Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1) Page 18

by Simone Leigh

  “The Subs have the power. The Doms have the control?" I chuckle.

  "What's that supposed to mean?” he growls.

  “You just dropped everything to fly a thousand miles because she said she was coming…”

  He grimaces. “For fuck’s sake, don't tell her that.”

  Grinning, “I won't. Scouts honour...”

  “And I don't see you hanging around bars right now either.”

  “Oh, I'm happy to admit it. She's got me. What's your excuse?”

  He sighs. “Yes, she's got me too.”

  He goes quiet, distant….

  Perhaps I overdid it….

  “So, do you have any plans, or are we making this up as we go along?”

  “In fact, I have quite a bit planned.”

  “Such as…? …. Where am I driving to by the way? That apartment again?”

  “No, take the next turnoff.”

  “That takes us up the mountains.”

  “That's right.”

  I follow his directions for a while then, “Hang on, are we going to that hotel where we ate before? On the last day?”

  “That’s the place. They do log cabins close by. I’ve booked one for the weekend.”

  “Great idea….”

  Nice and private….

  Some while later, we pull in. Parking up, the rain has stopped but the weather is cold; late Autumn with the tang of Winter in the air. And the log cabin he has booked is right out of Winter romantic fantasy.

  Nope, can't fault his taste either….

  …. or his budget….



  Michael strolls in, hands in pockets, looking around; checking out the bedrooms and the hot tub, grunting his approval at the open fire. “Nice place,” he comments. “I see that you’ve spared no expense again.”

  “What else am I going to spend my money on? Running my non-existent home and funding my ex-wife’s live-in Lover?”

  His face falls….

  …. and I feel like a complete shit….

  “Sorry, that wasn’t aimed at you….”

  “Yes, it was. What have I done to upset you?”

  Michael’s back is turned to me as he stacks kindling and small screws of newspaper into the fireplace, making a neat pile which lights with a single match.

  “I said I’m sorry.” My voice is still sharp, though I don’t intend it to be. He looks up at me in silence, then watches the fire for a few moments as the flames begin to catch.

  Turning to me, he stands, arms folded, legs akimbo. “Alright, what’s eating you? Are you regretting this? Not wanting to carry through with her? Because if you don’t, I….”

  I cut him off. “No, I am not regretting it.”

  “Are you regretting having me involved then?”

  “No, I’m not. We’re in this together….”


  “So…. I’m nervous,” I confess. “This whole…. ‘Buying a Virgin’ thing…. started out as a bit of fun for me. I didn’t quite do it on a whim, but it was damn close, and…. and….” My words dry up.

  “And now we’re playing for stakes?” he suggests. “It matters that we get this right?”

  “Yes…. Look, I’m sorry I snapped. Anyone would have got it. It happened to be you. My apologies.”

  “Accepted.” He holds out his hand and we shake, Michael giving my hand a sharp tug downward that might incapacitate anyone not familiar with his strength.

  “Shall we move on?” I suggest, holding up the bottle of malt I instructed the staff to have waiting.

  “Good idea. And yes, you can pour me a stiff one of those….”

  I pause at his phrasing and his lips quirk….

  Is he joshing me?

  But his expression stays steadfastly innocent, eyes blue and guileless….


  The fire’s burning nicely now, and he stacks smaller stove lengths around the kindling, then larger logs around that.

  “So,” he says, taking an armchair by the hearth, “what’s the plan?”

  “The plan is to give her what she’s coming for and has asked for….”


  “You, me…. more….”

  His face clouds over. “More? You mean we get her gangbanged again?”

  “She dropped some pretty heavy hints she'd like it.”

  He looks glum. “Not so many this time….”

  “No, not so many. You and I want a turn too, don't we…?”

  His glance is sharp. “That's not what I meant….”

  “I know.”

  His voice quiet, “I don't want to share her….”


  He looks up, sees my face; “I don't mean with you. I mean, I don't want to pass her around, even if she enjoys it.”

  “We've got a way of keeping her coming back. Don't spoil it….”

  He stares into his glass, swilling the amber liquid around, but not drinking…

  “…. Would you rather have part of her or none of her?” I ask.

  He meets my eyes, looking unhappy, not speaking.

  “Do you seriously think she couldn't have her pick of men?” I say. “She's studying physics for God's sake. She'll be surrounded by them, all of them a lot younger than you and me, and all interested in the same things she’s interested in….”

  He nods, still looking gloomy….

  “…. but she’s coming back, to us. So, let's make sure she gets what she wants when she's here. We make ourselves a habit with her.”

  Still, he looks miserable. “I don’t like it,” he says.

  I’ve got to knock him out of this….

  Making my tone as heartless as I know how, “You think she's going to be lured with flowers and chocolates? Michael, you've flitted between one woman and the next as long as I've known you. What's different now?”

  “You know what's different. What about you? Wouldn't you like to have her to yourself?”

  How honest should I be with him….? Right now?

  Let it pass….

  “It doesn’t matter one way or the other what I want, except that right now, we have a chance to catch her, to get her to want to return to us, to stay with us. Right now, that’s the important thing….”

  And now he finally meets my eye, properly. “You're better at the cold-blooded thinking than I am.”

  “And you're better at the empathy, so between us let's make it work.”

  “So, you're not going to admit you're in love with her?” he says.

  Oh, fuck…

  “Is it so obvious?”

  “To me, yes.”

  “And to her?”

  “I don't think so. You can a blank-faced bastard when you want to be, James.”

  Thanks to you too….

  “And I’m going to keep it that way,” I reply. “She’s known us a week. Sorry…. she’s known me for a week; you for six days. How do you think she’ll react if either of us decides to announce our undying devotion? Do you want to put her in the Twilight Zone? It's complicated enough already. If either of us says anything…. inappropriate…. we’ll not see again for dust….”

  He can cry into his beer later. For now, we hang on to her….

  “…. So,” I continue, “what do we offer to keep her coming? Since roses and chocolates are off the menu?”

  Mind-blowing sex….

  …. sex that makes her eyes water and her blood sing….

  Pin her brains to the bed-head….

  I look across, surreptitiously, at Michael. He’s wearing that glazed expression again….

  …. that part of it shouldn't be a problem.…

  Keep the cash coming for her….

  …. but don't make her a whore….

  And don't make her feel like one either….

  “We give her exactly what she wants, you and me, and as many others as she wants or can handle….” Watching him over the top of my glass, “…. I don’t think you’ll
have any problem fucking her ‘til she screams, will you?”

  “Hardly….” He smiles wryly. “It’s been six weeks. I think I’ll last the weekend….”

  “Six weeks? And you haven’t…?”

  Lips pursed, he shakes his head. “Didn’t have the heart for it. It’s the first time in twenty years that’s happened….” He looks up, eyes lidded…. “You….?”

  “No, me neither,” I admit. “And it’s been a lot longer than twenty years for me….”

  He nods, swilling whiskey around his mouth. “Um…. so…. we've got the, er, necessities?”

  “If by ‘necessities’, you mean cuffs, ropes, blindfolds and vibes, yes.” I cast eyes towards my suitcase.



  He looks across at the suitcase, grinning. “That must have raised a few eyebrows as it went through the scanner at the airport….”

  I burst out laughing. “You know, I never thought of that. I was so occupied with trying to get here. I had a devil of a time getting a last-minute flight….”

  And Michael laughs too, raising his glass. “To Threesomes….”

  I tilt my glass to him. “…. and Jade-Eyed Redheads.”

  With a nod, he raises his glass again, “…. and Charlotte.”



  Michael walks with a swing in his step and a smile on his face.

  …. You’ve got it bad, my Friend….

  …. not that I blame you….

  We don’t have long to wait; the train is on time and after the usual huddle of people exiting, Charlotte steps out.

  She looks fresh and beautiful; simply dressed in jeans and tee-shirt, her long red hair tied back in a pony-tail. For a moment, looking the other way, she doesn’t see us, then turning about, her face lights up.

  Ah… but that’s a lovely smile….

  Michael almost tramples me to get to her, embracing her bear-hug style, all but sweeping her feet from under her as he kisses her….

  It is not the kiss of one friend to another, or of a brother to a sister….

  Mmm…. too many people around here for me to do that too….

  I keep my hands in strictly non-sexual territory, resting on her shoulder as I give her a peck on the cheek.

  “I’d love to kiss you like that too,” I whisper, “but let’s save your blushes while we’re in public eh?

  She returns the peck, murmuring, “Thank you, Master.”

  …. Master….

  Walking to the car, Michael doesn’t speak, but he grins as our eyes meet over her head. And as he looks down at her I see….


  Tread carefully…. Don’t let this carry you away….

  In the car, driving back to the lodge, she’s bubbly and talkative.

  “So why are you here, Charlotte?” I ask. “I was sure that you would have a boyfriend now, or even several boyfriends.” I try to keep it light, winking at her next to me in the passenger seat.

  “I did try it,” she says, shrugging. “I’ve had a few dates and.… more. But it was all a bit boring. After the time I had with you and Michael; well, nothing compared to that and I wondered if you might like to.…”

  Michael, from behind, interrupts. “We would love to, Charlotte. We just want to be sure that we are not interfering with your ‘real life’.”

  Good of you to say that….

  …. considering how you feel….

  She shrugs. “What’s real life? The time I had with the two of you feels more real to me than anything I’ve done since.”

  What on earth does she mean by that….?

  I want to ponder, chew over the meaning of her words, but then, “Master, haven’t we just missed the turn-off? For the hotel I mean?”

  Aha! lol!

  Gotcha, Girl….

  “We’re not going to the hotel. We thought we’d make the weekend a bit more special than that.”

  “Where are we going then?”

  “You remember that restaurant up in the mountains? Overlooking the lake? They do cabins. We’ve booked one of those.”

  “Oooh, lovely!”

  She’s wearing that delighted-little-girl look that is one of the joys of knowing her. I’m looking forward to getting her back to the cabin….

  …. just the three of us again….

  I let Michael take her inside, show her around. His obvious desire to be with her….

  How can I deny him that…?

  Carrying in her suitcase inside, I let him stoke up the fire, piling on more logs. I have a pretty good idea that he would like to roll around with her on the large fur rug in front of the hearth. Certainly, he’s raising the fire to a good heat….

  She’s flagging a bit, looking pale. “You’re tired, Charlotte. Why don’t you go have a shower or a bath?” I suggest. “You’ll feel better after that. I’m going to make us something to eat.”

  “Mmm, yes, Master… I think I will.”

  …. Master….

  She wanders off into the bathroom. Michael smiles happily at me, stretches, then grins broadly before turning to stand staring into the fire.

  “I’ll get on with making the meal,” I say.

  “Sure, d’you need any help?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’ll call if there is anything.”

  He nods, returning his attention to the glow of the flames.

  In the kitchen, I take ingredients from the fridge and store, then start browning meat and chopping shallots.

  I’ve always enjoyed cooking, but there’s never seemed much point to it after my divorce and with only myself to cook for. Somehow, the sound of the knife, clunking through carrots and potatoes into the wooden chopping board, feels comforting.

  When was the last time I did this…?

  .... shallots and garlic soften in the oil, turning sweet and translucent as they sizzle quietly….

  …. cooked for more than just myself….?

  …. a family…

  …. It’s been years……

  I add the root veggies, tip half a bottle of good red wine into the mix, scatter oregano, rosemary and black pepper over the cook-pot and stir it in. Then for good measure, I pour in a good dollop of brandy before putting the pot in the oven.

  Wonder if she’s out of the bathroom yet?

  …. In the lounge, she’s there ahead of me, the two of them by the fire, Michael standing, still dressed; she naked, kneeling for him, his cock in her mouth, his hand knotted into her hair….

  You’re so beautiful….

  And so young….

  Oh jeez, I am in love with you….

  And you'll be still young and lovely and full of life when I'm in a wheelchair….

  …. I’m too old for you, Jade-Eyes….

  …. or you’re too young for me….

  …. Why couldn't I have met you twenty years ago?

  …. How do I keep you?

  …. How do I keep you…?

  I watch her, sucking on Michael’s cock for the obvious sheer pleasure of doing so….

  You’re enjoying that, Jade….

  And you’re so beautiful….

  And I watch them….

  He’s not bad either. It’s not hard to see why she’s attracted….

  They make a handsome couple….

  …. Michael….

  …. Michael….

  What do I mean by that?

  I try to sort through my quagmire of cluttered thoughts.

  …. I need to think this one through….

  Neither has noticed me yet, and I take an armchair, watching them as I sip my wine.

  She’s doing a good job on him. His breathing is slow and heavy, his head tipped back as she worships his cock, tracing her tongue around the ridge of the head, tasting him….

  …. her technique’s improved since we first met…. when she was all enthusiasm and no technique…

  …. I wonder who she’s been with….? She’s learned quite a bit in
the last few weeks….

  …. Another student I suppose….

  Michael breaks away from her. “It’s wonderful,” he says, stooping to kiss her hair. “But I don’t want to blow off in five minutes. We have all evening.”

  And she sees me, watching her….

  …. watching them….

  She turns, dropping to the floor, stretching out on the fur, the golden light of the fire bathing her, turning her skin to amber, her red hair to a flame….

  Michael drops to sit beside her, his fingers rippling up the skin of her back, at first sensually, then I see him change, morphing to professional mode, the masseur….

  “You’ve been spending too much time on a computer,” he says. “Your shoulder muscles are knotted. Lie on your front. Let me work them out for you.”

  She looks piqued, but obeys, lying on her stomach as he swings a leg over to straddle her. “I’ll do this properly later,” he says, “but I need you on a bed for that. For now, I’ll just work on those muscle kinks.”

  He works at her, fingers, thumbs and the heel of his hands digging into her shoulders and spine. She inhales sharply, wincing.

  “Serves you right,” he says. “If you have poor posture or a bad position at your desk, this is the result. Have you got a proper office chair and desk? Your computer at the correct height?”

  “I’ve been making do a bit,” she says. “I wanted the money to stretch out.”

  She’s short of cash?

  How the hell’s that happened? She should have plenty in the bank….

  Michael’s expression says it all….

  …. He’s not happy about that….

  …. He swings over and away, slapping her ass as he does so, then flipping her onto her back to kneel beside her.

  She looks at me, then Michael, then back to me. Lying back, arching and stretching as she holds first my gaze, then his, she displays herself. Cupping her breasts, tweaking at her crinkling nipples, she performs for us.

  Lying back, thighs slightly akimbo, her invitation obvious, she gazes up at Michael.

  He smiles, unbuttoning shirt and cuffs. As he undresses for her, stripping off his shirt, unbelting and shrugging off his pants, I try to look at him as a woman might see him. For all that he is my friend of years, I have never really looked at him before. Indeed, given the ways in which we have enjoyed our time together, I have almost made a point of not looking. But now, with the idea stirring within me….


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