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Ominous Love

Page 11

by Patricia Puddle

  I sniff. “Uh-uh. That's when you got your memory back.”

  “Well, it wasn't just the storm that triggered my memory, it was Devlin's scent. I knew he was around. I sensed him, smelt him, and the thought of him harming you terrified me. I may have burned his wings off, but now he's a physical man, a young, handsome, virile man. If he can't make you love him enough to marry him, he'll try his hardest to make you pregnant. You see, he can still get to you as a human; he kidnapped you once and he'll do it again if he can. I'll have to watch him constantly. He can't outwit an angel, but he can outsmart a human, especially a poor one.”

  I hold my hands out. “Devlin is just a man even if he is rich. As long as you love me, and I love you, we can get through anything. We can find a safe way to be together. We can hide. He has no wings. If you don't come back to earth with me, I'll truly curl up and die.” I look up at him, hopefully. “Then I’ll come up to Heaven and be with you.”

  “No, you won't, it's not your time to die. And if I'm not up here to protect you, you could suffer, especially if Devlin gets his way. He's a man now, and he doesn't need to use Tom's body to get to you, he has his own, plus he has Lucifer to help him.”

  “What about God?” I scream. “Why can't he help us?”

  “He does, Eloise. He gives us free will. He helps us in his way. There are lessons for humans to learn through your life on earth and for angels to learn while guiding them.”

  My eyes cloud over. “But … but God's not helping us. He's like a parent forcing us apart.”

  Holding my teary face between his hands, he makes me look at him. “Eloise, you're only sixteen. You've got your whole life ahead of you. You'll meet someone one day and have a family. You'll get over me. I'll make sure you do. When I take you home, you'll have no memory of me, but you'll know you have a guardian angel and all you have to do is call out if you ever need me.”

  I pound my fists on the hard muscles on his bare chest. “Don't you dare erase my memory of you! I'll never forgive you if you do. And you obviously don't love me because you said you don't care if I meet someone else.”

  “I didn't say that, Eloise. You're so infuriating sometimes.” He smirks. “I bet you gave Devlin a hard time.”

  Lying on the feathery bed with my hands behind my head, I grin. “Maybe I didn't. He's pretty hot you know. Maybe I liked it when he kissed me. I might even go out with him when I get back to earth, at least he wants me.”

  Seal glares at me, his blue eyes flashing daggers beneath his straight dark brows. “That's not funny, Eloise.”

  Smiling, I waggle my feet at him. “So, you are jealous?”

  He leans over and seizes my arms. “This is not a laughing matter. Devlin is doomed to burn in hell one day. He wants you because you're good and pure, and because he knows how much I love you, which is all the more reason he'll want to tempt you and take you to hell. He hates me with a vengeance, hates what I stand for. He'll do anything to destroy me. His aim is to make me sin and be banished to earth forever, then I'll belong to his kind forever. When he realised my weakness was you, he taunted me by going after you, determined to make you his bride. He knew what I would do—but he wanted it, he yearned for it, hungered for you to bare his child, and for me to burn in hell. If that happens we can never be together. Don't you understand? There's no hope for us to be together on earth. Not ever.”

  My lip quivers and uncontrollable tears pour down my cheeks. “You know I didn't mean what I said, Seal,” I sob. “You're the only one I'll ever want, but you're telling me it can never be. I hate Devlin for what he's done to us.”

  Seal squeezes my hand. “Oh, Eloise, I’m so sorry.”

  Shaking my head, I glance around. “This can't be happening. I must be in a horrible nightmare. I want to wake up, but I can't.” I cover my face with my hands, then I peek out. “You don't even have any darn tissues in heaven.”

  “We're not actually in heaven. We're just underneath.” He leans over and lifts me onto his lap. “Come here babe.” He rocks me in his arms. “Eloise, please say you understand. I'm hurting, too, you know. We have to be strong and face it. We can't be together. It's forbidden. It's not our destiny.”

  Staring up at his sad face, my heart crumples into million tiny pieces. “But we could change destiny.”

  He kisses me gently on the forehead, where my wound has nearly healed, then he whispers, “Sleep now, Eloise, and I'll take you home, and when you wake, you'll have no memory of me, but you'll sense me, you'll know you have a guardian angel. I'll always be there for you, my love.”

  Teardrops fall from his sea-blue eyes and plop into mine, making me blink. I want to keep them, hold them forever and I squeeze my eyes shut. Suddenly, I feel relaxed like I've been drugged, and as I drift off to sleep, the beautiful image of Seal is still visible on my lids.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The phone is ringing, bringing me out of a deep sleep. My eyes flicker open and I glance at the clock radio. Crap. It's only seven-thirty. Who would call me this early on a Sunday morning? Groaning, I crawl out of bed and pad to the hall.

  “Hello,” I say grumpily into the phone. Then I hold it away from my ear as my mother's voice blasts from the receiver.

  “Eloise, where have you been? I've been calling you since yesterday. I was just getting ready to send your dad home or call the neighbour. I hope you weren't out partying with Tom.”

  “Mum, you woke me up. Why did you ring so early?”

  “What do you mean you just woke up? You're supposed to be starting your job at the pet shop today. Have you slept in?”

  Holy shit, is it Monday? “Um … I guess I slept in. I'll have to go, Mum. I don't want to be late on my first day. Can you ring me back tonight?”

  She sighs into the phone. “Okay, but you better be there. I want to talk to you.”

  “I'll be home at five-thirty.”

  “Okay, I'll phone you at six o'clock. Bye, love.”

  “Bye, Mum.”

  I hang up and dash to my room. How can it be Monday? I tap my lip and try to think what I did yesterday. I remember going to Richie's party with Tom on Saturday night, but I don't remember coming home. Far out, I must've slept for twenty-four hours. I better check my messages and emails. I dash to my room to get my cell phone.

  Darn it. Where's my bag? I rummage around my messy room, but I can't find it anywhere. What's wrong with me? I can't believe I don't remember where I put it. Frowning, I search through my wardrobe, but it's not there either. My stomach flips. Crap. Did I lose it? Scratching my head, I try to think. I know I had it at the party because after catching Tom with Francesca, I phoned for a cab—though I don't remember actually getting into a cab, or arriving home.

  Someone bangs loudly on the front door, startling me from my thoughts. Wondering who it is, I run into the front room and peek out the window. Yes! It's Brooke and she's holding my handbag. I punch the air with my fist, then run to the door and let her in. “Hey, you found my bag. Come in.”

  She passes it to me. “What happened, Elle? How did you manage to lose it in the first place?”

  I close the door. “I don't know, but I'm so glad you found it.”

  “I didn't. Francesca picked it up yesterday. It was on Richie's front lawn. Apparently she stayed the night.”

  “Really? And did Tom stay the night, too?”

  Brooke's jaw drops. “Why? Did I miss something?”

  “Never mind, come in and I'll tell you while I get ready for work.”

  Grinning, she follows me down the hall to my room and sits on my bed. “I had to get up early to bring you your bag. I knew you'd need it today. Where were you yesterday? I got your text after you left the party and I kept calling your cell phone, but you never answered, plus I phoned your landline. And if you hadn't answered your door today, I was going to call the police.”

  “Well, I'm glad you didn't. My dad would've caught the next flight home.”

  “But why did you take off early from Ric
hie's? You missed out on a great party.”

  “I didn't feel like staying, but I don't know what happened yesterday. I must have slept for twenty-four hours. I don't even know how I got home from the party. I remember calling a cab, but I don't remember getting in it, or arriving home. And when I woke this morning, I thought it was Sunday.”

  Brooke's jaw drops. “Oh, Elle, that's a worry. Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, but I've been thinking that I might have fallen asleep in the cab. If I left my purse at Richie's, I wouldn't have been able to pay for a taxi. Maybe the driver felt sorry for me 'cause I lost my purse. Who knows, I just can't remember.”

  “Gosh, it's not as if you had any alcohol or anything. Could someone have slipped something into your drink?”

  I shrug. “I don't think so. I only had one cola and I had it in my hand until I'd finished it. Then I left to call a taxi.”

  “Why? Did you and Tom have a fight?”

  I roll my eyes. “It wasn't a fight exactly. I just took off when I found him in bed with Francesca.”

  Brooke splutters, nearly choking on her bubble-gum. “What? Were they …?”

  I nod. “Yep. They were in one of the bedrooms, naked and under the covers.”

  “Shit. No wonder you went home, Elle. They're arseholes.”

  “It doesn't matter. Tom's only after one thing. He couldn't get it from me and Francesca was available. No biggie. They're welcome to each other.”

  Brooke rubs my arm and smiles. “But what about that hot new guy called Devlin? He seemed to really like you.”


  She rolls her eyes. “Oh, don't tell me you don't remember him. He was the talk of the party.”

  “Yeah, I was talking to him when he was with Francesca, but then he started flirting with me in front of her. She gave me a filthy look, so I left and went indoors. That's probably why she slept with Tom, for revenge.”

  “Maybe, but, Tom didn't have to agree to it, the two-timing creep.”

  I blow out a breath. “Francesca probably told him I said I was about to break up with him, so why wouldn't he? I don't blame him really.”

  Brooke scowls. “Yes, but he could have talked to you first.”

  I rummage through my bag for my cell phone. “Maybe but he had been drinking. Anyway, I’m over him. Besides, they deserve each other.”

  ‘Well, now you and Tom have broken up, you should consider Devlin. He's so hot, and he's rich, too. You should grab him before someone else does.”

  I shake my head. “He's not my type.”

  Brooke shakes her head. “You don't even know him yet.” Then she stares at my top and snorts into her hand. “What on earth are you wearing?”

  Looking down at my pink stretchy pyjamas, I laugh. “I don't know why I put these on. They're too short. I haven't worn them in years. I must've been really tired and just grabbed anything.”

  “They're cute if you're ten,” says Brooke, getting to her feet.

  Blood rushes to my face and I empty the contents of my bag onto the bed. “I can't find my phone. It's not here."”

  “Maybe you used it when you got home.” Brooke points to the pile of dirty clothes on the floor. “It could be amongst that lot. Anyway, Elle, I didn't just stop by to give you your purse, I wanted to let you know about a Francesca's seventeenth birthday party tonight. It's in the church hall and she's hired a DJ. She asked me to invite you because she's too embarrassed after what happened with Tom. Ruby and I are going. Please say you'll come.”

  I shrug. “Okay, it sounds like fun, I'll be there. What time?”

  “Seven o'clock. Do you want me to pick you up from work?”

  “Nah, I'll come home and get changed first. The church hall is only a ten-minute walk from here, so I'll see you and Ruby there.”

  “Oh, Ruby and I met some cool guys at Richie's party on Saturday. I hope they'll be there tonight. I'm going home to wash my hair and put on some fake tan.”

  “Fake tan? Who's gonna see your skin under winter clothes?”

  She grins. “You never know. Anyway, I'm not wearing winter clothes. I'll be on the dance floor all night. The DJ's going to be playing all the latest hits, including One Direction’s new album and Johnny Ruffo's new single.”

  I smile. “That's a great. I love One Direction and Johnny Ruffo's so cool. Pity he couldn’t be there in person. He’s such a great dancer.”

  Brooke hugs herself. “I wish Reese Mastin could be there. Now, that would be unreal.”

  “Well, they’ll play his songs, too, I guess.”

  Brook gets up to leave. “See you tonight, then, and don't be late.”

  “I won't.” I get up and walk her to the front door.

  “I hope you find your phone, Elle.”

  “So do I. Thanks for bringing my bag.”

  “See ya.”

  I close the door and pick up the hall phone, but when I dial my cell number, I can't hear the ringtone anywhere in the house. Either the battery's dead or I dropped it when I lost my bag. I sigh. What a klutz I am? With no time to worry about it, I dash to the bathroom and jump in the shower. I wash and blow-dry my hair, then run to my room to dress.

  The manager at the pet shop said to wear pants or jeans because I'll have to clean out cages and look after the animals. I'm excited and can't wait, but I can't find my black-stretch jeans. That’s funny because I wore them on Saturday, so they must be here. I rummage around in the pile of discarded clothes in the corner, but they're not there. I scratch my head. That's strange. I can't find my red jumper either. Noticing a long silk gown on the carpet, I hold it up. This isn't mine. I look at the label. It's my size, but I've never seen it before. When I sniff it, my heart skips. How weird. I sniff again. The sweet musky scent is strangely wonderful but I can't think why I like it. Staring at it, I notice something stuck in the bodice and I pluck it out. It's a feather, a large silver feather. As I run it under my nose, a tingle goes right through me. How fascinating. It must have been an awfully big bird to have a feather this size. Shrugging, I put in in my bag for good luck.

  After dressing in blue jeans and a black top, I look for my boots. What? I can't find them either. Now, I'm really starting to worry. Could my day get any weirder? My clothes and boots are missing, there's a strange dress in my room, I'm wearing pyjamas that are way too small, and I lost my bag and phone as well as my memory. Jeez, maybe somebody did spike my drink. Trembling at the thought, I slip into my sneakers and jacket and pick up my bag.

  On my way through the kitchen, I grab a banana from the fruit bowl and a protein popper from the fridge. After locking the front door, I head up the street towards the beach, and as I munch on my banana, I shudder with a weird ominous feeling. I glance over my shoulder to see if I'm being followed, but there's nobody there. I know I shouldn't be so superstitious all the time, but there's no wonder after this morning's happenings.

  Then I remember the dream I was having when the phone woke me. My heart flutters as an image of a gorgeous boy with dark hair and blue eyes pops into my head. He seemed so real and his body was so hot. I inhale deeply. Gosh, no wonder I slept so long. I must have been enjoying myself. I chuckle into my hand. What will I dream of next? Deary me. It's time I stop living in a fantasy world and get a real life. Maybe now I've broken up with Tom, I'll meet someone new. Walking faster, I turn the corner, and as I head towards the pet shop, Tom's car pulls up at the side of the road. He jumps out and grabs my hand. “Elle, I have to talk to you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  I pull away from him. “I don’t have time, Tom. I have to go.”

  He blocks my path. “Come on, Elle, I'm sorry about what happened with Francesca. I'd been drinking.”

  “I don't care, tell her your problems.” I push past him.

  He grabs my hand. “But we didn't do anything. We stopped after you caught us, then I got plastered and fell asleep. I was sick all night, and on Sunday.”

  “Good. It serves you right.” I yank
my arm away. “You would’ve kept going if I didn’t catch you.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I don't want Francesca, I want you. If you’ll just give me one more chance, I’ll make it up to you.”

  I sigh. “Francesca's not the problem, you are. You keep trying to make me to do things. That’s not very romantic, and you probably didn’t even have any protection. You could’ve got me pregnant, or given me some horrible disease.”

  He jaw drops. “I don’t have a disease. I haven’t even had sex yet, well not properly. And I wouldn’t have forced you to do anything either. I just wanted to look.”

  “Look at what?” I belt him over the head with my handbag.

  “Ouch.” He puts his hands over his head to protect himself. “I said I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just had this strong urge.”

  “Well, the next time you get a ‘strong urge’, remember to ask the girl for permission.”

  “But, Elle, you’re the only girl I want. Please, give me another chance?”


  His brows knit together. “What about you? Do you get a ‘strong urge’ for your naked cousin?”

  I frown. “What naked cousin?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Oh, so he's not your cousin. You lied just like I thought.”

  “I don't know what you're talking about, Tom. My cousins live in Perth, and I haven't seen them in years.”

  “Oh, come on. What about the dude who's staying with you, the poser who walks around flashing his dong all the time?”

  I laugh. “Who in heaven are you talking about?”

  “Don't play games. You know I mean Seal, the creep you're always drooling over.”

  “Have you been drinking again? There's no one staying with me and I don't know anyone called Seal.”

  Tom shakes his head. “You're unbelievable, Elle. Why are you lying? At least I was honest with you about Francesca.”

  I press my lips together. “You call sneaking off in someone's bedroom being honest? You're delusional, Tom, and you're making me late for my first day at work. I have to go.” I run ahead of him. He really has lost the plot. Seal? What's he on about? I don't know anyone called Seal.


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