next day. And the next.

  She saw his truck parked at Mike’s Friday night. Weekly poker night.

  Flynn didn’t come over to say hello. He didn’t call or text her either. Just the way she’d wanted it. And his distance drove her crazy. On Monday, she tried to focus on work, on dealing with a demanding Linda. Linda pushed Maddie to work harder and smarter. To keep up with demand, Maddie hired more movers on a revolving schedule and now tackled two projects at once. Ideas for design came with greater frequency than they ever had when she’d been working for Fred. And she wondered if her newfound freedom stemmed from finally being allowed to set her own pace, her own way.

  Which might have explained her fixation on Flynn. She’d found a man who didn’t jump when she snapped her fingers. He hadn’t taken advantage of her at his place. He bought her chocolates. A lovely card case. A frog. That stupid rose that she’d taken to a craft store to have pressed. Not for sentimental reasons, but to make a nice decoration she’d frame for her wall someday.

  Oh bullshit. She liked the rose. She liked the damn frog. And she really, really liked Flynn.

  Maddie huffed at her reflection as she stood over her dresser in her bedroom, wondering why Flynn’s earlier text had her in a lather. The man wanted to play cards later in the week. Cards. A whole two and a half weeks of no sex, and Flynn wanted to play a dumb game.

  Damn him.

  The rules she’d made about them being casual could be fudged. Didn’t he know that? Didn’t he care?

  Annoyed, she decided to call him for a change.

  He answered on the third ring. “Yo?”

  “Hey, Flynn. It’s Maddie.” No reason for her to sound so breathy, or nervous.

  “Hi, Maddie. What are you up to?”

  Monday night. They both had work the next day. But she couldn’t think of anything but Flynn. “Not much. I was wondering if you wanted to play cards tonight instead of later in the week. That is, if you don’t have to get to bed early or anything. I’m bored.”

  Stark raving loony.

  “Well, I was going to turn in.”

  It wasn’t even nine!

  “But I wouldn’t mind a game. Why don’t I swing by and pick you up?”

  “Sure. See you soon.” She ended the call and hustled to get ready. In ten minutes, she wore her best sexy underwear, a short skirt, and casual T-shirt with flip-flops. Slutty but comfy. She hoped she confused the hell out of him.

  Abby yawned and walked out of her office wearing holey pajamas, her glasses perched on the end of her nose. “This book is friggin’ killing me.”

  Maddie laughed at her. “You spent all day in jammies? You look like a little kid minus the blankie.”

  Abby made a face. “So where are you going? I’d guess Flynn’s, but you two have been pretty cool lately.”

  She wanted to pretend it didn’t matter, but she couldn’t fool Abby. “He’s driving me nuts. One minute he’s making me see stars, then he’s all huggy-feely and friendly. I slept all over him last week. And I do mean slept. The man didn’t even try to cop a feel.”

  Abby bit her lip, but Maddie could see the grin.

  “What the hell are you laughing at?”

  “Maddie, you told the man you didn’t want a boyfriend. He’s giving you what you want. I don’t see the problem.”

  Furious because Abby was right, Maddie didn’t know what to say. Then Flynn’s headlights shone through the front window. “I’m fixing the problem right now. See you in a few hours.”

  Abby shook her head. “Dealing with you makes my head hurt. I need more coffee and characters who actually listen to me.”

  Maddie left Abby still muttering to herself. She jumped in Flynn’s truck and smiled at him. She smelled a hint of cologne. He wore sexy jeans and a button-down shirt. Ha. She had him. Going to bed early, hmm? Then why did he suddenly look like a man out to impress his girlfriend? For once, the thought of being his girlfriend didn’t bother her. That Flynn wanted to look attractive satisfied her wounded heart. Pride. Wounded pride, she corrected herself in a hurry.

  His gaze lingered on her legs. “Nice skirt.”


  He pulled out of her driveway and drove them to his apartment in record time, telling her about his newest job. “So the guy thinks he’s Mr. Fix-It, and the wife is behind him shaking her head frantically, panicked the dude will actually try to take on the shower installation by himself. Brody talked him off the ledge while I started working.” He laughed. “But we had to let the guy help fit some pipes together, so he can later claim he worked on his home project.”

  She loved his smile, the firm lips that curved when he grinned, the warmth in his gaze as he shared part of himself with her. Dopey reactions to a plumbing story, but she’d missed the guy.

  “We’re here.” He parked and helped her out of the truck. “Nice flip-flops.”

  She wouldn’t be caught dead in them in public, but she didn’t want Flynn to think she’d dressed up just for him. “They’re comfortable. So are the shirt and skirt. Feel.” She put his hand over her belly and rubbed.

  He didn’t speak. His large palm curved around her abdomen and squeezed her side, and she thought she had him. Instead, he pulled away and cleared his throat. “Yeah, soft.”

  She followed him out of the garage and up the stairs to his apartment, dying to see if he had an erection. Her panties already felt damp, and she knew her nipples showed through her thin T-shirt and bra.

  Once inside his apartment, he closed and locked the door behind them. “Drink?”

  “A beer if you have one.”

  He looked surprised. “Yeah. Let me get it.”

  A glance at his front showed him aroused before he turned.

  Bingo. More than pleased, she twirled a lock of hair around her finger, knowing she looked damn good. She joined him at his kitchen island. “Been busy?” Is that why you haven’t picked up your phone to actually talk to me?

  “Yeah.” He took a bottle from his refrigerator, opened it, and put it in front of her. “Last one.”

  “We can share.”

  His gaze moved from her eyes to her mouth, then lower to her breasts, where it settled. Until she put the bottle to her lips. She opened her mouth and took a swallow, watching him watch her drink.

  His lips parted, and he licked them.

  “Thirsty?” She offered him the beer.

  “Hell yeah.” He downed half the bottle before putting it down. “You’re doing this on purpose.”

  She played innocent and frowned. “Doing what?”

  “Sucking that bottle like it’s my dick. Wearing that short little skirt, teasing me with that ass. And those breasts. I can see your bra through the shirt, Maddie. Fuck. I’m hard and hurting. You going to make it better before we play cards?”

  “Look. It’s been two weeks. I have needs, you know.” She walked around the counter and moved right into his personal space. She toyed with the button in the middle of his chest. “Would you rather I went somewhere else to satisfy them?”

  His eyes narrowed. Before she could say another word, he turned her around and bent her over the counter of the island. His hands ran from her knees up her legs to her thighs. He paused and leaned over her to whisper in her ear, “You need a good fuck, don’t you?”

  She had a hard time catching her breath, lost in her desire to feel him again. “Yes.”

  “Shoot, Maddie. All you had to do was say so.”

  “Right. You barely called me for two weeks.”

  “So you called me.”

  She should have been more suspicious of the satisfaction in his voice, but his hands continued their ascent. He lingered over her ass and ex
plored her flesh.

  “God. You’re wearing lace. Not for long.” He pushed up the skirt and pushed her panties down her legs. “Kick them off and spread your legs.”

  She moaned, so wet and needy she thought about begging him to hurry. But did he need her as much? Or had he satisfied his lusts with someone else? The thought pissed the hell out of her.

  “You don’t seem too eager to me,” she said, sounding out of breath. “Maybe you’re not ready to give me what I need, too busy giving it away to someone else.”

  He smacked her ass and rubbed the sting away. Then he did it again, and she let out a small cry. “Oh, that’s nice. Don’t worry, Maddie. I’ve been too busy with work to fuck my way through the city.” He laughed, but the gritty chuckle sounded mean. “Not that I would, not with this waiting for me.”

  He flipped her over, so that she lay with her back against the island, facing him. “Take off your shirt. Let me see those tits.”

  When he talked like that, she saw his control erode, and it turned her on even more. She pulled her shirt over her head but paused when his lips tickled her navel.

  “I said off. The bra too.”

  She tossed the shirt but had trouble unfastening her bra. Flynn didn’t move to help.

  She finally unfastened it, and he pounced.

  Flynn yanked her bra away and latched on to her breast with a groan. He sucked and nipped, teasing with long draws of his lips.

  On the verge of orgasm from his touch, she shifted under him, wanting more.

  He let her go and stared down at her as he pinched both nipples. “Greedy girl. You hungry, Maddie? Want something more?”

  So aroused, so incredibly moved by this man who looked at her with such intensity, she couldn’t speak. She’d never been so turned on her in life.

  “Get on your knees and suck my cock. Get me nice and wet.” He stepped back and watched through hooded eyes as she sank to her knees on the cold, hard tile and unbuttoned the fly of his jeans. He pulled something out of his pocket and put it on the counter near him. A condom.

  She smiled and watched as his long, hard shaft sprang free from his jeans. No underwear for Flynn tonight. Oh yeah, he’d been wanting her as well.

  She settled her lips over him and gladly drew him deeper. His hands tangled in her hair, gripping not too hard, but with control. She moaned at the thought and sucked him, licking as she bobbed over him.

  “Yeah. That’s it. Get me so hard, so I can fill you, Maddie. Yeah, just you. Two fucking weeks of waiting. Little witch.” His hoarse moans encouraged her to take him deeper into her throat. She scratched his thighs through his jeans and knew he felt it when he thrust faster.

  Then he pulled out and let go of her hair. He yanked her to her feet and bent her over the island, belly down, while donning the condom. The cold granite under her breasts stimulated her anew, and she writhed, needing him inside her.

  Flynn nudged her ankles, spreading her wider. He bunched her skirt up around her waist. Then he was there, shoving hard up inside her. So thick and hot as he fucked her without mercy, not stopping for anything.

  “Oh God. Yes. Flynn, yes.” She didn’t need anything but him, bumping that spot deep inside her that sent shock waves through her body. She’d never come without stimulation to her clit, but she was on fire. He thrust deeper and swore, and she came, an explosive melding of heart and body she couldn’t describe.

  His groans told her he’d reached his own orgasm, and knowing she’d brought him such pleasure only increased her own.

  After a few moments, she started to feel the cold under her breasts, the stretch of her legs, and the rasp of his jeans against her ass.

  “Hold on.” Flynn withdrew and helped her stand. “You okay?” He turned her in his arms and kissed her. But the kiss deepened as they held each other. When he pulled away, his eyes shone with emotion. “Once isn’t enough.”

  “No.” And she feared it would never be enough. Not with Flynn.

  He disposed of the condom and tugged her with him. “Come on. We’re just getting started.”

  Two hours later, pleasantly sore and unable to think about Flynn without feeling him inside her, Maddie lay alone in her bed at home and stared at the ceiling. She should have been too tired to do more than sleep, but her brain wouldn’t stop spinning.

  Tonight, having sex with Flynn had satisfied every cell in her body. And it had turned her into a whimpering, begging woman unable to do more than cry his name. Sex had never been so good. And she’d never, ever, felt so tuned to a partner. She wanted Flynn. She liked Flynn. She thought about him all the time.

  She had a very bad feeling she might be falling in love with him. A sure path that led to disaster. What to do about him remained the question. She fell asleep with worry on her mind and an ache in her heart.


  The next two weeks passed in a blur. Maddie had two houses to work with. One she finished in no time. The furniture and color palette actually worked with the house, but the design and layout needed work. Easy. The other house needed a lot more labor, as well as time she didn’t have.

  She’d had to put off two arranged outings with Flynn, and she refused to allow herself to miss him.

  Gratified by her choice to remain independent, she couldn’t figure out why she felt so annoyed with everyone and everything.

  When Kim and Robin threatened to kick her ass if she didn’t go out and get hammered before coming back to their furniture shop, Maddie figured she’d better get a handle on herself. Robin really would kick her ass and not feel bad about it.

  She moped around the house, unable to start anything with Vanessa, who was working late, or Abby, who’d gone grocery shopping. Maddie fell onto the plush chair and turned around, so that her bare feet touched the wall above the cushions and her head dragged on the floor, the rest of her body seated upside-down on the thick leather seat.

  The blood rushed to her head, and she pondered her current circumstances. Not being with Flynn was so damn difficult. He hadn’t been a prick when she’d canceled on him, taking her refusals with good humor. He refused to yell or fight with her. Then again, maybe he didn’t really miss her. Maybe he was glad to take a break from her. Had she become the clingy one in their pseudo-relationship?

  The idea didn’t sit well. After all her warnings and caution, to then be the one to turn around and be ultra-needy went against the grain. She had never, ever, been the one left behind. Hell, Maddie made it a point to stand strong. She did the walking away, not the other way around.


  The familiar voice instantly made her happy.

  Which annoyed her.

  “Don’t you ever knock?”

  An upside-down Flynn regarded her with bemusement. “Is this some kinky version of yoga? Because if so, sign me up.”

  She realized his focus had shifted to her midriff, currently bared by her gaping shirt. On a muttered curse, she sat up and tugged it down. “What are you doing here?” Inwardly she cringed. Great. Now she sounded like a shrew. And with her hair all over the place, she probably looked like a witch.

  Flynn blinked at her. “Ah, wow. This is probably a bad idea. I’m sorry. I’ll go.”

  “No, wait.” She stumbled over her feet to stop him and a felt like a complete idiot. Go, stay. No wonder the guy wanted to rush from the house. She didn’t even like herself. “I’m sorry. It’s been a rough few days.”

  He gave her a sympathetic nod. “Sorry. I know you probably want to relax, and I’m bugging you. It’s just…”

  Flynn looked haggard, now that she took a good look at him. “What’s wrong?” She grabbed his arm, relieved to feel his solid strength beneath her fingers.

  “It’s Colin.”

  “What? Is he okay?” The little guy had such a special place in the McCauleys’ hearts.

  “I’m watching him tonight while Mike is doing some work with my dad. Problem is, he’s misplaced his favorite stuffed animal, and I don’t know what t
o do to help him. I was stupid and offered to get help to find the thing, which helped calm him down a little. He’s freaking out. Is Abby here? I’ll even take Vanessa.”

  “Wow. You must be desperate.”

  “I am.” They both heard Colin whine across the yard for Uncle Flynn. “I’ll just tell him no one was home. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure we’ll find the thing.”

  “No, wait. I’ll help.” Glad for the excuse, she looked for her shoes.

  “You don’t have to.” Now Flynn seemed uneasy. The poor guy. A bitchy girlfriend—friend, she reminded herself, who happens to be a girl—and a crying nephew. She found her shoes stuffed under the leather chair. “Let’s go.”

  Twenty minutes later, they still hadn’t found Colin’s Ubie. Named after the man who’d given it to him, the bear supposedly had a cute smile and the same coloring as the leather sofa. Colin frantically darted all over the house trying to find it, with Flynn hard on his heels.

  It would have been comical if the little guy didn’t look so stressed out about it.

  “When is Mike coming home?” she said under her breath.

  “Another hour.” Flynn sighed. “Go on home, Maddie. I’m sorry for bothering you.”

  She felt terrible. He looked so put out. When Flynn cared, he really cared. “You love Colin so much. You’re such a great uncle.” She surrendered to impulse and hugged him. Strong, capable Flynn, putty in the hands of a small boy hankering for his bear.

  “I found it! I found it, Uncle Flynn!” Colin raced through the house carrying a rugged bear. His joy promptly faded when he looked at them hugging. Then he burst into tears.

  Astounded, Maddie hurried to his side and crouched down. “Colin. Are you okay?”

  He nodded and threw his arms around her neck, shocking her.

  She hadn’t held a small child in years, not since she’d accompanied Abby home one Christmas and picked up her niece. Colin was a lot bigger than a baby. He smelled like popcorn and chocolate. His arms were surprisingly strong for a child his size.


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