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We Met In Argentina

Page 8

by Alexis Gold

  “What? Jenna, what do you see?” Lance asked in a worried tone.

  “... It’s, it’s Lia,” Jenna said softly as she tried to process what was before her.

  “Is she OK? What’s going on? Should we land?” Lance began to press the chopper back.

  “No! Yes, she’s okay! She’s in there, not harmed. But, I’m not sure what’s going on.”

  “Jenna, that’s not very helpful!” Lance said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

  “She’s talking to all of them, Lance. She isn’t being held against her will. The question is why?”

  Lance paused and steered the helicopter back away from the warehouse. His eyes met Jenna with a serious stare. She couldn’t tell if he was pissed, worried, confused, or all of the above.

  “Jenna, what do you want me to do?” Lance placed his hand back on her knee.

  Jenna took a deep breath. “We can’t burst in right now; she might have negotiated herself some sort of deal and we could blow the whole thing. Let’s come back in the middle of the night tonight. I’m assuming you have a boat as well?”

  He nodded. “I do. Are you sure she’s safe?”

  Jenna looked back into those bright, green eyes.

  “Yes, she is safe for now. We’ll come back on a rescue mission tonight.”


  Jenna and Lance returned to the beach house in the evening, just as the warm, tangerine glow of the sun had begun to set over the churning, deep turquoise waters and foaming waves. Lance had been chatting the entire way back, speculating at what Lia could have been doing, but Jenna had remained quiet most of the ride.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you have any theories on this?” Lance asked, his eyes wide and his actions anxious. He wanted to get his sister out of there but was still worried about her safety and what was going on inside that warehouse.

  Jenna paused as she set her purse down on the counter. She bit her lip and looked at Lance with concerned eyes.

  “I do, but I need to process them. It’s just how I work, but let’s eat something and try to clear our minds a bit.”

  Lance nodded and came up behind Jenna; his strong hands slid onto her shoulders and gently started to squeeze. He leaned his weight into her, and Jenna felt his strong body pressed against her back. She smiled and turned around as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. She kissed him back and felt him reach around her waist and pull her close.

  “Are you OK? You seem rattled?”

  Jenna looked away and stepped back, glancing at Lance as she sat down.

  “I’m okay. I just have a theory as to what’s going on there… And I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

  Lance cocked his head and quirked a brow at her. He slowly took a seat across from Jenna and looked into her eyes.

  “Ok, well why don’t you tell me, and I’ll let you know what I think.” Lance said in a low tone. She could tell he didn’t appreciate playing the guessing game or like the idea that Jenna was hiding something from him.

  “I think Lia is running the place.” Her eyes watched Lance carefully as she delivered her theory.

  He sat for a moment, brows knit in concern, then broke out in a smile until he started laughing. His laugh grew louder until the echoes filled the room.

  Jenna felt her eyes roll. It was one thing to get upset by her theory; it was another to laugh at it.

  “Ya know what, Lance. Don’t worry about joining tonight. I’ll handle it myself.” Jenna stood up abruptly. She could feel the heat of anger begin to simmer at the base of her skull and her face burn in emotion.

  Lance stopped suddenly and jumped up. He grabbed her hand and spun her around.

  “Excuse me, Jenna, for finding the fact that you are accusing my sister of running a drug ring to be a bit ridiculous. How the hell did you come to that conclusion?”

  Jenna’s glare seared into him. “Because I saw her, Lance. She was conducting the operation, Franco right next to her as she spoke. And she saw our helicopter, so now our cover is blown, and I will need to bring the Feds in on this.”

  Lance stood in front of Jenna to block her path. “Jenna, we’re not calling the Feds. This is a rescue mission: We get in, we get Lia, and we get out.”

  Jenna let out an exasperated sigh. “Lance, I lied to you about the rescue mission to keep your head in the game. There is no way in hell I am going into a building that is swarming with people, who are likely toting weapons, to rescue your sister, who wasn’t even being held captive. I’m handing this one over to the Feds.”

  Lance crossed his arms and stepped back. “So, do you always just hand your work off as soon as it gets tough?”

  Jenna sent him a fiery glare and threw her hands up. “I’m done. I’m not putting up with this shit.”

  Lance stepped in front of her again. “You’re not putting up with this shit? You’re the one who accused my sister of being a drug lord! My sister, remember, the woman who got kidnapped?!”

  “She disappeared, Lance! No one saw her get taken. She missed her own flight. I know what I saw; she was talking to all of them, and she didn’t look like a victim to me. Trust me, I’ve seen quite a few!” Jenna yelled at him, her throat tightening against the emotions.

  “Oh! So now you get to pick and choose who’s the victim here! You catch a quick glance of her, and since she’s not tied up or dead you just assume she’s taken charge. Yeah, real great detective work.” Lance seethed. His eyes had turned angry and sharp, and Jenna felt the tears sting in her eyes.

  Jenna whirled around to get away from him; her anger boiled now and she needed the space. She felt Lance grab her arm, and she pulled it away. He raised his hands and stepped back.

  “Jenna, look… I just don’t understand what’s going on and why the hell my sister is wrapped up in all of this, okay? Can we just take a minute?”

  Jenna paused and wiped her eyes. She gave a small nod through her tears, and Lance slowly sat down and gestured for her to sit as well.

  “I’m sorry, Jenna. What I said was out of anger. I didn’t mean to snap like that,” Lance spoke softly, his eyes not meeting hers at first.

  Jenna sighed. “I’m sorry too, Lance. I’m just going on my instincts here, but we need to figure out what we’re going to do. I say we call in the Feds to be safe, so they can keep Lia safe and we don’t end up in the crosshairs.”

  Lance nodded. “Okay, I understand.”

  He ran his hands over his face and head in a stressed manner. This time Jenna walked up behind him and laid her small hands on his big shoulders, her fingers kneading the tight muscles underneath his skin. She felt him relax and continued to rub, the feeling of him relaxing under her touch bringing her a sense of calm as well.

  He looked up and met her eyes. His hand reached around her neck and brought her face close to his; their lips touched and Jenna felt that familiar electric sensation. She reached in for another kiss, greedy for that feeling. He pressed her close. They needed to feel each other, needed to be skin to skin again.

  Lance released his kiss then stood, turned around, and swooped her up, their lips meeting again. This time their tongues intertwined playfully. She felt that sensation sweep through her again; every muscle, every inch of flesh, and her middle began to warm to his touch. She needed more of him, needed his shirt off and his hard cock pressed against her.

  He obliged with a swift haul to the bedroom. He held her tightly and easily in his big arms, and his body felt so good beneath hers. His hands tore at her shirt and pulled it off, while her hands worked furiously to undo his belt and pull at the rough fabric of his jeans. He nuzzled her neck with kisses, lingering on her earlobe to nibble at her gently until she giggled. She nipped at his jawline, his stubble tickling her cheeks as she did so, and made her way down to his collarbone and chest.

  Jenna ran her hands along the outline of his shoulder blades and down his back. His hand traced the outline of her bra and went to remove the first strap, but Jenna lifted he
r hand and caught his wrist with a coy smile.

  “As much as I want this right now, we need to figure out what to do about Lia.” Jenna looked at him with eyes wide and a small smirk.

  Lance huffed with a pout and stood up. He gave her a kiss as he did so and reached down for his jeans.

  “Fine, but after this is over, you’re mine.” Lance cocked a brow at her, and she returned it with a peck on the cheek.


  Jenna pulled her shirt back on, and as Lance tugged his jeans on and buckled his belt, her thoughts returned to Lia and the situation at hand. She pulled out her laptop and began going through Danielle’s email again.

  “What are you thinking?” Lance asked as he ran a hand through his hair. His eyes watched her as she typed away.

  “I’m thinking you either go pick us up some dinner or make me something delicious and tasty.” Jenna looked up at him, bit her lip, and did her best to give a sexy, give me food face. He bought it.

  “Fine, I’m going to run to the store and when I get back, I’ll make dinner. You’re going to devise a plan, oh wise P.I?” he asked as he reached down and gently kissed her along the neckline. She could feel his hard cock pressed against her back.

  “No teasing! Go get dinner!” Jenna giggled as his lips tickled the back of her neck.

  He gave her a final squeeze, turned around, and headed for the door. She heard it close behind him and returned to her screen to try and connect all the dots. Nothing about this case was making sense to her.

  If Lia was going to come down here and start a drug ring, why not leave less of a trail? She had enough money to do whatever she wanted; she could easily sneak away from family and friends. Maybe she was going to disappear, but her father called a P.I. in before she could do the actual disappearing part?

  Jenna leaned back and rested her hands atop her head as she thought through this whole tangled mess. Franco and his boys had been involved with this for a long time; once they had been caught, they probably only stopped for a short while. According to their files, they ran a global multi-million dollar drug cartel.

  At some point, before all of this, Franco and Lia had to have met Jenna thought, as she read through his file, the black and white mug shot of the lean man with the scar staring back at her. They either had a connection through money, or drugs.

  With quick fingers, Jenna pulled up the database that Danielle had sent her and began going through the files. Franco had been in and out of the States during his day, but according to the Feds, he had only been to New York a few times. She opened another tab and pulled up Lia’s social media accounts; she looked through the albums and found one from Buenos Aires just last summer. Jenna felt her heart leap as she clicked it open.

  She began to go through photos. The lean young woman was often seen smiling with her friends on the beach, at the bar, or in the club dancing. Jenna studied each photo; her eyes scanned for the familiar faces she had come to know in the last few days. As she scrolled down, she caught a glance of a young man: Gavin Garcia. Jenna clicked the photo and enlarged it. The two stood outside a bar at night with big smiles. Lia appeared to be laughing. She wore a tiny white dress and held a drink high in one hand. Gavin was more poised, but his eyes were wide in excitement and the exhilaration of the evening.

  Jenna stared at the photo as she drew on her thoughts. This looked like a typical scene of Lia partying with some locals and making friends. Nothing seemed suspicious here, but what if Lia and Gavin had started talking about their ideas? Maybe Gavin had expressed interest, Lia said she could invest, and then they brought Franco in?

  Jenna’s eyes were beginning to strain from the light. She hadn’t drunk nearly enough water that day and felt a headache beginning to claw at her temples. She rubbed her eyes and stood up with a stretch. The sun had gone down, and the darkness of the night had surrounded the beach house. She needed some fresh air to clear her mind, so she grabbed her knit sweater and pushed open the back screen door. She felt the whoosh of the salty breeze and felt the chill of the evening on her warm skin.

  Jenna hadn’t been back here much, but the view was gorgeous. A giant patio area and bar opened up to overlook a small cliff that overhung a private beach. They had miles to themselves; tourists and locals were kept away by a large, wooden fence. Jenna walked down the stairs and strolled toward the cliff. The roar of the waves and wind grew stronger as she approached. The lights from the house were dim, but the bright orb of the pale moon guided her. A trail was worn within the grass and sands, and her bare feet felt the earth move softly beneath her with every step.

  Jenna got to the edge and looked down at the waters that crashed below; the foam seemed to glow a cerulean blue in the moonlight. The sandy dunes ran gently along the coast, softening the craggy outline of the rocky cliffs. Jenna stared for a few moments at the moon. She let her mind relax to the sound of the waves and her breath settle with each gentle inhalation of the scent of the sea.

  Jenna felt the hair on the back of her neck suddenly stand up and a pucker go through her gut; something wasn’t right. Suddenly unsettled, Jenna turned around and began walking back toward the house, her eyes cautiously scanning the shadowy night. She saw something dart to her right, and she picked up the pace. The silhouette of a man dashed to her left, and she felt her heart explode in adrenaline as everything screamed at her to run. She blasted off, her bare feet spraying sand as she locked onto the house with her eyes and pushed herself as hard as she could.

  She heard the sound of footsteps behind her, but she didn't dare look back and risk tripping. Her eyes were on the back door; it was a distance from where she was, but she was getting closer. She heard two men breathing as they ran after her. Their footsteps were heavier, and she could tell the incline had already begun to wind them. Jenna ran. She routinely exercised and pushed herself during training to prepare for moments like this.

  She was almost to the patio, the door was in site; it was just a tiny bit further. She dug deeper and heard her heart pounding as she raced faster toward the lights of the house. A foot landed on the first step of the patio, and she launched herself up multiple stairs at once. She smiled. She had this; she was almost to that door. She hit the top, and two arms suddenly snatched her out of midair. A cloth was over her mouth before she could react.

  “No! No! No!” She yelled and tried to hold her breath, but she was panting from the run and had taken in a big breath. She knew it was chloroform as she felt herself slip away, and then darkness surrounded her.


  Lance unlocked the door and walked into the foyer of the beach house. He went into the kitchen and set down the bags of groceries on the counter. He looked around, expecting to see Jenna walk through the hall door from the bedroom. He could see the bedside lamp on, but he didn’t see Jenna lying on the bed, as he had hoped.

  His brow furrowed in worry, and a concerned frown began to curl on his lips. He surveyed the room and strode over to the bathroom. He hit the light switch but didn’t see Jenna waiting in the shower or by the sink. He turned the light off, went back to the bedroom, and glanced around. He didn’t see her phone on the table, only her laptop and purse.

  He turned in the hallway and headed back toward their patio. Jenna had been out there a few times. Maybe she had gone out there to take a break, he thought, a nervous chill beginning to gnaw at him. He felt the twist of concern in his stomach, and his heart rate increased, as he suddenly felt on edge about the situation.

  When he opened the large glass door, the automatic lights switched on and lit the glass bar. The reflection lit the rest of the deck, shadows from chairs and tables being thrown in every direction. He looked around. His eyes adjusted to the darkness as he tried to find a shadow of a human, as he searched for some clue as to where Jenna had suddenly disappeared to. He swallowed hard and stepped forward. The sound of the waves in the distance was the only thing he could hear besides his pounding heart.

  “Jenna!” he called out, clench
ing and unclenching his fists uneasily.

  Lance turned around to make sure she hadn’t heard him and been hiding in some other area of the house. But she wasn’t in the doorway; only the white curtain swayed gently in the breeze. His eyes grew wider as he tried desperately to sort through the darkness, his heart now racing as he realized that she was gone.

  “Jenna!” he yelled again, this time louder so it echoed back alongside the sound of the waves.

  A buzz made Lance jump, his nerves on fire as adrenaline coursed through his body. He looked down the stairs to where the buzz had come from, and between the steps on the sandy ground, he saw Jenna’s phone light up with the picture of herself and a petite Asian woman at a concert. The name read “Danielle”.


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