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High School Reunion

Page 7

by Kimberly Dean

Her mouth went dry. The problem? Um…that he made her nipples stiffen and her belly clench? That he was a man in every sense of the word and she felt young and inexperienced? He had to be in his thirties, and she’d just turned twenty-two. Their leagues were so far apart, they were playing in separate conferences.


  She rubbed her hands on her thighs. Even the way he said her name made her dream of sex. ‘I think it’s the battery. I turn the key and nothing happens.’

  ‘Sounds like you need a jump.’

  She felt her face flush. His eyes flashed, and she had to wonder if the play on words had been intentional.

  ‘Why don’t you pop the hood for me?’ he asked smoothly.

  That sounded like an excellent idea – something she might have thought of if her brain wasn’t mush. She pulled the release handle, and he propped the hood up so it blocked her view. She let out a calming breath. That was better.

  ‘Try to start it again,’ he called.

  The cold air curled down the back of her neck and under her collar. She shivered. ‘Please,’ she whispered.

  She turned the key but, as expected, nothing happened.

  ‘You’re right,’ he called. ‘Let me get my jumper cables.’

  She sat on her hands and watched as her breath turned into fog in front of her face. She hoped this would work. All she wanted was to drive home, get her hot chocolate, study, and return to her safe little life – with ‘safe’ being the operative word.

  ‘OK, it’s all hooked up,’ he called. ‘Turn the key and see what happens.’

  She expected a solid roar this time, but instead, the engine let out a tired whrrr, whrrr, whrrr…

  ‘Stop.’ He made an adjustment and stepped to the side of the car where she could see him. The shadow of his body cast across her, throwing her into darkness. ‘Again.’

  ‘Come on, baby,’ Missy said, getting a little desperate.

  It soon became apparent that it wasn’t going to work. She held the key in the start position, but the weak whimper of her engine told her that it was no use. Hawk shook his head and took two steps to place himself at her driver’s side door. He propped his gloved hands on the roof and leant towards her. Her shiver this time wasn’t due to the cold. He was daunting as he hovered over her.

  ‘Your battery is dead. You need a new one.’

  She chewed her lower lip. ‘Damn.’

  He slapped the top of her car. ‘Put it in neutral, and I’ll push you back to a parking spot. Then I’ll give you a ride home.’

  Wide-eyed, she looked up at him. He’d already stepped away, though, and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket.

  ‘Tito? This is Hawk. I’m going to drive Missy home. Tell Jake I’ll be back later with a battery. He can help me install it. If he whines, remind him that he owes me.’

  Dumbfounded, Missy sat motionless as Hawk unhooked their vehicles and dropped the hood. The bang jolted her, but when she saw him brace his hands against the grille, she quickly put the transmission in neutral. His strength was really something. He gave a shove, and her car started rolling backwards. Her stomach twittered dangerously, and she looked over her shoulder. She guided the car between two yellow parking lines and hit the brakes before the car bumped up against the kerb.

  She was still sitting there, mind racing, when he pulled open her door.

  He sighed when she flinched. ‘Would you stop looking at me as if I were the big bad wolf?’

  She grimaced. Was it that apparent?

  And was she really so wrong in thinking that he wanted to eat her up? She certainly wanted a taste of him.

  ‘Missy, let me help you.’

  She was being ungrateful. His truck was warm, and he’d let others know where they were going. She was safe with him. Still…There was safe and then there was safe. ‘If it’s too much of an inconvenience, I can call a cab,’ she said, stalling.

  His big hand wrapped around her elbow. ‘Honey, there are a lot of words I’d use to describe you, but “an inconvenience” is not one of them. Now hurry up and get your sweet little ass in the pickup. It’s frickin’ cold out here.’

  Well, when he put it like that…She knew better than to delay the inevitable. Leaning over, she snagged her backpack, but he took it from her before she could swing it over her shoulder. He waited as she locked her car and followed when she walked to the passenger side of his truck. She could feel him looking at her ‘sweet little ass’ again when she climbed up into the cab, but he did nothing more than tuck her backpack under her feet. Closing the door for her, he walked through the glare of the headlights around the truck and got behind the wheel.

  The moment he closed his door, Missy wondered at her sanity. For as big as the cab of the pickup was, it seemed warm and intimate. He took up more than his share of the space, and she felt tiny and feminine. Wild and reckless, was more like it. Unaccustomed to such bold feelings, she curled her hands into fists on her lap.

  He saw the nervous gesture and grunted. He turned and began searching behind the seat. When he came up with a ratty pair of work gloves, she looked at them in confusion. Reaching out, he caught her wrist and began sliding one onto her hand.

  ‘You’re going to get frostbite running around like that.’

  For as grumpy as his tone was, his touch was gentle. She didn’t know what shocked her more – that or his consideration. She’d left her mittens at home that morning and had regretted it all day. The warmth felt heavenly. When he held out the other glove, she offered him her hand willingly. Her heart skipped, though, when his finger ran over her red knuckles. The sensation ran up her arm right into her chest.

  ‘Little miss,’ he said with a sigh. He quickly tugged the too-big glove onto her hand and settled back in his seat. He shifted uncomfortably before putting the truck in gear. ‘Which way?’

  Missy’s thoughts were a-jumble. ‘Fourteenth Street. I live by Folson’s grocery store.’

  He nodded and stepped on the gas.

  The silence that had separated them for months returned, and the ride home seemed to take an eternity. Hawk didn’t say a word as he drove towards the west side of town. For her part, Missy had nothing to say, either. The silence was pressing, but she didn’t have the nerve to even try small talk. She wouldn’t know where to begin. What could they possibly have in common other than the obvious? She certainly didn’t want to talk about that. He turned the heater on high, and she snuggled into the seat. Her hands clenched into fists to soak up the warmth from his work gloves.

  He had big hands. Huge. It was all she could think about.

  Finally, he took a left onto her street. ‘Where?’

  ‘The apartment complex on the left.’ She pointed. ‘Turn into that driveway.’

  The engine of his truck rumbled louder as he pulled in between the three-storey buildings. She was thrown off guard, though, when he pulled into a marked visitor’s spot and parked.

  ‘You can just drop me off here,’ she said.

  ‘I’ll see you inside.’

  No questions. No debate. He leant towards her and her breath caught. It let out on a ragged exhale when he plucked the backpack up from between her feet. She had no choice but to follow him. She caught up with him at the sidewalk, and he looked at her expectantly. ‘Uh, this way,’ she said, the butterflies in her stomach taking flight. ‘I’m in one-hundred-and-four.’

  ‘First floor?’ His lips flattened. ‘That’s not very safe.’

  ‘I have a roommate.’

  Her eyes widened when she realised what she’d said. A roommate? When had Danny been demoted? Confused at her own behaviour, she turned and headed up the sidewalk. She had to take off Hawk’s glove to search her pocket for her keys. By the time she came to a stop in front of her apartment door, her hands were trembling.

  The key refused to go in the lock. Wordlessly, he took the keys from her. He unlocked her apartment and held the door open for her. Missy stepped inside and flicked on the light. The first thing she
saw was the mess that Danny had left in the living room. An opened bag of potato chips sat on the coffee table – right beside rings from his soda can. A pair of dirty socks lay on the floor, and the newspaper was spread out everywhere.

  She went still when Hawk shut the door behind him. She could feel his heat radiating against her back and hear his slow breaths.

  Her two worlds were colliding.

  Her apartment seemed to shrink to half its size, but she made herself turn to face him. ‘Thank you for everything. I don’t know what I would have done without your help tonight.’

  ‘You don’t need to thank me,’ he said softly.

  Her adrenaline started pumping when his gaze slid down to her mouth.

  ‘But the battery,’ she stammered. ‘You don’t have to replace that. I’ll find someone to…’

  Her thoughts scattered completely when he put down her backpack and reached for her. He caught her by the nape of the neck. His hand was big and warm as he slowly pulled her towards him. ‘I’ll take care of it.’

  She couldn’t look away from his dark eyes. They were deep and more intense than she’d ever seen them.

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. ‘Come here,’ he said gruffly.

  She watched him, frozen, as the room filled with heat and electricity. Little charges began snapping all about her. She never knew who moved first. He lowered his head, and she went up on her tiptoes. Her hands settled against his massive chest, and his lips touched hers. The electricity suddenly had a path to travel. It coursed through her as if she were a live circuit. It looped around in her chest, shot through her arms and legs, and gathered deep in her core. She became grounded to the floor, unable to step away.

  ‘God, that’s good,’ he groaned as he came up for air. Their lips clung as he switched to another angle. ‘I knew you’d be sweet.’

  Turning, he pressed her back against the wall. Nervous excitement threatened to choke Missy. He was big, he was dangerous…

  And she barely knew him.

  Her traitorous body didn’t care.

  They were both standing upright, but he covered her from head to toe. And he was heavy. His kisses became more intimate and demanding. With jerky movements, he unzipped her coat and pushed his hands under her shirt.

  ‘Hawk,’ she gasped when he caught her breasts.

  Desire hit her so sharp and fierce, she could hardly breathe. His thumbs found the front clasp of her bra. It didn’t take a second for it to pop open and his palms to cup her again.

  Flesh on flesh.

  ‘Christ.’ He let out a puff of air that ruffled her hair. ‘I knew you’d be more than a handful.’

  His hold was firm as he took her soft weight. His fingers swept over her, learning her shape and feel. Then suddenly, possessively, he squeezed.

  ‘Ohhhh,’ Missy groaned. Her body arched, and he swivelled his hips so she was riding right against him.

  ‘You’ve been driving me out of my mind,’ he said, giving her nipples a deliberate pinch. ‘You knew I was watching you, you tease.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to,’ she said, inhaling sharply. She caught at his forearms and squirmed against the wall as he fondled her aggressively. Had she led him on? Maybe. It was just…All he had to do was look at her and things happened.

  ‘You knew I was watching and you liked it.’

  She had. She’d liked the naughty way he’d stared, but it had teased her as much as him. She’d wanted him to touch. She wanted his mouth, his hands, his cock. She’d take him any way she could get him.

  ‘I watched you, too,’ she challenged.

  ‘I know,’ he said with a harsh smile. ‘I get a boner every time you turn those big brown eyes on me. Feel it?’

  ‘Ahhh.’ Her pussy ached as he rubbed more insistently against her. His moustache brushed against her skin as he nuzzled her neck, and it felt even better than she’d imagined. Enthralled, she raked her fingers down his muscled back.

  ‘Want it?’

  ‘God, yes.’

  ‘Then let’s fuck.’ His hands left her breasts and began to slide down her belly.

  Missy fell back against the wall when he unzipped her jeans. His fingers found the edge of her panties and went right underneath them. With the way their bodies were pressed, it was a tight fit. His gaze met hers, and she felt her face flare. His meaty fingers tangled in the curls between her legs, and the intimacy was shocking. Watching her closely, he pushed his hand deeper and cupped her mound.

  She was wet. She knew she was slick as a river.

  ‘You’re ready to go,’ he said with surprise.

  A sheen of sweat broke out on his forehead, and his bald head reflected the overhead light. His facial hair gave him an untamed look that made Missy’s insides quake.

  She wanted him, dangerous and uncivilised as he was. He made her feel like a woman and, secretly, she’d always craved a lover who would make her lose control. Be a little wild. Do new things. Submit.

  Catching him by the back of the neck, she yanked his head down so she could kiss him. She pressed her tongue into his mouth and, feeling brazen, she cupped her hand over his. She pushed down hard, taking his fingers deep, and he muttered a low curse.

  ‘Take off your clothes,’ he said harshly. ‘Everything. I want to see that tight little body as I screw you senseless.’

  ‘And I want to see yours. Get naked. Now!’

  Clothes went flying and shoes clattered across the floor. Missy was down to her underwear by the time Hawk got out of his coat and shirt.

  ‘Oh.’ She sighed. Her arms dropped, and her bra fluttered to the floor.

  It was her turn to ogle. God, she had a thing for bodybuilders. There was just something about the perfect male body, and he was in his prime. Slabs of muscles covered his chest, and their strength and power drew her. Each and every muscle in his body was thick and defined. And his arms. They were as thick as her legs.

  Reaching out, she traced the lines of his six-pack abs.

  He jerked and caught her hand. Slowly, his gaze ran over her. ‘Turn around,’ he said softly.

  Her nerves jumped, but she obeyed. Her heart began to pound when a rough hand settled intimately onto her bare bottom.

  ‘A thong,’ he said with near reverence. ‘God, what an ass.’

  He squeezed her tightly, and Missy braced herself against the wall. His big hands began to mould and shape her, and she felt the crotch of her panties go wet.

  Oh, God. Could he see that?

  His hot breaths brushed against her ear as he bent over her. ‘Do you wear this when you’re working out?’

  His fingers slid under the strip of material that disappeared into the crack of her ass and he tugged on it lightly. So much blood rushed to her face, she thought she might pass out. ‘I don’t wear underwear when I work out,’ she whispered.

  ‘Vixen.’ The material snapped back so hard, it stung. ‘Take it off.’

  Missy was so hot, she could barely stand it. He was waiting, though, and with the way he stood over her, he wasn’t patient. She caught the thin strips of fabric at her hips. Slowly, she peeled it down.

  ‘That’s it,’ he growled. He cupped his hand between her legs, and she lurched up onto her tiptoes. ‘I can’t wait any longer.’

  Suddenly, he reached out and pushed away the table that stood against the wall. It went skidding across the tiled floor with a loud scrape. Missy jerked at the sudden noise, and her heart rate took off into the stratosphere. The table hit the edge of the living room carpeting and teetered. Her forgotten mittens tumbled onto the floor.

  ‘Face the mirror.’ With his hand at her waist, he moved her to the empty space where the table had been. He untied the string of his exercise pants and pushed them down along with his briefs. ‘I want to watch you watch us together.’

  Missy’s desire took on an edge when she saw their reflection. She couldn’t take her eyes off the way they looked together, naked and wanting. Two physically perfect bodies were about to merge. He tow
ered over her, and her memory flashed back to that picture of him in the bar. Her excitement careened out of control and, suddenly, she couldn’t wait either.

  ‘Hurry,’ she found herself begging. Leaning over, she braced her hands on either side of the mirror.

  ‘Just let me get it inside you.’ He caught her thigh and widened her stance as he inched closer.

  She felt him line himself up. Impatient, she pushed back, trying to take him into her. All the same, she was caught off guard when he thrust.

  ‘Aaaahhh!’ she cried. He was big. Really big. Her head dropped forwards as he burrowed into her.

  ‘So good,’ he grunted, his voice strained.

  And it was. He filled her to the limit. He began to move, and she gasped as her inner nerve endings fired. Reaching back, she caught his hard ass. Her fingernails bit into his hips as he set up a driving rhythm.

  ‘Yes,’ she cried. ‘Just like that.’

  He began to pump harder and faster. She watched the way they moved together, and her pleasure mounted. His fingers threaded through her curls and toyed with her clit as his hips bumped against her bottom. The double onslaught made her head spin. She closed her eyes tightly as she felt herself start to spiral upwards.

  ‘God, you were built to run, baby. Sweet ass. Full, firm, young breasts. Look at you.’

  He was slamming into her, and she couldn’t hold onto his sweaty hips any longer. Reaching forwards, she braced her forearms against the wall, fingers spread wide. Her breasts jounced with every harsh thrust.

  ‘That’s it,’ he said. He caught her about the waist and lifted her right up onto her tiptoes. ‘Hold on, little miss.’

  Like a piston, he worked in and out of her well-oiled tract. Missy let out a cry when she flew headlong into her orgasm.

  He wasn’t through with her yet.

  He let her crest and began working her up the grade again. The sound of harsh breaths and slapping bodies filled the room. It could only go on so long. The flashpoint came quickly. His cock delved deep, and her pussy clenched around him. He stiffened, and they both came.

  When she finally regained her equilibrium, she found them both leaning against the wall for support. The mirror had fogged over, and her body was coated in sweat.


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