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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

Page 16

by Simone Leigh

  .… need…?

  … to feel and see her body’s reply to me.

  I tug at the nipple, deliberately roughly, and her lips parting, she quivers, her scent suddenly billowing up around me. My cock’s nudging awake again and I pluck at the other nipple, rolling it to hardness between thumb and forefinger.

  “Come on,” I say, “let me hear you.” and I twist sharply.

  And now she cries out, hips bucking, and it’s not a cry of pain, but of arousal. To the other side, James is watching, his eyes, following her every movement as she slides fingers deliciously over my cockhead. Balls tightening as she fingers me….

  …. just as well I’m about fucked out….

  …. or I’d shoot off right now….

  I’m warming over by the second, as is she. And now, giving the lie to his words, James slides his hand between her thighs, stroking her soft, pale skin. She’s flushing, her perfume stronger by the moment as James teases at her pussy, not penetrating, but winding her up the spiral. Her breathing is growing heavy and as James toys with her clit, she shudders and gasps.

  She swings around, kneeling by me to suck at my cock. Her tongue slipping through the slit, I grit my teeth to hang onto my control.

  But she’s straining, her position awkward.

  You’re not comfortable, are you….

  Rolling her over, I lie her flat, a pillow under her head, and straddling her, I present her with my cock again, not pushing in, but giving her the option.

  …. between your lips…. those wild, green eyes looking up at me….

  And now, free to move, she takes me into her mouth, sucking around the ridge of my cock-head, swiping her tongue over the length of my shaft and balls, then withdraws to swallow….

  She’s getting better at it….


  My eyes closed, head flinging back, I revel in Charlotte’s attentions….

  A cock-worshipper…?

  Behind me now, sitting beside her, James is still be-devilling her clit, making her judder and jerk…

  But I want it all now….

  “Open your thighs wider, Charlotte,” I say. “Bring your knees up.”

  Twisting around, turning to settle on all fours, I leave Charlotte with my cock, but now, head between her legs, I have my mouth over her slit.

  She’s streaming wet, pungent with sex and lust, shuddering with arousal, and simply to have her like that, under me, quivering….

  …. wanting me….

  …. leaves my cock pulsing hard, streaming with pre-cum and aching to be inside her; her mouth, her pussy, anywhere….

  Her thighs are slippery with her own juices, her curls moist and glistening amber in the candlelight, wetting my fingers as I play with them, winding them through my fingers, tugging a little just to give her an extra sense that I am there….

  The heat of her breath bathing my shaft, I press lightly to her lips, hoping she’ll take me in, hold me there….

  How far could I go…?

  Could she handle a deep-throat?

  No, that’s not fair to ask…. It’d scare her…

  Nonetheless, she opens wide for me, wrapping her lips around me, tonguing and sucking….

  Her pussy’s already swollen and beginning to open, but I move things along a little, splaying her with my fingers, presenting myself with her hard, hot clit and her pink and, now fragrant, entrance. I’ve already learned where she’s most sensitive, without going into overload, and I probe at the tender sweet spot she has to the base of her bud, massaging the root with my tongue tip, caressing the small erect shaft with the heat of my mouth.

  She’s moving under me, trembling and shivering, trying to squirm, but I deliberately pin her with my body….

  …. there’s more than one way to restrain a sub….

  …. curtailing her movements as she moans through her plugged mouthful. The sounds she’s making vibrate through me, making my balls tighten and my cock twitch with every note…

  Looking up, I try to see into the mirrors, but my head sandwiched between her thighs, I don’t have the angle. But I can see James, standing over us, watching as his cock trembles against his stomach, his pulse-beat a metronome. As our eyes meet, his lips twitch before he returns his attention, I think, to where Charlotte is sucking me off.

  She’s hot under me, sweating hard, her skin slippery against mine. I want to take her further along the path. Her labia between my lips, I tug and suck, stretching the delicate skin with my teeth just enough to sting a little. Her moans grow louder, and my cock responds, hardening ever further….

  …. Jeez….

  ….. Can she breathe…?

  ….. and swallow….?

  I’m losing my control and I’m going to blow. Pulling out of her mouth for a moment to give her chance to clear her airways, I pause, then push in again, and out, and in, in a slow face-fuck that is only going to end one way.

  Her juices are flowing freely, salty, tangy and delicious and I lick them away, all the while conscious of the rising tension in my groin….

  I want to see it….

  I lift away from her, supporting myself on my arms to be able to watch in the mirrors….

  …. do I come in her mouth…?

  …. or shoot over her face…?

  …. she’ll love it either way….

  …. but I want to come inside her….

  On the brink of climax, I strain to hold on, to extend the moment, but then, the tension, irresistibly, snaps and I spurt in deep.

  All without thinking, my hips press in as I come, the pulsations violent as I groan and thrill through climax, revelling in the moment….

  …. Too late, I wake up to Charlotte’s spluttering and choking; my cock penetrating beyond her gag point…. spilling into her throat….

  …. Oh, fuck….!

  Immediately, I retract, James stepping in to pull her free and upright while she coughs her throat clear.

  “You okay, Charlotte?” he asks.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Didn’t think I could do that. It’s okay. I just had to…. not breathe…. for a few seconds.”

  I’m mortified. “Thank you, Charlotte. I’m sorry. I truly didn’t mean to go so deep in.”

  I shouldn’t be needing to apologise for something like that….

  She seems unfazed by the experience. “It’s fine really. And you’re welcome.”

  “Get your breath back.” James is seated beside her, caressing her. As though nothing just happened, she leans in to suck gently at him, licking away at where he leaks a little pre-cum and clearly enjoying it.

  And as she does so, I see him morph from Carer to Dom, pushing her down flat, the palm of his hand to her chest, then straddling her, he presents his cock to her mouth.

  …. Time to makes my apologies….

  …. finish what I started….

  Opening her legs, my face pressed into her liquefying sex, I hear James saying something to her, but I can’t make out the words.

  …. Never mind, James can handle that end….

  Her feet are loose over the bed; it can’t be comfortable, probably straining her back, so I ease them up and into position on the mattress, allowing her to support herself, feet flat down, knees raised. And as she settles properly, her hips rise as she offers herself to me.

  Her pussy is wide and wet and succulent, her clit erect and red, and her flesh trembles and clutches deliciously at me as I penetrate her with a couple of fingers, working around in circles against her muscles. And as I suck at her bud, a guttural moan vibrates along the length of her, and her thigh muscles jump and hitch to either side of me….

  Her body is rocking to a slow rhythm….

  James face-fucking her….?

  …. and lifting my head, keeping my fingers doing their work, in the mirrors I see him. He’s there, gradually working his shaft into her mouth, a little further each time, but not repeating my mistake of going too deeply. And now his breathing echoes with her groans.

  She’s trying hard to service him, but I’m making it difficult for her. The sound of her sucking at his cock carries across the room, and now I start to work her g-spot, grinning at James as his eyes slant towards mine in the mirror while she bucks and twitches under him….

  …. The tension palpable in her, for a moment she lies still, quivering before, feeling her orgasm break free, I plant my mouth over her sweet cunt, tonguing her out as she screams….

  …. And she keeps screaming. Her wailing stretches out, and the pulsing of her muscles continues. Her climax seems to last forever….

  And at the last, as I think she has finished, James grunts and spasms between her lips. Her pussy clenches again as she jumps and jerks, howling and laughing….

  What the…?

  Sitting beside her, James on the other side of the bed, as she quivers and bucks her way out of orgasm, I have to smile. She looks amazing…. Our eyes meet across her, James shaking his head in bemusement.

  “I trust all was in order, my Lady?” I say.

  She simply lies there, flat out, enervated, but grins up at me like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. “You could say that.”

  James is holding in his smile, but he’s quirking at the eyes, thinking it as funny as I do. “You’re going to wear us both out, Charlotte. Perhaps we should eat?”


  Over a meal, James says, “So how shall we say goodbye, Charlotte…?”

  …. and my stomach lurches….

  I look away to avoid my expression betraying me.

  “…. Tomorrow’s your last day with us,” he continues. “What would you like to do?”

  “Can we go somewhere?” she says. “The beach again? The mountains? A park perhaps? A picnic would be lovely again.”


  I try to enjoy the day, to make the most of it, but my heart isn’t in it.

  We can’t go walking as the weather isn’t too good. Bright sunshine intersperses with the kind of lowering black clouds that threaten to drench the unwary the moment shelter is beyond easy reach, so instead, we go to a hotel high up in the mountains which has a reputation for good food.

  It’s a good choice. Set above high meadows, overlooking a lake, the sun and rainclouds cast light and shade to race across the verdant green, while the lake lies glittering and lovely below us. In the restaurant, we have the best table, right by a vast window which gives us views overlooking the panoramic glory laid out for us.

  It should be a moment of peace and pleasure….

  …. but tomorrow you’ll be gone….

  James and Charlotte are talking and laughing. He’s making an effort to entertain her, telling her unlikely sounding stories, swearing that every word is true. He’s clearly trying hard.

  He knows how to charm when he wants to….

  My attention drifts and I try to simply experience the moment, to hold it in my palm; something to be cherished and kept. Their chatter fades into the background.

  Sitting there, overlooking the amazing view, my closest friend to one side, this beautiful girl to the other, I indulge myself. A small fantasy of living here, like this, with all a man could ask for; a beautiful house, friendship, love, companionship….

  You’ve never held down a relationship in your life, Man….

  …. How would you get from here to there?

  James and Charlotte joking and convivial, I enjoy their enjoyment, the three of us being together feels comfortable and…. right….

  He tells a joke and she's laughing, then as she packs away another huge meal, his eyes meet mine across the table before sliding away to stare out of the window.

  And I know that he’s simply putting up a good front….

  ….. tomorrow you’ll be gone….

  She excuses herself, leaving us alone for a few minutes.

  “You're very quiet,” he says.

  “I was just thinking how natural this feels, the three of us together like this.”

  He nods quietly, not replying, again staring out until Charlotte returns and he plasters his smile back in place.



  Back in the hotel, our last evening together, even Charlotte has picked up the quiet mood, saying little as we lie grouped on the large bed.

  No-one spoke as we came in. By general agreement, we simply came into the mirrored room, to lie naked between the sheets together.

  And I can’t help but notice, as we enter the room, her eyes are like saucers….

  Feeling horny, Jade-Eyes…?

  …. again….

  You’ve come on a lot in a week….

  And at the thought of Charlotte’s arousal, where she lies, me spooned against her back, Michael to her fore, my cock comes out to play, pressing into her back….

  …. I reach around her, entertaining myself with her nipples.

  Will she want to try it…?

  Let’s see….

  I meet Michael’s eye. He knows what’s in my mind and nods his agreement. It’s a subtle motion; she doesn’t see it.

  …. He’s ready too….

  “Charlotte, lift your leg slightly,” I say. “Swing it over Michael’s.”

  She looks back towards me, her eyes questioning, puzzled, but she obeys, lifting one leg to be supported by his body, allowing him access as he eases forward. She smells wet already, and doesn’t seem to have any difficulty as he enters her; simply breathing more deeply as he penetrates with a gentle thrust or two.

  Can she handle this…?

  …. I think so….

  She startles slightly as she feels me behind her, lubing her to the rear. There’s a tremble to her, but I think it’s anticipation rather than stress….

  Circling with a finger, I stretch her passage; opening her to take me, to take the two of us together, readying her to have my cock inside her to the rear, Michael’s to the fore.

  Somehow, this seems the appropriate finish to our week….

  The three of us….

  One flesh….

  I penetrate past the coolth and wetness of the lube, pressing into her heat. She shows no signs of discomfort, gives no indication that she is in anyway distressed as, carefully, I sheath myself inside her.

  She quivers, her flesh tight about mine.

  “Everyone comfortable?” I ask.

  Charlotte nods, so slightly. “Mmm…” Layered between, speared by both of us, her movement is limited.

  Michael, watching her, drops his eyelids to me in the smallest of signals….

  Yes, she’s alright….

  He’s still looking at her; her face, her expression, but he is unconcerned.

  Slowly I begin, a gradual in-out that fathoms her, then partially releases her. As becomes clear that she is comfortable, Michael begins also to thrust, equally slowly and carefully, paralleling my rhythm.

  It could be a coarse act, this double penetration of her. Despite the adventure of the last week, it could be a violation. But I don’t want it to be like that. I want it to be beautiful for her, an act of merging, or joining; the three of us in this ultimate union of the flesh.

  She rocks between us, unmoving except for our movement within her, seeming mesmerised. She makes little sound, only that from her breathing, which grows heavier moment by moment.

  Michael still watches her. I seldom notice his appearance. We have known each other too long. I am simply aware that he is an unusually handsome man, appealing to women….

  …. But now, in the candle glow, I wonder what Charlotte sees as she watches him, watching her, as he moves within her….

  She’s warm, both from her own arousal and our joined body heats. Her skin slickening, my body slides over her as I move, thrusting gently. The saltiness of her sweat coats my lips as I kiss her neck, the side of her face, and her fragrance blooms from her hair as she continues to grow warmer. My arms around her, I cup the soft flesh of her breasts, presenting them to Michael, who twists down to suckle gently.

  I increase my
beat, Michael following. Thrusting harder, faster, together we Make Love to our Jade-Eyed Beauty, saying goodbye to her in the way we know best, in a joined penetration that could be crude or cold, but which we both wish to be an act of the emotions, of the connection that has grown between we Three.

  And now, Michael breaks time with me, no longer matching to my rhythm, but working for her. He’s holding her gaze, angling to stroke her inside, to massage her sweet spot with his shaft. Ceasing to thrust, he winds his hips in circles against her, the palm of his hand pressed hard against her stomach. Her arousal is becoming extreme as she responds to his internal caress. She’s flowing, her juice slippery over my thighs, her scent growing stronger, all the while; it’s a heady mix….

  And as Michael works her g-spot, her muscles begin to pulsate, resonating through her body to mine where I press in close against her spine. She’s getting close….

  I step up the power of my thrusting once more, feeling her climax beginning to dance….

  She’s wailing between us, howling almost…. and as she brinks…. Michael reaches to one side and I hear the purring of a vibe….

  I think he strokes her clit with it….

  …. and she spasms into orgasm, screaming out her ecstasy as I wrap my arms tightly around her, restraining her movements further while Michael plays her….

  Climax ricochets through, her flesh pulsing against mine as she thrashes helplessly in my embrace, my shaft still buried deep within her….

  …. until, finally, she almost shrieks out, “Stop, Michael. Stop. For God’s sake, stop.”

  He removes the vibe and kisses her, his hands around her shoulders, wrapped in her hair, and once more, he begins to thrust with slow careful strokes.

  And my own climax is rising. As the pressure grows, with the coming of the Rush, my breath broken, my heart pounding….

  Michael is staring past her, at me….



  Belatedly, I realise that my heartbeat is loud enough for him to hear….

  … and then climax takes me….

  …. and I throb into her, holding her tightly, squeezing her, the side of my face pressed against hers as I spill….


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