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Collision Control

Page 9

by C. A. Szarek

  Why the fuck did she think she needed Cole there to come clean?

  He was more than sick of her secrets.

  Are we supposed to be working this together or what?

  Every time he thought they might get somewhere on finding his brother, Carrigan would add insult to injury by making a snide remark—with a straight face, no less—about his investigation skills.

  Like an innocent observation, and of course, she meant not offense.

  Or feed him a line of bullshit about wanting to make sure Lucas was in the room so she didn’t have to repeat herself.

  Screw that.

  He wasn’t a second-class citizen. It pissed him off that he had to wonder her intent. He was a damn good cop, and she could kiss his ass.

  A week had come and gone, and he still had nothing on Joe’s location.

  Guess the good thing about that…neither does Carrigan.

  Nor had he been able to find Renee, no matter how many times he’d stalked McAuley’s.

  Double frustration had him wound tighter than a ball of twine. He needed to get laid.

  Jared didn’t want anyone but Renee.

  Movement caught his eye over Carrigan’s shoulder. His partner was crossing the CID room, wearing squeaky boots. Like they were too shiny or too clean.

  That’s new.

  Irritation with the FBI agent lifted momentarily and he smirked. “What the heck are you wearing?”

  Cole ignored his question and picked a piece of non-existent lint off his navy blue Class As.

  Jared’s partner was in full uniform. Dressed for a ceremony—or a patrol car. Duty belt and everything. Complete with radio, Taser, two pairs of handcuffs, in addition to the normal weapon at his waist.

  He exchanged a look with Carrigan, but her expression was as implacable as always.

  However, like always, his partner’s presence loosened Carrigan’s lips and she launched into details of her phone call—from a California FBI guy, as it’d turned out.

  They both listened intently, cataloguing the new information about Carter Bennett.

  His heart kicked up a notch.

  Someone could be after Joe?


  He wanted to save his brother.

  Carrigan wanted to arrest him.

  Bennett wanted to kill him?


  Jared really needed to be the first to find Joe.

  “Manning and I have some place to be in about ten anyway, so we’ll leave you to make your calls. You can check your email and search our stuff, too.”

  One of Carrigan’s fair eyebrows shot up at the same time as Jared said, “We do?”

  His partner grinned, flashing dimples. “Uh. Yeah. Did I forget to mention we’re gonna talk to Ethan’s class today?”

  “Jesus,” the FBI agent muttered.

  Lucas’ grin faded. “Hey, I’m doing my kid’s teacher a favor. We won’t be gone long, and I’m sure you’ll be fine on your own. You seem to work best alone.”

  Carrigan ignored his partner’s jibe, but her hazel eyes flashed, and her mouth set in a hard line.

  Jared groaned and dragged his hand down his face. “Seriously?” The last thing he wanted to do was chat up a bunch of kindergarteners.

  Although, Special Agent Taylor Carrigan was getting what she wanted, so there was no reason for her panties to be wadded.

  “Yes, seriously. No, you don’t get to pick, thanks for asking.”

  He reclined into the wall of Cole’s cubicle as he watched his partner show the FBI agent how to access their database software and reports—and their collective confidential informant list. Carrigan had told his partner she wanted to see if any names jumped out at her.

  Jared’s mind spun with new chaos. He’d wanted to find Joe to confront him—get the truth about John Murray’s murder.

  Now he had to contend with not only the good guys chasing his brother, but bad ones. A dude who wished Joe harm. Had possibly killed two people.

  Fuck. I really don’t have time for a buncha six year olds.

  His frown stayed locked into place, even after Cole finished with Carrigan and gestured for them to head out of the CID room.

  The FBI agent took his partner’s seat and started to work on the computer, muttering thanks.

  “Besides, getting out of the office will get you away from this sexual tension thing you have going on with Carrigan,” Cole said.

  Jared reared to a stop in the corridor before they rounded the corner. The back doors leading out to secure parking weren’t yet visible. “You’re smoking crack.”

  His partner laughed. “Am I? Kinda seems like you’re into her, partner.”

  “No way.” He snorted.

  “Then you need to get laid.”

  “Won’t argue with that.” God, don’t remind me.

  He didn’t have room in his brain to think of her, too.

  Not only had he not found the woman he sought, Jared hadn’t spotted even one of the other women Renee had been with the night they’d met.

  He’d not responded to any of the girls that had hit on him during his nightly trolling at McAuley’s. All he could do was sit at the bar and stare at the door. And of course, ignore the sympathetic looks he got from Brian McAuley. The guy didn’t seem to believe Jared was working.

  “So what’s the deal? Did you finally listen to me and lose the chippies?”

  Jared groaned. “Let’s just go to the school.”

  “Wait.” Lucas’ hand shot to his forearm. Jared’s leather jacket made a creaking noise. “You’re brewing and stewing. For…like over a week. All joking aside, what’s going on?”

  Oh, my brother’s a big time criminal at the center of our case and I can’t find the girl I want. “Nothing. I’m good.”

  His partner’s gray gaze stared him down until Jared fought the urge to back away, break their physical contact. He made himself stand still and looked right back at Lucas.

  A tease about Cole’s shiny badge pinned to his uniform shirt would’ve diffused things, but the words wouldn’t form.

  “Really? You know you can talk to me, right? About anything.”

  Shit. Has Cole made the Joe-Jared look-a-like connection?

  There were more photos of Joe in that FBI file than any other members of his gang.


  Please, God, don’t let it be that.

  Jared cleared his throat. He was going to have to give his partner something. Just not Joe. Until he had to. “Absolutely. You’re like my brother, dude.”

  Cole’s big shoulders loosened and his fingers slipped from Jared’s arm. “I feel the same. Now, you wanna tell me what’s going on?”

  No. “Remember that girl I told you I met? Last Monday night at McAuley’s?”

  One of Lucas’ dark eyebrows shot up, as if that was the last thing he’d expected to come out of Jared’s mouth. “The one-nighter?”

  “That’s the thing. I want it to be more than that. But—” He sighed, throwing his palms up. Unexpected emotion roiled his gut and Jared frowned.

  Is it Joe or Renee?

  “But what?”

  “I can’t find her. Been looking since last Tuesday. Was the reason I met Carrigan there, ’cause I was Renee-scouting.”

  “Ah. So you do need to get laid.” His partner smirked.

  Jared ran his hands through his hair and laughed. “Yeah. I guess so. I need to find her.”

  “And no last name, right?”

  “Right. Unfortunately.”

  “Well, maybe when we get back I can help you figure it out. Antioch’s not that big.”

  “You wouldn’t think so.”

  “We’ll have to put Carrigan on something. No doubt she’d frown upon losing focus on Pompa twice in one day.”

  “She’s kinda one-track-minded like that.” And Jared still hadn’t figured out what she was hiding.

  His partner agreed there was something there, though. They’d figure it out, in time.
  Cole patted the back of his shoulder and offered a slight smile. “We’ll find your girl, buddy. I’d hate to have your balls implode from lack of use.”

  Jared shook his head when his partner laughed at his own joke.

  Chapter Eleven

  “All right class, it’s Community Helper’s Day and we have some awesome grown-ups here to tell us all about what they do in our city to help us. Without them doing their jobs, our community wouldn’t be what it is. So make sure you listen, ask a lot of questions and later we’re each going to share something we learned.”

  The kids clapped and Mel smiled at her class. They were all sitting at their tables, little faces attentive.

  Her dad, Doc Butler and Captain Turner from the fire department hovered near the chalkboard, each looking fresh and interested in speaking to her kids. They had tools of their trades and ready explanations.


  The detectives weren’t there just yet, but Mel wasn’t worried they wouldn’t show. Ethan Lucas had already told the whole class his dad was coming today. Maybe police work delayed them. If they were busy, she appreciated even more that Detective Lucas and his partner would take time out of their day to come to her school.

  She grinned and nodded to her dad. Jack Nash had been the director of Public Works for Antioch for fifteen years, but he’d worked for the city almost thirty, two years longer than Mel had been alive.

  Mel had cautioned him not to gross her kids out, some of his sewage and water crisis stories were vomit-worthy.

  He was up first. The plan was to have the cops go last. Usually her class thought they had the coolest job, of course. But they always seemed to enjoy Captain Turner or one of the other firefighters that had come in the past, too.

  “Has anyone ever heard of Public Works?” Her dad opened with the same question every year, and Mel tried not to roll her eyes.

  Of course they hadn’t, except when she’d tried to explain who was coming to talk to them.

  She stepped back to let her father be front and center and flashed a smile when Captain Turner winked at her.

  He was a good-looking older guy. Single too. Hazel eyes, light brown hair, just starting to go silver at the temples. Mel didn’t know much about him, but had heard he was divorced. Two teen kids.

  She’d politely turned him down when he’d asked her out in the past, as well as last week when she’d called to see if he would speak.

  Not that she had anything against divorce, but he wasn’t the guy for her. Besides, he had at least fifteen years on her. Mel didn’t see herself dating or ending up with an older man.

  Jared. He had to be about her age.

  Knock it off.

  But no matter how hard she’d tried, she’d been unable to get her one-night stand out of her head. It’d been over a week now.

  Mel dreamt of him nightly. Could remember his scent, the feel of his kiss and his hands on her body. How he’d made her feel. Vividly. As if it was only that morning she’d snuck out of his bed. Her limbs warmed and her belly flipped as heat licked her neck and cheeks.

  Seriously, knock it off.

  Nothing worked. She was Jared-obsessed.

  Self-deprecation and scoffing wasn’t curing her. She didn’t want to crave him. Even if she knew his last name and could find him, it wasn’t like he’d actually want her again.

  Hot guys didn’t do fat girls more than once.

  You’re not screw-buddy material, anyways.

  Mel winced and fought the urge to close her eyes.

  Get over yourself. You’re at work. Today’s important.

  Her dad said something to make the kiddos laugh.

  A light knock had her gaze shooting toward the door.

  Detective Lucas opened it a crack and Mel smiled, stepping out in the hallway. He was wearing a uniform, like any other cop.

  She was surprised since he was a detective. The few times she’d seen him picking up his son, he’d been in jeans.

  Detective Lucas smiled back. “Sorry we’re late.”

  “No big deal—” Her whole body flushed when she saw the tall, dark-haired man standing behind her student’s father.

  Jared looked just as shocked to see her. Gorgeous midnight eyes as wide as possible. His lips parted and Mel couldn’t help but stare…and recall how it was to kiss him.


  Her middle name fell from his mouth on a whisper that jolted her. His voice was just like she remembered.

  Being in his arms at McAuley’s danced into her mind, how his warm breath had tickled her forehead and made her knees wobble—then and now. Her heart flip-flopped and her insides were suddenly made of mush.

  Seeing him was worse than simply thinking about him.

  Detective Lucas watched them like a tennis match. “Um. So, I guess you two know each other?”

  “No,” Mel said.

  At the same time Jared said, “Yes.”

  Detective Lucas crossed his arms over his chest and flashed his dimples. “Well…” He cleared his throat and looked at her. Then at the man that had to be his partner.

  Jared’s a cop?

  You were at McAuley’s, idiot.

  “This is Ethan’s teacher, Melody Nash. Miss Nash, this is my partner, Jared Manning.”

  “Melody?” Jared asked, his brows knitted.

  “Mel, I go by Mel.”

  Why the heck did I say that?

  One corner of Detective Lucas’ mouth shot up.

  Jerk. He thinks this is funny?

  Mel shifted from foot to foot then glanced over her shoulder. “Well, ah…” She had to clear her throat.

  Be a teacher.

  Do not look at him.

  She forced her eyes on Detective Lucas. “Thank you for coming. The Public Works Director is speaking now then Dr Butler. Then Captain Turner from the Fire Department. I’m going to have you guys go last, since the kids tend to have the most questions for the police.”

  Detective Lucas nodded.

  They stepped into the classroom quietly, as Mel’s dad was wrapping up his speech. He’d given each of the kids a little yellow foam hardhat with the City of Antioch Public Works and the city’s logo printed on it.

  “Class, let’s give a hand to Director Nash and tell him thanks for the gift.”

  The kids beamed and clapped. “Thank you, Director Nash,” they said in unison.

  Her dad gave a bow that set them into a fit of giggles and even Captain Turner chuckled.

  Mel dove right in, introducing the doctor and letting him do his thing. She walked her father to the door of the classroom. He’d told her he had to get back to work. “Thank you for coming, Daddy.”

  Her dad kissed her cheek. “No problem, sugar. You know I love talking to your class every year.”

  She smiled. “Good. I won’t stop asking then.”

  “Have a good rest of the day. Glad the cops finally made it in.” He winked.

  Her heart stuttered and she refused to look over her shoulder, but she could feel Jared’s eyes on her.

  “Melody, are you okay, sugar?”

  “Absolutely. Thanks again. I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner, okay? I’d better get back in there.”

  Her father studied her for a moment but then nodded. He pulled her in for a parting hug and she kissed his cheek like he had hers.

  When she made it back into the classroom, Doc Butler was talking about bones.

  Captain Turner and Detective Lucas were whispering to each other, but not disturbing the doctor.

  She felt Jared’s presence. Her body warmed and she commanded herself to ignore his stare. His eyes tracked every move she made, like she was a beacon.

  Mel rounded her desk, standing on the far side, arms crossed over her breasts so she wouldn’t fidget.

  Ten feet wasn’t enough distance.

  Jared—Detective Manning—still watched her.

  Mel contemplated having the detectives speak next so they could get it over with and she co
uld get them out of her classroom.

  Too bad you already told them the order.

  Unfortunately, Jared made his way over to her. And she couldn’t exactly run from him in her classroom.

  Dang it.

  “Renee, huh?” Jared’s voice was low, amused.

  She wouldn’t—couldn’t—look at him. “It’s my middle name.” Mel winced at her defensive tone.

  He said nothing, and she still didn’t dare spare him a glance.

  “People lie to me every day. Guess I just didn’t think you would.”

  What the heck am I supposed to say to that? Is he hurt or something?

  Mel cleared her throat. “Please be quiet. You’re going to disturb Dr Butler’s speech.”

  “Sure. I’ll be quiet. You can ignore me. Now. But just so you know, Mel Nash. Now that I’ve found you, I’m not going away.”

  * * * *

  The starburst of red spread out like seeking fingers, covering her whole chest before his eyes.

  Bran uttered a shocked shriek and collapsed to the trailer floor, her baby browns wide.

  It was all slow motion, like some sick movie.

  But this was real.

  Moose roared, whipping out a huge, chrome-plated Desert Eagle handgun to return fire.

  The wall of the mobile home was dotted with holes now, but they couldn’t see their assailants. Besides, it was dim inside, the only light coming from the three camping lanterns they’d bought from Wally-world.

  It wasn’t quite four in the afternoon, so it was probably lighter outside. The shooters must’ve been too impatient to wait until it was fully dark out.

  Joe dove for his ex’s side, gathering her onto his lap. He should grab the gun under his pillow, but he didn’t give a shit if he died.

  Not now.

  Not if Bran—


  “Boss, get out of here! I’ll cover ya both. Take her to safety.”

  One look at Bran told Joe it was too late for the woman they both loved. He ignored the big man who’d been his friend—more like a brother—and stared into her dark eyes.

  The huge boom of Moose’s fifty caliber weapon made Joe’s ears ring, but he focused on the bleeding woman in his arms. The only woman he’d ever loved. “Bran. Babe. Stay with me.”

  Her cheeks were sallow. Blood soaked her shirt.


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