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Mastering the Virgin: Box Set One (Mastering the Virgin Box Set Book 1)

Page 19

by Simone Leigh

  …. I try to see him from the female point of view….

  Beyond doubt, he’s attractive. Any woman is going to look twice. Broad shouldered and well built, with his blond, blue-eyed good looks and his easy, winning manner, he’s got obvious appeal. Not that I didn’t already know that. Between us, we’ve fucked our way through the clubs for years, but I’ve never thought about it consciously before….

  …. but now, I do….

  What does she think of him…?

  …. he’s already in love with her….

  He’s kneeling between her legs, kissing her stomach and tits. It’s obviously working well for her because she’s flushing up, gleaming with sweat, inviting him closer and in….

  She looks across, sees me watching, and smiles as Michael covers her, probing her cunt with his cock, teasing her….

  Yeah… she likes him….

  But is that as far as it goes….?

  …. right now, probably yes. He’s a good fuck….

  …. but given time….

  Her desire is becoming urgent. She wants him inside her….

  She’s murmuring something to him. I can’t pick out what she’s saying, but he smiles, pushing a little harder at her entrance, still teasing, not entering her….

  And now I hear her words….

  “Please, Michael. Please.”

  He’s working her, kissing her softly, his cock flirting with her pussy….

  They never talk of pussy-teasers, do they…. only cock-teasers….


  Her breath is shuddering and breaking. She tries to raise her hips, to take him inside herself….

  She can’t win that one. He’s way too strong for her….

  He grins a white-toothed smile at her, resisting her, then allows her a single thrust, plunging into her once, then withdrawing….

  He knows how to play her….

  And now, he pulls out and away, tugging her upwards, lifting and turning her to face me, then dropping her, still on her knees, at my feet….

  She stares up at me, pale-skinned, green-eyed, red-haired, naked, kneeling and beautiful….

  And, lips parting, she smiles up at me….

  Oh, fuck….

  I stroke her face, cupping her chin in my hands….

  I’ve got to get these pants off before I strangle something….

  She saves me the trouble. Leaning forward, she unbelts and unzips me, releases my cock….

  …. and laps at it with her tongue. Michael is close behind her, arms reaching around to cup her tits, his shaft I think pressed to her rear.

  And now, her enters her; slamming in hard. Even with her mouth full, he screeches as he penetrates, her nails biting into my thighs as, all the while, she sucks at my cock, tonguing the head….

  Michael reaches around to play with her clit, tormenting her sweet spot as he slowly fucks her. Leaning over, I inhale her, her sweet perfume heavy with sex and lust and arousal.

  Nuzzling her neck and hair, entranced, I revel in the taste of her, the sound of her as she moans her growing arousal, the feel of her warm mouth over my hardness. I wallow in her, with my head and heart and cock and senses.

  Whatever Michael’s doing to her below, it’s working. Repeatedly she quivers and bucks, a frisson running through her skin which makes her warm lips tremble over me….

  Naked, kneeling, my cock in her mouth, she’s a vision right out of all my fantasies.

  My Green-Eyes….

  My Jade….

  I’m flowing now, and she looks to be enjoying it, lapping away me, occasionally breaking off to lick her lips clean. She’s having trouble keeping her mouth around me because, with Michael’s rhythm, she’s rocking and swaying ….

  …. he’s getting close, pounding her hard…. dripping with sweat…. his teeth gritted, lips curled back a little….

  …. and he groans and presses forward into her, hips rotating as he comes….

  …. but he’s still working her….

  …. kneeling upright, still inside her, still panting in the aftermath of climax, he’s fingering at her clit….

  …. she’s losing her concentration, not sucking at me now, but it doesn’t matter. Watching her on the build-up to orgasm is enough to have my cock throbbing and ready….

  And she comes….

  And as she does, Michael pulls her to kneel upright to face me, supporting her at the waist with one hand, still between her legs with the other. He’s leaning around her to see her face as she orgasms, partly watching her, partly exchanging glances with me as he displays her, and she wails and hollers and shudders….

  As she descends again, she looks at me, still panting, hips twitching, glory in her eyes. Then Michael, tugging back at her, spins her about, pulling back down on all fours to give me her pussy.

  She’s slick and swollen and red, her entrance and thighs gleaming with a mixture of her own juices and Michael’s cum. And as I as I drop to my knees, plunging into her, I can feel that she’s still not quite out of climax, her cunt still pulsing, clutching at me.

  She’s hot and wet and utterly delicious…. and I’m already there…. In less than a minute, I feel the on-coming Rush, and I pull her hard to me at the hips, pressing in tight as I spill into her, my mind fragmenting as I come….

  …. before, sated, I drop down atop her, resting my head on her shoulders.


  Six weeks was it….?

  …. Wonder how long it’ll take me to re-charge….?

  “Thank you, Charlotte,” I whisper, before rolling away to lie on the rug, panting at the ceiling….

  She drops down beside me. I reach out, stroke her arm, Michael lying close by. Speech seems unnecessary….

  And together, in the flicker of the flames, the three of us drift in the hinterland of orgasm….

  Could it work…?

  …. Really work?

  …. It’s unconventional….

  …. But where did convention get me….?

  …. divorced and alone….

  …. and lonely….

  I look across at the two of them, trying not to be obvious about it….

  Am I dreaming…? Being ridiculous to even think about it….?

  Michael notices me looking, meets my eye, frowning in question….

  I shake my head….

  …. Not now….

  …. Not yet….

  He looks puzzled, shaking his head slightly, then looks away again, turning his attention to Charlotte, something close to worship in his eyes as he watches her….

  …. Might she go for it…?

  …. she’s young, beautiful, intelligent…. she could take her pick….

  …. but she came back….

  …. and she calls me Master….

  The scent of cooking drifts past….


  “The casserole!” I dash through to the kitchen, to find that our dinner is perfectly cooked and ready to serve, bubbling and savoury, the pot hissing and shooting steam.

  …. Better put some clothes on before I handle that….

  As I return to the lounge, Michael tosses me a bathrobe, casting a glance down. “Some things are better not loose near flames,” he says drily.


  The casserole has turned out well and the mood is amiable as we sit to eat.

  …. Why’s she short of money…?

  …. Or is she just very careful…?

  “So why the train station, Charlotte?” I ask. “Don’t misunderstand. We’re both very happy to collect you, but, no car yet?”

  She shrugs. “Oh, I’d like one but I’m trying to be sensible with my money and a car is something I just can’t afford right now. I’m fine on the train.”

  … She should easily be able to afford it….

  …. Is it rude of me to ask…?

  …. Fuck it…. I want to know…. I need to get inside her head….

  “Er, well, I have a pretty good idea of how much you earned wi
th your, um, adventures….” I say, “…. with us a few weeks ago. I know how much I paid for you and how much the other guys contributed afterwards. Surely you must have plenty in the bank? You’re not dressing extravagantly, or wearing expensive jewellery. Where’s your money going?”

  She blushes. “I know you paid a lot of money for me, Master, but of course, the auction house took fifty percent and I’ve had to pay out for digs and tenants deposit and everything. And that’s before I’ve bought textbooks and other stuff…”

  Michael all but chokes on his food “Fifty per-cent?” he demands. “After what you did? Selling your own virginity?”

  …. I showed you the contract…. didn’t you read it…?

  …. Even at fifty-per-cent, there should be plenty of money left….

  …. Where has it gone...?

  …. Don’t upset her…. Play it cool….

  I make a show of chewing my food, swallowing, scooping up another forkful…. “I’m sorry, Charlotte. Yes, I did know that when I bid for you, but I’d forgotten. How long do you think your money will last?”

  “Oh, I’ll be fine. I just have to be careful with what I spend.” She looks away.…

  …. You’re lying to me, Green-Eyes…

  …. don’t make a habit of it….

  “Where are we going to go tomorrow, Master? Somewhere exciting?”

  …. Mmmm…. not a very subtle change of subject.

  Michael meets my eye, flashes a sceptical eyebrow at me…

  “I thought we might go walking,” I say. “The countryside around here is beautiful, and there’s a circular trail around the lake.”

  “Oh yes, that would be lovely.”

  “That’s agreed then. I’ll make up some packs and we can enjoy the Great Outdoors.”



  It’s a perfect day for walking; a classic late Autumn day, brilliant sunshine, bright blue skies and that bite in the air that tells you Winter is just around the corner.

  James obviously knows the trail well, taking us miles in a circular route through mountain woodland and around the lake.

  I’m looking forward to a hot bath…. Wonder if he’s told her yet…?

  …. I don’t think so….

  She’s walking ahead of us, throwing bits of bread to a squirrel, trying to lure it closer. While her back is turned to us, I ask quietly…. “Does she know?”

  He’s struggling to keep his face straight. “Didn’t see any point in handing out spoilers.” he murmurs.

  “You’re sure about this?”

  “Quite sure. It’s what she wants…. Now, shhh, before she hears us….”

  Back at the cabin, we strip off our walking clothes. James, unlacing his boots, comments, “It’s always the best thing about good boots, isn’t it….”

  “Taking them off, again?” I laugh.

  “That’s right,” he says, stretching and wriggling his feet, and rubbing the back of his neck. “I think we walked far enough today. How about a hot toddy?”

  “Sounds good to me. Charlotte?”

  “Sounds lovely.” she smiles, struggling with her laces.

  I get the fire burning again while James makes coffee all round, splashing in rather a lot of rum, but the effect is magical. Lolling by the flames in bathrobes, the mood is congenial and relaxed.

  Charlotte, yawning, “I’d really like to have a soak in that jacuzzi, Master. It looked heavenly.”

  James grins. “Ah, glad you mentioned that. In fact, you took the words out of my mouth. Michael, if you would please.”

  She looks startled as we both rise, each with a hand cupping her elbows, leading her to the wet room.

  I open the door, and James, a hand between her shoulders, pushes her through, where she freezes, gaping.

  They’re all here, as arranged. She already knows them from her first such ‘frolic’. And despite my reservations, I can only chuckle at her reaction to seeing Greg and Carl, Paul and Billy already waiting in the tub, laughing at her reaction. I queried James about Paul and Billy, but he insisted….

  And she enjoys it rough….

  James gives her another shove from the rear, “Go on, Charlotte, do your stuff.” Then he reaches around her to tug open the belt of her robe, while I slide it from her shoulders.

  She stands, fixed to the spot, naked, still open-mouthed as she stares at them….

  … she doesn’t seem worried though…. just surprised….

  “Looks like she needs some help, Michael,” comments James, grinning at me and eye-pointing down at her.

  …. lol! I love it!

  Laughing, we each grab her, sweeping her off her feet, James at her wrists, me at her ankles….

  “One, two, three….” and we swing her to drop, shrieking with delight, into the water.

  She disappears under, but the four already in there quickly pull her upright, wiping bubbles and streaming water away from her face. Then someone, Billy I think, kicks her feet out from under her and she collapses into Greg’s lap where, half out of the water, he sits on the steps.

  And finally, she rediscovers the power of speech. “Hi, Guys. Nice to see you all again.”

  “You too, Charlotte.”

  “And you, Charlotte.”

  “Are we playing together again today?” says Paul. He was keen to be involved last time and equally enthusiastic this time.

  She turns, beaming, to me and James. “Are we playing? Oh, yes, I think so.”

  I drop my robe. James fishes a bottle of oil out of the pocket, then shrugs his off too. As we descend into the foaming water, James comments, “You know, Michael; I’d never thought about it before. Did you realise that tits float?”

  “No, I hadn’t, but then I’d not thought about it either.”

  And she bursts into giggles again.

  And now, they’re on her; all of them. She’s supported by Greg from behind as Paul pushes between her knees….

  Another Dom through and through…. taking charge….

  …. fingering at her….

  …. and holding her eyes as her mouth opens, and she begins to pant….

  …. He knows what to do with a sub…

  …. Or did James put him up to it…?

  I try to catch James’ attention, but he won’t meet my eye, his expression bland.

  “Just a sec.” he calls, now sitting on the steps himself. He tosses the bottle across to Greg. “Rub her well up with that first; inside and out.”

  Stop the soap burning her….

  She looks incredible; eyes alight, beaming with delight and the flush of arousal rising up and over her tits, which as James has mentioned, are bobbing up to float with the bubbles.

  “Let me help with that,” says Paul, wriggling his fingers at Greg for the bottle. “Lift her up a bit,” he says to Carl.

  …. yup…. taking charge….

  He pours a good amount of oil into his palm, rubbing into her thighs and vulva, then inside. He’s not exactly business-like as he does it, but it has all the hallmarks of a man doing a job….

  Then his manner changes; he stands, straight up in front of her, displaying his erection….

  Mesmerised, she watches him, her eyes following his hands as he now oils himself, slowly and making a show of it, his shaft glistening. Greg’s reaches around her to play with her clit and she’s beginning to arch and tremble.

  Paul pushes in towards her, his cock slick with the oil as he pushes at her pussy. “Spread her a bit wider,” he says.

  Carl and Billy, who so far have simply been sitting to one side, enjoying the performance, each take her by a knee, lifting and splaying her. Her slit gapes scarlet, foam sliding off over the oil as she quivers and quakes, controlled by Greg to her rear, Carl and Billy to the fore, and Paul, about to spear her.

  He plays her, moving slowly, winding up her anticipation. She’s whimpering and moaning, her hips jolting as his cock kisses her entrance.

  He penetrates her slowly, in
a single, long gradual movement that leaves her gasping. Then with considered deliberation, he beats a slow rhythm as he withdraws and penetrates, withdraws and penetrates.

  There’s a man who knows what to do with a woman….

  “I’m not going to come inside you, Girlie,” he says. “I want to watch you drinking my cum.”

  At his words, she convulses and nods, opening her mouth wide. Paul smiles, withdraws and moves to stand by her, offering her his cock.

  Carl takes his place between her legs, while I stand to take her knee, keep her supported. Billy looks to be finding it all a bit much, continuing to hold her other knee with one hand, jerking off with the other.

  I suck in my cheeks to suppress a smile….

  Carl’s already in there; there’s nothing subtle about his style, he’s simply going for a good, hard fuck. She’s trying to match him, to meet his body with hers, but it’s difficult for her, at the same time sucking at Paul’s cock….

  I watch her technique….

  Yeah…. you’ve had some practice the last few weeks….

  She’s sucking on the head, like a kid with a lollipop, but taking the trouble to break off, lick around the rim with her tongue tip, lap his pre-cum where he’s seeping.

  Paul grabs her around the back of the head, taking control, thrusting into her mouth….

  I don’t like the look of it. He’s being too heavy on her….

  …. You okay, Babe?

  …. But she doesn’t seem distressed. If anything, her own climax is building….

  …. You love being controlled, don’t you? Restrained….

  She’s pinned by cunt and mouth, held at waist and knees, juddering and shaking….

  Paul groans and comes, shooting into her mouth, his cum trailing from her lips in viscous threads. Almost at the same moment, Carl, red-faced, grunts and puffs, grinding into her. And as he pulls out, Billy immediately takes his place….

  I don’t give him thirty seconds….

  It doesn’t even take that long. Within seconds of shoving inside her, he shoots, twitching spasmodically as he pumps another load into her.

  Greg mutters something to her from behind, and she smiles, twisting off his lap to kneel between his legs. It’s easy for her now. He’s sitting on the steps and she doesn’t have to bend much to wrap her face around his cock.


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