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The Vampire Hunters Academy: The Shadows

Page 5

by Delizhia Jenkins

  Adjusting his cuffs, he took to the airwaves as mist and into the night where the rest of the members of his kind ruled as kings.

  Archer idly brushed away a strand of strand of dark hair from Eve’s face as his new Guardians in training filtered into the gym in single file led by Congo and Tatsu.

  Eve offered him a knowing smile and slipped away from his grasp, sending him a mental promise of what was to come later. She held his stare in the same manner that she held his heart: with gentleness and resilience. Her love made his life as Head Guardian worth the endless nights, the battles, the drama that comes with guiding young adults into this insane lifestyle, the pressure that comes with the title, and the deaths of fellow Guardians who were not only teammates but family. Eve’s loving touch and big heart was all he needed.

  Freeing himself from thoughts of Eve, Archer snapped back into focus. Sanaya was seated between Maya and King. Charlie and Bullet found a seat on either side of Eve, with Lisa seated next to Tatsu. Trent was the last to enter, his gaze focused on the ground and his shoulders slumped. Archer made a mental note to pull the kid to the side and have a few words with him. He waited for everyone to be seated, and once several other senior Guardians entered the gym, he sighed.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a problem.” Archer paced the center of the room, meeting the concerned stares of Guardians and students alike. “As some of you know, we received an impromptu visit from the Council of Slayers last night. Usually they wait until our Slayer is fully matured and seasoned in battle, but not this time. I spoke with The Elders and even reached out to our fellow Guardians through our network, and the Council has every reason to be concerned. The Elders have broadcasted a Code Red to every Guardian cell worldwide, and we are calling in every available church assassin we have at our disposal. Cain’s daughter has been spotted, and she is on the warpath.”

  The gasp that followed was enough to form a bead of sweat on Archer’s brow. He focused on Sanaya. “We were warned by The Council that Selene was rescued from her entombment, and it would appear that she has been fed and fully restored. As of now, her current location is in New Orleans, Louisiana, of all places, and she’s already wounded an entire Guardian team there. As we speak, we’ve sent out a special recovery team, and the teams already in the area are rendering assistance. Which leads us to this.”

  He stopped pacing to stand in front of Sanaya.

  “Cain isn’t dead. According to The Council, the very first huntress and the bastard’s sister was unsuccessful in killing him. He has been hiding throughout the millennium in plain sight, and our new Slayer is our canary in the coal mine. She shares a psychic link to Cain, allowing her the ability to track him. Unfortunately, the link will go both ways, meaning that he will also be able to track her, and since our Slayer is not ready to face off with an entity as old and as powerful as Cain, we are in for some major problems.”

  “What about the students?” one of the Guardians asked, her voice near panic. “This Academy has stood through the tests of time, and it was not until recently that we’ve had these difficulties.”

  Archer shrugged. “It comes with the territory. We didn’t think we would ever have the honor of guarding a Slayer. Fighting vampires, closing hell portals, chasing off a Weredemon here and there, or searching for sacred texts were probably all we assumed we would have to contend with should we survive and make it to old age. But that is not in the cards for us now.”

  “So, what’s the plan, boss?” Congo asked, stepping forward. “We go in, smoke that broad, and then continue to train our little darling until she is ready to face off with the real deal or what?”

  “We are beefing up our security, and we are discontinuing enrollment until further notice,” Archer replied with a defeated sigh. “Until the threat is eliminated.”

  The room erupted with protests from every Guardian in the room, including the voices of Charlie, King, and Bullet. Sanaya glanced at Maya, who closed her eyes and leaned her head against the bleacher behind her.

  “I don’t think that is the answer!” Eve yelled above the protests, capturing the attention of Archer and the other Guardians. Eve rose, positioned herself next to Archer, and gently placed a palm on the center of his chest. Silent understanding flowed between them, and Archer stepped aside to give her the floor.

  “I don’t think discontinuing enrollment is the best approach,” Eve said. “We are going to need more Guardians to train and replenish our numbers and to be able to combat the threats that continue to form against not only The Academy but humanity.”

  Surveying the various expressions that observed her from the bleachers, she straightened her posture. “We need more trained Guardians, period. Stopping enrollment will hurt our cause. But we have to take the fight beyond The Academy’s walls.”

  “What on earth are you proposing, Eve?” another Guardian asked.

  “We work with The Council of Slayers on this,” Eve said. “If they are making appearances and sending war parties, they know what we are up against and can be of help. Only a living Slayer can kill Cain. However, Guardians are not to be slept on either. We find out where that bitch rests her head during the daylight hours and put an end to her misery.”

  “Yeah, and as soon as Cain finds out that his daughter has been killed, he will come after all of us,” the skeptical Guardian said.

  “He is bound to come for us anyway,” Archer said.

  “But he hasn’t,” Sanaya said. “Which is odd if you ask me.”

  All eyes were on Archer’s protégé and the newest Slayer of the millennium. Archer cautiously approached her and knelt before her. “Talk to us,” he said softly.

  “I don’t know, but since we are talking about the very first vampire, I’m surprised it hasn’t dawned on anyone that Cain would be the one to come for us the hardest,” Sanaya said. “I am sure that The Academy has been hit hard ever since its construction by The Darkness. I mean, c’mon, they know about what is being done here. So unless someone knows something I don’t, the possibility of Cain attacking us doesn’t concern me. I am more concerned to know why he hasn’t. And you can’t argue it’s because we are being shielded. I am sure it has not always been that way.”

  Archer and Congo shared a glance as the other Guardians murmured among themselves.

  “I’m just thinking off the fly,” Sanaya said. “I mean, I’m really not sure what I’m talking about.”

  “She has a point,” Eve said. “Which is why we should not discontinue enrollment.”

  Archer patted Sanaya on the knee and rose to his feet. “We need to check the books on this. I have never heard of Cain breaching our barriers.”

  “What are we going to do about Selene?” Lois asked. “Because from what it sounds like to me, she is the biggest threat to The Academy right about now.”

  “A team is on its way to New Orleans as we speak,” Archer said. “We will be collaborating with the Guardian teams of New Orleans and the entire state of Louisiana on this. We even have some of our own on standby just in case.”

  “Man, New Orleans is going to be swarming with vampires in the next few days,” Congo said, smoothing a large palm over his ebony face.

  “And they are going to be strong as shit, too,” another male Guardian said.

  “Please watch the language around here,” Eve pleaded.

  “London is also sending assistance,” Tatsu said from her seat way up on the bleachers. “Along with a few teams in states like Texas and Kentucky. I also contacted the team in Tokyo, and they are more than willing to render assistance if needed.”

  “Well shoot, sign me up on that list,” said Nathan, one of the Guardians who had remained quiet for the most part of the meeting. “It has been how long since I had a good fight with something worse than a werewolf?” He flexed both of his biceps as some of the female Guardians turned around to appreciate the view. “Yeah, it’s about time I got into some trouble.”

  Some of the male Guardians chuckled
and slapped fives while the female Guardians smiled and shook their heads.

  “Easy there, tiger,” Archer said. “We are dealing with a female vampire that was born, not bitten, with all of the vampire strengths and none of their weaknesses.”

  “You mean she can do daylight?” Charlie asked in a horrified whisper.

  “That among other things, yes.” Archer watched as Charlie covered her mouth with wide-eyed terror; her wild red hair looking every bit of frazzled as his nerves. “But according to the Old Texts, daylight is not exactly her strong suit. She is still a creature of the night, and we can use that to our advantage. Senior Guardians, we will continue this discussion later. I need to get these students to their scheduled classes before their professors give me the blues. Meeting adjourned.”

  Motioning for Sanaya and her crew to follow him, Archer knew from the expressions on their young faces they were not ready.

  And we’re running out of time, he thought.

  Chapter Eight

  Melting into the shadows of New Orleans’ Garden District, Daemon refrained from materializing into his physical form. Instead, he opted to observe the horrific scene from the safety of the shadows. Several Guardians lay dead on the concrete, just outside Café du Monde, a popular restaurant widely known for its beignets. Most of the customers were able to flee the scene, and as police and paramedics arrived, Daemon watched with a high level of interest. Selene had enough sense to disappear after making an appearance and gorging on a number of unsuspecting humans, some of them who unfortunately happened to be Guardians. The survival of the vampire race depended on secrecy and manipulation of the human populations. Not this. This massacre was sure to spark immediate redress from Guardians worldwide and cause a number of other complications that threatened to expose the reality of vampires and other creatures of The Darkness.

  The coppery scent of blood filled his nostrils, teasing his taste buds. Bodies were strewn about everywhere, some still with their limbs, others were nothing but shredded torsos. Selene had made no distinctions between men, women, children, or the elderly. The outdoor patio with its signature bamboo furniture was covered with blood and other human fragments. The inside dining area festered with shattered glass, more blood, and the silent echo from the violence of Selene’s visit. The scene was definitely newsworthy.

  Selene needed to control herself. She would have plenty of time to indulge her senses in the blood of the innocent, but with The Beast in a foul mood and a living Slayer in their midst, he needed to execute his plan effectively.

  Yellow tape now sectioned off the area, and as more of the NOPD’s finest officers appeared, a young paramedic nearly doubled over when he saw a head held onto a body only by strings of tendon and strips of flesh. Daemon smiled, pleased that Selene fed with unabashed freedom and brutality. The Guardians who managed to escape put up a good fight, but the survivors may have had wounds that would bind them to Selene forever.

  He continued to monitor the scene for a few minutes until he detected the presence of a fresh team of Guardians, possibly another New Orleans team. He could smell the vengeance flowing through their veins and the adrenaline perfuming the air from their sweat. He needed to disappear before another incident occurred. Taking a final glance at the clear night sky, he inhaled the crisp, clean air. New Orleans would always be his favorite mistress.

  He needed to find Selene and get the hell out of New Orleans before the Guardians unleashed hell on him.

  “Look, man!” Congo shouted as he burst into Archer’s private study and turned on the television. “That shit is all on the news, like, what the fuck?”

  Archer watched the horrific scene with an eerie calm, expertly masking his own feelings of horror as images still gruesome after the media had blurred them flashed across the flat screen.

  “Are you … Do you see this shit?” Congo shouted. “We gotta get down there, man! I got family … my peeps from back in the day. If that bitch is roaming about like that, we gotta go put an end to her!”

  “I know,” Archer replied as he stepped away from his desk. “The Elders have already requested the expertise of Tatsu and Asim.”

  “Naw, fuck that! We gotta go. We can stop her—you, me, Eve, Tatsu, and Lois. Those other teams have no clue what they are up against, and sending them textbook information is not going to help.”

  Archer could hear Congo’s heavy breathing above the low hum of the air conditioner. The television’s volume was set low, but the images coming from it spoke volumes. Authorities had no clue what do about the horrific scene, theorizing that it was the result of “cult practices,” this claim despite a side-view surveillance camera image showing a nightmarish image of a smiling woman standing in the middle of the chaos covered in blood. With blood and gore dripping from her chin, Archer caught the flash of her six-inch fangs as she spun around to seek out her next victim. The video cut short, and another image of the surrounding carnage appeared.

  Eve stumbled through the door, her expression grim. “Just received word that half of the New Orleans team didn’t make it, and those who managed to escape …” She exhaled savagely. “They’ve begun to turn.”

  “Oh no,” Archer said.

  “What the fuck?” Congo shouted.

  “Most of them slipped into a coma,” Eve said, “and you know what that means.”

  “Their transition has started,” Archer said softly.

  Eve collapsed onto Archer’s seat. “Louisiana has five known active Guardian cells. The first one is completely gone. The second is out searching for her. Sanaya has to—” Her eyes flitted to the television. “What’s this?”

  Another breaking news story gave a bird’s eye view of the Louisiana State Penitentiary yard swarming with inmates, many of them covered in blood and rushing toward fences only to be cut down by bursts of gunfire.

  The helicopter reporter struggled to articulate what he was seeing. “It’s total chaos and—oh my God! They’re massacring the prisoners!”

  The camera zoomed in on an inmate covered in his own blood from jets of blood spurting from his neck. They watched him attempt to climb over a gate only to be blown off the gate with a shotgun blast.

  The three Guardians faced the screen completely transfixed.

  “The shit has officially hit the fan,” Congo said.

  When the camera panned from the inmate’s twitching body to a S.W.A.T team rushing through the main entrance of the prison, Archer turned off the television.

  “We gotta get to Louisiana,” Congo said.

  But we’re not nearly ready, Archer thought.

  Sanaya could not understand why they were even having classes. Everyone’s nerves were either fried or on edge because of what was happening in Louisiana.

  An entire Guardian squad wiped out and we’re learning about the Bible? What sense does that make? We should be doing something not learning about past history! We need to fix the present! Why isn’t The Council of Slayers on this?

  She watched Professor Grizoni moving about excitedly, catching his curious glance every so often as if he knew she was not present mentally. Fidgeting in her seat, she tossed one of her braids over her shoulder and stared at the clock.

  I wish I was anywhere but here! I wish I was back to my old life before I knew vampires existed! I wish I didn’t have the fate of the world on my shoulders!

  But most of all, I wish this freaking class would end!

  Professor Grizoni rambled off the requirements for an assignment, focusing his attention on Sanaya. When the bell rang, Sanaya jumped out of her seat and hoisted her backpack high onto her shoulder.

  Professor Grizoni rushed to her desk. “I need for you to stay for a few minutes. It is imperative that I speak with you, young Slayer.”

  Sanaya lowered her bag onto the desk and watched as her classmates streamed out of the room. Trent waited by the door.

  “It’s cool, Trent,” Sanaya said. “I will see you at the gym.”

  Trent nodded before sl
ipping out of the doorway, leaving Sanaya and Professor Grizoni alone.

  Professor Grizoni cleared his throat and adjusted his bifocals. “Selene, the demon trapped in the caves of Mount Sinai, was freed and has been feeding nonstop. She must be stopped!”

  “I know, Professor, but the Guardians are not about to let me in on that battle,” Sanaya said.

  “No, you must understand,” the Professor said. “She has a thirst for Guardian blood. She will specifically target the sacred teams, rooting them out to feed on. The one who freed her is an Ancient One, not nearly as old as her, but old and powerful enough. Follow me.”

  Swinging her backpack high onto her shoulder, Sanaya reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell to send King and Maya a text, letting them know she would be late for lunch.

  Professor Grizoni hurriedly packed away his notebooks and laptop into his briefcase and motioned for her to follow. He led her through the bustling hallways, a few students admiring her with welcoming grins while others offered high fives and handshakes.

  Oh, this is great, Sanaya thought. A few months ago you all treated me like a freak and an outcast, and now I’m your hero. You all need to sharpen your skills, and quickly, because the entities out lurking in the shadows are not for inexperienced Guardians like you. Selene took out an entire team of experienced Guardians! I don’t even want to think about what that vampire would do to everyone praising me. We should all be getting ready for battle!

  They walked out of the main building and across the football field sized parking lot toward a smaller building to the left of the main entrance to St. Peter’s Basilica. Professor Grizoni moved at a rapid pace, and Sanaya had to increase her speed to keep up with the older Guardian.

  “You know, Sanaya,” he said with a huff. “What I am about to show you is top secret with special clearance only. Some of the most senior Guardians do not even have access to what I am about to show you. I am afraid your primary Guardian, Archer, will be none too pleased with what I am about to expose you to, but I feel it is more imperative to speed up the process of your growth rather than slow it down.”


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