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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

Page 14

by Simone Leigh

  “…. She’s been bought and paid for, and she's going to university to study Physics. What do you think?”

  …. They say that when you get married

  It'll be to a millionaire

  But they don't realize where you came from

  And I wonder if they really care…

  And it begins to dawn on me, that I really do care….


  “How about the beach today?” says James.

  “Sounds great. Charlotte?”

  She’s sitting eating breakfast, looking tired but not letting affect her appetite, once more tucking into a vast meal. James sips at black coffee while I eat fruit and yoghurt.

  “Ah…. sounds lovely,” she says, “if that’s alright with the two of you?”

  She stills thinks we’re going to demand more of her….

  “I think you took quite enough last night,” says James. “You’ve earned some time out, I think.”

  “I don’t have a bikini or swimming costume or anything.”

  He shrugs that off. “There are plenty of beach-wear shops down at the front. We’ll stop by and pick something up; for myself as well as you. Michael?”

  “Sure. I’ll buy myself something too.”


  On the beach, watching Charlotte frolicking in the water is a joy. A group of small children have pulled her into their frisbee game and she’s shrieking with laughter as she bounces around in the surf with them.

  Sitting up on a beach towel, James next to me, stretched out on his…. “Do you really not wonder about her?”

  “How do you mean?” He’s got his eyes closed behind his shades.

  “She's told us nothing about herself.”

  “Well, she wouldn’t, would she? I bought her. She's hardly going to want to give out personal information. We talked about this before. What are you driving at?”

  “But wouldn’t you like to know about her? What she….?”

  “What's to know? She's young and beautiful. She needed money. You and both enjoy sex, no strings. We all get what we want out of this arrangement.”

  “I suppose….”

  He glances sideways at me. “You’d better put on some more sunscreen you know. You’re getting red around the shoulders.”

  “I’ll ask Charlotte to do it for me when she comes out of the water.” I watch her, splashing in the sea, behaving like a little girl given a new toy. “She behaves as though she’s never….”

  He looks sideways at me. “Never what?”

  “I dunno…. never…. enjoyed herself before….”

  James looks sharply at me. “What the hell do you mean by that?” He sits up, looking out at her, watching her for a while. “I see what you mean though….” Then he shrugs it off. “Who knows? As you say, we know nothing about her….” He gives me a long look. “…. and what’s more, we won’t get to know anything about her. She’s here for a week, and that’s it.”

  A week…. Oh, Babe….

  I watch her a while longer, then, “Do you think she’s really a submissive?”

  “I think she’s discovering the power play aspect of submission, yes. She's got a fair amount of sub in her, at least in the bedroom. The rest of the time? She's being obedient to her owner, not submissive to her Dom.”

  “So, you don’t think she’s a sub?”

  He looks at me sidelong. “I think she’s a girl who is working hard to keep to her side of the contract.”

  “That’s not the same thing.”

  “I know that. Real submission is earned. She barely knows me.”

  “And yet you have her call you ‘Master?”

  “I’m paying for a fantasy. I’ll have my money’s worth, thank you.”

  Jeez… but you’re a cold-hearted bastard sometimes….

  “You could always woo her a bit,” I suggest.

  He snorts a laugh. “Woo her? Me?”

  “You’re as capable of turning on the charm as I am. I’ve seen you do it. Women love it when you decide to switch on that voice of yours.”

  He sucks in a smile. “Yes, but that’s the point isn’t it. I have to think about it. To you, it comes naturally.”

  Charlotte suddenly pauses in her playing in the water, seemingly remembering us. She turns towards us, rising like Aphrodite from the waves as she wades back to shore, shivering off water as she comes and pushing her loose wet hair back over her shoulders. She picked her swim-wear well; a bikini top which cups her beautifully, and bottoms cut high at the thigh, emphasising her already long legs.

  “God, but she’s beautiful,” I mutter.

  “That she is….”

  She kneels in the sand beside us, “Sorry, Master, Michael. I lost track of time there. It’s so lovely here.”

  James strokes her face. “We came here to have a day off. Relax. Enjoy yourself.”

  For a moment she leans into his touch. I almost expect her to turn to kiss his fingers, but at the last moment, she remembers herself, simply smiling brightly. “Thank you, Master. I am enjoying myself.”

  What am I seeing here…?

  Don’t fall for him, Girl….

  …. BIG mistake….

  I leap up, grab her by the wrist. “C’mon… race you to the water… last one in’s a wuss….”


  “Sorry, am I hurting you?” she says.

  “A bit, yes, but it’s not your fault,” I say

  “You need some lower down, too, “she says, sliding after-sun cream over my sore skin. “I’m being as gentle as I can.”

  “You’re doing fine. The alternative was to ask James to do it, and he’s not my type….”

  She chuckles. “No, I can tell….”

  James, lying to the other side of her on the bed, raises an eyebrow at me, his mouth quirking. “There is a limit on what one can ask of one’s friends….”

  “That alright now?” she asks.

  “Mmmm, fine….”

  You’re lovely….

  “….. lie down, Charlotte. Let me give you some attention now.”

  Obediently, she lies between us….

  I wish you wanted to do this, rather than just doing as you’re told….

  “Take off your wrap, Charlotte,” says James. “We would both like to look at you.”

  She sits up again, removes the light robe she was wearing and then, naked, lies between us once more.

  The same thought keeps echoing around my head….

  You’re so beautiful….

  James rolls onto his side, watching her, stroking her stomach. I stoop to kiss her breast, take a nipple between my lips. Already, my balls are tightening, my cock giving an interested twitch.

  “What did you mean?” she says. “My other virginity?”

  You really don’t know?

  Or perhaps you thought I didn’t mean it….

  …. Oh, but I did….

  James' eyes meet mine. Seemingly casual, he sits up….

  …. waiting.…

  “I was hoping you were going to ask that,” I say. Let me show you….

  …. Will she be okay with this? They pounded her between them….

  “…. Are you alright with this? You took quite a lot last night.”

  “I’m fine.” she smiles “Though I’ll admit that I was happier when you just let me sleep last night, but today was lovely. I feel ready for anything again.”

  Her smile is mischievous and infectious, and I grin back, winking at her.

  “A gentleman always knows when the lady’s had enough. But I’ll try to rise to your challenge.”

  James guides her, rolling her onto her stomach. I pull her to her hands and knees, but pressing her gently between the shoulders, until I have her as I want her, head down, hips up, facing out from the bed.

  James passes me lube from a drawer then seats himself, cock a-twitch, on the bedside chair, where he can see her face.

  Her gorgeous ass, so pale, narrowing to her waist, beautifully muscled an

d toned, faces me. Running my hands over her is sheer pleasure and my cock is already at half-mast.

  Get her going….

  Fondling her butt-cheeks, I part them to expose her pussy lips, flushing deeply pink and beginning to glisten. My target, of course, is her rosette, displayed tight and tempting for me, but I don’t touch her there yet….

  …. Chill out, Babe….

  …. I want you to enjoy this too….

  She seems relaxed, her head to one side on the sheets, hair spilling all around, James’ gaze alternates between her face and where I am playing with her lips to the rear. She’s arousing, her pussy swelling, growing moister, and as I rub her clit, she trembles, sucking on her bottom lip.

  Still flicking at her bud with one hand, I slip upwards with the other, then realise I need to break off for a moment.

  Quickly, I squeeze lube over my fingers, a few drips escaping to drop onto her hot and now-engorged folds. She shudders as the cold gel touches her and I return one hand to working her clit.

  Is she ready?

  …. perhaps….

  But my cock aches to get inside her….

  Well-lubed and slippery, I sink a finger into her ass….

  She stiffens….

  …. circling a little, opening her….

  …. Does she only realise now where this is going…?

  …. Or is it only now becoming real…?

  I circle harder against the ring of muscle, stretching her, see-sawing into her….

  Her eyes are wide, staring at nothing, her breathing rapid and shallow. And I don’t think her trembling is from arousal. James, still watching her face, glances up at me, giving me a ‘Slow Down’ wriggle of the fingers.

  …. She’s not happy….

  …. ease off….

  I pull up close behind her, reaching around her to bedevil her nipples and press my straining erection to more familiar territory, teasing at her entrance. “I can’t resist some of this first,” I say. “You’re dripping.”

  I slide into her, feeling her relax as I do so, a groan escaping her as I fill her….

  Oh gods, but you feel good….

  Almost, I’m tempted to leave it there, simply fuck her vanilla style and leave it at that.

  But soon you’ll be gone, and I’ll never have another chance for this….

  James, still watching the both of us, silently strokes his own erection, while I slowly ease mine in and out of her tight heat….

  And now, I pull out of her pussy, lube myself up some more and press to her ass. She starts as my cock-head kisses her, I think reacting to the liquid cold, but then, as I slowly ease inside her, she whimpers, eyes squeezing closed, face distorting, her fingers clutching….

  Her repressed cry is like a knife in my brain and James flashes me a warning glance, but there’s no need. She’s clearly in pain and hurriedly I withdraw, lubing myself much more heavily now. For good measure, I squeeze some directly onto her.

  And now, I try again, gradually penetrating her, little by little sinking into her heat, claiming her….

  …. and this time, she doesn’t seem distressed. She’s sweating heavily, breathing heavily, flushing heavily, but she looks to be handling it.

  From his vantage point, James nods reassurance at me but keeps his eyes fixed on her face. I see her look towards him. His head tilts.

  “I’m okay,” she says. “It’s alright.”

  As I sheath myself, full length inside her, I pause, allowing her to get used to the feel of me. James smiles and offers her his cock. He’s well on the way himself, pre-cum oozing from the slit. She reaches to wrap her mouth around the head, sucking at his flow.

  ….. and when I see her look at herself in the mirrors, James and myself inside her to fore and rear, I know that she’s alright, growing to enjoy it.

  I begin a slow, pulsing thrust, taking it easy with her; withdrawing then resheathing myself. She’s warm and still a little tense, but the tension is dissolving as I move, as she becomes accustomed to me.

  I build speed, matching my rhythm to her breathing. And now James begins to move too, watching first his own shaft in her mouth; he must be streaming; a trickle dribbling down her chin; then where I am sinking myself between her butt-cheeks. His eyes, always dark, are pupil-wide, all but black ….

  …. She’s smiling. It’s not easy for her, her mouth plugged like that, but nonetheless, she’s smiling. I pump her harder, watching her tits bounce and jiggle as I thrust.

  …. How hard can I take her…?

  I ram home, jamming myself in. My balls are tight, growing pressured, my heart banging and I grit my teeth as I try to resist coming, to draw it out….

  …. dripping with sweat, I hold back for a moment longer before….

  …. Jeez….

  And I come…

  Explosively, I shoot, spurting into her. Pressing home, I grind against her, my shaft pulsing my load, just aware that James is also coming. He’s leaning across her, spasming into her mouth, come trailing from her lips. He’s in deep and, through the cloud of my own climax, I wonder if she’s coping. One more salvo into her, and I withdraw, my last splashing over her skin as I exit.

  She’s gagging but James has his hand on the back of her head and she can’t break away.

  Abruptly, James pulls away from her….

  …. Just realising she’s having problems…?

  She coughs and splutters, but swallows, then wipes at her streaming eyes.

  “Are you alright Charlotte?” he says, sounding contrite. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”

  “I’m fine. I’m fine,” she says, still wiping tears and come from her face. “It’s okay. Don’t worry.”

  Oh, but you’re a trier aren’t you….

  What a treasure you are….

  James sits on the bed by her, stroking her hair while her breathing returns to normal. I perch by her on the other side.

  “Thanks for that, Charlotte. It felt great.” I say.

  She smiles, and it seems sincere if a little wan. “You’re welcome.”

  “Feel up to the rest of it now?”

  “The rest of it?” she looks dismayed. “You’ve only just….”

  “Well, I just shot my brains out inside you. James here did pretty much the same to your brains, but you haven’t had your turn yet. We can’t have the lady being the only one not to get the ‘Big O’”.

  “Ah….” She sags. “Errr… would you mind if I take five minutes?”

  James slaps her thigh “Course you can, Charlotte. You must think us absolute beasts. Come and have a glass of wine. Better still, wait there, and I’ll bring the bottle over.” He eye-points me at her, then vanishes out through the door.

  “You sure you’re alright, Charlotte?” I ask.

  “Yes, really, I’m fine.” she smiles. And now, the smile has a little sunshine in it.

  James returns with a bottle of Rioja and three wine glasses, pours and passes around the glasses.

  “Now, drink that,” he says to Charlotte. “Make yourself comfortable. Lie back against the pillows. Michael and I are going to pamper you for a while. You deserve it.”

  Brow furrowed uncertainly, she leans back, not drinking….

  ….. wondering what we’re going to demand of her now….

  “Drink the wine,” I say, easing the glass to her lips. “Go on. You’re not supposed to knock it back, but take a couple of good mouthfuls and start to let it work. You can sip the rest.”

  Obedient as ever, she gulps down a couple of mouthfuls, her eyes wary. James settles into his chair, silently watching.

  Time to spoil you, Babe….

  Sucking in my cheeks against a smile at her puzzlement, I take a bottle of oil from the bedside drawer. It’s a standard mix I use a lot, but of course, she doesn’t know that.

  “Almond oil, with lavender and geranium to work their magic on you,” I explain. “Some other things too. And a bit of rose just because it smells good.” As I rub it
up warm in my hands, I see her inhaling the scent of the oil, and as I start to work on her feet, she releases deep breaths, her arms dropping to lie limply by her.

  “You’ve done this before?” she asks.

  “I have indeed. I’m actually a trained masseur and I’m rather conscious that we’ve asked a lot of you over the last few days. So now it’s your turn. Relax. I’ll ask you to lie on your stomach in a bit, but right now, enjoy your wine.”

  She is relaxing, and as I work my way up her legs, her muscles loosen under my attentions, allowing me to work out the knots. The alcohol’s helping, and her smile is looking a bit hazy….

  …. too much wine…?

  …. I don’t think so…. It’ll do her good….

  She is quite stressed, her body tight and tender in spots, and she winces sometimes as I go through my routine.

  “Take it easy, Girl. I’m going to work these knots out of you.”

  She leans back, still sipping her wine, but now I see her eyes roaming….

  …. Over me…. Over my body….

  …. Is she checking me out…?

  …. Yes, she is….

  I suppress a smile.

  My hands on her thighs, working her iliopsoas….

  …. Mmmm, she’s got some back trouble coming if that’s not sorted….

  “Open your legs a little,” I say, quietly.

  What I’m doing is functional, but nonetheless, I hold her gaze as I work over her, smoothing the muscle. The wine and the relaxation are working their magic on her, her pupils widening….

  …. black on green in those astonishing eyes….

  My hands are oiled….

  “Don’t get any ideas,” I say. “I’ll wash my hands before I wander around there again. Some things are meant for external use only.”

  As I speak, her lips are parting, her breath quickening….

  …. she wants me….

  …. she wants me….

  …. you’ve got it, Babe….

  “Lie down, flat on the bed,” I say.

  She’s a little tipsy, but that’s all to the good. As she lies flat, I straddle her, and in the background, James rises from his seat.

  She’s arousing by the moment, and as I stroke her stomach, her breasts, she’s watching my cock.

  …. Can I get it up again right now?


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