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High School Reunion

Page 3

by Kimberly Dean

  Stop it, Spaghetti Legs. The last thing she needed was to do another pratfall in front of him. Her pride was already wounded enough.

  She carefully picked her way across the snow-covered parking lot. When she reached the kerb to the sidewalk, he quickly offered her his hand. Probably for insurance reasons. The sidewalk looked as if it had been extra salted today.

  ‘I wasn’t sure you’d come,’ he said as he efficiently relieved her of her gym bag. No doubt it would pack an even bigger punch than her purse.

  ‘Neither was I,’ she admitted. She looked up at him, ready to make an excuse to fall back upon just in case today didn’t go well, but the lie never reached her lips. ‘Your face!’

  Oh, his beautiful face.

  A dark bruise slashed across his cheekbone and shadowed his left eye. The colours of the rainbow were all there, right along with the puffiness. He looked as if he’d gone ten rounds in the ring. She felt a pang in her stomach. All he’d gotten was a sucker punch from her.

  ‘I’m so sorry.’ Impulsively, she reached out and cupped his cheek. She bit her lip as she gently caressed his bruised skin. ‘I’m such a klutz.’

  He didn’t flinch under her touch. If anything, he leant his head down closer to her. ‘You’re sexy enough to make up for it.’

  The husky compliment didn’t help. Roma felt miserable. She let her thumb run across the puffiness under his eye. ‘Does it hurt?’

  His blue eyes glittered, even the one behind the purple and yellow eyelid. A dangerous smile crossed his lips. ‘Like a son of a bitch. Want to kiss it and make it feel better?’

  The pang in her chest slid lower, and she quickly backed away. Oh, he was a devilish one. ‘I’m afraid I’d do more harm than good.’

  He smoothly slid an arm about her waist. ‘I’m a glutton for punishment.’

  Roma jumped when she suddenly found herself trapped. His presence enveloped her as he pulled her closer. He was just so big. Her thighs brushed against his, and she braced her hands against his rock-hard chest.

  She looked up sharply at his face. His blond hair was mussed, and his smile was cocky. Too cocky.

  Had she said devilish? The man was a rake.

  ‘Come on,’ he said coaxingly. ‘One little kiss on the cheek.’

  She looked anxiously around him into the gym. People were already stopping mid-workout to watch. Great. This was just great. Hadn’t yesterday gotten her reputation off to a good enough start?

  ‘You don’t play fair,’ she hissed.

  ‘Fair’s no fun. Come on. Gimme a kiss. It hurts really bad.’

  Oh, she’d hurt him really bad. Her eyebrows lowered. ‘One kiss and you’ll let me go?’

  He smiled crookedly. ‘If you want me to.’

  ‘Fine.’ Two could play at this game. Slowly, she lifted herself up onto her tiptoes. He took the opportunity to pull her closer, and she fell forwards. Her breasts flattened against his chest and she felt a distinctive bulge press against the notch at the top of her legs.

  ‘Oh!’ she gasped.

  ‘I’m feeling better already.’

  His hand slid down to cup her butt, and Roma felt arousal swirl through her. It shocked her. This was supposed to be an innocent peck on the cheek. A dare met. Things were quickly spiralling out of control.

  And there were sweaty voyeurs inside watching.

  She lifted her chin and gave him a quick peck on the centre of the purple bruise.

  ‘Ow!’ he yelped, flinching sharply.

  She should have backed away then, but her own devilish nature suddenly grabbed hold. Feeling reckless, she moved even closer. He looked at her anxiously, but went very still when she caught him by the nape of the neck. She pulled his head down and daintily ran her tongue across his bruised eyelid. A low groan rumbled from his chest. His hips swivelled in reaction, and his arms went weak. She used to opportunity the wriggle out of his clutch.

  He caught her hand before she could escape into the gym.

  Roma felt a thrill shoot through her. She was playing with fire here.

  ‘You pack a punch, lady,’ he said gruffly.

  ‘You started it,’ she retorted. It had been a dare, and she’d met it. She knew it, and so did he.

  He looked at her with the devil dancing in his eyes. ‘I’ll remember that.’

  And so he should.

  The door to the gym suddenly opened, and Roma glanced over her shoulder. She winced when she saw two big boy weightlifters grinning at her. They sent hoots of approval to Jake as they walked past, and she felt as if she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. She quickly snatched her traitorous hand back.

  ‘Now look at what you’ve done,’ she hissed as she whirled around. ‘I’m never going to be able to live down my reputation here.’

  Jake pushed himself away from the window and adjusted her bag on his shoulder. ‘What the hell?’ he said nonchalantly. ‘Reputations are overrated.’

  ‘Yeah, but they’re what people remember you by.’

  His good eye narrowed. ‘You’re not talking about the gym any more.’

  A tinge of uneasiness caught Roma, and she busied herself with her scarf. ‘Sure I am.’

  ‘No, you’re not.’ He looked at her for a good, long moment. ‘You’re thinking about the reunion.’

  Damn the man. He was good. She reached for the front door, wanting to avoid the issue entirely. He caught her arm and pulled her back a step.

  ‘It’s a big deal for you, isn’t it?’

  She shrugged.


  She started to shrug again, but his grip tightened and the look on his face went serious. That black eye made him look almost menacing.

  She sighed. He looked stubborn, and she knew how a stubborn man could get. He’d let her freeze before he’d let her walk away without telling him. ‘High school wasn’t all that pleasant for me,’ she admitted. ‘There were certain people – one girl mainly – who picked on me.’

  She felt the old anger bubble up inside her, and the truth spilled out. ‘I want to kick her ass when I show up at that reunion.’

  The eyebrow over his good eye lifted. ‘Figuratively,’ he said.

  She glanced away almost guiltily. ‘Whatever.’

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw his lips twitch.

  ‘Why didn’t you say so?’ he said. ‘I’ve got a programme specially geared towards ass-kicking.’

  He gave a tug on her hand, and Roma’s shoulders sagged in relief.

  He understood.

  She entered the gym as he held the door open for her, but her steps slowed when she felt everyone’s eyes on her yet again. Behind the desk, Tito stood with a big smile splitting his face.

  ‘Hi, Roma,’ he said.

  ‘Hi,’ she mumbled.

  Jake followed her inside as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He nodded towards a middle-aged man working out near the free weights. ‘Tito, stop gawking at my beautiful bookkeeper and go help Henry. His form on those bicep curls is crap.’

  Tito just grinned. ‘You can’t blame him. He got distracted by this big blob that steamed up the front window.’

  ‘Yeah, I got distracted by that, too,’ Jake said with a wink. ‘Come on, Goldie. The women’s locker room is this way. Get changed and then we’ll take your baseline stats.’

  Roma hated the feeling that settled in her gut when she stepped into the women’s locker room. God, she hated these places.

  A redhead stood in front of a mirror patting a thin layer of perspiration off her brow with a towel. Roma stepped around her so she could look about the place and shook her head in disbelief. Locker rooms hadn’t changed a bit in the past ten years.

  That was too bad.

  Lockers were overstuffed with clothes, boots and winter jackets. Gym bags were stored overhead and one brave soul had even left her suit hanging on a shower rod. At least the place didn’t stink to high heaven. Deodorants, shampoos and body sprays had given the place a definite po
wder-fresh smell. Still, the air had a damp, clinging sense to it.

  ‘New?’ the redhead asked.

  Roma jumped as the voice brought her out of the past. ‘Uh, yeah. Are the lockers assigned or can I use whichever one I want?’

  ‘Just grab an empty one. Did you remember a padlock?’

  ‘Oh, yes.’ A padlock was the one thing she knew she hadn’t forgotten. She could show up here without her gym shorts or tennis shoes, but she’d never, ever forget a padlock again.

  ‘Have a good workout,’ the redhead said. She threw her towel over her shoulder. ‘Just ask if you have any questions. People around here are pretty helpful.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Roma called as the woman left.

  She set her gym bag down heavily on a bench. She needed to get past this. So Ellie Huffington had pulled a nasty prank on her after senior high gym class. Big deal. That had happened a long time ago, and the people here were adults. She couldn’t let one bad experience keep her from doing something she wanted to do.

  And she wanted to get in shape. She wanted to be healthy.

  But most of all, she wanted to show up that witch at the reunion.

  ‘So get on with it,’ she told herself.

  There were machines and barbells waiting for her – not to mention a big, hunky blond trainer.

  The thought of Jake made her start pulling off her shoes. She didn’t doubt that if she stayed in here too long, he’d be right in after her.

  She hung her coat on the hook inside the locker and opened her bag. Changing from her work clothes to scruffies was going to take some creative manoeuvring. Ten years may have passed, but she’d never be caught buck naked in a locker room again. She stepped out of her dress pants and hurriedly pulled on her shorts. She turned towards the locker to hide from any peeping eyes as she took off her blouse and bra.

  Unfortunately, the spandex of her new sports bra proved to be a hindrance in her quick-change effort. The damn thing clung to her like a boa constrictor as she pulled it over her head.

  ‘Mmmph,’ she grunted as she tugged and pulled.

  The tag on the Lycra and spandex had boasted about how much support the wonder material provided. No doubt if she could get the stupid thing on, her breasts would feel like they were propped up on a suspension bridge. That was if she didn’t choke on the thing first.

  ‘Oh, here! Let me help you,’ somebody said from behind.

  Roma was embarrassed beyond words, but she was fit to be tied. Literally. The sports bra cut across her diagonally. One breast was fully covered, but the other was half-squashed and half falling out. Her nipple looked as if it was trying to escape capture. Meanwhile, the shoulder strap was cutting across her windpipe with dangerous accuracy.

  ‘You’re trying to put your head through an armhole,’ the helpful woman said. ‘And it’s twisted back here.’

  ‘Get it off me,’ Roma wheezed.

  ‘You’ve got to be a contortionist to get one of these things on.’

  Together, the women worked until Roma was able to pull the bra down over her head and both her breasts. When she let go, sure enough, the wonder material clamped down on her like a bondage outfit – not that she knew what one of those was or anything. Her breasts were plumped up and locked down. No jiggle there at all.

  ‘Oh, thank you,’ she said in relief. ‘I feel like such a dufus.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it,’ the woman said as she moved to a nearby locker. ‘I always take time to stretch the material when I buy a new bra. You’re taking your life into your own hands if you don’t.’

  ‘I’ll remember that. Thanks again. By the way, I’m Roma.’

  She turned to look at her helpful Samaritan and nearly groaned out loud. It wasn’t the redhead; it was the bouncy brunette aerobics instructor!

  Up close, the girl looked even more perfect. Her dark hair showed off her alabaster skin, and her close-fitting workout clothes flaunted a knockout body. There wasn’t an ounce of spare fat on the young thing.

  ‘I’m Missy,’ the girl said with a bright smile.

  ‘Of course you are.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Oh. Sorry,’ Roma said, flustered that her devilish side had talked out loud. ‘I just…Jake pointed you out yesterday during my tour of the gym. I watched you teach class for a bit. You’re amazingly co-ordinated.’

  A light bulb popped on in the girl’s head. ‘Oh! You must be –’

  ‘The swan-dive queen?’

  Missy giggled. ‘I was going to say the woman who bashed Jake.’

  Roma ran a hand through her hair. ‘My reputation precedes me.’

  ‘Don’t worry about it. From time to time, we’ve all wanted to bop him.’

  ‘It was an accident.’ Roma shoved her work clothes into the bag and whipped out a brush. ‘I feel so bad about it. I mean, really. Not only do I come crashing into the place, I clobber the best-looking man I’ve ever seen.’

  Missy grinned. ‘He is a hottie.’

  ‘He’s a shyster is what he is.’ Roma cringed when her hairbrush caught a knot in her hair. ‘He tricked me into coming back.’

  Missy opened her locker and took out a heavy backpack. It thudded as she sat it down on the bench. ‘Sometimes you have to give a person an incentive to work out. Believe me, I know. I couldn’t get my boyfriend off the couch with a forklift.’

  Funny, Roma hadn’t pictured the athletic woman with a lazy boyfriend. ‘Well, that’s where I should be right now,’ she said. She let the rubber band snap around her ponytail. ‘On my couch with a packet of bonbons. What am I doing here?’

  Missy smiled sympathetically as she pulled a bottle of shampoo out of her bag. ‘You’re here to get in shape, aren’t you? I heard that Jake was going to train you personally.’

  ‘See! That’s what I mean. The man is a master manipulator. Who do I think I am working out with, Mr Universe? Just look at him. The guy has arms like Popeye.’ Roma poked her bicep. ‘See? No spinach there. I hate spinach.’

  ‘Relax. Jake’s great. He works with people at all levels. He’s got an eighty-year-old man who’s a regular, yet he’s also training a woman who’s getting ready for the Midwest Fitness Show.’

  Roma paused. That sounded as if it was supposed to be impressive. ‘Is that a big deal?’

  ‘The biggest.’

  ‘Oh, boy.’ Her stomach soured. She’d wanted somebody who was qualified, but Jake was a top-notch trainer. She was so out of her league.

  ‘His client has got a good chance of winning.’

  Great. Just great. Roma looked down at herself. She poked her belly. Definitely squishy. ‘This isn’t going to work.’

  ‘Oh, come on,’ Missy said. She came over and began fussing with Roma’s crooked ponytail. ‘I didn’t mean to scare you. Besides, Jake told me about the deal. You know – training you in return for your bookkeeping skills. You can’t leave me here with him. He locked me in his office once with those books. I was clawing at the door to get out.’

  Roma glanced over her shoulder. ‘Are you sure I’m not making a fool of myself?’

  ‘It’s a good trade for everyone. You should grab it with both hands. It’s really hard to get on his schedule.’

  ‘He’s that good?’

  Missy turned her by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. ‘He’s that good.’

  Roma shifted her weight uneasily. She still didn’t know how she felt about all this. She’d been wishy-washy last night just because of Jake and his supreme hunkiness. This new info, though, made her feel even more intimidated.

  ‘Do you think he can make me skinny in three months?’ She scrunched her nose. ‘I’ve got a high school reunion coming up.’

  Missy rolled her eyes. ‘Skinny isn’t “in” any more. In three months, he’ll do something even better. He’ll make you sleek and strong.’

  Sleek was good. It sounded even better than skinny.

  ‘OK,’ Roma said, letting out a nervous breath. She was already here, a
nd she’d won the battle of the bra. What could it hurt to try? ‘I’ll give it a shot.’

  ‘Great!’ Missy said as she flipped a towel over her shoulder. ‘Don’t worry, you’ll like it here.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah,’ Roma said as she reached for her T-shirt. ‘My mom said the same thing when she took me to the circus when I was eight. A camel spat at me.’

  She pulled her T-shirt over her head and let it drop.

  Missy looked aghast.

  ‘What?’ Roma asked, looking down quickly. She liked the big pink flamingo on the front.

  ‘Are you planning to wear that?’

  ‘What’s wrong with it?’ The T-shirt came down to nearly her knees, but she liked it that way. If it didn’t cover her hippo hips, it wasn’t big enough.

  ‘Uh…nothing,’ the brunette said with a sneaky smile. She shook her head as she walked to the showers. ‘Jake’s going to love it.’

  Jake looked up when Roma appeared in the doorway to his office. She’d spent so much time in the locker room, he’d begun to wonder if he’d have to go in and get her. He pushed himself up from his chair and was reaching for his clipboard when he got a load of her get-up. He stopped short. ‘What the hell is that?’

  ‘What’s what?’

  ‘That,’ he said, pointing at her. ‘That tent.’

  She quickly looked down at herself. Her fingers fisted into the T-shirt. ‘You told me to wear something loose and comfortable.’

  He scowled. Loose and comfortable was one thing. A muumuu was another.

  That damn thing was coming off.

  He had measurements to take, and he needed to see her muscles groups as she worked. More importantly, he wanted to see that body. He’d waited patiently for an entire day. She wasn’t going to gyp him out of that. ‘Get in here,’ he said as he stomped around his desk.

  He determinedly closed the door behind her and shut all the shades. Job number one, he noted on his clipboard, was to improve her self-confidence. For God’s sake, his barber needed a muumuu more than she did.

  He began filling out the form as he nodded to the corner of the room. ‘Step up onto the scale, and I’ll take your weight.’


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