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Making Monster Girls 3: For Science!

Page 11

by Eric Vall

  “So, what all goes into it?” Valerie asked. “A bunch of liquids and powders?”

  “Well, yes,” I chuckled. “But it’s more than that, you can’t just throw a bunch of stuff together and call it a potion. It contains ethanol, which is a somewhat simple alcohol mixture.”

  “Alcohol?” the feline-woman giggled. “Soooo, can we drink it and get drunk?”

  “No,” I snickered. “It wouldn’t be safe at all. So, then I’ll add in some benzilate, which stays stable in its solvent form, and then, I’ll add a splash of midazolam, a few sprinkles of sodium thiopental--”

  “Non- science-y language, please.” A.B. sang.

  “Well, sorry to disappoint you,” I chuckled. “But all of those were the proper names, I have no other languages to explain this in.”

  “Ah, well,” the brain chortled. “Never mind, then, carry on.”

  “Thank you,” I tittered. “Since the ethanol is a liquid, we use it as our base, and then add everything else in.”

  “Is it like cooking?” Daisy asked. “Like how you have to combine wet ingredients and dry ingredients, or does it matter when things go in?”

  “Very good question, my dear,” I nodded. “It depends on the recipe, I had to try this one out a few times before I got it completely right. Ethanol comes first, as I said, it’s the base that we’re building off of. Next comes all of the other liquid ingredients, and then come the dry ones. We add all of them to a Florence flask, stir gently by swirling it, and then heat it over a blue flame for exactly five minutes until it bubbles. Once I’m finished, it’ll be less watery, and I’ll place it in a tiny vial, take it with me, and then pour it into the scientist’s drink.”

  “And then bam, boom, bang, the truth comes out?” Valerie tilted her head.

  “Maybe not the exact words I’d use,” I smiled. “But yes, the moment the serum touches his lips, it’ll start working. It’ll be almost as if a witch has put a curse on him, and his tongue will keep wagging.”

  “Witches?” the feline-woman gulped. “You never told us there were witches in this city!”

  “No,” I laughed. “Not that I know of, at least, I know that the world used to be overrun with them, but they died out a long time ago, and they’re not the storybook witches that I know you’re imagining.”

  “Oh, thank goodness,” the ash-blonde bleated. “I don’t think I could handle meeting a witch!”

  “No, not unless they’ve made a comeback,” I grunted. “And if anything, they were close to being something like alchemists, unless you met one from the days of old. They mainly concocted potions, talismans for protection, and things like that. They weren’t out in the wild, putting hexes on people, and burning barns down.”

  “You hold so much information in that head of yours, Charles,” Rian marveled. “Sometimes, I wonder if I will ever grow to know as many things as you do, or if you will continue to outlearn me.”

  “I wouldn’t say that,” I murmured. “I only know these things because I read a lot of books, most of them are in the library right now, or down at the public one in the middle of the city. I wasn’t born with all of this knowledge, I struggled for a long time to become the man I am today, and I’m willing to admit that I’m proud of myself. If you’d met me when I was still nothing more than an alchemist, peddling my wares on the street, I doubt you would feel the same.”

  “That’s not true!” Valerie cried. “That’s not true, at all! If you weren’t the man you are today, we wouldn’t exist!”

  “I don’t think that’s what Charles means, Valerie,” Daisy broke in. “What he’s trying to say is: if we existed, somehow, on the same realm without the help of his brilliant machine, we wouldn’t find him as attractive as we do now.”

  “That’s still not true!” the ash-blonde protested.

  “I have to agree with Valerie,” the brunette giggled. “Even if we were in this alternative universe where none of us knew each other, I would still feel the same about you. There are times, I don’t know, when I’m upstairs in the library, and I utterly forget where I am or who I am, and you walk past… and it’s like seeing a man for the very first time. Your eyes are so beautiful, such a deep green color, but your kindness and felicity shine through them. When I look into your face, I can tell what type of person you are, and I’m certain that if I were to have met you out on the street, I would’ve felt the very same.”

  “I agree with my sisters!” Rian hissed. “It makes no difference to me how we met or our current situation! If I were the woman I am today, and I met you, the handsomest of all alchemists out on the street, I would beg for you to mate with me, just like animals in a back alley for all I care, but that is what I know for sure. If I wasn’t who I am, I would still know in my soul that you are the only man for me.”

  I breathed a deep, comfortable sigh, set down the flask in my hand, nodded, and then turned around to face all three of them. Each woman’s face glowed with happiness, their eyes glittered contentedly, and then they reached out at me with open arms. I folded myself into their embrace, felt their warmth, and shut my eyes for a second as I breathed in each of their natural scents.

  “All of you know that I love you very much,” I grunted. “But I worry that the opposition to us in this world will be too much, and these happy times will come to an end.”

  “There is no need for you to worry,” Rian soothed. “No enemy will stand in our way, Charles. All of us are here because we want to be, in this world, full of its female freedom and powers, do you think we’re not prepared to fight if an adversary comes along? Not to make light of it, but we are three very powerful women in different ways, and despite being a healthy, viable mate, you are still a man. Not that we want to do any of those things, we wish to stay with you for the rest of our lives, we want to mate with you, and carry your offspring.”

  With all of us pressed up against each other, Rian’s hand shifted in between my legs and caressed my member through the fabric of my trousers. Her fingers were tentative at first, but as I fought the groans bubbling up my throat, she took my penis fully into her hand. I no longer had to wonder when I would take Rian’s virginity, it was clear that it was going to happen today… maybe within a few minutes of getting me alone, and I couldn’t help but be excited.

  I’d been ready to fill her with my seed the moment she stepped out of my machine, and now, it was finally time.

  Chapter Nine

  The costumes weren’t due until tomorrow, and once I had finished up making the simartlis shrati, my women and I were left to our own devices. I already knew what I wanted to do, since Rian had made it very clear to me from the way she kept pawing at me hungrily. I knew exactly what she wanted, she’d practically begged for it since the moment she emerged from inside of my machine. When the imp-woman looked at me, I could physically feel the fire of desire burning up inside of her curvaceous body.

  Rian had announced that I was her mate for life, and today would be the day that I made her dream a reality. It seemed as if both Daisy and Valerie sensed what was happening, smiled at each other, giggled, and the blonde hastily stepped toward the door.

  “Come on, A.B.,” the brunette breathed. “You’re going upstairs with us.”

  “What?” the brain asked. “Why? I’m in my cleansing tank, I asked for this! The dirty outside human world was all over my surface, I felt as if the world took my bulbous surface in its disgusting, grimy hands, and then licked me all over with its disease-ridden tongue! I need to be in here! I need to be cleansed!”

  “You’ve been cleansed enough,” Valerie giggled from the doorway.

  “No, I refuse!” A.B. shouted. “You can’t make me! I won’t go!”

  “You don’t really have a choice,” the bear-girl grinned. “What are you going to do? Bite me? You don’t have a mouth.”

  “Well… I’ll… I’ll…” the brain trailed off. “Fine, I actually don’t mind going upstairs, plus, I get to be with two of my favorite girls.”

>   “I’m going to start making dinner,” Daisy chuckled. “You get to sit on the counter and watch if that’s what you want.”

  “Because if you were down here,” the feline-woman snickered. “You’d be watching something else entirely.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” The brain asked. “Is something going on? What are Charles and Rian going to do down here alone? Oh…. Ohhhhh.”

  “Now you get it,” the bear-girl shook her head.

  “They’re planning my surprise birthday party!” A.B. shouted. “How very sweet, thank you, guys!”

  “That’s…” Valerie trailed off, glanced around the room, and then threw herself forward in a fit of giggles. “That’s exactly what they’re doing! Planning your surprise birthday party! So sad that you had to find out about it this way.”

  “Yes, yes,” A.B. bobbed. “We all want to celebrate the day the most beautiful brain came into this world except…”

  “We don’t know the day you were born…” I grunted.

  “Tryin’ to pull one over on your ol’ brain boy, aren’t ya, Charles Rayburn.” A.B. snickered. “But you couldn’t, I know what you two are doing… or at least, what you want to do. Fine, we’ll give you some space, but once you’re finished, and you’ve sanitized… whatever surfaces you’re going to use, I want to be put back into my cleansing tank with a few of those dissolving tablets with all of the bubbles.”

  “The cleaning tablet I concocted for you before?” I chuckled. “Yeah, I can do that.”

  “The bubbles feel so nice all over my bumpy surface,” the brain sighed. “I can just feel my outsides becoming as clean as my insides are.”

  “You?” I chuckled. “On the inside? You have the dirtiest thoughts I’ve heard in my life! You must’ve come from a world where men and women copulated because of the things you’ve said and told me!”

  “I don’t quite recall,” the brain scoffed. “To assume such a holy being such as I, the epitome of all human thought and contemplation would do such things? Blasphemy!”

  “You’re calling yourself a god now?” I tittered. “Really?”

  “Maybe not a god,” the brain pondered. “Maybe a sub-deity, I could see myself being worshipped on a golden throne, surrounded by hundreds of scantily clad women, and priests who chant my name.”

  “A.B.! A.B.!” Valerie chanted across the room. “A.B.! A.B.! A.B.!”

  “That’s more like it!” the brain cackled. “More! More! Say it more! I want to hear you praise me more!”

  “Alright, bud,” I inclined my head. “That’s enough, go upstairs with Valerie and Daisy, they’ll take care of you for now.”

  “Fiiiiine,” the brain groaned. “Alright, Daisy, lift me out, and drop me into the jar over there.”

  “Are you sure?” the brunette asked. “I can just pick you up with my hands? That’s alright? I won’t hurt you?”

  “No way, I’m too hearty to be hurt by some dainty hands like yours,” the brain assured. “Well, and not only that, but brains can’t feel pain, so I bet I can barely register your hands wrapping around my bumpy surface.”

  Daisy tiptoed closer, stepped up onto a wooden crate next to the cleansing tank, glanced over her shoulder toward A.B.’s empty but full regular jar, hooked her foot around one of its legs, and wheeled it closer. The bear-girl pushed up her sleeves, pressed her body against the tank, dipped her hands in, and grabbed A.B.. Daisy lifted the brain out, stuck her tongue out the corner of her mouth, hummed lightly, turned, and then gently settled the brain into the crystal clear liquid.

  “There you go, A.B.,” the stunning brunette murmured. “All snuggled up in your cozy jar. Now, let’s get out of here.”

  “Yes!” the brain cried. “To the kitchen! Where all the goodies and sweets are! Valerie, maybe this time you can crumble up a cookie and drop it into my jar, I’m sure I’d love that.”

  “Absolutely not, A.B.,” I shook my head. “Do you know how contaminated you’d be after that? You’d have to spend a whole month in the cleansing tank.”

  “Okay, fine,” the brain grumbled. “Alright, Daisy, cart me away! Or… carry me, whichever is easier for you.”

  “I’ll just carry you if that’s alright.” The brunette smiled.

  “A little bit faster, please,” Rian urged, smiled, and then laid a hand on my shoulder. “Charles and I have urgent things to attend to.”

  “Yes, yes,” A.B. echoed. “Urgent… business that the two of you must thrash out.”

  Daisy bent her knees, gripped the jar with both hands, lifted, and then adjusted her grip. The brunette smiled to the two of us, brushed past, nodded to Valerie, and then climbed up the stairs and out of the laboratory. Valerie turned, grinned, saluted the both of us, dropped forward into a low bow, gripped the handle of the door, and then slammed it closed behind us. I opened my mouth to speak, turned toward Rian, and then paused as the red-skinned imp-woman sauntered toward me. Her hips rolled underneath her taut skin, and her hands lightly shifted at her sides, but what kept me in place was the heat in her amber eyes. I backed away slowly, the words stuck in my throat, and I only paused as my back bumped against the cold examination table.

  Rian’s bright red tongue slipped out of her mouth, licked at her plump lips, and then slid back inside with a loud, moist smack. Despite my loss for words, a soft groan escaped my lips. My hands gripped against the edge of the examination table, and my member throbbed back to life. My tongue tasted like copper, my heart beat wildly, and it felt as if a red veil fell over the room. The laboratory seemed darker, too, the corners of each side almost pitch black, and the only thing left for me to focus on was the imp-woman. The red-skinned beauty’s black, pointed tail whipped out behind her, and I watched it move, completely mesmerized.

  “I’ve wanted this for a very long time, Charles Rayburn,” Rian purred. “I’ve thought about it every second of every day, even when I would lay next to you in bed, the images of our bodies moving together in time was burned into my brain. Every time that would happen, I would press myself up against you, touch myself, and imagine what it would be like to be penetrated by you.”

  “You did?” I smiled. “I had absolutely no idea. I’m sure if you’d awoken me in the night, I could’ve… helped you out.”

  “No,” the black-haired imp-woman shook her head. “It wasn’t the right time, I could feel it within my body. Something within me has changed, yes, I wanted to mate with you before, but this time the desire has come back entirely different. It’s almost like a hunger, it starts deep in my loins, stretches upward into my belly, and then burns higher and higher up into my brain.”

  “Does it?” I grunted. “That honestly sounds like something Daisy said to me when I made love to her. She said that she couldn’t take it anymore, maybe it has something to do with my blood? All of you immediately see me as a prime mate because you recognize something within me?”

  Rian’s hand jabbed out, gripped me by the face, and forced my lips closed. Her glowing eyes burned brightly against the scarlet darkness around us, and I couldn’t tear my gaze away. The imp-woman pressed herself against my body, undulated once, and then hissed pleasantly up her throat.

  “No more science talk,” the imp-woman whispered. “I don’t want to hear any more fully formed words coming out of your mouth, do you understand?”

  “Yesss-uhm,” I garbled through her fingers, Rian pulled away, chuckled deep in the back of her throat, and then dropped to her knees.

  The red-skinned woman swished her hair over her shoulders, gripped me by the thighs, leaned in closer, and then began to work at the belt around my waist. Her fingers moved so deftly that I almost thought to ask if she’d done this before, but I knew for a fact that wasn’t true, maybe in her past life, but certainly not in this one.

  “I’ve dreamed about this moment for a very, very long time, Charles,” Rian panted. “The moment I disrobed you, and gazed upon your enormous member. I only know about its size because Valerie speaks of its size
and girth often, even Daisy has, too, but not as openly.”

  The imp-woman tossed my belt away, worked at the buttons and zipper of my trousers, yanked them down, and then stared at the sizable bulge poking out of my boxers. A small amount of precum stained the fabric, Rian leaned in close, licked her lips again, and hooked her taloned fingers into the waistband of my underwear. Her nails grazed my skin, not painfully, but enough to send static shivers up and down my back. The red-skinned woman hadn’t even laid her hands on me yet, but the sensations all around the room, the light burning behind her eyes, and the feel of her skin against mine sent me straight to the edge.

  I gasped for air, threw back my head, panted for a second, and then lowered my eyes again toward Rian. The black-haired beauty slowly pulled down my underwear, my member fought against the fabric, but it finally sprung free into the heated air.

  “I-I… I never imagined it’d be this big,” Rian gulped.

  “Just wait until you see what it can do,” I rumbled. “Once I’m pumping deep inside of you.”

  Rian’s mouth fell open, her eyes fluttered closed, an airy moan escaped between her lips, and both of her hands slipped down in between her legs. Her slim fingers pulled the fabric of her outfit away, and I immediately knew what she was about to do. My hand jabbed out, grabbed her by the wrist, and when she raised her eyes to me, I firmly shook my head.

  “No,” I whispered. “Only I get to do that.”

  “Ah, yes, Charles,” the imp-woman gasped, wriggled closer, and licked her lips.

  Rian took my erect penis into her hands, slipped her fingers over it a few times, and electrical static raced through my veins. I felt as if I were about to explode, almost on the verge of ejaculating into her hands, but I fought it off as hard as I could. I didn’t know why I felt this way, I’d never been like this before, and I almost felt as if I was in a trance.


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