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Kept by the Highlander

Page 5

by Joanna Davis

  Kalili had relaxed slightly but she stiffened up again as he pulled her stiff legs apart and sat between them. He could not help but groan in frustration as her sex came into view. From this angle it was completely unprotected. Her smooth pink lips were small but plump. Delectable. He knew none had ever gained entrance there.

  But he would.

  By the Saints he would!

  Unable to tear his eyes from her sweetly rounded bottom and the juncture below it, he busied his hands by sliding them up and down her long and luscious legs. She was exquisitely formed, slender and shapely at once. It was as if God had pointed down and formed the perfect woman.

  And she was his. Or she would be. Soon, he prayed.

  His hands slipped higher and higher as he focused on the delicious looking spot between her legs. Perhaps he would taste her, allowing his tongue to plunge into her honeyed warmth the way he longed to do with his stiff member. He skimmed her nether lips now, making smaller circles on her upper thighs.

  She whimpered, but not in fear. He smiled, knowing he was just beginning. She had no idea of all the wicked things he planned to do to her.

  He brushed the back of his hand over her soft petals several times before abruptly moving upward again, to her supple cheeks. Malcolm nearly lost himself as he massaged her buttocks, imagining his hands cupping her as he drove into her silky warmth again and again.

  She moaned in protest as his hands lifted away.

  "Turn over."

  He moved to her side and gently nudged her, giving her momentum to flip over on the bed. She stared at him, her mouth open as he smiled down at her. Kalila's breath was coming in tiny gasps. He let his eyes wander down her body, knowing she could see what he was doing.

  Malcolm's hands reached for her belly, making small circles that brushed the underside of her magnificent breasts. He watched in fascination as the pink tips hardened, begging for his touch.

  "Did you enjoy showing yourself to me in the baths?"

  Her eyes were closed tightly now. His hands stilled.

  "Lila. Did you?"

  She drew in a deep breath.


  His hands began their circles again, now rotating around her sides and between her breasts, but not touching them directly.

  "You thought the sight of your body would arouse me?"

  He rubbed the back of his hands lightly over her nipples, making her jerk in surprise.

  "I- yes!"

  "Do you like the way I'm touching you?"

  She moaned in frustrated pleasure. Malcolm chuckled and moved between her legs, lifting them gently apart so he could kneel between them. Instinctively, she tried to close them but he held her firmly until she stilled.

  Then he began again. Running his hands up her thighs to her apex. Smaller and smaller circles, closer and closer to her entrance. She twitched as his fingers brushed her there.

  "Is there something specific you would like me to do Lila?"

  She was panting, her tiny hands balled into fists.


  "Do you want me to touch you here?"

  His finger slid up and down between her puffy nether lips. They were slick with oil and just inside, her desire.


  "Should I stop?"

  "No- oh please!"

  Slowly he rubbed his finger up and down, using his other hand to circle over her mound.

  "Please what?"

  "Please- do not stop!"

  He grinned and lowered his head to her sweetness. His tongue lapped at her, tasting her salty musk. Then he pushed it inside her, groaning at the feel of her silky tight walls pressing down on him. Above, his fingers found her jewel and danced over it rapidly, exerting the barest pressure.

  Kalila was thrashing on the bed now, her hips bucking against his mouth. He moaned and grabbed her hips with both hands, using his shoulders to hold her thighs down. The sweetest sounds were coming from her lips as she cried out in ecstasy.

  Malcolm stopped as soon as he felt her begin to tip over the edge.

  A soft cry of protest made him smile and he lowered his head again.

  Twice more he brought her to the edge and stopped, until she was weeping in frustration. Finally he allowed her to peak, reveling in her pleasure. He felt her body convulsing around his tongue as he lapped up her sweet nectar.

  He placed a chaste kiss on her mound and lifted himself up to lie by her side. He had not achieved his release, and yet he felt well satisfied. Well, nearly. He leaned on his shoulder to look down at the Princess.

  She was smiling up at him, looking not unlike a sleepy cat who'd just lapped a bowl of cream. He moaned and pulled her into his arms. This time she was soft and pliant. Her breath tickled his ear.

  "Why did you not do that sooner Scotsman?"

  A startled laugh escaped his lips, loud enough to be heard on deck. He had to admit, she had a valid question.

  Why not indeed?


  Kalila rolled over in the bed, feeling restless. They were nearly at port. She had no idea what to expect in this strange new land. Do-ver they called it. Her new home.

  She stared at the handsome Scotsman beside her. He had been using his wicked hands and mouth to rob her of all reason for days now. She found that she did not mind at all. She knew he was holding himself back still though. He had yet to complete the act that would render her a woman. Perhaps he was waiting to reach his home in the Highlands. That would be another week of hard travel according to Malcolm. Sleeping in and out of doors. That would leave little time for lovemaking she realized.

  Kalila decided to wake him up. She leaned her chin against his chest and traced her finger tips down his flat abdomen. What a fine specimen of manhood he was! He seemed to find her equally delightful. She smiled. He certainly could not seem to keep his hands and mouth from her whenever the opportunity arose.

  On a ship in the middle of the ocean with little to occupy their time, the opportunity arose a lot.

  She trailed her fingers lower, outlining the swelling shape in his breeches.


  He opened one eye and peered up at her.

  "What is it, woman?"

  "I think that you should bring me great pleasure again. Once more before we reach the port."

  He chuckled arrogantly.

  "If you insist."


  Malcolm awoke to loud knocking on the door.

  "Open up!"

  He winced at the sharp tone in his Grandfather's voice. The old man was still vigorous, and clearly displeased, judging from the sound of it.

  "I guess that means we made port then."

  Malcolm rolled from the bed, reaching for his shirt. He glanced back and saw the Princess's fetching bottom peeking out from beneath the covers. He tossed the blankets over her with a grin.

  "Good morning to you too, Grandfather."

  The Duke was scowling as he pushed his way inside the room. His eyes widened as he saw the sleeping girl in the bed.

  "Ye Gods! Your impertinence knows no bounds! Did you not know that King Richard was trying to make peace in the region? And you steal their Princess?"

  Malcolm's jaw dropped. How did the wiley old man find out? Gavin must have sorted it out damn him. And what did they plan to do with his Kalila?

  His Grandfather was pacing now, running his hands through his hair in agitation.

  "Did you think you could hide her away? God help us if you've defiled her."

  "I did not. Defile her, I mean."

  His Grandfather stopped and sighed in great relief.

  "Thank the heavenly father for small favors. Dress her and bring her to the castle. The King wants to speak to her. Now."

  Malcolm stood perfectly still as the old man left the room. Slowly he turned to see Kalila's worried face appear above the covers.

  What had he done?


  Kalila held perfectly still as Aluda attempted to dress her
hair on the swaying ship. The expression on Malcolm's face when he'd told her to dress for court had sent tremors through her. He had looked stern but also afraid.

  She had never seen her Scotsman afraid. Not even when he was on his way to his own execution. She stepped out onto the deck, immediately noticing the cold and damp. It had been growing cooler the past week day by day. Now she shivered and wrapped her arms around her turquoise silk overdress and veil.

  Malcolm stood there waiting for her. His eyes flared in warm approval for her appearance but it was lacking its usual spark.

  "You did not tell me of this chill Scotsman."

  She waited for Malcolm to tell her that he would keep her warm but he did not. Instead he looked preoccupied and angry. Kalila felt a sudden premonition of doom.

  He guided her off the boat to a waiting carriage drawn by four beautiful chestnuts geldings. Once inside, he knocked once on the ceiling and they were off. Instead of looking out the windows at the foreign city, she found herself glancing at Malcolm surreptitiously. He was lost in his own thoughts. She stared out the window without any of the excitement she had anticipated at seeing a new culture.

  "I want you to pretend that your English is poor."


  "Listen to me Kalila. I don't know what Richard intends, but you can be sure it will benefit him and not you or I. I am this close to driving this carriage straight to Scotland, my Grandfather be damned."

  "This would cause you trouble?"

  "Yes, great trouble. But-"

  "But what?"

  He shook his head.

  "Nothing. Just remember, you do not speak French at all and your English is rudimentary at best. Richard's English is also rusty so it will slow the conversation down, and hopefully allow me to figure out what his intentions are. Do not be fooled though, he is sharp as they come."

  She stared at her folded hands.

  "Alright Mal-colm."


  Malcolm helped Kalila out of the carriage into the courtyard inside the King's Palace. His Grandfather was waiting on the stairs with a ferocious scowl. For the umpteenth time since they had left the docks, Malcolm wondered why he hadn't just high tailed it home with the Princess in tow. The Highlands were notoriously difficult to breach, even for the King of England.

  He glanced at Kalila's pale face, only her luminous eyes visible above her veil. She looked calm, but there was a sadness there he had never seen before. She, too, sensed that things were amiss.

  They were escorted through the court, bustling with activity. Richard the Lionheart was rarely in England. They had the great fortune, or misfortune in this case, of being summoned during one of his infrequent visits.

  The King of England was more interested in funneling funds to his concerns in France and extending his reach. Malcolm prayed that he simply wanted to extend Kalila a hand of welcome. He had a terrible feeling that the King would want more than that.

  He lay his hand on her slender back as they walked into the King's antechamber. Kalila's eyes searched his out and he nodded, trying to convey both his protection and his claim on her. He would not let them manipulate her without a fight.

  Richard was bent over a table covered in maps, surrounded by his trusted council. The King looked up and smiled when he saw the Princess. Malcolm and his Grandfather bowed but Kalila stood tall. He had to suppress a smile at her audacity. She was making it clear that she also was Royalty and expected to be treated as such.

  Richard acknowledged this by graciously lifted her hand and pressing a kiss to it. He spoke in rapid fire French, with a translator repeating his words in flowery English.

  "Your Highness, it is my great pleasure to meet you. I apologize for the urgency."

  Kalila regally bowed her head ever so slightly.

  "And to you- Ri-chard. We trust that this meeting will be brief."

  Good girl. She spoke slowly, sounding as if her English were sketchy at best.

  "You were on your way somewhere?"

  "Yes. Further North."

  "I'm afraid that will not be possible your Highness."

  Kalila stood even straighter if possible.

  "Mal-colm- will you explain that this is not- "



  He bowed again.

  "The Princess has asked me to serve as her Protector. Her homeland has suffered greatly in the past few weeks."

  "Ah, but they want her back. The people are quite attached to their Princess it seems. But we are grateful to you and your Grandfather for bringing her here. It gives us great leverage in negotiating with the heathens. On the condition of her return of course."

  Kalila inhaled sharply. Malcolm's dread bloomed into full blown rage.

  "It's not safe for her there. That's why I brought her with me. If the region settles, I will take her back myself."

  Richard waved a hand dismissively and walked back to the table.

  "We have been negotiating for the use of their port. They have agreed to convert to Christianity in return for protection. And of course, now they require the return of the Princess and bride of their king Al Hakam."

  Kalila rocked backwards on her feet.

  "This is- not acceptable."

  She looked at Malcolm beseechingly. He stepped forward and cleared his throat.

  "Al Hakam is no King. He is the man who slaughtered the true King in cold blood. The Princess will not marry him."

  "I fear she has little choice in the matter. Take her to her new accommodations. I trust you will be comfortable here your Highness."

  The King's dismissal was impossible to ignore. Malcolm and his Grandfather bowed and followed the guards out of the room. They surrounded Kalila, guiding her further and further from his reach.

  "Grandfather you must stop this! If they send her back, her life is forfeit!"

  The Duke pulled him aside, shaking him roughly.

  "She's not just a woman you fool! This is how Kingdoms are made and lost! Think with your head, not your cock!"

  He released Malcolm's shoulders and patted him on the sleeve.

  "Perhaps you can say goodbye to her. I will arrange that, alright? There's plenty of women in the world son. No use loosing your head over one."


  Kalila sat in the corner of the thick stone window ledge, her knees pulled up tightly against her body. She was in a cage once again. But at least this one had a better view.

  He was back again. Her Scotsman. Her Highlander. She could see Malcolm pacing outside in the courtyard. He had not yet been allowed to see her. Maybe today.

  But she knew it would be only to say goodbye.

  She wished with all her heart that she had allowed him the access he had craved. That they both had craved. He had made it implicit that he would not take her fully until she asked him for it. No- until she begged. But she had been foolish, thinking there was time.

  She had been wrong.

  Outside, there was some activity. Malcolm was being spoken to by several guards. Her stomach clenched in fear, hoping he would not cause trouble or endanger himself. Her future might even be bearable, if only she could imagine her wild Scotsman out in the world. Safe and free.

  He glanced up at her window as he was led inside. He was coming. She could feel it in her bones.

  A knock sounded on the door before it opened.

  She lifted her chin from her folded knees and smiled tremulously at Malcolm. No tears to spoil the moment. She would have only this memory of goodbye to cling to.

  He shut the door behind him and stared at her. His hunger for her, his anger at the situation, his despair, all shone clearly in his eyes. She stood and crossed the room to him.

  Without a word he pulled her into his arms, his lips finding hers. Their tongues twining desperately together as she clung to his thickly muscled shoulders. She inhaled deeply as he finally lifted his head, hoping to remember his scent.

  His broad hand held her tousled hair, pulli
ng her into his chest. She felt a deep contentment there, unwilling to let any other thought or fears intervene.

  "I'm going to find a way to get you out of here."

  She stepped back out of his arms.

  "No you are not."

  His jaw clenched as he looked down at her. He said nothing.

  "Your grandfather is right Mal-colm. I am not just a woman. We both forgot that for a little while but now it is time for me to go to my destiny, and you to yours."

  She laid her hand over his chest.

  "I am very glad to have known you. But my misery will be complete if I thought you had put yourself in harms way on my behalf. Promise me you will not do anything foolish Scotsman." He grabbed both sides of her head and stared into her eyes.

  "I'm not a Scotsman. You forget. I'm a Highlander. We don't let others take what belong to us. And you are mine Kalila. Never forget that!"

  His mouth crashed down on hers in a punishing kiss. When he lifted his head many minutes later, the fire was still in his eyes.

  She waited until he had slammed the door behind him to loose herself in tears.


  He had not been allowed to see her for weeks now, while they waited for the arrival of Al Hakam.

  Malcolm knew he should leave for home without a backward glance but he could not. He could find no solution to this problem, no way to help Kalila, but he could not abandon her either.

  How he wished he had followed his instincts and taken the Princess to his Highland home. He'd be buried under the sheets with her now, filling her belly with a dusky skinned babe.

  He paced back and forth, waiting for his carriage to arrive.

  Tonight was the banquet that would serve to finalize the agreement with Al Hakam. Malcom's Grandfather the Duke was invited. Malcolm had made sure that he was brought along. The old man owed him that much. Not that he particularly wanted to see the devil, let alone dine with him. But it would give him the access to the castle that he needed.


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