Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1) Page 17

by Simone Leigh

  And as it passes, I relax and withdraw, leaving my Jade-Eyes to my Friend…

  Michael rolls her onto her back, settles atop her, kissing her as he loves her with his body.

  “I’ll miss you,” he says softly then, his head falling to her chest, he comes, quietly, sighing as he does so, his hips winding circles between her thighs.

  After a few moments, he suddenly bursts out laughing “Stop that, Charlotte. Stop. You can’t keep doing that.”


  “What’s she doing?”

  He almost tugs himself out of her, grinning as he does so. “Your protégé has figured out that she can use certain of her muscles rather than just enjoy the ride.”

  I laugh.

  You’re not the same girl I met a week ago, Jade….

  “Shall we celebrate?” I ask. “A last meal in honour of a wonderful week and an amazing girl.”

  We eat out, letting Charlotte choose the restaurant, an Italian place, for our final night….

  …. our last meal…

  I raise a toast. “To Charlotte.”

  Michael tips his glass. “To Charlotte.”

  She blushes and raises her glass too.

  …our final night….

  …. our last meal…


  The following morning, I wake, eyes blinking open, to find her watching me, her emerald eyes locked on my face. As I look back at her, her lips curve and she strokes the side of my face, then leaning forward, she kisses my lips before pulling away again….

  …. and something inside me sings….


  Showered, dressed and breakfasted, I drive her to the rail station, Michael sitting in the back.

  “I do hope I made the week good for you, Charlotte?”

  Her smile is bright, genuine. “Oh yes, you did. I was so dreading it, and you, well, you made it marvellous.”

  “I’m glad of that. I wouldn’t have pushed you farther than I thought you could go, you know, no matter how much I’d paid for the privilege. But you amazed me with just what you did do, or more to the point, wanted to do, and enjoyed.”

  “It was amazing, Master. If I had to do it again, I would, but I can’t. I’m all out of virginities to sell.”

  …. Ain’t that the truth….

  I can only laugh.

  Throw the bait…

  Make sure she understands….

  “Very true! Listen, Charlotte, you’ve earned plenty of money from your…. adventures, but college life can be expensive. You know; materials, textbooks, field trips, decent digs to live in…It adds up and in unexpected ways sometimes. What I’m getting at is, I’m here. If you need anything, anything at all, get in contact and….”

  I lay a hand on her knee, staying low, keeping well clear of sexual territory…

  Spell it out….

  “…. This is a no-strings offer. I’ve more than had my money’s worth from you. I won’t expect you to get back into bed with me, or anywhere else….”

  Keep it light….

  I wink at her. “….. although, I’d not be likely to refuse if you offered. I think Michael would agree with me.” I head-point Michael, sitting behind us in silence, as she turns pink, looking away.

  Fuck…! Have I over-done it?

  Calm it down….

  “It’s alright,” I say. “I understand. You’re back in real life again now. No longer part of the fantasy world of the last week. And I don’t doubt, with your looks and er…. skills, it won’t be long before you have a real relationship again.”

  “Master…. I….” she begins….

  Don’t try to trap her….

  Or sound as if you are trying….

  “I’m only your Master for another five minutes. Our time is almost up. Don’t worry. Here.…” One-handedly struggling with my wallet, the other hand on the steering wheel, “…. that’s my business card. Contact me any time…...”

  Michael’s hand reaches forward. “And this is mine. The same applies. If you need anything, call.”

  At the station, she’s quick to get out of the car….

  Did I overdo it…?

  …. Or is there simply no chance that she….

  “Let us carry your luggage. Let us be gentlemen for you.”

  And she smiles. “Thank you, Gentlemen.”

  Outside the entrance….

  Don’t go….

  What do I say?

  I shuffle my feet. I’ve run out of words. “This is it then.”

  She nods, her tone businesslike. “This is it. Thank you for everything, Master. And you too, Michael.”

  I glance at my watch. “Our week is done. I am officially no longer your Master. I am simply ‘James’.” Leaning forward, I kiss her on the cheek. “Thank you, Charlotte.”

  My eyes are beginning to sting.

  …. Get a grip, Man….

  But as I kiss her, she leans in close, her hand curving into my hair, her face close to mine. “No matter what life brings me, college, success, relationships, marriage, you will always be my Master. Thank you for what you have done for me.”

  Oh, fuck….

  My Green-Eyes…. my Jade….

  Blinking hard, swallowing, I pull back, and she continues, now to both of us. “I know I was lucky, getting you, both of you. I saw the other girls at the auction. They were just as scared as I was, and I do wonder how their week has been. Some of those men were…. unappealing.”

  We stand, silent, Michael nodding slightly.

  She smiles again, gives Michael a hug and a kiss. “Goodbye, Michael. It was lovely meeting you.”

  Then turning back to me, she has something in her hand, pushes it into mine “Goodbye … James, but I want you to have this. Now you know where to find me too.”

  She’s given me her contact details?!?

  “Bye, Charlotte.”

  “Goodbye, Charlotte.”

  Don’t go….

  But she’s turning away. Michael stands frozen, so I nudge his elbow, and we too walk away.

  As we reach the car, I turn to see her, wheeling her suitcase into the station. She doesn’t look back.

  Suddenly, I feel tired; depressed.

  “How about a drink?”

  “Why not?”



  She’s gone….

  …. and I feel miserable.

  How could this have happened?

  James stares at the steering wheel. “How about a drink?”

  He looks equally downcast.

  I shrug. “Why not? There’s a bar around the corner.”


  We nurse a beer apiece, whiskey chasers on the bar.

  “Perhaps we should go to the Club tonight?” suggests James. “Try to get back to a normal life?”

  My stomach churns at the thought. “You go if you’d like to. I’m really not in the mood.”

  What to say?

  “Are you happy with your money’s worth?”

  He snorts. “Absolutely. How could she have given more than she did? What she did and gave of herself is above and beyond what I expected or hoped for.”

  I take a couple of swallows of my beer, knock back the chaser and wave the barman for another round.

  “What was it she said to you?”

  “Mmm? sorry?”

  “She said something to you, as we were saying goodbye. What was it?”

  He looks down at the bar and for a long pause, I think he’s not going to reply. “She said that whatever happens to her in her life, I will always be her Master.”

  I stare at him. “You’re kidding…. And you talk about going to the Club?”

  Again, a long pause.

  “What…?” I ask. “You think she didn’t mean it?”

  He gulps down his whiskey. “I think she did mean it. but what are the chances of it coming to anything? She’s gone to University. She young, intelligent and stunning. She’s going to have men…. men of her own age…. aro
und her like flies…. and after this last week, she knows what to do with them.” He swipes a hand through his hair. “What exactly do you think are the chances of us ever seeing her again?”

  “That piece of paper she gave you, is it contact details?”

  He blinks at me, then mutters, “How stupid can I be?” He reaches into his pocket, pulls out the crumpled scrap of paper.

  “A name and address?” I ask.

  He frowns. “No, it’s an e-mail address.” He sniffs. “Clever of her. Complete contact without actually surrendering any privacy.” He looks at the scrap, musing. “Interesting, the address is in fact, for the auction house; charlotte@…. She’s not actually given away anything at all.”

  I pull out my phone. “Whatever it is, let me load it in. I’ll send her a message, just to make sure we stay in contact.”

  James looks askance at me. “Keep it brief and to the point. Don’t say anything that might weird her out.”

  “Of course.”

  He stands, “I’ve got things to do today. Do want a lift back?”

  “No, I’m good. Think I’ll stay here for a while.”

  “Okay. Sure you don’t want to come to the Club tonight?”

  I shake my head. “Maybe in a few days….”

  “Alright. See you around.”



  The Club is busy, humming with people. All the regulars are here. I prop up the bar, a drink in my hand. Usually, I would have a glass of wine and take all evening over it. Tonight, I order a malt, knock it back and then order another. The barman looks at me askance. “Not your usual poison, James. You alright?”

  “I’m fine.” I nod, turning away to cut off the conversation.

  I’m not. I’m anything but fine.

  What are you doing now Jade-Eyes?

  “By yourself tonight, James?”

  It’s Jeannie. I like her, and she likes me. We’ve played together many times over the years, with and without Michael for company, but tonight her red hair just reminds me of….

  …. other things….

  “Yes, Michael couldn’t make it tonight, Jeannie.”

  “That’s a shame. Never mind. Want to play?”

  My autopilot starts to say ‘Yes’, but then, “Um…. in a while perhaps.”

  I don’t want to be here….



  I don’t go to the Centre today. Normally, I love my work, what I do, but today….

  Instead, I lounge around in my apartment, vegging out watching daytime TV, bored with everything I see, but not knowing what else to do with myself.

  Eventually, with a screaming need for…. something, I head out to my local bar. At least there I’ll be part of the human race.

  The barman knows his job and knows when his customers simply want to drink in peace.

  “Good evening, Michael. How are you?”

  I nod, curtly. He looks surprised, then pours two fingers into a glass and slides it across the bar to me.

  I sit, cradling my glass and staring into space.

  The door swings open and James walks in, his face stony.

  “I thought you were going to the Club?”

  “Yes. I went.”

  “You’re…. back early.”

  He sits, taking the stool next to me, head down. I stare at him, then, “You too, huh?”

  He nods, saying nothing, eyes downcast.

  I wave the barman down for a refill and a second glass.


  I come crashing down into a monochrome life; work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep, interspersed with too much time in bars. I don’t even have James for company as he’s out of town somewhere on his business.

  Too many days.… Too many weeks…. All the same….

  Something’s missing….

  …. and I know what it is….

  At the Centre, I’m about to call it a day, leave Jim to lock up. I’ve nothing to go home for; my apartment has always been simply somewhere to sleep, but I’ve got the blues and don’t feel like hanging around any longer.

  Chloe’s there, in the gym, exercising hard as ever she does. Always before I’ve been pleased to see her as she invariably invites my company. And of course, I have always accepted.

  “Hi, Michael. I’ve not seen you for a while.” She smiles and stretches, showing off her excellent and well-cared for figure. “Are you playing out this week?”

  Sorry, Sweetheart….

  “No, I don’t think so.” I say. “I’m not really in the mood.”

  Her face drops, then she looks sceptical. “Not in the mood? You? When were you ever not in the mood?” Then she frowns. “You’re not ill, are you? Coming down with something?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  No, I’m not….

  She looks puzzled. Hands on hips, she measures me up and down. “Is it me? Have I done something to upset you?”

  “No, Chloe. It’s not you at all. I think you’re lovely. I always have. You know that.” I give her a quick peck on the cheek to emphasise my point.

  Then she peers up at me. “I don’t believe it…. It’s a girl, isn’t it? You finally fallen for someone. Who is it?”

  Is it that obvious…?

  “No-one you’d know.”

  “Michael, how many women have you fucked with over the years…?”

  Aw…. c’mon….

  “I’ve no idea. I never counted.”

  “And now you’ve finally fallen for one of them?” Then she looks more closely at me. “But it’s not working out is it?”

  When I don’t reply she nudges me with her elbow and winks. “Your secret’s safe with me.”



  I’m working through the schematics for the new Haswell Offices, checking for any pitfalls, cock-ups and booby-traps before actual work starts.

  The weather’s hot, despite the lateness of the year. I gulp water, trying to cool down a little….

  My back pocket vibrates…. my mobile….


  Just when I didn’t want to be disturbed….

  I glance at the screen. Perhaps it’s someone I can ignore.


  It’s Charlotte.

  I swallow, then trying to keep my voice level, casual….

  “Charlotte! How lovely to hear from you. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Master. How are you?” She sounds good; really good.

  And she called me Master….

  “All the better for hearing from you. What can I do for my favourite ex-virgin?”

  “Well, I’m taking a few days off and I was wondering… are you and Michael free this weekend?”

  For you Green-Eyes. For you….

  I pause, trying to collect my thoughts.

  What does she want to come for?

  My mouth is dry, and I take another gulp of water….

  “I am certainly free for you, Charlotte. And I don’t doubt that Michael will make himself available. For the avoidance of doubt, can I ask why?”

  Her voice is cheerful and relaxed. “I’d just like to spend some time with you again.”

  What does she mean…?

  Don’t presume….

  “Just time, or for…. more? Don’t misunderstand. I just want to be sure that I am not making any assumptions.”

  “Oh, I’d like us all to have some fun together, Master.”

  Oh, Jade….

  “Alright, Charlotte. So how would you like to spend the weekend? Just with me and Michael or.…”

  Down the rabbit hole again…?

  “I’d like to spend time with the two of you, Master, but I’ll admit, I’d like to play some games as well. That night you took me to the club; that was so exciting.”

  “I’ll see what we can do.”

  “Can you pick me up from the train station?”

  “Of course I can.”



phone screen flashes. It's James.

  “Hi. I thought you were still out of town for a couple of weeks yet?”

  “I was, but…. Michael, she phoned me. She's coming back for the weekend. Are you free?”

  “She? Charlotte?”

  “Yes, of course, Charlotte. Who else?”

  ‘…. Of course I'm fucking free….

  “Yes, I'm free.”

  “Can you pick me up?”

  “Sure, but why? Is your car out of action?”

  “No, it's in storage. You need to pick me up from the airport.”

  The airport…?

  “James, where are you? Where are you calling from?”

  “Right now... I’m on my way to Valencia Airport.”

  “Valencia? In Spain?”

  “That's where Valencia was the last time I looked.”

  He's flying back for her?

  You've got to admire his style....


  The weather is grey and dismal, the car spraying a wash up from the tyres, the wipers working constantly to clear the drizzle.

  “How was Spain?”

  “Good. Better bloody weather than here, that's for sure.” James shivers and pulls his collar up.

  “You were on business there?”

  “No, I was visiting my Mother.”

  His mother?

  “Your mother’s Spanish?”


  That explains his looks; dark hair, dark eyes…. fair skinned though….

  “What about your father?”

  “Died ten years ago….”

  “He was Spanish too?”

  “No, English.”

  The clouds grow darker by the minute and I switch from sidelights to full beam.

  “Was your mother alright about you suddenly leaving her behind?”

  His tone is curt. “She was fine.”

  Let’s wind him up a bit….

  “Perhaps because she thought her little boy was visiting a girl?”

  He gives me a slow look and turns away to stare out of the window. There’s not a lot to see, the view washed away by the now sheeting rain.

  Don't push it....

  Well, maybe just a bit....

  I slide a sideways glance at him, trying to suppress a smile. I’m not too successful as after a minute or so he says, "What's funny?"


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