Bavaria 69, 367, 379, 424, 467, 484
proclaimed Socialist Republic 554
Bayer (chemicals company) 209
Beaumont Hamel 313, 318, 326
Belfort 279
agriculture and industry 406–7
and annexation plans 260
army 104
civilians accused of atrocities 129
deportees (1916) 386–8, 448, 559
Garde Civique 121, 123
General Government Belgium 386–7, 392, 405–7, 461
German plans for 260, 462, 466
as invasion channel 48, 106, 262
invasion of 125–35, 159, 207, 235, 257, 258, 275, 559
neutrality 50, 121
resistance to German occupation 406
Belgrade 40, 41, 59, 62, 148, 270
Below, General Fritz von 312, 321
Benedict XV, Pope 388, 463
Beneš, Eduard 250
Berchtold, Count Leopold von 8–14, 21–22, 27, 40, 41, 51, 66, 263, 265, 558
Berg, Grand Duke of 222
butter riots 364
compulsory savings for adolescents 366
fears of air raids in 75
food shortages in 209, 331–2, 353, 357
patriotic demonstrations in 62–3, 64, 72
peace demonstrations in 67–8
People’s Kitchens 356
police 84
refugees in 179, 180
strikes in 446, 479–80, 494
Treaty of (1878) 24
Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger 70, 78
Berliner Tageblatt 160, 179, 238, 331–2, 443, 446, 455
Berndt, General Otto 306
Bernstein, Eduard 478
Beseler, General Hans Hartwig von 405, 407, 409, 411, 412, 413
Bessarabia 493
Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von
as annexationist 259–65, 266
and Army Law 34
and Belgium 463–4
and Britain 47, 51, 228
Burgfrieden policies 369
character and personality 29–30
and Congress Poland 407–8
customs union plan 263–4
December Peace Proposal (1916) 374, 416
Easter Message (1917) 456
Falkenhayn and 278
forced to resign 447, 457, 459, 490
and German press 227
and Hindenburg Programme 378
and Kaiser Wilhelm 9, 32, 36, 37, 41
and Longwy-Briey mines 464
miscalculation 38, 41
Mitteleuropa project 259–65, 270
offers to stand trial 558
and Poland 411, 412, 413
and reform policies 456–7
and Russia 36, 275, 461
and Serbian ultimatum 39, 40–41
and SPD 79, 455
and U-boat campaigns 238, 240–41, 421–3
on war 2, 82
war aims programme (September programme) 257–60, 265, 271, 274–5, 460–61, 491
Biała 60
Białystok 392, 399
Biliński, Leon 10, 20–21, 269, 558–9
biological warfare 391
Bischofstein 174
Bismarck, Otto von 30
Bissing, General Moritz von 386–7, 405–6
black market 337, 360, 361–2
Black Sea 36, 425
Blücher, Marshal Gebhardt von 228
Bobrinskii, Count Georgii 189–90, 191, 192, 194–5, 196
Bochum 223
Boelcke, Oswald 433
Boer War 232–3
Association for the Protection of Mothers and Infants in the Kingdom of Bohemia 371
Berchtold and 21, 66
civilian mortality 339–40
district officers 544–5
food rationing 474
food riots 373, 455
as food surplus region 539
Germans in 19, 471, 490–91, 562
industry in 333
language rights 18
refugees in 201, 202
repression in 251–3
resentment by Germans 368
state right 23, 470
support for war in 92
troops in 70, 249, 251
welfare organizations in 213
see also Czechs
Bolsheviks 515, 526, 553, 554
Bolshevik Central Committee 494
Green Cadres 539
Workers’ and Peasants’ Government of the Ukrainian Republic 496
Bolshevism 462, 463, 487, 491, 498, 509–10, 512–13, 555
in Hungary 561
see also Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of
Boroević, General Svetozar 538
Bosch (electrics company) 209
Bosnia 8, 21, 26
annexation of 33, 97, 105
cultural mission in 20–21
Bosnia-Herzegovina 16, 24–5, 59, 60, 70, 102, 141, 144, 453
annexation of 25
anti-insurgency campaign 74
Croatia and 269–70, 541
martial law declared in 58
Bosnian Serbs 7
Bosnians 54
in Austro-Hungarian army 142, 248
and security troops 540
Boulogne 258, 516
in Allenstein 167–8, 170
in Belgium 406
on black market 337
‘Bread Saving Day’ 218
K-Brot 234–5
for livestock 234
rationing 234, 244, 349, 351–3, 372, 402, 435, 446, 468, 474, 479
shortages 209, 476, 539
‘stretching’ 334
‘War Bread’ 435
Bremen 74, 554
Breslau 121
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of 491–9, 501, 503
Admiralty 231, 421, 436, 438
agriculture 435
Amiens, second battle of 523, 532
army (British Expeditionary Force) 104, 127, 135, 235, 311, 314–15, 516, 517, 520; infantry 315; matériel 524; and Arras 477
army formations: Third Army 519; Fourth Army 311, 312, 316, 321, 516; Fifth Army 517, 519, 520; 29 Division 319
Bethmann and 47–8, 258
Board of Agriculture, Ministry of Food and Food Production Department 435
British subjects in Germany 385–6
close to bankruptcy 416–17
Entente Cordiale with France 31, 32
Entente with Russia 8, 24
enters war 49–51, 207–8
food rationing 435
Foreign Office 233
Grand Fleet 424
and India 259
as industrial power 29–30
Ministry of Blockade 346
naval blockade 2, 216, 230–33, 243, 330, 346–8, 349, 372, 406, 420, 425, 460–61, 556
New Armies 277, 279
and peace proposals 275
propaganda 530
recognizes Czechoslovak National Committee 537
Royal Navy 32, 230, 231–2, 347, 439, 552
shipbuilding 436
and spring offensive (1918) 515–23, 531
‘starvation war’ 217, 232–5, 236, 243, 346
strength as opponent 515
X Cruiser Squadron 230
Treasury 417
and U-boat threat 435–42
war aims 467
War Cabinet 436
wheat imports 417–18
Brockdorf-Rantzau, Count Ulrich von 561–2
Brodowen 69
Brody 183
Brusilov, General Aleksei 191, 302, 305–6, 309, 316
Brusilov Offensive 280, 300–310, 327, 411–12
Brussels 387, 518
Bucharest, Peace of 26
Budapest 20, 70, 204, 370, 542
Chain Bridge 543
IV Corps 113
Bug, Army of the 303, 309
Bug, river 399
60, 91, 92, 97, 186, 195–6, 253, 269, 300, 305, 310, 342, 353, 497
Conrad and 253
Czernin and 496–7
Jakobeny mine 327
Jews in 370
mobilization in 91, 92, 97
refugees from 186
riots in 66
Russian invasion of 300, 305, 310, 342
Ruthenes and 269
‘self-feeders’ in 353
see also Czernowitz
Bukovinians 203
Bulgaria 2, 9, 25–6, 42, 138, 147, 270, 395, 492, 497, 534, 540, 547
Bülow, Bernhard von 30
Bülow, General Karl von 136
among women’s organizations 88, 89, 217
and annexationism 261, 276
Bethmann-Hollweg and 83, 369, 455
and crime rates 364
and food shortages 360
and hatred of Russia 226
and labour policy 380–81
lack of, in Austria 94, 96
and People’s Kitchens 354–5
and Third OHL 415
and war credits 457–8
and war culture 216, 227, 256, 259, 336
War Food Office and 349
Burián, Baron István 263–4, 270, 411–12, 540
Caillaux, Henriette 61
Calais 515, 516
Cambrai 518
Cape Verde islands 437
Capelle, Admiral Eduard von 448
Caporetto, Battle of 476, 512
Carinthia 91, 101, 201, 219
refugees in 202
Carniola 57, 91–2, 101
refugees in 202
Carpathians 156, 188, 198, 249
Cassel 74
compulsory savings for adolescents 366
Austro-Hungarian 280–82, 309, 327, 330, 564–5
German 279, 280–82, 283 (Fig. 2), 285, 300, 330, 523, 564–5
psychiatric 297 (Fig. 3), 325–6
Russian 279
on the Somme 319, 321, 324, 324 (Fig. 4), 325
Catholic Centre Party (Germany) 34, 239, 369, 383, 422, 447, 458–9, 547, 555
Catholic Church 23, 88, 90, 128, 153, 182, 184, 190, 193, 243, 247, 287
in Austro-Hungarian army 287
in Belgium 387–8
churches searched for weapons 80
and Culture War 86
in Galicia 182, 184, 190, 193, 243
in Germany 128
loyalty to Habsburg dynasty 23, 90, 243
in Tyrol 247
and women’s organizations 88
see also religion
Cattaro (Kotor) 425, 495
Caucasus Front 274
censorship 227, 242, 243, 474, 482, 499, 505, 510, 519, 549
Čer Plateau 147
Champagne 278, 518, 523
Chantilly, conference 277–9
Chełm region 497, 512
Chemin des Dames 522
as collectors 2, 219–20
commitment to war effort 220–21
crime by 365–6
rural holidays for 358–9
see also infant mortality
China 230, 265
Chodel 153
cholera epidemic 156–7, 194
Chotzen 202
Christian Social Party (Austria) 370, 505
Civil Worker Battalions (ZABs) 401, 404, 409, 414–15
and forced labour 385–8, 414, 559–60, 563
mortality 239–40, 339, 340–41
Clam-Martinic, Count Heinrich 452, 469, 471–2, 477
Clemenceau, Georges 558
clergy 212, 243, 387–8
‘Coalition of National Parties’ (Hungary) 17
Coblenz 134
Colard, Hermann von 197
collecting, for war effort 218–20
Cologne 121, 481, 518, 554
‘Column of the Legions’ (Cracow) 224–5, 501, 503
see also nail figures
Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB) 406–7
Committee for Supporting Needy Artists 219
Communism 140
concentration camps 232–3
Congo 33, 128, 271
Congress Poland (Russian-ruled) 161, 265–6
conquest of 225, 268, 279, 300
Emperor Karl and 466
forced labour 409
General Government Warsaw (GGW) 392, 407–11, 413
and Germany 265, 499
and Habsburg dynasty 497
industry 410–11
January Insurrection (1863) 244–5
Jews in 265, 409, 503
and proposed Trialist state 241, 268–9, 453
Russian forces in 97, 148
and Supreme National Committee 96
uprising (1863) 182
women in 290
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz
as adviser to Emperor Karl 538
and arrests 101–2
and Bohemia 253
and Brusilov Offensive 301–9
and Common Food Committee 350
concern about desertions from army 508–9
death 559
distance from troops 307
and Falkenhayn 279, 301
Franz Joseph and 197
and Galicia 149–50, 154–8
Italian offensive 300–301
lack of self-criticism 308
languages mastered by 116
and Moltke 48, 51–2, 105, 112, 242
‘On the Study of Tactics’ 119
plans for army 112–14
and public support 242
Punishment Expedition 280
and imperial reform plans 254–5
and Serbia 105, 137–8, 269, 282 see also Serbia
and South Tyrol 506
as tactician 119–20, 137–40, 150, 453
and Trentino campaign 300–302
views and warnings on war 11–12, 21–2, 41, 52, 91
Conrad von Hötzendorf (earlier, Reininghaus), Gina 309
Conrad von Hötzendorf, Herbert 157
Conservatives (German) 239
Constantinople 25, 274, 425
convoys 436–40
cookery, wartime 217–8
cooperatives 338
Cossacks 174, 175, 177, 183–4, 257, 489
Côtes de Meuse 212
Courland 268, 270, 271, 392, 403, 462, 493
evacuations from 186–8
fear of war in 74
food shortages in 333, 334, 503
and ‘gold-car’ rumour 77
Jews in 95–6, 187, 502–5
Kazimierz district 187, 224
and martial law 152
Military Command 504–5
paramilitary groups in 97–8
police 97, 367, 545
protests against Brest-Litovsk 501, 503–4
revolution in 545
Russians at gates of 156, 161, 266
St Mary’s Church 224
and shock of assassination of Franz Ferdinand 57
strikes in 503
Supreme National Committee (NKN) 96, 98, 225, 245, 269, 498, 501
troops in 153
University 224, 545
crime rates 364–6, 364 (Fig. 5)
Croatia, Croatians
in Austro-Hungarian army 142, 308
and conflict with Serbia 28, 70, 141, 248
Conrad and 253
Italy and 546
nationalism 241, 471
pogroms in 60
Sabor 20, 269–70
Serb minorities 58
Serbo-Croat coalition 20
soldiers 95–7, 114
starvation (alleged) in 340
terrorism in 8
Csepreg 558
Culture War 86
Czas 57
Czech Agrarian Party 469, 473
Czech Legion 509
Czech Republic 201
Czech Union 469–71, 476�
Epiphany Declaration (1918) 477, 491
Czechoslovak National Committee (Národni výbor ceskoslovensky) 537, 541, 542, 544–5
Czechoslovakia 57, 250, 562
ethnic minorities in 560
pensions paid by 564
state formed in 1918 545
demand for unification 470, 490
United States and 464
Czechówna, Aleksandra 57, 245, 333, 367, 468, 545
Czechs 16 (Table 1), 115 (Table 4)
activist 23
alienation from Habsburg regime 248–53, 473–7, 491, 512, 539
in Austro-Hungarian army 115 (Table 4), 117, 142, 198, 248–53, 285, 286, 286 (Table 5), 288, 308
and Compromise of 1867 451
concerns about revolution 21, 68
demands for unification with Slovakia 469–71
Habsburg plans for 269
and Karl’s plans for reform 454, 541
and Mitteleuropa project 263
political prisoners released 473
politicians 470–71, 472
as prisoners of war 509, 510
radicalization of 490–91
in Reichsrat 18
resentment of Germans 368, 475
security troops 539
and Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 496
in Vienna 60
Czernin, Count Ottokar 14–15, 452, 461, 466, 467, 468, 476, 492, 493, 495–9, 512
Czernowitz 60, 186, 189, 195–6, 310, 327, 546
Dąbrowski, Jan 187
Dąbrowski Legions 98, 246
Dalmatia 58, 60, 70, 91, 102, 246, 254, 269, 270, 353, 453, 467, 541
Dalmatians, in Austro-Hungarian army 142, 248
Danes 80, 562
Danilov, Quartermaster General Iurii N. 172
Danube, river 143, 543
Danzig 562
Daszyński, Ignacy 57, 148, 499
Delbrück, Clemens von Dr 264, 551
Delbrück, Hans 260, 443
Delville Wood 322
Bethmann Hollweg and 369
Czech Union and 470
in Germany 484
in Hungary 345, 455
Masaryk and 256
rise of 449, 450–51
Russia and 450
SPD and 67, 384, 456–7
US President Wilson on 450, 540, 544
demonstrations, patriotic (1914) 62–5
Demus-Moran, Brigadier Ferdinand 245
Denmark 29, 233, 419, 422
of Armenians 274
of Belgians 387–8, 559–60
of East Prussians 196
from Alsace-Lorraine 124–5, 273
from Ober Ost 271, 272–3
of Germans from Ukraine 465–6
desertion 248, 308, 482, 506, 508–9, 513
Deutsche Kriegswochenschau 487
Diana (schooner) 431–2
Dieppe 516
Dimitrijević, Colonel Dragutin 8, 40
Dinant 127
Dniester, river 140, 156, 185, 305
Domobran 114
Domoljub 47
Doorn 557
Dornfeld 185, 186
Douai 312
Double Entente 30
Dover 258
Straits of 231, 440
Dresden 222
Drina, river 142, 146, 148
Ring of Steel Page 100