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Second Chances: Pleasant Grove Series Book 2

Page 15

by Lee, Tara

  * * *

  “I have news, baby,” I tell her as I enter the kitchen after putting Harmony down for her afternoon nap.

  She looks at me expectantly.

  “The police found Hannah a couple of towns over, dead from an overdose.”

  Tears fill her eyes, and she sags against me in relief. “It’s really over?”

  “Yeah, it’s really over.”

  “Then why are you still so tense,” she asks as she rubs the knotted muscles in my back.

  “My father stopped by. He wants to be part of our lives. But I told him no and sent him away,” I tell her in a flat voice.

  “You’re joking, right?” she asks in shock.

  “Yeah. I haven’t seen him outside of a photograph since I was three fucking years old. And he just pops up out of the blue.” I shake my head.

  “Are you okay?” She pulls me closer to her.

  I know she’s worried about me. But I’m more worried about her. Her skin is clammy and greenish.

  “I’m fine. Are you okay? You don’t look like you feel well.” My thumbs brush her cheeks.

  “I threw up before you came in. It wasn’t pretty.”

  I reach in my back pocket and pull out the little box. Grabbing one of her hands, I place the test in her palm. “Take this. I think it will explain what’s going on,” I say, kissing her cheek.

  She looks up at me and smiles as she lets out a laugh.

  "How did you know?"

  I grin back at her and kiss those lips I'm so very fond of.

  "Had a feeling. Why do you already know?"

  She giggles and turns in my arms. Her hands wrap around my neck, and she plays with the back of my hair, never taking her eyes off mine.

  "I took a test this morning, but I was scared to tell you."

  "Why baby?" I ask confused.

  "Because it’s so quick. I mean Harmony isn't even a year old and we’re having another baby. I panicked and thought you'd be mad."

  "Oh baby. I could never be mad at that. How could I be mad at you for gifting me another baby?"

  She shrugs like she's unsure.

  "I'm sorry if I've given off that vibe, baby. But I promise you, I am fucking ecstatic right now," I say, beaming.

  A tear rolls down her cheek, and I wipe it away with my thumb. She sniffs, and I can tell a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

  After losing Harley we never thought we'd get another chance to be parents, but now we’ve been blessed with two babies in a short amount of time.

  Life really was about second chances.

  "I love you," she chokes out as tears flow down her cheeks.

  I cup her face and kiss her until I can't breathe.

  "I love you so fucking much, baby." I breathe.

  She wraps her arms around me tighter, allowing me to place my head into the crook of her neck. I inhale her sweet smell. It’s so damn intoxicating.

  The feeling of her against my chest is the best feeling in the world. I pull back slightly placing my hand over her stomach. Being able to watch her stomach grow with another baby will be the most magical thing in the world.

  She smiles up at me as she places her hand over mine, and we cradle the new life inside her.

  I kiss her slowly, taking her lips in mine, cherishing the way they feel.

  Everything about this moment is right. My hands grip her waist as I slip my tongue in. God, she feels so good.

  A small moan slips from her, causing my cock to twitch.

  "Fuck, baby," I hiss between kisses

  Her hands tighten around my neck more, and it takes everything I have in me to not take her against the bench right now.

  "Eli," she begs.

  "Yeah, baby?" I ask, teasing her.

  "Please," she moans, rubbing up against my growing cock.

  I chuckle. My girl’s horny, and I'll be damned if I don't give her the orgasm she so desperately craves.

  I pick her up and sit her on the countertop. She lets out a gasp as I lift the dress she’s wearing, bunching it at her waist.

  I slide my finger up her thigh, leaving a trail of kisses on her neck at the same time. She's panting and pulling at my shirt.

  I take her earlobe between my teeth and gently bite down, groaning as I do.

  "Fuck, you smell so incredible, baby," I say against her hair.

  "Eli," she breathes.

  "Yeah, baby?"

  "I need you."

  I pull back and smirk at her. I love teasing her. It drives her crazy, and fuck me, if I don't love making her crazy with want.

  I slip down her bra, revealing the sweet peak hiding underneath. She moans as I take her nipple, wetting it with my tongue.

  She gasps when I bite down hard. Her body jumps as a finger inches closer to that sweet desire.

  "You’re so wet, baby," I say, wrapping my lips around her nipple again. Her head falls back, and she lets out a groan. I slip a finger inside, and I nearly come in my jeans as her smell hits my nose and her wetness grips my finger.

  My cock aches in my jeans. I need her. If I don't get inside her soon, I'll explode.

  I glide my finger out, and she groans in protest. But her eyes go wide with pleasure as I take my cock out, sliding it against her wetness.

  With one thrust, I'm inside. We both let out moans of pleasure. I lift her leg, making me sink in deeper. My head goes back as I feel her tighten around me.

  "Fuck baby. I'm going to explode inside this sweet pussy."

  "Please, please, Eli," she whispers. Her voice sends me over the edge even more.

  My hands grip her hips as I slam into her. She meets each thrust. I reach up, pulling on her bra to release her other breast. Now they're both bouncing with the impact of the slams.

  She lets out a scream as she comes around my cock. I can't hold back any longer. With two more thrusts, I release everything I have inside her. Grunting as I do, my body shakes with my orgasm I hold Charli tightly as my head rests on her shoulder. My breathing finally slows, and I glide out of her warmth. I hold Charli in my arms, giving her endless kisses.

  She smirks up at me. I know we have to break apart soon, because as much as I want to take her again, I know she needs to clean up before our daughter wakes.

  I kiss her forehead, and the look she gives me lights up my universe. She bites her bottom lip, and I can read her mind.

  I chuckle, kiss her nose, and fix her dress, carefully covering her up so I'm not tempted. I adjust myself and put my cock away.

  "Stop being naughty and go clean your sexy ass up. Or I will fuck you again, and this time it won't be gentle, baby."

  She caresses my cheek, and my cock twitches.

  Fuck me. She has a direct line to my cock.

  "Maybe…" She stops and licks her lips, making me regret my decision to not fill her again.

  "Maybe… I don't like you to be so gentle with me all the time." She kisses my lips softly then slides down the bench, rubbing over my still very hard cock.

  She winks at me and walks away, leaving me to stare after her like she's grown an extra head.

  Fucking hell. How did I get so lucky to have this woman in my life?

  She stops and turns, crooking her finger at me to follow her with a small smirk on her lips. I chase after her, swooping her in my arms when I get to her.

  She giggles as I take her to our room, so I can show her just how not gentle I can really be.




  OUR LIVES SEEM TO finally be turning around.

  Hannah is no longer in the picture. I didn't want her dead. But when Eli told me she was found, I sighed in relief. When he said she’d died from an overdose, I was in shock. I never knew she was into drugs.

  Did she finally realize Eli wasn't backing down? Did she know that no matter what she threatened, he wasn't going to leave me for her? Leave his family?

  The life growing inside me is a reminder of how precious life is. Ever
y second we get to spend on Earth is a joyous moment that should be celebrated. We should never take anything for granted.

  I’m not sure what to think about Eli’s dad making an appearance after all this time. I can’t believe he expects Eli to forgive him and welcome him with open arms. When Eli went to his mother’s grave, I wasn’t sold on his need to do so. She was never much of a parent. She used and abused her power as Eli’s mom. And then when she had the nerve to show up at the hospital and ask his forgiveness. What the hell is it with his family? He deserves better.

  I know he doubted his abilities when we first had Harmony. He wasn’t sure he could be an amazing father, not having many male role models in his life. But I assured him he'd do fantastic, and he has. Our little girl is his whole world. She’s definitely his number one girl now. But I'm okay with that. She loves her daddy, and I love the bond they share. She is a daddy's girl.

  My belly is just starting to show. It seems I show earlier with each baby. Next week, we find out what we’re having. I'm thinking a boy. Eli thinks it’s another girl. We have bets going on who's right.

  I still can't believe after losing Harley we’ve been blessed with two more babies in such a short amount of time. They truly are our little miracle babies.

  * * *

  Today’s the day. We’ll see who's right. Eli or me.

  The doctor squirts the cold jelly onto my belly and starts to move the little wand around. Eli sits, holding my hand while he cradles Harmony. She's so excited to be out and about. She doesn’t understand what's going on with mommy's belly. She might not understand much, but I’m thrilled to give her a sibling.

  "So, are we finding out the sex today?" the doctor asks.

  "Yes," Both Eli and I say, all too excitedly.

  The doctor chuckles and continues to move the wand around.

  "Okay well… it looks like you are having a…" He pauses for effect.

  "A girl. Congratulations." He smiles at me

  I look over at Eli, and he has tears in his eyes.

  Seeing the smile on his face and the tears trailing down his cheeks brings on my own tears.

  "It’s a girl?" he asks just to be sure he heard the doctor correctly.

  "Yes, it's a girl," he says matter-of-factly.

  Eli jumps out of his chair and does a fist pump, making Harmony giggle at her daddy's weird behaviour.

  I laugh.

  "Little excited, are we?" I ask, beaming up at him.

  He leans down and takes my lips in his for a deep kiss. Harmony wants to join in and decides to kiss both Eli and me.

  "You're going to have a little sister, baby girl," Eli says, kissing Harmony's head.

  The doctor cleans me up after taking some photos and measurements. He congratulates Eli and me one more time before excusing himself from the room.

  A little girl, I can't believe it.

  Eli will definitely be outnumbered. But somehow with the big smile shining on his face right now, I don't think he minds. Not one little bit.



  JENSEN IS STILL STRUGGLING. He's not coping with what he found in that letter. I'm not sure reading it was really the best idea.

  Eli has asked him a few times if he was going to head down to Missouri, so he can try to find his parents and demand answers. But Jensen just avoids the questions and changes the subject every time.

  I'm worried about my big brother. He hasn't been himself.

  He's been drinking. And I'd be okay with that, but it’s not just a casual beer with the guys. He drinks until he passes out. His boss, Cam, sent him home last week because he arrived at work so hungover, he could barely stand.

  This isn't Jensen. He hasn't drunk like this since losing our parents, and that nearly pushed him over the edge. He barely kept it together then. But I'm afraid this will truly break him.

  Finding out his real parents have been a twelve-hour drive away has made him angry. He doesn’t understand why they didn’t make the effort to come to see him instead of sending a measly letter. He’s angry at Mom and Dad too because they never told him the truth.

  Jensen told me he's always felt like he didn't belong and there was a part of him missing. Now he knows why.

  My heart breaks for him. He doesn't deserve this. No one does. I always thought my big brother was invincible, that nothing could hurt him. I guess I was wrong, because no matter how much Eli or I try, Jensen has locked himself away and refuses to talk about it. Even when he does go to work, his boss told me he's barely there. He's just flowing through life.

  Today, I'm going to talk some sense into my brother. Well try to at least.

  I knock on his door. I know he's home today. It’s his day off. When he doesn't answer, I knock again, louder this time. I have a key, but I want him to come to the door, so I know he's okay.

  When I've been standing here knocking for over ten minutes, I fish my key out of my pocket and open his door.

  My eyes have to adjust to the darkness. It's so cold in here.

  "Jensen?" I call out. He doesn't answer.

  Maybe he's in bed?

  I call out again, hoping if he’s asleep I just woke him. I go in search of him. He has to be here. His car is in the driveway. Maybe he's just avoiding me because he knows I've come to check up on him, and he isn't happy about it.

  I turn the corner to his room. His door is closed. I knock quietly.

  "Jensen?" I whisper.

  He’s in his bed, snoring softly. He's out cold. I sigh in relief.

  I slowly close his door so as not to disturb him. I'll let him sleep and wait for him to wake up.

  I go about cleaning the pigsty that is his kitchen. He has takeout boxes, beer cans, and energy drink cans scattered everywhere.

  It takes me a good hour and a half to clean just his kitchen. Once I've emptied his dishwasher and taken out the trash, the place actually looks half decent again.

  I move on to tidying his lounge room next. It’s just as bad as the kitchen.

  "Oh, my god, Jens. How have you lived like this," I mutter to myself.

  I'm halfway done cleaning when I hear his door open.

  He goes to the bathroom, and once he's done, he makes his way to the kitchen.

  His head is down, and he's rubbing his face, so he doesn't see me.

  I sit down on the sofa, waiting for him to notice me. I could call out, but I might scare him.

  "Jesus fuck, Charlotte,” he says, grabbing his chest.

  "Way to give a guy a heart attack. What the hell are you doing here?" he demands, coming towards me. I shrug.

  "I wanted to check on you. I thought we could talk."

  "Fuck, not this again. I'm not talking about how shitty my life is at the moment. Why can't you and everyone else see I'm fine? Just let me deal in my own way."

  He goes back towards the kitchen and takes a beer out. He swallows down half the bottle before I've even made it to him.

  "It's a little early to be drinking isn't it?" I state.

  He glares at me then finishes the bottle off, grabbing another one.

  He burps loudly and heads to the lounge.

  "Do you work tonight?" I ask.

  "Nope," he barks.

  He switches the tv on, trying to drown me out. I sit across from him and stare.

  "What?" he snaps again.

  "Nothing. I—"

  "You what, Charli?"

  He brushes his fingers through his hair in frustration.

  "Jens, I'm worried about you, okay? This isn’t you."

  "Yeah it is, and I'm fucking fine. Just fucking drop it. Okay?" he demands angrily.

  "No, you’re not, Jensen. You can pretend all you want. I know you, and this isn’t my brother."

  "I'm not your brother," he shouts, cutting me off. My eyes fill with tears at his harsh words.

  "Just get the fuck out of my house. You have no right barging in here and demanding I tell you my problems. I'm fine."

  He stands up and thro
ws the beer bottle across the room, making it smash against the wall. I flinch. My eyes are cast down, and I'm holding back tears.

  I sniff and stand.

  I look over at Jensen, and he's sitting down with his head in his hands, breathing deeply.

  I pick up my purse and walk over to him. I place a kiss on his head and whisper, "I love you, and no matter what, you’ll always be my brother. Nothing can change that."

  Then I leave. The tears fall once I close his door behind me.



  I’M HERE TO KICK Jensen's ass. No one, and I mean no one makes my wife cry.

  When Charli got home, and I saw her eyes were red and her face was splotchy, I knew Jensen had been an ass to her. I was going to put him in his place. More like, I was going to put my fist in his face.

  After I bang on the door and yell, "Jensen," for the fifth time, the door finally swings open with a wobbly Jensen on the other side.

  I rush in and fist his shirt, pushing him against the wall, hard.

  "What the fuck, dude? What the fuck is your problem?" he says, trying to shove me off him.

  "What the fuck is my problem?" I say, shoving him back, making him wobble a bit. He finally gets his footing. I start pacing, frustrated because he's fucking drunk, and I so wanted to hit him.

  "You are an, asshole. Are you fucking drunk right now?"

  He shrugs and finishes his beer off, licking his lips once he's done.

  "You ever speak to Charli like that again or make her cry, I will fucking end you. Do you hear me?"

  Best friend or not she doesn't deserve to be spoken to like that.

  Jensen wipes his arm over his face and sighs.

  He swallows, making his Adam's apple stick out more than usual.

  "You’re right. I shouldn't have spoken to her like that. I'll apologize to her."

  Damn right he will.

  "Were you going to hit me?" he asks, smirking.

  I don’t answer.

  "Bloody hell, bro. I thought we were friends. Then you go all caveman on me to protect your woman.” He chuckles, but I don't find it funny at all.


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