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Kept by the Highlander

Page 3

by Joanna Davis

  "Why don't you go out? Become involved in the things that matter to you?"

  "It is not allowed. It was not always thus- once I enjoyed freedom equal to your European women. But no more."

  He saw it the exact moment that she realized he had her in checkmate. He'd laid his trap skillfully and she had walked right into it. She frowned and stood up with a small huff of annoyance.

  "We will finish this later. I must bathe. Come Aluda."

  The serving girls hastened to her side, leading her to her bathing chamber.

  "You come too Highlander. I would continue our conversation."

  He blanched, making her laugh aloud.

  "There is a small bench outside. You can wait there. There is a grate we can speak through. I will ask questions and you will answer."

  He nodded and sat where she indicated. There was a carved wooden screen separating him from the bathing room. He listened through the grate as the women giggled and spoke softly in a foreign tongue. He turned his head instinctively toward the sound and froze.

  The screen was dense but he could see through it. His eyes widened as he watched the serving girls remove the Princess's garments. They were unwrapping her layers of silk as if she were a present.

  A gift. For him.

  He groaned as her slender bare back became visible. The girls moved around her again, temporarily blocking his view. They moved again and he could see her sweetly rounded bottom and long legs. Her caramel skin shone in the light, making his fingers itch to touch her silky smoothness.

  They piled her rich hair on top of her head and Kalila stepped into the bathing pool. He stared hungrily as her bottom disappeared below the surface of the water. She sank down and turned toward the door, swimming backwards in the enormous pool.

  "Can you hear me Scotsman."

  He swallowed and forced himself to look away. For his own peace of mind more than out of any respect for her privacy. He forced his voice to sound even, nonchalant.

  "Yes, Princess."

  "That is good. I want to hear more about these weak bellied men of England. Are they all as soft as you say?"

  "The court is full of fat Lords and Ladies. It is in fashion to eat and dress as opulently as possible."

  "But not so in Scotland?"

  Malcolm was striving not to look at her but the sound of the water make him turn his head again. She was facing him, rubbing something into her arms. Then she stood and her breasts came into view. High round globes with dark pink tips that begged for a man to touch them… and taste them.

  "Sweet Jesu!"

  "What was that Scotsman? A prayer?"

  He laughed.

  "The Court of King Duncan is nearly as bad as the English. My father and his men laugh at the Lowlanders. They consider them to be less than men."

  "And what do you think Mal-colm?"

  "I think the English and Lowlanders are distracting themselves from the important things in life."

  "And what are these important things Scotsman?"

  "Honor. Respect. Pride."

  "Ah but you cannot eat respect. Nor can pride keep you warm at night."

  He laughed again. Jesu, the woman had a ready wit. She would keep him on his toes, that much was certain.

  The next hour passed in sheer agony. Princess Kalila finished her bath and was led to a high table. She lay down and her women began massaging and oiling her skin in plain view. It was by far the most erotic thing he had seen in his life. The beauty seemed to doze a bit, waking only when the serving girls bade her turn over. She did and he moaned. Her long legs were gleaming with the oil applied to her skin. The women moved around the table quickly and he could see her chest and throat. He stared enraptured as they oiled her breasts and lower, the dark triangle between her thighs.

  Malcolm was in dire need of release by the time they had dried and dressed the Princess. She followed her serving women from the bathing chamber and stared at him on the bench. He saw her eyes widen when she saw his hands clasped over his groin. She waved the women away and stared up at him inquisitively.

  "You seem to be afflicted again. So soon?"

  He grimaced.

  "I haven't had a woman in some time."

  She tilted her head curiously.

  "Tell me Scotsman. Is this mating something you do often?"

  He shrugged. He had never made women a priority. Then again, as the Laird's son and the Grandson of a Duke, he'd never had to make the slightest effort. Women just fell into his lap at an embarrassing rate. His friends teased him that it was his looks and not his title that attracted them. He didn't care either way. So long as his needs were met now and then Malcolm had been satisfied.

  This unrelenting frustration was a first for him. He didn't like it at all. And it was only the second day of his captivity.

  The worst part was, there was no end in sight.

  "What sort of women do you rut with? Honorable women? Servants? I saw you eyeing my Aluda."

  He stood up.

  "No. I don't want her."

  She gave him a piercing glance.

  "What do you want then?"

  He could not help himself. He took a step closer and leaned his hand against the wall behind her.


  Princess Kalila was staring up at him with a fascinated look on her face. She wasn't frightened that he would force himself on her. No, she looked… intrigued. But nowhere near as intrigued as he was.

  Footsteps rang out in the hallway, causing him to take a hasty step back. She raised an eyebrow at him, making him itch to yank her against him and wipe that smug look off her face. She was enjoying her little game far too much. And yet, he could tell that she had no idea of what she was doing to him. Not really.

  He doubted she had the slightest idea about what happened between a man and a woman. If she did, perhaps she would be less intrigued by his manhood, still poking the front flap of his tunic.

  Then again, she didn't seem the sort to shy away from a challenge.

  "You will tell me more Scotsman. Later. First there is something we must do."


  Kalila walked swiftly down the corridor separating the center of the Palace from the service wing. There were a series of low buildings back there that housed the kitchens, storage, servant housing, stables, and more. This is where she tucked away her special children, her project, her true mission.

  It was hard to contain her smile as she looked backwards toward Malcolm. He was walking behind her, his eyes practically burning a hole in her back. He held a large basket of delicious sweets and baked goods, which seemed to annoy him. Her Scotsman was often in a foul temper she realized. Mostly because of his unbridled desire for her.

  Her smile widened. She was enjoying teasing him. Perhaps she would finally find out the reality of what went on beyond the castle walls. Specifically what occurring during this mating that he seemed so concerned with. She doubted he would tell her unless she forced his hand though.

  That part should not be a problem.

  He was already under her control, and she hadn't had to do anything.

  Perhaps there were some advantages to being a woman…

  They made several twists and turns until they finally arrived at a small building with shuttered windows. Kalila waited for her slave to reach the door. He'd been lagging behind a bit.

  "Here. You go first."

  Malcolm gave her a look of pure insolence. She smiled at him, not minding in the least. He could be insolent, but he would also obey her. In all things.

  She reached out and pushed open the door. She watched Malcolm's face as he was surrounded by screaming children. Tiny hands pulled him inside the school house as they reached for the sweets. Kalila could not help but laugh at the look of shock on the Scotsman's face.

  Soon she too was surrounded by her children. She sat in the corner with two on her lap. Every once in a while they changed places. These smiling, healthy children were the most desperate and crippled of the
street urchins that Kalila had encountered on her brief trips out of the city. They often waited for her outside the gates, hoping for something to eat, or a coin, or better yet, to be invited inside.

  She had to be careful not to attract attention to her secret orphanage though. Al Hakam was aware of it, but he could not be allowed to know how important it was for her. Or that she funneled funds to several good people in the city with which to feed and cloth and many of the children who lived on the streets in abject poverty.

  She had been given so much and wanted for nothing. It was the least she could do. When she was Queen, she would change things once and for all. She would not have to be so secretive.

  "And how is your eye healing Badi?"

  "Very well thank you Princess."

  "May I see?"

  The little boy on her lap nodded, lifting the fabric that was tied around his head. The boy had been attacked and suffered a cut dangerously close to his eye. She cooed and stroked him as she glanced at his wound, which was healing nicely. Then she shifted the bandage back into place.

  "Did you know that my friend Mal-colm gives horse rides?"

  Badi shook his head solemnly.

  "I bet if you approach him, he will allow you to climb onto his back. Hold tightly though, I doubt he will be docile."

  The boy was off her lap in an instant, running toward the Scotsman, who had children dangling from his trunk like legs.

  "Mal-colm. You will be a horse for these children now."

  He leveled her with a look of amused annoyance. Then he sighed deeply and lowered himself onto his hands and knees. Within seconds, there were three children on his back, kicking his ribs as they urged him to ride forward, to carry them away.

  She was smiling an hour later as the children had turned Malcolm into a camel, strapping pillows to his back.


  Malcolm was pretending to be cross, but the joy shining from the Princess's face was a balm to his pride. She was so happy here. He wondered why this was such a secret endeavor. And then he recalled.

  Al Hakam.

  The door opened and the man himself stood there, looking like a hawk in a room full of kittens. Malcolm watched as the joy faded from Princess Kalila's face.

  "A word please your Highness."

  She nodded and rose gracefully. Malcolm was surprised at her easy capitulation. Then he realized that she did not want to cause a scene in front of the orphans. He had to admit he'd been surprised that the spoiled and petulant Princess had such a charitable streak. It's not that she was unkind persay, he'd just thought her too sheltered to think of anything beyond her protected little world.

  He moved closer to the shuttered windows, pushing one open a crack. The children ran off to play amongst themselves when his distraction became evident.

  Princess Kalila was arguing with the older man. He stepped forward menacingly. She held her ground and hissed something at him. That's when he grabbed her. Malcolm's blood froze when he saw his hands close around her slender waist. He almost screamed 'no' as Kalila's hand lifted, drawing it down across Al Hakam's face. He threw her away from him and she hit the ground hard.

  Malcolm heard a soft gasp behind him as he reached for the door.

  "Scotsman. Do not interfere."

  He turned to see Aluda sliding in front of him.

  "If you go out there, he will kill you. And if he does, our Princess will be sad."

  He brushed her aside and ran out of the small building. Al Hakam was gone. Kalila lay on the ground, looking so small and broken. He reached her side just as she started to lift herself onto her hands and knees.

  "Highness… are you alright?"

  She lifted her head and stared at him. Her hair had come loose. She looked like a wild thing at that moment. He wanted desperately to pull her into his arms and comfort her. Hold her. Kiss her.

  She stood and squared her shoulders, a look of cool disdain on her beautiful face.

  "I am fine Scotsman. Say nothing more of it."


  Kalila rubbed her shoulder distractedly. It still hurt from yesterday, when Al Hazam had manhandled her so roughly. He had never dared to go so far before. It did not bode well for her. If he was so brazen now, what might the future bring?

  She longed to go to her father, to warn him, but she knew he would not listen. That's if Al Hazam even allowed her to speak to the King without supervision. He was all knowing, all seeing. She shivered, pulling her shawl closer around her.

  "Does it pain you?"

  She glanced up sharply, expecting a look of pity. But her Scotsman was merely rattling a pair of knucklebones, a game he'd had Aluda procure for him on the docks. Kalila looked away.

  "I am fine. I would hear more about this rutting you are so often concerned with."

  He sighed deeply.

  "Wouldn't you rather learn about my homeland, if you are to marry there?"

  Kalila stared at her tutor. His expression was carefully blank, but she was not fooled. He had to understand her predicament, even if he did not speak their language.

  "Mal-colm. We both know that is not going to happen."

  His sad eyes told him that he did know.

  She stood, feeling uncomfortable suddenly. She resumed her pacing and then climbed up into the ledge that ran under the high windows. If she angled herself just right, she could see a thin slice of a gate. Sometimes the gate opened and she could see the people outside.

  She curled up and waited, hoping for a glimpse of the life beyond the palace walls.


  Malcolm watched the Princess for hours as she paced about her chambers. Periodically she would perch precariously on a high window ledge, staring out through the heavy metal grate. She was nothing if not a prisoner, the same as he. But she'd been so her entire life.

  He felt an overwhelming desire to protect her come over him. It had been there from the start, but now it was impossible to ignore. He wanted this wild and spoiled little woman child. If he had even the slightest chance at escape, he would take it. And he would bring her with him.

  Several times she had tried to ask him about what real life was like, always asking in low voices about the mating act. Such a curious little minx she was! She had to know her questions were keeping him in a perpetual state of arousal.

  Then again, her presence alone was enough to do that.

  Finally the Princess wandered into the garden alone. Malcolm followed her, waving Aluda back. He needed to speak to the Princess alone.

  She sat by the fountain, trailing her fingers through the water.

  "He's going to hurt you."

  Her eyes widened as she turned. She glanced away quickly but it was clear that she was more than aware of her precarious situation. Then the moment passed and she tossed her pretty head.

  "I am the Princess. What could he possibly do?"

  "He means to wed you. Surely you know that."

  She was staring at the water. Finally she nodded.

  "I did not want to believe it for a long time. My father trusts him with his life and mine. But he is wrong to do so."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "What can I do? There is nothing. I am a woman. They allow me no freedom as it is."

  She lifted her beautiful face to his. His breath caught in his throat. Her sparkling eyes were full of tears.

  "Perhaps if he has what he wants, he will be kinder."

  Malcolm pulled her up from the fountain, gripping her shoulders tightly.

  "No. Listen to me Highness. He will only become more cruel. He will- he will not be kind. You must leave this place."

  He let go immediately when he saw her wincing. Her shoulder was injured. He cursed under his breath and started pacing.

  "There must be a way out of here."

  She was staring at him as he walked back and forth, finally leaning his fists against the cool stone wall. He jumped when he felt her hand lay gently on his back.

  "I am sorry
Scotsman. There is not."

  He turned and caught her hand, pressing it to his chest. She could feel his heart beating there, strong and steady.

  "There is a way. I will find it. I'm not just a Scot. I'm a Highlander."


  Princess Kalila tossed and turned, unable to sleep. The Highlander had forced her to confront her darkest fears. She's known for some time that Al Hakam wanted the throne for himself. But until today, she had not let herself recognize the darker desire in the King's Advisor. His desire for her.

  She fell into a light sleep when the moon was already high in the sky. After no time at all, she was being shaken awake. Aluda's eyes were wide with alarm.

  "Highness, you must wake. The Palace is under attack."

  Kalila sat up like a shot.

  "What? Who is attacking us?"

  "Shhhh… come you must get dressed, quickly."

  Malcolm was inside her room she realized. He thrust a bag into Aluda's hands.

  "Here, pack for the Princess. Simple traveling clothes if she has them."

  Aluda took the satchel and hurriedly began stuffing clothes into them. Kalila stood in her nightgown, staring at Malcolm's hard face.

  "Find something dark to wear. Hurry!"

  She glanced at Aluda and ran to her wardrobe, finding one of the darker silks that she wore when in her chambers.

  "My father! I must find him."

  Aluda threw Malcolm a meaningful glance. His hand came down on her shoulder as she pulled her garments into place.

  "Your father is gone. Al Hakam killed him as soon as the fighting began."

  Kalila felt the Earth shift beneath her. Her father had not been her champion for many years, but she loved him still. He did not have a cruel bone in his body, a fact that Al Hakam had taken advantage of for so long.

  "Papa? Oh no…"

  "Hush- there's no time. Later you can grieve."


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