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The Tears of Unicorns

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by Victoria Mercier

  The Tears of Unicorns

  The Academy of Dragons

  Reverse Harem Series

  Copyright © 2020 Victoria Mercier

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to being stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  This book contains sexual situations and adult themes. Recommended for 18 and above.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  About the Author

  Victoria's Mailing List is Here

  Other Books

  The Academy of Dragons

  The Blood of Dragons

  Chapter 1

  The last four months have been insane.

  ​I’d been kidnapped by demi-dragon Dramer and placed in lamely named the Academy of Dragons where dragons have been subdued by unicorns. This made no sense at all! But guess what? Things have gotten weirder since then. I’ve met more demi-dragons: Nix who was captain of the City Guards, Saaron who happened to be the Head of the Dragon House at the Academy and a total jerk, and finally Lotian. Four demi-dragon brothers with overinflated egos but so hot they could melt the Winter’s Queen’s cold heart in one glance.

  ​It hadn’t been all nice and shiny. That for sure. I’ve found a couple of sworn enemies on the way: Lieutenant Rox who has gotten seriously mad each time he interacted with me, demi-unicorn Selene who was Dramer’s fiancée, a water elemental Rosa Watermane, and the last but the worst of all, Elleria.

  ​A crazy bitch who caused so much chaos that for a month the Academy had resembled a prison with guards behind each corner until the restrictions have been relaxed. She tried to turn Lotian, Watermane, Selene and me against each other. If not for Selene and Lotian, I could have been dead by now. Watermane was powerful and insane, and now I felt she’s been watching me closely.

  ​That was not all. Hugman, the Head of the Supernatural House disappeared. Rumors had it that Elleria had killed him because they’d worked together. Among students, no one had the slightest idea of what had happened to the old man. And for once I knew what students have been saying because that fucker Saaron had lifted my ban on visiting other sections of the Academy.

  ​Who would have guessed that the disaster Elleria brought on the Dragon’s Academy would benefit me? Strangely, they officially didn’t even acknowledge my part in the Elleria’s scheme, but I’d been gently warned to stay out of the trouble.

  ​This was going to be hard. I wasn’t very good at following orders.

  ​“So, what are you planning?” Simona asked.

  ​I haven’t come to terms with the way she dressed now. I mean, she dressed exactly like me. Thick black stockings, dark navy skirt, white buttoned shirt, and red low heel shoes. Rust wasn’t looking much better. A standard dark navy uniform. Our clothes sucked on so many levels, though I felt appreciative that Houses haven’t imposed different color schemes on their members.

  ​While every student had to follow the same design, some had clothes made expensive-looking materials. This place was full of social layers. Our trio had no families to back up our financials. I even refused a scholarship just before my first review.

  ​I didn’t mind that.

  ​“I told you. I want to find out who stood behind Elleria’s attack. Lotian admitted that she couldn’t pull this off on her own.” I explained for the hundredth time.

  ​Simona shook her head.

  ​“Don’t you think that it’s the City Guards’s job?”

  ​Rust nodded. We sat in the common room. One of those, Lotian had called a mingling room when we first met. For Saturday, it was quite empty, which made sense. Another quarterly review was coming in the next few days. Everyone has been trying to make their best. I didn’t bother. Without the Dual Mind spell my grades have plummeted. I excelled at spells but everything else was a disaster.

  ​Another review meant another meeting with Saaron. Since his intrusion and confrontation with Lotian, he has avoided me. This almost made me happy. Almost, because a strange part of my heart longed to see him. He was the first man I’d had sex with. It wasn’t the reason I’ve craved him. Since our first meeting, something unexplained has existed between me and demi-dragons. The force that pulled us toward each other. This meant more trouble down the line.

  ​I couldn’t say how I knew that Dramer hasn’t heard about me and Saaron, but I got a good idea that he’d have been rampaging throughout the Academy by now. Nix has visited the Academy a few times but hadn’t come to say hello. In truth, did he even have a reason to do so? Not really.

  ​“Almost two months have passed since Elleria had gone mad and turned the Academy into a warzone. Did the administration tell us anything? No. Nothing. Nada. Either they don’t know anything or the truth is too difficult for us, students, to stomach.”

  ​“We should trust their judgment then…”

  ​I didn’t know why my jaw didn’t hit the floor, but it should. Simona has been or had been, in this case, the one who didn’t trust anybody, not even herself. Now, she suddenly took the administration’s word for it? She’s changed since coming here. Simona even has dyed her hair. Her white streaks were gone. I met her light blue eyes. Most of the Wastelands’ challenge has disappeared from them.

  ​“Trust them? Nope. They all scheme for their own benefit.” I told Simona and Rust about Ignelion and factions, which were active in the Academy. Being in the Supernatural House didn’t make them immune to their politics. I’d hope, I could just step aside, but I’ve had no illusions anymore. If I didn’t want to join a faction, one of them would try to force me to do so. “This place is no different from the Wastelands. There are us and enemies. No middle ground.”

  ​“What about your demi-dragons?”

  ​I laughed.

  ​Demi-dragons could look godly, but they possessed rotten characters. Lotian has visited me occasionally delivering the more intense orgasms than I could imagine, but outside of our sexual encounters, he’s remained distant. By now, I’ve started suspecting that he has done it in spite of his brothers. Even the influence of our bond has diminished. One thing that made me smile was the rumor that Saaron’s position has been in question since our ‘accident’. He deserved it after he’d tried to put all the blame on Dramer.

  ​“Simona, you know better than that.” She knew about my intimate moments with demi-dragons but thinking I’d accept them at the face value was uncharacteristic of her.

  ​“Flare, you should stop making excuses—” Simona’s words cut off.

  ​Her reaction made all my hair stand on end as I expected a life-threatening danger. I jumped to my feet and looked around. Except for a girl with a strangely-hued blue hair and odd clothes, which Rebecca calle
d kimono, and a funny-looking black-haired lean guy with ears point downward, no one else appeared in the common room. They didn’t cast a threatening aura, I’d expected.

  ​I turned back and found Simona’s eyes ablaze with excitement. What the fuck?

  ​“What’s going on? Who are they?”

  ​Simona’s fingers traveled to her head. She began smoothing her black hair. Was she mad?

  ​After a minute of silence, Rust grunted. “They’re Vesalius Black and Oceania.”

  ​“So, what about them made Simona pause like a suspended arrow?”

  ​Rust grimaced. He already said more words he’d been prepared to utter. I gave him no chance to hide behind the wall of muteness. I squeezed his shoulder as I sat down.

  ​ “It’s not my place to speak about this,” he nodded toward Simona whose gaze seemed distant. She was wholly focused on the pair of newcomers. I turned to give them another look.

  ​Vesalius Black wore a black kimono, which looked much different from his partner’s. There was nothing special about them. Surely, not many students showed up in casual clothes, but it wasn’t forbidden during weekends, only crazy expensive. So, the two had to be rich. One of those who could have a fucking spa in their little apartments.

  ​The intensity of my gaze must have alarmed them because he squinted at me. I turned away knowing well enough that my attention has been noticed. I wouldn’t even mention Simona whose face turned into a nice beetroot-red. I’m so blind! Simona likes him. Wait, wait, wait. Didn’t Rust say that the girl’s name is Oceania? I’ve heard many rumors about her and Lotian, he had denied them. If she’s dating this Vesalius, it’ll break Simona’s heart.

  ​Before I knew I was on my feet again.

  ​“What are you doing?” Simona hissed, suddenly alert. “Sit down, Flare!”

  ​“I’m going to clear the air,” I said and without waiting for Simona’s reaction charged toward the table occupied by Vesalius Black and Oceania. I heard scraping behind me. Simona was on the move. But since arriving here, some of my strange abilities have been awakened. I sensed my best friend’s presence to an inch. She wouldn’t surprise me.

  ​Don’t do it, idiot! I told to her in my head knowing she couldn’t hear my mental warning.

  ​That is rich coming from you, Lotian’s voice said in my head. Oh fuck, I forgot about the most important thing. In order to save Lotian, Selene used my dragon’s blood to fuse Lotian’s and my health pools together. It had strange side effects. We could communicate through our thoughts, ah, and of course, if one of us died, the other one would die too. I had no choice. Without my blood Lotian would have died. I did what I must and I haven’t regretted it.

  ​Not now, I shoved him out my head.

  ​I reached Vesalius Black and Oceania with Simona’s hand on my shoulder.

  ​“Hey, I have a question,” I cut to the chase. “Are you two together?”

  ​“Stop it, Flare,” I heard Simona’s distressed voice behind me. She shouldn’t complain. It was me being her best friend. Yes, it’d cost her a few embarrassing moments, but in the end, she was going to be better off.

  ​Both of them frowned, then looked at each other.

  ​“Flare, is it?” Oceania asked. “I heard about you and I’m baffled that you haven’t ended up in the Slackers.”

  ​“Spare me the monologues,” I snapped at her. The bitch dared to wear a smug on her face as if it fitted there.

  ​Simona managed to place herself between me and Oceania. Rust was nearby too.

  ​“This is one big misunderstanding,” Simona explained, then she turned toward me and hissed. “Are you trying to get another ban?”

  ​I gritted my teeth because she was right, but then again, I hadn’t planned to fight or anything. I only asked a question.

  ​“Just answer me,” I said from behind Simona’s back. My best friend reddened.

  ​“We aren’t together,” Vesalius Black answered. “But I’m not really interested in dragonesses. Too much anger for my liking.”

  ​I gave him a cheerful smile that puzzled him. No. This guy wasn’t my type. There was none of the magnetism I’ve found with demi-dragons.

  ​“Don’t worry,” I replied and my sense picked up the flavor of his magic. I smiled inside. He was trying to mask his power, but I pierced through his illusion. He was a fairy like Ignelion. Though Ignelion didn’t possess such funny-looking ears, but their magic signatures were similar. Well, Ignelion was a bit more powerful and older than this one. “I’m not interested in a little fairy, but my friend Simona is—”

  ​She whirled, her hand attempted to cover my mouth, but four months have passed and my power increased. She sliced the air.

  ​We jumped back, both ready to engage each other. We’ve used to spar like this hundreds of times during our time in the Wastelands. It was time to see what my friend has learned in the Academy.

  ​“Let’s do this,” I said with a wide grin, but Simona suddenly hesitated. Then she stood down. “What now?”

  ​“This isn’t the Wastelands, Flare. We’re in the Academy, now.”

  ​I snorted. She genuinely put her faith in this place. It couldn’t just be naivety.

  ​“Simona’s is right,” Vesalius Black said. He stood up and placed himself between Simona and me. “In the last couple of years, the Academy has been punishing aggression and such. Elleria’s case only worsened it. If you try to fight outside the training room, be it friendly sparring or not, then the new spells placed all over the Academy will paralyze you.”

  ​My eyes narrowed suspiciously. I wasn’t convinced of these spells. Even if they’ve created them after the Elleria’s attack, there was a small chance for them to work. By now, even I knew that every spell and enchantment and rune and whatever, was subject to the passing of time, depended on the power supply and the strength of an enchanter. This meant that only a couple of people in the Academy possessed enough power for the spells to last a month at best and work as intended. But surely, Vesalius Black knew this.

  ​“We both know this is bullshit.”

  ​Oceania’s forehead creased. She agreed with me, which gave me mixed feelings about her.

  ​“You aren’t as stupid as some dragons say,” Oceania said and her hair’s hue lightened. Enchantment? “But you don’t know everything.”

  ​“Please, join us,” Vesalius Black offered a seat to Simona who trembled with excitement. The center of her attention was so obvious that she hadn’t tried to mask it anymore. “Since our companions left the Academy the last years, we’ve failed at making new friends.” And why exactly was that? I’ve remained suspicious, as I picked the chair between Simona who sat next to the fairy boy and Rust who was closer to Oceania. Her power signature made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. While Ignelion and Vesalius Black had similar flavors, Oceania’s and Rosa Watermane’s powers were not only identical but also on the same level. This girl here, who couldn’t be older than twenty-five, was on the same level as Watermane. It gave me pause. Despite my hatred toward the water elemental, I knew I wouldn’t be able to beat her.

  ​I started wondering if this meeting here wasn’t a setup. Rosa Watermane has been watching me since the fight with the infernal beast. Not openly, of course, but I’ve developed some of my perceptive skills and have started to notice elementals following me all over the place. She knew something about me. Could Oceania be her agent? I had no way of knowing.

  ​“We haven’t properly introduced ourselves,” Vesalius Black said. “My name is Vesalius Black, the youngest son of Markus Black.” If the name of his father was supposed to make an impression me, it failed. I had no clue who Markus Black was.

  ​Simona vomited our names before I could even open my mouth. She returned to play an older sister. Fine. I could pretend a little for her sake.

  ​“And that’s Oceania,” Vesalius Black gestured toward his friend. “She can be difficult to deal with, but believe me, she is one hell
of a friend.”

  ​No matter what, I’d not trust Oceania without finding out what was her motive. And more importantly, what connected her to Rosa Watermane.

  Chapter 2

  ​Sunday morning brought me some news about the quarterly reviews. Apparently, every student would have one this time. Rebecca was very vague about the reasons. By the way, my relationship with Rebecca has changed too. I knew she worked for the administration and she’d stopped denying it after recent events. None the less, there was an enchantment that forced her to obey Saaron’s orders. I’d thought of freeing her, but the complexity of the spell made it clear that would I try it, Rebecca wouldn’t survive.

  ​So, now they wanted to interrogate everyone. There was no doubt, what was going to be the topic of the review.


  ​Lotian has been tight-lipped about the entire incident, but I got something out of our special connection. Elleria couldn’t do it on her own. Too many of the spells that had been weaved throughout the Academy required complex knowledge, which she couldn’t have.

  ​I remember that there was the Fairy magic used in the library. Ignelion has been cleared of any suspicions. But who amongst fairies possessed enough strength to create these spells? With so many questions piling up, I needed to get to the bottom of this.

  ​Curiously, I wished for Nix’s visit. Maybe, I could persuade him to tell me more about Elleria’s silent allies. She had been taken by the City Guards, but her whereabouts were classified.

  ​“You have a guest,” Rebecca announced before the knock on the door. “I don’t know who it is.”

  ​“Saaron?” I frowned. He was the last person I wished to see… and frankly, I didn’t think I’d be able to refuse him. Something wasn’t right with me.

  ​“I don’t know,” Rebecca shrugged with an ugly expression. Leaving her at the room, whenever I’ve gone to see my friends, made her a bit crabbit.

  ​No point in stretching her foul mood. It was more than slightly infuriating that whoever came to visit me hid from Rebecca. Then again, I wasn’t the one to exactly follow the etiquette.


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