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Making Monster Girls 3: For Science!

Page 28

by Eric Vall

  “I don’t know,” the imp-woman breathed. “It started as a burning sensation in my belly when he first attacked you. I couldn’t take it anymore, the fire spread to my chest, through my hands, almost as if it were traveling through my veins, and finally manifested in my brain. All I had to do was… flex the power, and it flowed out of me. Charles, was that my power manifesting for the first time?”

  “I believe so, yes,” I nodded. “It never happened like this before. Valerie’s happened purely by accident, Daisy’s was there from the moment she was born, but I guess yours came out when we needed it the most.”

  “Oh, no, Charles,” the black-haired beauty whispered. “I singed your hair. I’m so sorry.”

  The red-skinned imp-woman rushed forward, leaned her head back, ran a hand through my hair, and then held it up in the dim light.

  “It’s alright,” I chuckled. “I needed a trim anyway. It’s getting quite long.”

  “I could do it for you,” Rian whispered. “But I think your long hair makes you look more mysterious. Like in one of Daisy’s books, how they say, ‘tall, dark, and handsome,’ that’s how I see you, Charles.”

  “Well, thank you,” I chuckled, turned, and gazed down at the corpse at our feet. “Now… what are we going to do with him…”

  Rian reached up, gripped my chin, turned my head to face her, and licked her lips seductively.

  “It doesn’t matter right now,” the imp-woman simpered. “All I know is that I want you, Charles. He can wait until later.”

  “What?” I chuckled. “Rian, we just killed a man. How can you be aroused right now?”

  “I don’t know how to explain it, Charles,” the black-haired beauty purred. “Seeing you react that way, it was just so… primal. Like you didn’t care if you got hurt as long as I was safe. It did something to me… I knew you were the perfect mate, and now I’ve seen it. I need your seed inside of me right now, Charles, fill me to the brim with it. I want your babies growing in my womb.”

  Rian’s hand snaked up between my legs, caressed my thigh, and then moved upward toward my member. As soon as her fingers made contact with it through the fabric of my trousers, my penis sprung to life and throbbed angrily against my underwear. I grunted under my breath, her hand stroked me softly and slowly at first, and then she moved faster with more purpose.

  “Rian,” I grunted. “Oh, yes.”

  I leaned my head back, gasped softly, the imp-woman pulled out the waistband of my pants, reached inside, and held my erect penis in her palm. She stroked me faster and faster until my chest rose and fell with gasping breaths, and I felt on the verge of orgasming when she suddenly pulled her hand away. The imp-woman sauntered away, quickly slipped out of her outfit, and leaned against a tree with her hips pushed out toward me.

  “Come, Charles,” the red-skinned imp-woman purred. “Make love to me right here in the darkened forest where no one can see or hear us.”

  “Yes, my love,” I breathed, reached for my belt, and slowly undid it.

  My pants fell to the ground, I stepped out of them, pulled down my underwear, and placed them on top of the discarded clothes. I held my throbbing member in my hand, stroked it a few times, but the imp-woman shook her head and clicked her tongue.

  “No, you shouldn’t be the one doing that,” she whispered. “It belongs inside of me, not in your hand.”

  I pressed my body against hers. My member slipped in between her lips, rubbed against her slick lips, and I growled under my breath. My hands went to her enormous red-tinted breasts, grasped them, and took her hardened nipple into my mouth. I sucked on it, twirled my tongue around it, and then bit down on it slightly.

  “Charles!” Rian screamed, dug her nails into my back, and rocked her hips against my hardened member. “Oh, yes, Charles, yes!”

  I pulled away, and her nipple slid out of my mouth with a pop. I took my member into my hand again. I guided it toward her womanhood, rubbed it against her lips for a second, listened to her explosive moans, and then thrust into her. Pleasure rocketed through me, an explosive groan roared up my throat, and I gripped her by the hips.

  Rian hooked her right leg around my waist, lifted her hips, and slid my penis all the way inside of her.

  “Ohhh!” I gasped for air, hung my head back, and relished in the feeling of her velvety walls as they tightened around me. I held onto her hips tighter, pulled back, and thrust into her velvety tunnel. The black-haired woman’s back curled, her head rocked back, her lips opened, and she screamed at the darkened sky in ecstasy.

  “Yes, Charles!” Rian cried. “Yes! More! More!”

  I slammed into her, lifted her other leg, held them at my waist, and pounded into her savagely. The forest was filled with the wet sounds of our lovemaking, the slap of our bodies as they came together, and Rian’s echoing screams of pleasure. I held her against the tree, reached up with my free hand, grabbed one of her horns in my palm, and forced her head down toward me. I smashed my lips against hers, rocked my hips so fast that I couldn’t feel their movement anymore, and relished the convulsing of her core against my member.

  Every inch of her felt like silk, and every time I thrust into her, I felt seconds away from cuming. Her body felt like a tightly curled spring underneath me, and when I moved within her vagina, it felt as if she were about to explode into a mind-blowing orgasm, but somehow, the imp-woman held it off. Her talons dug into my back, her hips bucked against me wildly, and I buried my right hand into her silky black locks.

  I gripped the hair tightly in my fist, listened as her moans heightened, and tugged on it lightly at first.

  “Harder, Charles,” the imp-woman begged. “Harder!”

  As I yanked the hair downward, Rian’s mouth fell open, and she screamed so loud that my ears started to ring. I chuckled lightly, held the hair in my hand, and tugged on it with every thrust of my hips. Rian’s entire body shook and trembled against me, the sounds of her moans were airy now, almost desperate, and I could tell she was close.

  “Are you ready?” I panted.

  “Yes, Charles,” the red-skinned imp-woman pleaded. “Fill me with your seed. I need to feel it inside of me. Breed with me. Give me a baby. I want one so bad.”

  I leaned my head back, let go of her hair, and gripped her by the hips. I pounded into her, fought off the rising orgasm, and timed my thrust along with her bucking hips. Suddenly, Rian’s convulsing walls tightened around me, loosened, and then gripped me so hard that I groaned out of pleasure.

  “Yes!” Rian screamed at the top of her lungs. “Yes, Charles! Yes! Oh, Charles, it feels so good! Harder! Harder! Faster! Yes, Charles!”

  Her voice echoed through the forest, filled it with life, and just as she asked, I moved harder. My penis plunged into her, hit the soft walls of her vagina, and then pulled back as she tightened around me even more. I felt the orgasm rising through my body now, it started in my groin, shot through my belly, and then circled the confines of my brain. I pumped into her, gasped for air, and then tensed as my penis hardened one last time.

  “Rian!” I groaned. “By science, you feel so good!”

  “I was made for you, Charles!” the imp-woman cried. “Made for you to love, care for, and breed with! Yes, come in me, Charles, I need it. I need to feel you pouring inside of me!”

  Pleasure shot through my entire body, I roared to life, I slammed into her two last times, and spilled all of my frothy semen deep into her womb. Our climaxes lasted for a good minute, and we each cried out over and over again as my cock poured a gallon of seed into her eager body.

  “Wooow,” I gasped for air after we both started to come down. Then I held on to her tightly and rested my head against her shoulder.

  “Yes,” the red-skinned woman whispered. “Oh, yes… I needed that so badly.”

  “It was wonderful,” I chuckled softly into her ear, pulled away, and gazed down at her stunning face.

  “You gave me so much seed. I hope that my fertile womb will soon fill with yo
ur babies, Charles.” Rian held on to me tightly, smiled sweetly, and then cupped my skin in her fingers. The imp-woman brought my face closer to hers, pressed her lips to mine, and wrapped her arms around my neck. We stayed like this for a long time, just holding each other and catching our breaths.

  Finally, I let go of her, pulled away, grinned, and grabbed my clothes from the forest floor. Rian hastily redressed, grabbed my trousers for me, and held them out to me. Both of us froze at the sound of a familiar voice in this distance.

  “C-Charles?” the voice cried. “W-Where are you? I heard some strange noises. Valerie said you might’ve been attacked by a bear, and I should come looking for you… Oh! Oh… ohhh.”

  “J-Josephine,” I grunted. “I didn’t expect you to--”

  Josephine, Daisy, and Valerie trudged through the forest toward us, but the blonde aristocrat fell away from the group for a moment when she saw Rian and I joined together. Josephine’s orange cat-like eyes glowed in the darkness, and she gasped lightly in shock. I hastily pulled up my pants, buttoned them, and felt my cheeks flush red.

  “There you are, Charles!” the feline-woman giggled as she appeared behind Josephine with Daisy in tow. “We were wondering where you ran off to! Oh-ho-ho! Soooo, that’s what you two were doing out here all alone.”

  “I-I-I’m very sorry to have interrupted you!” the blonde aristocrat shrieked. “We’ll head back to the house now! Come on, Valerie!”

  “Wait,” Daisy’s voice warned. “Charles… What is that? No… who is that? Did someone attack you?”

  “Yes,” I breathed. “The Duchess sent him to kill me… not just me, but you too, Daisy.”

  “What?” the brunette whispered. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “He mentioned it before… you know, he died,” Rian stated. “He said it wasn’t only just Charles, but Daisy Browning, too.”

  “She must have lost her mind,” Josephine commented. “In any other situation, she would’ve never tried to kill another aristocrat.”

  “What?” Rian asked. “Why?”

  “It’s against the law,” I breathed. “Even killing a consort with a Mistress is illegal. A regular man, sure, they won’t care about, but if he’s owned by another woman, they could be thrown into jail for a few days for that.”

  “Seems like a horrible punishment,” Valerie rolled her eyes.

  “What do we do with him?” Daisy asked. “Should we bury him?”

  “No, that might be too suspicious,” I uttered. “Especially if the Duchess was the one who sent him. She’d know that he’s missing. I’ll cut him up, place him in the incinerator, and cremate him. That way there will be no proof that he was here.”

  “Let’s get him inside, then,” the brunette urged. “The faster we get him in there, the faster we can get rid of the evidence.”

  “Why is he all burnt up?” the feline-woman asked. “Oh, man, his head is all busted open? Who killed him? You, Rian?”

  “No,” the imp-woman shook her head. “Charles dealt the fatal blows. I merely distracted him with fire.”

  “Charles…” Josephine gasped. “I can’t believe…”

  “He was threatening me,” I stated. “Not only that, but if he got through me, he would’ve killed Rian. I’m almost sure if he made it to the house, he would’ve killed all of you, too.”

  “Then I’m glad he’s dead,” Valerie sang. “No one messes with our family and gets away with it!”

  I looked at each of my women, and they crowded around me, leaned their heads back, and gazed lovingly into my face. My heart burned with pride, but also… regret. I’d scorned the Duchess and gotten all of us into this situation, but I wasn’t going to back down. They were my family, I was the head of the household, and I would do everything within my power to protect them.

  “There are a lot of people in this world that would like to do us harm,” I grunted. “All of them are aristocrats or their cronies. I’m talking about the Duchess particularly. She’s hellbent on our destruction, she wants nothing more than to string me up in the courtyard of Edenhart for all to see, but as long as I’m living and breathing, that will never happen. No one will ever lay a hand on you, and if they do, they’ll have to deal with me. I swore to you from the moment you came into this world that I would care for you, and protect you. I intend to do that until my last dying breath and even then, when I pass on to the next world, I’ll continue looking out for you. I will protect you, no matter what happens to us, I will kill anyone who stands in our path and obstructs us from building a new world where all are accepted.”

  “Charles!” Valerie cheered. “We’ll protect you, too!”

  “Yes, Charles!” Rian shouted. “You are our mighty leader!”

  “We believe in you, Charles,” Daisy giggled.

  “Y-Yes,” Josephine echoed. “We will follow you to the ends of the earth if we have to.”

  “Thank you,” I chuckled. “I may not have abilities like yours, but I have two hands to hold weapons, a brilliant mind to craft and build new things, and all of your support. We will survive, no… we will thrive together as a single unit, and anyone who tries to stop us will perish a painful death! We don’t know who will stand in our way next, but I can tell you this, we will rip them limb from limb without regret. No one will be spared.”

  Chapter Twenty

  I spent the entire night dismembering the attacker’s body down in the laboratory. Daisy built up the fire in the incinerator, and when I finally finished the butchering, soaked in the man’s blood, we loaded his pieces inside. I cranked the heat up in the oven to close to eighteen hundred degrees, hastily closed the door, and covered my mouth and nose with a spare rag.

  “How long will it take for the body to burn into ashes?” the brunette coughed, and then placed her nose and mouth into the crook of her elbow.

  “Three hours,” I replied through the fabric. “That’s how long it’ll take to reduce it into bones and dust. Once it’s finished, we’ll allow the oven to cool for a day or two, remove the tray out of the bottom, and then scatter the ashes somewhere else. I was thinking the river that cuts through our property. We’ll sprinkle the ashes in the water, and no one will be the wiser. The cremation process might be faster than we think, though, since we cut him up first. I’ll just have to keep checking back every hour or so.”

  Daisy stepped back, giggled into her arm, and flushed a bit pink. I raised an eyebrow at her, stepped toward the door of the laboratory, and gestured with my arm for her to follow after me.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “You’re a mess,” the brunette chuckled. “You’re covered head to toe in blood.”

  “I mean, of course, I am,” I tittered. “I just finished up dismembering a body in an old bathtub. What else would you expect?”

  “I’m not sure,” the bear-girl smiled. “You should go get washed up.”

  We stepped out into the fresh night air, took a few deep breaths, and then turned toward each other. The brunette glanced down at her right wrist, examined the watch I’d given her, and then gasped.

  “My goodness, it’s nearly four in the morning…” Daisy gasped. “We should probably take baths and go to bed. I’m so glad we’re out of your laboratory, though.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked.

  “Because the smell,” Daisy explained. “It smells like cooking meat, like a rib-roast or a juicy steak, and I’m sure if someone else smelled it, they’d be hungry, but I know what that smell is. It’s a cooking body. So, it makes my mouth water, but… it also makes my stomach turn.”

  “Well, you should be thanking me for having doctoral expertise,” I chuckled.

  “Why do you say that, Charles?” the bear-girl probed.

  “If I hadn’t,” I stated. “I would’ve been hacking blindly at the body. I could’ve nicked the stomach, and it would’ve let out all of the stomach acids. Stomach acid can melt metal, but the smell, oh, it’s horrible. I once sat in a symposium a
t an operating theatre, and one of the students cut the stomach open. The stomach acid came pouring out, melting everything it touched, but the smell was so much worse. They had to clear out the hall, open all of the windows, and wait a week until it’d cleared away completely.”

  “That sounds horrible!” the bear-girl cried. “I’m glad you knew what you were doing. If it were me, Valerie, or Rian, we would’ve had no idea what to do.”

  “It’s alright,” I grinned. “As long as I’m here, none of you will have to do any of the gross or smelly stuff.”

  “Except for when we have babies,” Daisy corrected. “We’ll be feeding, cleaning, and changing diapers.”

  “Ah, yes,” I smiled. “But I’ll be sure to help out, too. I won’t leave it to all of you.”

  Daisy and I hurried toward the front of the house and climbed up the stairs, but I paused as the bear-girl slipped inside. I leaned my head back, stared at the sky, and then furrowed my brows. It looked as if it were going to storm, but the clouds looked a little different than usual. Of course, heavy rains were normal in Edenhart during the fall, but these clouds didn’t look exactly… right to me. They swirled in a slow circle, almost as if a tornado was about to touch down, but as soon as a cone formed, it would break apart, and drift away.

  “Hm,” I muttered to myself. “I’ll have to keep an eye out in case one fully forms. As much as my women will hate it, if one does come down, we’ll have to go down into the laboratory and hide out until it’s over.”

  “Did you say something, Charles?” Daisy whispered through the open door.

  “No, it’s nothing to worry about, my dear,” I lied. “Go on up to bed. I’ll be there after I get cleaned up.”

  I didn’t want to scare her or my other women yet if it was just a false alarm. I studied the black clouds for a little bit longer, grunted, and then stepped inside the house. I already knew that I wouldn’t be sleeping much tonight, especially with the body burning downstairs and the possible threat of a tornado. I guessed I could take a long nap in the late afternoon if I needed it.


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