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Page 12

by London Saint James

  Jewel laughed. “Haven’t you noticed he is always touching you: your face, your lips, your arm, his hand on the small of your back, his fingers through your hair? It really is amazing, the two of you.”

  “And that night at Jen’s birthday,” Claudia added. “I watched you sit on Austin’s lap while he fed you cake. It was… sexy. Without even realizing it, you two are sensual. You two are sexy and amazing together.”

  “Austin is amazing. I love him more than, well, more than anything,” I confessed.

  “We know, and he loves you. It is so clear you two belong together,” Jewel said in a quiet voice.

  I noticed her face was also a bit sad. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  Jewel’s face smoothed. “Nothing. I just don’t know if I have ever felt the way you do. You guys have the real thing, true soul mates. It’s nice to see.”

  “You don’t feel that way about Wes?”

  “I think I love Wes,” Jewel replied with a strange pause. “But sometimes I wonder if I don’t stay with him out of habit more than love.”

  “See!” Claudia said, her voice high, demanding our attention.

  I gazed at her with questions. What did she want me to look at? Then I knew. I felt him. I felt Austin. I turned to find him. He was standing by the grill outside. Smoke billowed beside him, seeping out from the grill and Wes was talking nonstop, flipping burgers. But Austin, Austin was focused on me. He was watching me as if nothing else in the world mattered.

  “See what I mean? No matter where he is, he knows where you are. It’s like internal radar. Amazing,” Claudia mused.

  I smiled at Austin through the window. His returning smile took my breath away.

  “I love you,” he mouthed. I blew him a kiss and touched my heart. “Forever,” he said through the glass.

  “Forever,” I replied.

  “Amazing,” Jewel agreed.

  Chapter Nine


  Mrs. Cynthia Perri Fines and Mr. Scott Linton Perri

  request the honor of your presence at the marriage of

  their daughter

  Winter Shae Perri


  Austin Wells Carlyle

  son of

  Doctor Wells Bennett Carlyle and Doctor Judith Carroll Carlyle.

  The invitations started in elegant black script.

  I had graduated from college and just turned twenty-two. Austin was celebrating his twenty-third birthday. We were planning a winter wedding and would be married on December 20th. at eleven o’clock in the morning at the church Austin attended, Saint Thomas on Fifth Avenue. The winter wedding was, of course, at his urging. He was still trying hard to convince me winter was superior as well more beautiful than summer any day. I was beginning to believe him.

  Sitting on the third finger of my left hand stood a three karat ring with three square cut diamonds encased by emeralds with more diamonds embedded in the band. It was more money than should have been spent, but Austin said it was a diamond for every year we have been together. Then he said the emeralds matched the color of my eyes while he smiled. I started to protest, but knowing he could put an end to the argument, he kissed me. When he kissed me, he could win any argument. Well, almost any argument.

  The night Austin proposed to me was one of the best nights of my life. He had taken me to the theater, something which was not out of the ordinary. We entered in through the darkened doors of the old East Village Theatre in which we had been many times. It was vacant. This was the place he took me on our third date. The place where I was first introduced to his friends and their play while we snuggled together perched high in the balcony. I wondered what he was doing. It wasn’t hard to notice we were the only people in the dark building.

  We walked down the dimly lit hall, through the main theater doors, down the long aisle, passing row after row of empty seats. There up on stage was one streaming beam of light. It was hitting a gold encrusted table which was sitting in the middle of the darkened stage. My eyes focused in on the table. The table was part of a stage set I had seen once before. It was a table which sat in Juliet’s bedroom when Romeo ascended her wall then entered in through her bedroom window. Austin led me up onto the stage, over to the table and there on top of the gilt table was a single red rose. The ring was shimmering in the light and was tied to the long green stem with a red silk ribbon.

  I watched with what had to be wide eyes. Austin picked up the rose, untied the ribbon, took the ring into his hand, bent down upon one knee then handed me the rose. He quoted with perfect tone, not to mention superior inflection, a scene from Romeo and Juliet, only he said my name not Juliet’s as the sun.

  Austin took my left hand in his then he smiled his brilliant white smile. “Winter,” he said, looking up at me from beneath his dark thick lashes. “I am in love with you. You are my heart. I cannot imagine one day without you, so I was hoping you would please do me the honor of becoming my wife. I want to spend my life with you by my side. Will you marry me?”

  My eyes reacting to the moment began to overflow with tears. The tears fell down my face where they hit my arm along with his hand in a sprinkle of abundant joy.

  “Yes,” I said. He placed the ring on my finger and kissed my hand. “I love you, Austin.”

  He returned to his feet, his face beaming. “I love you,” he replied before he took me into his arms where he kissed me with a passion which set my skin blazing.

  Tonight I am heading to the same theater. Austin has a starring role. In fact, he just completed filming where he was the leading man in a small foreign film production. His acting career is really taking off, as I always knew it would. There is just something about Austin. It is difficult to explain. I guess you could say he has “it,” an almost indescribable quality. People want to know Austin, want to be around him.

  I sat in the audience, mesmerized as I always am by Austin up on stage. The bright light was shining down upon him, illuminating the perfectly stunning qualities of his face and of his body. I watched him with intensity, with pride, knowing this beautiful man was mine yet also knowing I am far too lucky. He should not be mine. It really did not make sense, but I thanked God every day for him.

  The play was coming to an end. However, I could not remove my eyes from the stunning man on stage. Looking at Austin up on that stage, I was overcome with emotion. It was silly, but I just could not help myself. Tears streamed down my face. I love him more than life itself. Without him I could not live, could not breathe, of this, I am certain.

  When the amber curtain fell, the audience stood applauding the performance. Cheers and whistles filled the space echoing and vibrating. I, of course, was in total agreement with their evaluation and their enthusiasm. Austin’s performance was brilliant. I could hear the three women in front of me talking about him. They, too, were in love with my fiancé. Too bad, I thought and smirked. Austin is mine.

  I made my way back stage to find him. Once I saw him, it was like seeing him for the first time. He made my head spin, my stomach flip, and my heart skip a beat. He was as usual, perfect in his beauty. Austin was standing in the pale light of the back lit backstage. His hair, the color of midnight, was slicked back tight to his head. The shadows which fell upon his face highlighted his perfectly angled cheekbones. His lips seemed to move in a motion of perfect rhythm, a ballet really. He was talking to two men. He shifted his weight, pulled out his shirt from his pants then took off his tie before unbuttoning his collar. As soon as he saw me, he rushed to my side. In one quick move, he picked me up and was twirling me in the air, safe within his arms.

  “I love you,” Austin whispered in my ear.

  “And I love you,” I said, kissing his neck. “You were wonderful tonight.”

  “Thanks,” he said then his lips found mine.

  We were still kissing when he placed my feet upon the floor. We were connected mouth to mouth, body to body, heart to soul. Austin’s hands ran down to the small of my back, securing me to him.
I heard voice clearing in the background.

  Austin pulled back from my body, ending the kiss. “Baby, there are a couple of people I would like you to meet,” he said in his velvet tone. I pouted. I was not done kissing him yet. Austin’s slow smile stretched across his face. He reached out. Touched the tip of my nose with his fingertip. “Come on,” he said. He took my hand, pulling me over toward the two men in black Armani suits who were standing by the back stage exit. “Zander. Stanton.” Austin called out their names then paused. “This is my Winter,” he announced.

  We stood hand and hand, my body brushed up snug against Austin’s side. I always seem to fit just perfectly there. I looked at the two men, unsure of why, but in this moment I felt almost frightened. Things were going to change. I knew it.

  “Winter, this is Zander Harrison and Stanton Phillips,” Austin continued. “Stanton is from Paramount. Zander is my new agent.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” said Zander. He extended out his hand to shake mine. He had a firm handshake.

  “I am happy to make your acquaintance.” Stanton followed right behind Zander with a proffered hand.

  “I am pleased to meet both of you as well,” I said.

  “Winter.” Austin’s voice was soft. He gazed down at me. “They would like me to come to Hollywood. They have a movie script they would like me to consider.”

  I smiled. “Really?”

  Stanton stood straight, shoulders square. “Yes. We believe Austin would be our best choice for the romantic lead in a movie we will be shooting in January, and we would like him to read for the part.”

  “We would like you both to come out next week,” Zander interjected with a booming voice.

  “Well?” Austin asked, looking at me as though he was unsure of my answer.

  “Of course you should go,” I insisted.

  “Great, it is settled. We will make all the travel arrangements. Let’s do breakfast tomorrow, work out the details,” Stanton announced.

  “Sure.” Austin replied with a handshake. “Thank you for the opportunity.”

  “Thank you,” Zander said with a broad smile.

  When Zander and Stanton left, Austin turned to look at me while brushing his hand down the length of my arm. “Winter, where are you in that answer?”

  I tried to look innocent.

  “What do you mean?”

  His brow became creased in that sexy scowl then he focused his piercing gaze upon me. “You know exactly what I mean. You said ‘you should go’ not we will go.”

  “Austin, we only have a couple of weeks until the wedding. I should probably stay here.”

  “No way.” He grabbed my hand. “You cannot stay here. I will not go without you.”

  “Austin,” I protested. “You know how important this is for you. Don’t be stubborn. You cannot stay here. You need to go to California.”

  He ran his fingers down my cheek. His voice became almost stern. “Winter, you are more important to me than anything else.”

  I sighed, rolling my eyes at him. “Austin, you need to go.”

  “Not without you.”

  I sighed again, knowing this was a useless argument. I could not deny him anything.

  “Fine.” I conceded with a huff.

  Austin gave me the breathtaking smile which makes my heart stop. “I love you. Don’t worry about the wedding. Your mom and my mother can take care of the last minute arrangements. We will be back for our wedding. You know how much I want to marry you. Nothing could stop me from marring you.”

  “I know,” I agreed.

  In the morning, Austin and I met with Stanton and Zander. It truly surprised me at how many arrangements needed to be made for the California trip. But I supposed it was normal when dealing with movie executives. That meeting was to be the catalyst for my panic and the ensuing stress. I had very little time to get things done before we left New York.

  For the next few days I was in a daze, making arrangements for the wedding, meeting with the florists, going over what I needed to buy for my bridesmaids, and arranging a flight to New York for my father. I haven’t seen my father in years, so I was actually shocked he wanted to come. He would arrive in New York while I was in California with Austin. Let’s just say when I boarded the private jet to California, I was thankful to get away.

  When the jet landed, there was a car waiting on the tarmac for us. Austin and I rode in first class accommodations within a very long and very shiny black limousine to the studio offices where a large noisy crowd of movie executives were waiting to meet Austin.

  I was excused from the meeting. “We have a car here for you. This meeting may be a while so we thought you might want to settle into your room. We have a suite for you at the Sunset Marquis. It’s been a long trip I am sure,” Zander said with a smile. He snapped his fingers impatiently at the tall blonde woman in the corner. “Marcy, make sure Miss. Perri has everything she requires.”

  I looked at Austin, a bit startled. We barely crossed the threshold of the office, and I was being dismissed quite quickly. He smiled. His eyes softened. “I will see you soon. I love you, Winter.”

  Austin kissed my forehead and turned, literally being whisked away behind two large brass doors. I followed the blonde, not real sure I liked this, but knew I had to be strong and support him.

  “Welcome to Hollywood,” the tall blonde interjected, breaking my thoughts.

  I look up at her confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

  She laughed quietly. “You just look a little bit lost, and I know everything must be overwhelming. Things here can get crazy. You will need to find a way to cope with all the craziness.”

  “How long do these meetings usually last?” I inquired.

  She laughed, running her fingers through her long golden hair. “Forever!”

  When I made it to the room, I had to laugh. It was more than a room and more than a suite. This placed reminded me of an elegant house. I looked around in amazement and decided the Sunset Marquis could only be described as stunning. The suite had its own private entrance, back garden terrace along with palm trees standing tall around the enclosed walls. Situated in the back corner, accented by tropical plants, I could see a large oval hot tub. The hot tub lit in neon blue lights, also had a gentle waterfall trickling down brightly colored Spanish style tiles.

  Two large glass doors opened up into the bright living room. The living room would be considered spacious, with more than enough space to throw a large party. It connected to an oversized kitchen and a fully stocked bar. The bedroom was bright white with a tall canopy bed, complete with sheer netting. The bed took up a prominent placement upon a platform in the middle of the room. I wandered around the space impressed plus a little more than overwhelmed. Alone with someone I barely knew and with nothing to do, I came to the realization of a long day ahead of me. Especially without Austin here.

  “Is everything to your liking, Miss Perri?”

  “Sure, this is really nice.”

  She placed the key on the bar.

  “If you need anything just call, my number is by the phone.”

  I tried to muster up a smile. “Thanks.”

  I watched my temporary babysitter exit through the front entrance. I wondered why we had entered through the back. I went to the front door and peeked out to see her standing beyond the perfect manicured lawn, talking to a couple of men. They looked like security personnel, all dressed in matching black suits. From the east another set of men entered, behind them was another beautiful blonde woman wearing some fancy dark sunglasses. My eyes narrowed, Jeez, is everyone in California beautiful and blonde?

  Just beyond the beautiful platinum blonde, who was sporting the sunglasses, I could see a frenzy of people taking photographs, pressing in, trying hard to reach the woman. The men in the black suits moved around her and did a great job of blocking her from the paparazzi’s view. I watched Marcy, my former escort, turn and approach the frenzy of photographers. She was obviously telling them to b
ack off. The beautiful platinum blonde was gone now. I did not recognize her but she must have been someone of importance. The commotion, the security personal, as well as the photographers, all seemed to fade away once she left.

  I spent my day on the phone to New York, talking with my mother. She had arrived from Colorado just before my departure to California. She had met with Judith, my soon to be mother-in-law, and they were planning for the wedding without me.

  At six o’clock, I received a phone call from Austin. “Winter, love.” His voice was soft and apologetic. “I’m still tied up.”


  “All right,” I said.

  “I think I will be a while, so get something to eat, relax, breathe…I love you.”

  I wondered what was taking so long, but knew I had to be patient. After all, being here was necessary. I needed to support Austin, support his dream.

  “I love you too,” I said and with that the line was dead.

  I ordered some room service, tried to relax and ate while I watched some TV. By nine o’clock, I decided to just give up, get ready for bed. Austin had to show up sometime. I would be patient, no matter how ridiculous things might get. I rambled into the bathroom, took a shower, put on my hot pink cotton panties with the rainbow printed on the bum, grabbed a tank top, and shuffled out to the private terrace to sit in the night breeze. It was strange to be able to sit outside half-naked in December.

  I listened to the sound of the water as it flowed over the tiles. It melted effortlessly into the enticing pool of the hot tub. It was soothing. A breeze brushed through my hair and sent some of my long strands whipping out in front of me then across my face. I gathered up my hair, twisted it up off my neck, closed my eyes, and leaned back. I stretched my arms over my head enjoying the pull it gave to my spine. Warm hands ran down the length of my arms, followed by a tempting set of lips on the crook of my neck.

  “Hey, baby.” Austin’s voice was a welcome sound, smooth and alluring.


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