Heughan—Blacksmith in Freehold; named in compliment to actor Sam Heughan after he was cast as Jamie Fraser in the Starz TV show. [MOBY]
Hickman, Asa, Captain—American ship captain of the Asp. On his first voyage with an American “letter of marque,” he attacks the British cutter Pitt. After conquering the British ship in vengeance for the death of his brother, Theo, he sends the British crew ashore as prisoners of war, to be exchanged later. [Echo]
Hickman, Theo—Dead brother of Asa Hickman and captain of the Annabelle. He was killed when Captain Stebbings attempted to press crewmen from the Annabelle into the British navy and Hickman and his crew resisted. [Echo]
Hicks, Corporal—The horse-master for Lord John’s regiment; he is horrified that his hay shed is temporarily being used to house a dead body. [PM]
Hicks, Sir Peter—Chief officer for the Thirty-fifth Regiment while Lord John is a liaison in Prussia. [SU]
Higgins, Aidan McCallum—Oldest son of Amy McCallum Higgins; Claire removes his appendix using her homemade ether. [Ashes, Echo, MOBY]
Higgins, Amy McCallum—Fraser’s Ridge widow, single mother to Aidan and Orrie, and in desperate need of someone to help her. She marries Bobby Higgins, former British soldier and employee of Lord John Grey, and has a son named Rob by him [Ashes, Echo, MOBY]
Higgins, Corporal—Soldier who helps William on the quay during the evacuation of Philadelphia. [MOBY]
Higgins, Orrie McCallum—The younger of Amy McCallum Higgins’s children fathered by Orem McCallum. [Ashes, Echo, MOBY]
Higgins, Robert; Bobby—Former British soldier, present and convicted during the Boston Massacre; he is branded with the letter “M” on his cheek. He finds employment with Lord John Grey as a courier to deliver goods and mail to Fraser’s Ridge. During his visits, he becomes acquainted with Amy McCallum. When his employment with Lord John ends due to the political upheavals in Virginia, he moves to Fraser’s Ridge and weds Amy, and Jamie appoints him as the new factor of the Ridge. He has a son with Amy, named Robert. [Ashes, Echo, MOBY]
Higgins, Wee Rob—The son born to Amy and Bobby Higgins. [MOBY]
Hilde—Mayrhofer’s parlor maid, who receives the explanation of why Waldemar needs so much shaving soap and imparts the information to the other household staff. [PM]
Hiltern, Captain Benjamin—One of Ruysdale’s officers, who shares a drink and information with Lord John, before directing John to the surgeon’s assistant. [SU]
x Hinton, John, Colonel—(1715–1784) One of Wake County’s leading citizens and largest landholders, Hinton led the county militia to the Battle of Alamance, but his unit arrived after the brief battle. When the Revolutionary War broke out, Hinton changed sides to support the Patriot cause; he fought at the Battle of Moore’s Creek Bridge. [Fiery Cross, Ashes]
Hiram and Beckie—Two of the goats brought from the Beardsley farm with Fanny and the Frasers; Beckie is carried off in an attack by a panther, while Hiram charges the panther to protect the rest of his harem, receiving a broken leg and Jamie’s admiration for his heroic efforts. [Fiery Cross]
Hobson, Janet—Resident of Drunkard’s Creek and wife of Joe Hobson, possible member of the Regulation. [Fiery Cross]
Hobson, Joe—A resident of Drunkard’s Creek, near Fraser’s Ridge, who was in attendance at the Gathering on Mount Helicon; possibly a member of the Regulation, the North Carolina organization vehemently opposed to British taxation practices. Father-in-law of Hugh Fowles. Killed during the Battle of Alamance. [Fiery Cross]
Hodgepile, Arvin; Hodge—A former English soldier, he is presumed dead in a warehouse fire but has disappeared into the backcountry and a life of crime. He becomes the leader of a large gang of bandits who invade Fraser’s Ridge, assault Marsali, steal the whisky from the malting shed, and abduct Claire. Later killed by Jamie, who breaks Hodgepile’s neck and orders his men to kill all of the bandits. [Ashes, MOBY]
Hognose—One of Lord John’s horses during his Prussian military campaign, a steady, sure-footed bay who carries John on a scouting expedition when he declines to risk Karolus’s legs in the boggy terrain. [SU]
x Holmes, Charles, Admiral—(1711–1761) A career navy man. During the Seven Years’ War, Holmes was part of Admiral Saunders’s forces that sailed up the St. Lawrence River to get a squadron of ships past the guns at Quebec City. [CA]
Holmes, Reginald—The head steward at White’s Chocolate House, a London gentlemen’s club. [BL]
x Holt, Michael, Captain—(1723–1799) Captain of the Alamance County Militia, and owner of the plantation where the Battle of Alamance took place. [Fiery Cross]
Honey, Captain Joseph—An officer of the Lancers and Edward Twelvetrees’s second at the duel between John Grey and Twelvetrees. [SP]
Hoskins, William; Bill—Overseer of Edgar DeVane’s gunpowder mill in Sussex. [HS]
Houvener, Monsieur—One of several guests invited to attend Stephen Bonnet’s special slave auction, which includes Brianna. [Ashes]
Howard, Mister—One of several guests invited to attend Stephen Bonnet’s special slave auction, which includes Brianna; objecting to Howard’s inspection of her, Bree assaults him but is punished by Bonnet’s servant Emmanuel. [Ashes]
Howard, Willie—An older soldier in Lord John’s regiment, who tells DeVries that the regiment will be posting back to Calais. [PM]
x Howe, Richard, Admiral; Dick—(1726–1799) British commander in chief on American seas; brother to army General William Howe. He provided naval support during the Battle of Long Island but resigned his command in support of his brother: both were upset with the way London had handled their requests for reinforcements and now blamed them for several defeats. [Echo]
x Howe, Robert, Colonel—(1732–1786) During the War of the Regulation, he served as Governor Tryon’s colonel of artillery for the North Carolina militia’s expeditions against the Regulators. As a Colonial supporter, he was elected to the provincial Congress and was appointed colonel of the Second North Carolina Regiment; he marched his troops into Virginia to occupy Norfolk, the last Loyalist stronghold. [Ashes]
x Howe, William, Lieutenant General, Sir—(1729–1814) Assisted General Wolfe’s attack on Quebec in 1759; was appointed commander of the British army in North America after taking over forces from General Gage. After a successful victory at the Battle of Long Island, his refusal to attack Washington’s smaller forces allowed the Americans a nighttime escape in the dense fog. This missed opportunity was considered to be the greatest of the war and would haunt Howe. After several other military mistakes, including the loss of Saratoga under General Burgoyne’s command, Howe resigned and returned to England. [Echo, MOBY]
Howell, Davis—A wealthy ship owner and member of Governor Tryon’s Royal Council. He hosts an evening of gaming in New Bern, where Major MacDonald learns a great deal about Stephen Bonnet—information MacDonald later shares with Jamie, in exchange for a small favor. [Fiery Cross]
Howlat, Johnnie—A reclusive old man who lived near a village in Scotland where the Bugs once resided; filthy and unkempt, he was known as a sort of charmer or witch who would sell herbs, charms, and spells as well as tell fortunes for those willing—or brave enough—to peer into their futures. Mrs. Bug once sought him out for a charm to aid her in carrying a child to term, but after scrying her future, he warned that a living child would be the death of her husband, Arch. [Fiery Cross]
Hubert—The butler at the home of Léonie and Lillie’s aunt, Madame Eugenie. [SB]
Huckabee, Morris—A local resident near Lord Dunsany’s estate who, unbeknownst to his neighbors, lives in a common-law incestuous relationship with his own daughter and has sired a child—his own grandchild; the convoluted relationship is the talk of the county near Helwater. [SP]
Hückel, Herr—The landlord—a dwarf—where Private Koenig last rented a room. [SU]
Hückel, Margarethe—The landlord Herr Hückel’s normal-sized—and quite pretty—wife. [SU]
Hudson, Private—An illiterate Briti
sh private in William’s unit, questioned regarding Nathan Hale’s passage through a checkpoint the previous day. [Echo]
Humber, Misses—A couple of unmarried young ladies present at an evening event hosted by Benedicta Grey at Jermyn House. [PM]
Humberto—The Italian shed-master for Jared Fraser’s wine importing business, Fraser et Cie. [SB]
Humphries, George—Amos Crupp’s business partner in Wilmington’s defunct Gazette. [Echo]
Hunnicut, Joseph—Medical dowser called in by Mrs. Mercy Woodcock to locate the metal balls in Henry Grey’s belly by divination of the metal’s radiation or aura through the flesh; the practice was deemed a bit occult but sometimes proved successful—perhaps it was just coincidental. [Echo]
Hunter, Denzell, Dr.; Denny—A young Quaker doctor living near the Great Dismal Swamp with his sister, Rachel. He is against violence but his support of the Patriot cause is at odds with his religious beliefs. He joins the Continental army as a doctor, having trained in England with his relative, the great surgeon John Hunter. He loves Lady Dorothea Grey, Lord John’s niece and William Ransom’s cousin, but feels that being a Quaker makes him unacceptable to someone of Dottie’s social standing. Circumstances—and Dottie—contrive to overcome his scruples, and they are married in Philadelphia, after the Battle of Monmouth. [Echo, MOBY]
x Hunter, James—(ca. 1740–1820) One of the leaders of the Regulation movement in North Carolina, commonly referred to as the General of the Regulators. [Fiery Cross, Ashes]
x Hunter, John, Dr.—(1728–1793) Prominent Scottish surgeon and anatomist, founder of experimental pathology in England; his study of dissection and anatomy put surgical practices on the scientific pathway, laying the groundwork for twentieth-century developments. It is rumored that he inoculated himself with both syphilis and gonorrhea to prove that two diseases cannot exist at the same time; unfortunately, his theory was disproven and it took three years for the “cure” to become effective. [CA, SP, Echo, MOBY]
Hunter, Mrs.—The wife of Dr. John Hunter and a supporter of the arts, her London salons were renowned for the celebrity poets often in attendance. [CA]
Hunter, Rachel—An opinionated young Quaker woman living near the Great Dismal Swamp with her brother, Denzell, a physician. After Ian Murray delivers an injured and delirious William Ransom to their door, Rachel and her brother assist in William’s recovery. While she clearly likes William, it’s Ian Murray to whom she’s truly drawn, and after considerable difficulties caused by her being a Quaker and Ian a man of blood, they are married in Philadelphia, at the same ceremony that unites Denzell and Dorothea. Returning to a semblance of peaceful life, Rachel becomes pregnant and later gives birth to their son—so far unnamed but going by the nickname “Oggy” (for “Oglethorpe”)—at Fraser’s Ridge. [Echo, MOBY]
x Hunter, Theophilus, Major—(1735–1798) Pioneer settler of Wake County and early political leader in Raleigh, he was an officer of the Wake regiment of colonial militia during the War of the Regulation; he served the county as a land surveyor and its first tax assessor, as well as holding a seat in the House of Commons. [Fiery Cross]
Hunter, William, Dr.—Another distant relative to Denzell and Rachel. He is also midwife to Charlotte, the Queen of England. [MOBY]
Hurragh, Bobby—Rob Cameron’s nephew, a member of the children’s choir Roger MacKenzie is directing, and a friend of Jem MacKenzie. [Echo, MOBY]
Hurragh, Martina—Rob Cameron’s sister and mother of Bobby Hurragh, Jem MacKenzie’s twentieth-century best friend. [Echo]
x Husband, Hermon—(1724–1795) One of the leaders of the Regulator movement in North Carolina; a Quaker, and thus opposed to violence, but a man of principle who cannot abide the malfeasance of corrupt officialdom. [Fiery Cross, Ashes]
Iain Mhor—Brother of Auld Joan Findlay; Iain Mhor, who suffers from severe cerebral palsy, “has nay speech,” but is still the head of the Findlay family. [Fiery Cross]
Ilse—One of the kitchen maids at Schloss Lowenstein, Princess Louisa’s home, who takes a liking to young Tom Byrd, Lord John’s valet. [SU, PZ]
Innes, Duncan—Onetime fisherman, part-time smuggler, ex-Ardsmuir prisoner, and Jamie’s friend, he marries Jocasta Cameron, Jamie’s aunt and owner of the North Carolina plantation River Run. [Fiery Cross, Ashes, Echo]
Innes, Jocasta (aka Jocasta Cameron, Jocasta Isobeail MacKenzie)—The late Hector Cameron’s wife and Jamie Fraser’s aunt, owner of a large plantation in Cross Creek, which she runs with the aid of her black butler, Ulysses. She is also keeper of the Frenchman’s gold, a treasure transported to the colonies by Hector Cameron after the fall of Culloden; her fourth husband, Duncan Innes, is a former Ardsmuir inmate and friend of Jamie. She and Duncan emigrate to Canada when the gold is stolen and the Loyalists lose power in North Carolina. [All]
Innes, Margaret—The sister of Duncan Innes’s grandfather, she was executed by drowning during the seventeenth century for being a Scottish Covenanter. The Covenanters were Scottish Episcopalians, but, far more extreme in their beliefs than their English counterparts, they rejected the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, claiming it was too similar to the Catholic liturgy. [Ashes]
Iredell, Samuel—A prominent rebel leader in Edenton and business associate of Neil Forbes. [Ashes]
Iris—A tall, thin black whore in Savannah, who accompanies her colleague Molly to Claire for pox cures. [MOBY]
Isaacs, Robert—Jewish merchant and part owner of a warehouse in the French coastal town of Brest. He marries Mary Hawkins Randall after Jonathan Randall is killed at Culloden and is the stepfather to her son, Denys Randall-Isaacs. Isaacs is dead when Denys meets William again during the British retreat from Philadelphia, and Denys tells William that he has dropped “Isaacs” from his own name, presumably to avoid any opprobrium due to the Jewish connection. [Echo, MOBY]
Isbister, Geillis—The name used by Geillis Duncan before marrying. [MOBY]
Iseabaìl—Ian and Emily’s stillborn daughter. [Ashes, Echo, MOBY]
Ishmael—The houngan who worships snakes and creates “zombies,” including Rodrigo. [PZ]
Isobeaìl, Alasdair, and Elspeth—The names given to the chickens by Mrs. Bug. [Echo]
Jackson, Captain—The captain of the slave ship sitting offshore from Stephen Bonnet’s hideout on Ocracoke Island. [Ashes]
Jackson, Jolly—The Indian shaman at the Cherokee village known as Raventown; his invocations could be boring, even to the village inhabitants, but his spiritual guidance was required by the Cherokee in order that the hunt for the ghost bear be successful. [Fiery Cross]
Jacob Ruaidh—See “Jacob MacKenzie.”
Jakob—One of Princess von Lowenstein’s footmen. [SU]
Jameson, Mr.—Elderly apothecary in Savannah with a pleasant working relationship with Claire and a good memory of his customers. [MOBY]
Jameson, Nigel, Mr.—Grandson of the apothecary’s founder, he lets Claire know that pre-made ether is available for her surgery and is a great cure for seasickness. [MOBY]
Jameson, Silas—Owner of an ordinary in Cross Creek, located in front of Mrs. Sylvie’s brothel. [Ashes]
x Jane (McCrea)—(1752–1777) A Loyalist resident living in the woods near Ticonderoga, engaged to a British soldier. She was abducted, killed, and scalped; her long locks were recognized when Wyandot Indians, hired by General Burgoyne to terrorize the colonists, brought her scalp to camp for their bounty. [Echo]
Janie; “Oor Janie”—One of the prostitutes employed in the MacNabs’ brothel, she is noted for her energetic romps and sometimes-vocal declarations of pleasure in her job. [BL]
Jean-Baptiste—Michael Murray’s butler. [SB]
Jeffers, Zebedee—William’s new groom. [MOBY]
x Jefferson, Thomas—(1743–1826) Founding Father, chief author of the Declaration of Independence, and third U.S. president, Jefferson promoted the idea of republicanism in opposition to the imperialistic ideas prominent in Europe. [Ashes, Echo
Jeffords—A lawyer who was also part of the spy ring, along with Ffoulkes, Bates, and Otway, but was arrested on a variety of other charges, from lewd conduct to sodomy, conspiracy to commit unnatural acts, and possibly conspiracy to assassinate public officials. [BL]
Jeffries—The Dunsanys’ elderly former coachman and witness to the death of old Ellesmere on the day William was born. He was pensioned off to Ireland to prevent his testimony from causing a scandal. [SP]
Jeffries, Corporal—A corporal leading one of the companies in William’s regiment at the Battle of Long Island. [Echo]
Jemima—A cousin to Alicia Brown and Richard Brown, she is the woman who offers to nurse Baby Beardsley along with her own three-month-old son when Jamie and Claire bring the orphaned child to Brownsville. [Fiery Cross]
Jenkins, Major—A soldier who recognizes Arabella-Jane from the Philadelphia brothel where fellow soldier Harkness was killed; he has her arrested for murder. [MOBY]
Jenks—Lord John’s young comrade at Prestonpans. They are patrolling together before the battle, and Jenks dismisses John’s hints of enemies near Carryarick Pass. [BL]
Jeremy, Atta, and Jojo—Three members of the Montauk Five, a group of time travelers from the 1960s, who apparently failed to make the journey through the time passage safely, as they were never seen again. [Ashes]
Jernigan, Dr.—A Philadelphia Loyalist. [MOBY]
Jernigan, Mary—Daughter of Dr. Jernigan, she is also a friend of Anne Endicott and is described by William as “a flirtatious blond piece.” [MOBY]
Jerusha—The quiet but plump mare (also known affectionately as Mistress Piggy, due to her appetite) that Hermon Husband leaves for Jamie and Claire when he is forced to flee in the face of the upcoming confrontation with the Regulators. [Fiery Cross]
Jess—A soldier wounded by a panther prior to the Battle of Saratoga; his cousin Lester—who is also Claire’s triage aide—applied a tourniquet to his leg to stanch the blood flow. [Echo]
Jessop, Mr.—A neighbor of Mrs. Hempstead, he informs her—through the gamut of local child messengers—that a tall Scottish man is looking for Fergus. [Echo]
The Companion to the Fiery Cross, a Breath of Snow and Ashes, an Echo in the Bone, and Written in My Own Heart's Blood Page 49