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Capture Me Slowly

Page 13

by Joya Ryan

  “That’s my line,” he said.

  I shook my head. “Not tonight. Tonight I’m taking care of you. I’m here. And no matter what you want to say or don’t say, no matter what you feel, I’m here. You won’t break me, you don’t have to worry about me. Just let go. Let me have you.”

  His mouth landed on mine hard and in that moment, his kiss said everything.

  I wondered if Rhys had ever felt like he had a partner, an equal. Maybe he’d never see me that way. But in that moment, he was trying. I felt it in the way his strong grip tightened. The way the cupboard behind me pounded from his fist against it as he took me over and over, no holding back, no gentleness, just using all the power in his big body to unleash everything onto me.

  His lust. His pain. His past. I was there to take it. Happily. For the first time feeling like I meant something to someone. I offered them something. It was like I found what I was meant to do.

  I was meant to love Rhys.

  The word stuck in my brain and made my body hurt and my eyes water. Made my skin buzz and my brain swim. I was on the brink of such intense pleasure and breaking apart at the seams like my bones were nothing more than dried-out pencils being snapped apart.

  Again and again he buried himself inside of me. I wrapped my arms and legs even tighter, taking everything. All he had. His skin started slipping against mine from a light sheen of sweat and he wouldn’t give up my mouth. He just kept going. Devouring, drinking, thrusting.

  I gave back the best I could but I was being consumed. Body and soul. And there was no going back now.

  My skin heated another degree and tingles surged up my legs and burned my core. I was going to come again. Hard and slow, just like Rhys was taking me.

  “Rhys,” I whispered his name between kisses.

  He released the shelf behind me and used both arms to embrace me so tightly I could barely breathe. But I loved it. Loved all the power surrounding me. Protecting me.

  “My love . . .” he muttered and I wasn’t sure I heard him right. But something pinged in my chest in response to the rawness behind the words and my body shot over the edge in one shattering release. My muscles burned from clutching to him so hard.

  He hugged me back, his breath heavy against my neck and I felt him shudder and groan as his orgasm slid over him.

  We held on to each other for a long time, simply breathing. Coming down from the most incredible thing I’d ever endured.

  What should have been quick and dirty counter sex after a round of fighting turned into something much scarier.

  I was pretty sure Rhys and I had just made love.


  I scrambled the eggs, pushing them around in the skillet and zoning out, replaying all the moments of last night. Rhys was still asleep in the bedroom and I thought maybe a change of pace would be good, so I took on the task of breakfast.

  He had opened up a little and talked about his past. Which was promising. And me? I felt like my world was painted in new colors I didn’t recognize. Part of me was excited and happy. The other part was confused and terrified.

  I had thought the word love. Thought it when picturing Rhys.

  Problem was, I didn’t know if it was love because I had nothing to compare it to. I loved Adam and Kate and Megan and Preston, but this was different.

  The intensity of my feelings for Rhys was on another scale entirely. It made me more irrational than I already was, but I also felt a little freer. Like who I was, was okay. My past was okay. And my future would be okay. Things weren’t as bleak-looking as they were a few weeks ago. Then again, I hadn’t considered any type of future other than mere survival. But after the trial, things would be up in the air.

  What would happen then? I heard soft footfalls from some pretty big feet, then a warm, yummy-smelling male engulfed me.

  “Good morning,” he said in a sleep-roughened voice, running his hands along my hips and kissing the back of my neck. I felt his hot skin against my shoulders through my tank top. Shirtless Rhys was the best Rhys.

  “I made eggs,” I said, and turned to face him. He didn’t step back, just kept me close and kissed me softly on the lips.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “Go sit down, I’ll bring you a plate.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “What? I can be domestic.”

  He laughed. “Domestic as a tiger, baby.” He agreed, only not really agreeing. I would have shot him a glare but just then the eggs went from perfectly cooked to overdone, so I took them off the burner and turned off the stove. Giving the eggs a moment to stop crackling, I went to pour Rhys a cup of coffee and spilt it all over the counter instead of in the mug.

  “Damn it,” I sighed. He moved to help and I glared his way. “I’ve got it.”

  He held up his palms and sat down in the chair with a grin, watching.

  I quickly batted at the coffee with some paper towels and put the eggs on a plate. Crap, I forgot meat. I opened the fridge to see what quick choices there were. Bologna was good enough. Taking a slice out and I slapped it on the plate next to the eggs and took that and the mug and set it in front of Rhys.

  He looked at the food, then at me and picked up his fork. I didn’t realize I was staring at him until he met my eyes again and took a heaping bite of bologna and eggs.

  “Second-best thing I’ve ever tasted,” he said, and smiled.

  I frowned. “What is the first best thing?”

  His eyes were dark like a storm cloud and slid up my body. “You.”

  He delivered a little wink that made my knees weak and my cheeks heat. But I kept it together. I grabbed my coffee and sat across the table from him.

  “You seem in good spirits today,” I started carefully.

  He met my eyes. “Sex can do that to a man.”

  Again that stupid blush crept up, but I batted it back. “Why did you . . . I mean, why didn’t we do that sooner?” I sounded like a moron. “I mean, you were avoiding me in that way for the past eight days.”

  “You were counting, huh?” Again with the wink. He leaned in a little and said, “You know what? So was I.”

  “So why didn’t you put the moves on? After the shower, you never attempted to touch me until last night.”

  “I just reasoned that my initial thought was correct. Keeping things platonic between us was best.”

  “But I admitted that I wanted you. Gave you what you wanted. You’re welcome,” I threw in for my own pride, which made him grin.

  “I know. I just didn’t want to be that guy who couldn’t say what this thing was between us. And it made sense that if I couldn’t figure it out, I shouldn’t do it.”

  “You mean, you shouldn’t do me.”

  He looked at me with an exasperated expression. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. There were lots of confusing aspects I had to consider.”

  That made sense. Hell, I had no idea how to classify our “relationship” — or if it even had a title — so that I could describe it to myself, let along others. But wait, if he stayed away from me before because he didn’t know what to call this liaison we had going, but he gave in last night, did that mean he had finally figured it out?

  “So, since we hooked up last night, now you know what this is?” I motioned between us.

  He set his fork down. “First off, we did a hell of a lot more than ‘hook up’ last night. Secondly, I knew from the beginning what this was, it’s intense. I just didn’t know how to approach the situation so I backed off until I had a better idea.”

  “I suppose this grand theory and realization of what we are comes with an exit strategy?”

  He got serious real quick. “We’re together, Emma. Unless you tell me otherwise, and have good reasons to back up why we shouldn’t be, I have no intentions of going anywhere, now or after the trial.”

  My eye brows shot into my hairline. “That sounds heavy. Like . . . serious.”

  “I am serious.”

  My pulse pounded
in my temples and I felt suddenly too hot, then too cold. “I think that we should see what happens and go from there.”

  “See what happens when?”

  “Well, after the hearing. I don’t know what will become of Mase. I’ll probably move back to Chicago and find a job and you live in New York and — ”

  “I will find Mase and he will be put behind bars. The guy has a rap sheet and a warrant. He just hasn’t been caught. Once he is, he’ll be put away with his brother and yes, you can go back to your life.” He glanced at his food, then at me. “We can figure out the details later, I’m just hoping you’d consider having me be a part of it when that happens.”

  That stupid ping in my chest was back. I was losing it for Rhys Striker.

  “Do you want to talk about something else?” I offered, because I had no idea what to say. Rhys was a possibility. He seemed to want me and that was a good feeling. But first things first. I had to get through the hearing. Then deal with Mase, then the future. At least Rhys might be in it, which made me happy.

  “Are you okay? With today being your dad’s anniversary and all?” I said carefully.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. He died a long time ago. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to let certain things go, but today, I feel less weighed down by the guilt. I’ve woken up to fifteen different days like today, and never once did I feel hopeful, except for today.” He ran his finger down my hand and finished with, “And it’s because of you, Emma.”

  Rhys looked more peaceful than he had since I met him. And if I’d helped, if I’d had anything to do with that, I was beyond thrilled.

  “Your mother doesn’t want you to sell the place,” I said and took a sip of coffee.

  “Oh, I know. She’s made her opinion very clear over the years.”

  “Yeah, well, now she has me on her team and I think that if this place makes you happy, you should keep it.”

  He looked at me for a long, long moment, then finally gave a curt nod. “I just may keep it, then.”

  We enjoyed the rising sun and coffee, and I didn’t bring up the woman, Mysha, again. Something deep down told me I knew more than anyone else and I wasn’t about to ruin this good moment for Rhys. It was a tricky enough day and I was tired of the pain. For him, for us, I just wanted to let it go.

  I looked at Rhys’s hand, reaching out from across the table and holding mine.

  Reaching . . .

  Feeling content and, yes, hopeful for the first time in a long time, I reached back.


  Rhys crawled into bed and pulled the covers over both of us. The last several days had been wonderful. The sound of the wind lightly blowing outside the open window was soothing and I had learned quickly that Rhys was always warm. A comfort I had grown accustomed to.

  “We leave in the morning,” I said, and turned to face him. Each of us on our sides lying in bed, we looked at each other.

  “Everything will be okay. I called your brother and he’ll meet us at the courthouse tomorrow.”

  It was Rhys’s idea to go straight to the hearing. He’d also called Adam to tell him what was going on. It was an early morning flight back to Chicago and we’d be there in plenty of time.

  I didn’t know exactly what Rhys said to Adam. They had met briefly at Megan’s wedding a while back and were familiar with each other. Rhys told him that I had been on a mini vacation, which was kind of true, and a few basic details of my situation. Still, it was enough to make Adam want to meet us at the courthouse. At the end of the day, my brother was supportive. I just wanted to keep him and his family out of this.

  “Adam was really okay with everything?” I asked Rhys for the millionth time.

  Rhys nodded. “I didn’t go into a lot of details, but he seemed to be happy that he’d be seeing you and glad that you’re okay and enjoying life.”

  “It’s just weird. I know Adam and I can go a couple weeks without talking, especially since I moved to New York, but he really didn’t seem worried or surprised that we were ‘vacationing’ together?”

  Rhys shrugged. “He seemed fine. Just said he’d meet us tomorrow to support you and that would be it.”

  I took a deep breath. Things were feeling smooth and easy. Oddly so.

  “So I just show up, say my piece, leave and hopefully we’ll catch Mase at some point?”

  Rhys’s eyes went a little cold. “Mase will be near that courthouse tomorrow. Unless he’s stupid, he won’t go inside since there’s a warrant for his arrest, but I guarantee he’ll be close by. This whole thing has been leading up to one moment. Once I find him, this mess will all be behind you.”

  I nodded. “It seems so easy.”

  “Instead of us chasing him, he’ll come to us and when he does, you’ll be safe.”

  “You’ll keep me safe?” I said with a wiggle of my eyebrows, half joking, but Rhys was very serious when he responded.

  “I will always keep you safe, Emma.”

  I snuggled a little closer. “Is it weird that a part of me wants to stay here? To never be found?”

  He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. “Only if you think it’s weird that I have the same thought.”

  “So you’re going to keep the cabin?” I looked up at him and tapped his chin.

  Something kind of sad washed over his face. “We’ll see.”

  I let it go, because while I could push, there was something more pressing I wanted to get straight before we went back to the real world tomorrow.

  “Rhys, will you tell me about Mysha?”

  His jaw tightened. “I’ve never talked about her with anyone, until you.”

  I nodded, figuring as much. But the fact that he was opening up meant that maybe I could help. Take some of the bad thoughts away.

  “I did love her, which was why I wasn’t heartbroken when I found out Sara cheated on me,” he said. “Mysha and the other locals were like a part of our unit. Men and women we protected.”

  “You spent years together?”

  He nodded.

  “Did you two ever . . .”

  He gave a sad grin. “No. Nothing physical ever happened. That would have been unprofessional.”

  He’d used that word once before with me, only we weren’t in a business relationship. But I was sure that it was the protector in Rhys that made him look at things this way. I knew he would never take advantage of a female, or anyone.

  “The first day I met Mysha, she told me her story. She had been beaten, abused, in the worst ways.” His eyes landed on me. “I wanted to save her from it. Thought I was. Thought we were by offering her our protection. But in the end, it killed her.”

  I cupped his face and shook my head. “No, you did your job and she did hers. You can’t take out all the assholes in the world, Rhys.”

  “I should have been able to keep her safe.” His wounded stare landed on my face and he said, “Please believe me, Emma. When I tell you I will, I will.”

  “I know,” I nodded. “You don’t have to prove that to me.”

  He slowly moved to rest on top of me and my legs parted to cradle his hips against mine. I felt his hard cock grow further and press against my core.

  “But I want to. If you’ll let me,” he said and kissed my lips.

  “Thank you for telling me about her.” I looked up into those fierce grays and saw what I had always seen. Determination. I had taken it personally before, but knowing Rhys now, what he had gone through, made it all make sense. He wasn’t fighting me, or memories, or his past, he was fighting himself.

  “I want you to let go of the guilt,” I whispered. “Just try. You deserve to let it go and be happy.”

  He reached for a condom on the bedside table and slid it on. He dipped his hand beneath my panties and began stroking my clit until I was panting and melting for him.

  “Right now, with you, I’m happy.” He took my mouth with his.

  “You’ve changed me,” I said against his lips. “I feel stronger.”

  “I’m gl
ad, baby.” He removed his hand, tugged my panties aside, and slowly pushed his cock inside of me, “Because when I’m with you . . . I feel weak.”

  I wanted to search his face because I didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he consumed my mouth before I could ask. Slowly kissing as he planted himself to the hilt and filled me up like the last puzzle piece I was missing in life.

  Rhys entered me, over and over, taking his time and building up so much pleasure it almost hurt. Like the soul was about to burst from my being.

  If I wasn’t certain before, I was now. What Rhys and I had was different. Better than anything I’d ever experienced before.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Everything will be fine,” Rhys said, standing behind me, rubbing my shoulders.

  I wiggled on my high heel shoes, ones I hadn’t worn in forever and tugged the strap of my purse higher on my shoulder. It was crazy that I was carrying around a purse again. Rhys had given my cell phone back this morning and I was slowly reentering the real world.

  The courthouse was large, daunting and pretty quiet at the moment. I could hear the echo of my heels as I clicked down the hall.

  Adam pulled me into a hug and said, “I’m glad you’re okay.” He stepped back and looked at me. Always composed in a three-piece suit and ready to rule the world. “You know you can tell me things.”

  “I didn’t want you, Kate or Simon around me when I knew Mase was looking for me.”

  “I could have helped you Emma,” Adam said sternly. I knew he meant well, but there was more to it.

  “Adam, you and Kate fought so long and hard for Simon. What if there was a scandal involving me and my past coming to light, one that could hurt you or ruin your chances of getting him? I didn’t want to risk it.”

  He glanced down.

  I sighed. “I don’t want to fight.”

  He gave a half smile, something he was doing more of lately thanks to Kate, and patted my shoulder. “Well, I’m glad you’re safe and we’ll get this asshole so you can come home.”

  I looked at Rhys and he gave me a sad smile. We never talked details about the future. There was no point. There were still too many variables. Like Mase. And Rhys’s life.


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