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Page 8

by London Saint James

  “Thanks,” I said, gazing up at him. He smiled tenderly in reply.

  Austin went into his bathroom. I heard him turn on the water in the tub. Then catching a glimpse of him, I watched as he laid out a towel along with a T-shirt before he moved completely out of my sight. When the sound of the water stopped, I glanced back in direction of the bathroom to see Austin kick his shoes off just outside the bathroom door. It was impossible to hide the fact I was indeed watching his every move with intensity, perched on the end of his bed, all while holding frozen peas to my lip. He took a seat beside me, reached out, and slipped his coat along with the remains of my tattered shirt from my shaking body.

  “Shh…it’s okay, baby.” Feeling unsure, I pulled my hands up in a poor attempt to conceal the tops of my arms. “Let me see.” He slowly ran his hands up my arms, moving my hands away.

  Austin’s face changed. He seemed to wince. The idea of Dane hurting me when he first saw my busted lip was painful, but now he could see the full extent of Dane’s violence. He seemed to lose it. He looked at the beginnings of the bruises on the top of my arms; he leaned back and ran his hands softly over my shoulder blades, obviously studying the damage. He shook with anger. Austin ran his hand softly over my right shoulder. I tensed. He kissed my shoulder then moved my hair.

  “God, Winter! He bit you!”

  Austin proceeded with a flurry of expletives which would make a sailor blush. Admittedly, some were indeed very creative. The full sight of me seemed to fill him with insanity for a moment. His face flashed fierce. He stood to his feet, raging. His fists slammed down onto a side table in his bedroom. The wood cracked. The phone which was perched on that table went flying in a metallic ping when it hit the wall behind the table. The metal light hit the floor in a fury, denting the base of the lamp and zapping the light out in a flicker of wrath.

  “Jail isn’t good enough. I should go back and kill him!”

  “Austin, please, I am fine.” I went to him and grabbed at his arm. I could feel the adrenalin rushing over him. He tried hard to calm himself.

  “Your face, your arms, your back,” he said. “The bastard hit you, bit you. His teeth and hands are marked on your beautiful skin.”

  “It’s just some bruising. I bruise easy. It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

  Austin turned to look at me. He pulled me into his arms, holding me tight for a long moment. To my surprise, he kissed each reddish blue mark of violence which now dotted my flesh. Every time his lips touched me I quivered, my heart raced, thumped really. Austin kissed the corner of my mouth, ran his fingers lightly over the contour of my cheek, brushed a feather light kiss over each of my eyelids before peppering kisses on my face. I could feel the thump, thump beneath my breasts, in my neck, in my wrists, between my legs.

  This was going to be the first night I spent with Austin. The first time anyone had taken care of me. I usually took care of myself with an always working mother not to mention a non-existent father. I really wasn’t sure how to let someone take care of me, but I would allow Austin to. Not only because I needed, because I wanted, but because I knew he wanted. I knew Austin would always protect me, take care of me, and knowing this made my heart flutter.

  The bath Austin had started was for me, so I soaked in warmth and bubbles. After a few moments I studied the bruises which were starting to make their appearance quite unashamed in their darker coloration now. I had more bruises than I thought, but what did I expect? I weigh about 105 lbs., and Dane probably had another 100 lbs. on me.

  I thought about Austin’s offer to teach me to fight. I decided I was going to let him. Maybe men thought they could take advantage due to my smaller size. I was going to make Austin proud, show him some of the steel he believed me to possess. Besides, the instruction may be fun. I was sure he would need to be up close and personal in order to teach me so that particular thought was more than tempting.

  I could hear Austin outside the bathroom door, it sounded like he was pacing. For sure he was cussing still quite creatively then I heard him stop. It was quiet. Allowing my head to rest on the back of the tub I sank deeper into the water. I closed my eyes and floated in my languor and drifted.

  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was Austin’s soft voice. “Baby.” Fingers brushed down my cheek. “Winter.”

  I opened my eyes. Austin was sitting on the edge of the tub by my head. For a minute I had forgotten where I was, what I was doing then it dawned on me. “Austin, I….”

  “You fell asleep,” he said while his fingers ran the length of my jaw line.

  I smiled up at him, feeling the protest of my lip again. Austin was still worried about me. He was checking on me.

  “I’m fine, Austin, but I’m also soaking wet and naked and—”

  “You are beautiful.”

  I looked down the length of my body. Most of me was still obscured in shimmering patches of bubbles, but instinctively I raised my hands to cover my breasts which I knew he had to have seen. I felt my face flush. Austin moved his hand to the water and twirled his fingers around. The water rippled.

  “The water is getting cold. You better get out.”


  “And Winter,” he said as he stood up, moving to the door.


  “I didn’t look,” he assured.

  I couldn’t decide if I was relieved, disappointed or even pissed off at the fact he didn’t look at me, but my retort probably sounded as if I were pissed off.

  “Why not?”

  The corners of Austin’s mouth twitched, he was trying not to smile at my reaction.

  “I won’t look until you want me to,” he said softly then closed the door behind him.

  But I want you to, I thought.

  I finally came out of the bathroom, wearing Austin’s T-shirt adorned with Pink Floyd. He handed me a glass of ice water, two Tylenol pills, and instructed. “Take them. It will help with body aches. I know you are hurting.”

  Austin pulled back the covers on his bed, urging me to lie down. I held back a groan as I moved across his king-sized bed. I knew if I made any noise of discomfort it would upset him. I had finally maneuvered myself into a comfortable position when he spotted the bruises on the inner portions of my thighs. I heard the intake of air. He gasped. I glanced up to see him. He had bowed his head from me for a moment. I pulled the covers up in an attempt to hide when Austin glanced back at me.

  “Don’t hide,” he whispered. He pulled back the sheets. Carefully, he pulled me forward so my feet hit the ground. In the next moment I witnessed this well-muscled man, who had more strength in his one arm than I probably had within my whole body, as he knelt at my feet. He took a hold of me gently. He was running his hands as soft as a whisper up my calves before brushing his lips across my inner knee. He molded a kiss to the blemish of blue there. “I’m sorry.” He murmured on my skin then he moved along my inner thighs, kissing. His strength, his tenderness, overwhelmed me. “I am so sorry Dane hurt you.” He breathed between kisses.

  “Austin, I’m….” My breath ceased with another brush of his lips.

  “I am so very sorry, my love.”

  Any pain I may have had was rapidly leaving my body. It was being replaced by a much more overpowering sensation.

  “Austin, I promise I am fine.”

  “Please, Winter.” He sighed, pressing his lips to a deeper looking bruise, probably a hand mark on the top of my right thigh. His mouth lingered before he rocked forward, tucked his body between my legs, still kneeling as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me close into his chest. He held me in this intimate embrace for what seemed like an eternity. I could have stayed there, locked in infinity. Austin brushed his fingers through my hair. “I’ll be right back baby, rest.” He rose to his feet, picked me up into the cradle of his arms before lying me down onto his bed. “Do you want to watch some TV?” he asked while pulling the sheets up over me.

  “No,” I said.
r />   Softly he palmed my cheek within his hand. “All right.”

  Austin grabbed some red and black cotton pajama bottoms from a dresser drawer then walk into the bathroom. He closed the door but did not latch it. I listened. I heard the water come on in the sink, he was probably brushing his teeth. Next the radio came on. He was humming. I had to smile. Then I could hear the water in the shower. I imagined what he looked like naked, glistening wet. I know my cheeks flushed red with the thought. I took in the scent of his sheets, fabric softener, and Austin. I snuggled down deep into his sheets before placing them to my face. I inhaled a deep breath, breathing in the scent, and allowed the sheets to envelope me.

  My cheeks had to be the color of fire truck red when I turned to see Austin come out of the bathroom. He was wearing only his pajama bottoms, no shirt, with his black wet hair tousled, encapsulating the color of midnight. A bead of water rolled between his well-defined pectorals and continued. It followed the line of him to his navel. I so wished to be that bead of water. I longed to run my tongue along the surface of his skin. To touch every glorious ridge, ripple, curve and muscle on his body. I wanted Austin so much I thought I would double-over from the pain of not having him.

  He pulled back the covers, slid in next to me then pulled me into his arms. He was holding me securely. He cradled me from behind, molding the shape of his body around mine. We fit, two pieces meant to be one. I seemed to shake, but it was from his complete and total embrace of my body which was tucked into the lines and splendid curves of his body. Love, desire, lust, safety, peace, heat, all of these feelings raged through my senses like a flash fire, burning through my wanting body.

  Every portion of my skin was acutely aware of Austin. A wrenching need began to coil deep inside my belly. It was like hunger, yet not a hunger which could be satisfied by sustenance, but a hunger for him which only his body could satisfy. Oddly, as much as I wanted him, there was always something which kept me from acting on my impulse. I ached to tell him how much I loved him, how much I needed him, however it was fear, fear which always lingered in the peripherals of my insecurities. Fear of the dream ending. Fear of him leaving. Because after all, men leave, I learned this lesson well from my father.

  I felt the wrenching of my body into a tight contraction of anxiety. He started to rub soothing circles on my back, brushed my hair back from my neck and whispered softly across my skin. “Winter, I love you. Relax baby, you are safe so get some sleep.”

  “Austin, I want to hear your voice.”

  Austin’s warm breath brushed across my neck. God, this sent another chill over me as he started to recite one of my favorite poems by e.e. Cummings.

  “i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)….”

  He pulled me tighter to his body. In response to my shake or the need to protect me, I was unsure.

  “I have you. I will never let you go,” he assured.

  “How did you know I loved that poem?”

  “I was looking at your books one night. I noticed that poem specifically because it is one of my favorite poems. Besides, that page of the book was dog-eared, so I knew you liked it.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  I felt Austin’s lips skim across my neck as he spooned me. “For what?”

  “For this,” I said, pulling his hand into mine. “For taking care of me, just for being you.”

  “Winter, you are my heart.”

  As you are mine, I thought but failed to say the words aloud.

  Chapter Seven


  Austin and I, Wes and Jewel, along with Claudia and Bean made plans to take a trip to Martha’s Vineyard. The trip was planned to take place after the spring showcase, to celebrate Austin’s birthday. My emotions ranged from excited to nervous, sometimes experiencing them both at the same time. While Austin and I had taken many short trips together, this would be our first overnight trip. Well, actually, this was more than an overnight trip, it was an entire weekend. We were set to leave on Thursday and not return back to the city until Monday.

  I wondered if this trip would take our relationship to the next level. I was ready for the next level. Every time Austin touches me I think my skin will burst into flames. I am fairly sure he feels the same way, however he never becomes insistent. He never pressures me. In fact, he always stops before things become too sexually heated between us. Sometimes I wonder why he stops because when he holds me, kisses me, it is hard to stop, hard to say goodnight, and really I never want him to stop. I want Austin more than life itself.

  “Are you ready?” Austin asked. He picked up my suitcase from the bed.

  “Yes,” I said then reached to turn off the lamp in my room.

  He stopped inside the door of my dorm room, dropped the suitcase and pulled me with a passion into his arms. “I love you, Winter.” He was looking at me with beautiful open warm eyes from beneath his dark thick lashes. Then he kissed me. I felt my head spin. I considered not moving from this spot, and I would have gladly stayed if Austin had not stopped. “We can’t keep the others waiting,” he suggested. His tone was quiet as he spoke yet he himself seemed a little bit breathless. I was breathless.

  “Sure, I guess you are right.” I agreed although somewhat begrudgingly.

  He laughed a quiet musical sound. He was a strong man. I wondered how in the heck he maintained such control. He was much stronger than me or maybe….

  “Um,” I muttered.

  “What?” he asked.

  I bit my bottom lip. “Nothing,” I mumbled.

  Austin looked at me, his angel’s face and brow became creased with worry. “What’s wrong?”

  “Well, is this hard for you?” I knew I was not making myself clear. I also knew he would laugh at me for my convoluted question. He did not laugh.

  “Yes,” he said. He brushed his hand through my hair. “It is very difficult.”

  He understood my not so clear question.

  “So then it is not just me? I mean, it is hard for you to stop kissing me? I mean, you don’t want to stop?”

  He sighed. “You have no idea, truly no concept of how hard, Winter.”

  I smiled at this information.


  One dark brow rose. “Good?” he questioned.

  I was sure he wondered why I would think it was good to suffer. And I know I was suffering by stopping so he must be.

  “Well, it is good to know it’s not just me. I….”

  “You want to know if it is hard for me to stop when we are intimate. You wondered why I always stop.”

  He had finished my sentence for me, and he was exactly right.

  “Yes, well you always seem to have more willpower than me so I sometimes think.” I paused, biting my bottom lip. “I sometimes wonder why you are with me anyway, so maybe it is easier for you because maybe I feel different about things. Maybe—” He stopped me with his lips. I forgot where I was for a moment.

  Austin pulled back, looked at me with his smoldering indigo eyes and said softly, “You are being silly, Winter.”

  “But you could be with anyone and—”

  “Shh.” His lips brushed mine. “I love you more than I can ever tell you. If you think I want to be with anyone else than you are more than crazy. Don’t you know I am the lucky one here? I am lucky you want to be with me.” I wanted to laugh at that statement, but I just smiled. “Winter, you need to know I want every part of your heart which without doubt includes every part of your body. It is not easy to stop. I do not want to stop. I want to take you into my arms this very moment, pull every stitch of clothing off of your beautiful body and make love to you. But I also want things to be right for you.” He placed his finger to the swell of my bottom lip. “I never want to pressure you.” He assured with a whisper soft kiss to my lips. “Not only are you beautiful, but you are the most beautiful part of my life. Never doubt that.”

  I was speechless, trying to process all of this. His lips brushed up against
my neck, “Austin, I love you,” I murmured. In this instant I realized this was the first time I had actually said the words. I felt them, thought them, but don’t know why I had allowed my fear to stop me from saying them.

  “Thank God,” Austin replied with a low chuckle. “I was wondering when you would get around to actually telling me.”

  “Austin, I fell in love with you from the moment my eyes met yours, I just….”

  He ran his hand softly over the line of my shoulder. “You were just scared of what you were feeling, baby.” I smiled, because as hard as I may have tried, I hid nothing from Austin. “I’m not going anywhere,” he assured. “You are pretty much stuck with me.”

  “You may change your mind someday. My father changed his mind.”

  He gave me a tender expression. “Never,” he whispered across my lips before kissing them lightly, “I will never change my mind about you, Winter.” Austin nuzzled his nose into the hollow of my throat, “Forever Winter, I will love you, forever.” And in this moment, I believed him.

  The drive to the Vineyard wasn’t as long as I suspected. I totally enjoyed the scenery while listening to Jewel and Wes argue about some show they watched the night before. He was sure the main actor’s name was Lance while Jewel insisted Wes was wrong. Claudia and Bean chatted back and forth with Austin, who was driving, ignoring the argument between Jewel and Wes.

  We rented a cottage on Martha’s Vineyard. It looked like something from a postcard with its clapboard walls painted in weather worn blue and its whitewashed shutters perched at each window. Just feet beyond the back of the cottage started the rolling slope of tall grass and willows before reaching the edge of the sand then finally the water of the ocean vast and deep.

  The morning of our arrival started the debate among the guys as to what activity we should do first. After a fifteen minute argument it was decided, per Austin’s calm intervention between Wes and Bean, we would all go boating. Austin had made arrangements to borrow a boat from a family friend who also kept a vacation home on the Vineyard. The guys took turns “manning the helm” as if we were on a large ship. Meanwhile, the girls just sat watching them argue for the most part as to who was the better boatman.


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