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This Obsession of Mine (Raine Series #5)

Page 7

by Amanda Bennett

  I was passin’ through Albuquerque when the first phone call came in. I glanced down at the screen to see my brother’s name flash across the screen. I was tempted to answer, but I knew what would happen. He would tell me that if this was really what I wanted to do then I should, but that I had so much back home goin’ for me. And right now, I didn’t need that, so I hit ignore.

  The next call came through about four hours later as I was crossin’ the New Mexico, Arizona border. I was extremely shocked that it took so long for the next call, but when I saw that it was Madison callin’, I understood. He was most likely just doin’ Glenn a favor and doin’ his due diligence. Of course I hit ignore, turned the radio up, and continued to get lost in the music and my thoughts. I was pullin’ up to a gas station just outside of Phoenix when the next call came in. This time I wasn’t surprised by who was callin’ me. I was actually more surprised that it had taken her this long to call at all.

  I debated not answerin’, but I couldn’t do that to her. “Hey KJ, how’s it goin’?”

  “Well at least you’re alive. That’s good to know. Now would you like to explain to me what in the hell you are doing?”

  “Good to hear from you too, Kayla. How’s my little princess doin’?”

  “I’m going to assume you are referring to my daughter, and she is doing fine, but this isn’t about her. Jo, what are you doing?” I could hear the genuine concern in her tone, and it made me want to tell her everything. Okay maybe not everything.

  “Look, this is somethin’ I need to do for me. I’ve spent my entire life puttin’ other people first, my parents, Glenn, you, and now I’m ready to put me first. I’m followin’ my dream, unfortunately my dream isn’t in Texas.”

  She let out a sad audible sigh, and I almost caved and turned around to head home. “I get it, Jo. I do. And more than anything, I just want you to be happy. You know that, right?”

  “Of course I do, KJ. I’m not doin’ this to hurt anyone.”

  “I know you’re not, Jo. You are too kind and selfless to do something like that. I just wish you would’ve told us so we could’ve thrown you a goodbye party or something, ya know?”

  I let out an amused laugh, “But you guys did, y’all just didn’t know that’s what it was. We all finally got back to the place we used to be before life took over and changed everything. We had fun, we drank, we danced, and we let everything go for one night, and it felt amazin’. That’s all I needed for a good-bye because it’s not good-bye KJ, I’ll be comin’ home, just not as soon as y’all think.”

  “Well do me a favor and have fun. Don’t go out there and do nothing but focus on football. Find yourself a nice girl, and try the whole relationship thing. Forget all about Tanya, and move on with your life.”

  “If it were only that easy, KJ. Speakin’ of her, have you seen or heard from her?”

  “No. Did you at least tell her you were leaving?”

  I didn’t want to answer that question, but I knew if I didn’t that Kayla would just keep pesterin’ me. “Yeah, I left her a note tellin’ her I’d be back soon, and that I was just meetin’ with a few coaches.” So I lied.

  “Well, text me every couple of hours so I know that your still alive, and let me know where you’re at so we all don’t worry. Love you Jo.”

  “Will do, and love you too, KJ. Tell everyone else I’m okay.” Without another word, I hung up and finished fillin’ up my truck.

  I made sure to keep my word, because the last thing I needed was Kayla followin’ me down here to kick my ass. So about forty phone calls later, I had finally reached my destination. I told Kayla I would get settled in and give her a call tomorrow. Of course she was none too pleased by this, but she was just gonna have to deal with it for now. I parked in the numbered parkin’ space that the owner told me to, and made my way over to the code box on the wall. I typed in the four-digit code, and made my way over to the elevator that would take me to my new apartment.

  When the metal doors slid open, I couldn’t help but look around. This place was unbelievably nice, definitely a step up from what Tanya and I have been livin’ in back home. There were wall-to-wall windows that ran down the hallway, and my new place was at the very end of the hall. I lifted my hand to knock on the door, but suddenly the large wooden door in front of me came swingin’ open.

  “Oh crap, sorry dude. Didn’t even see ya there. You must be Joey.” The guy in front of me held his hand out.

  “Nice to meet ya.” I shook his hand, and took a step back, thinkin’ he was tryin’ to leave.

  “Well come on in, bro. I’ll show ya the place, and then we’ll get ya squared away.” I was hesitant to walk through the door, but I took my chances anyway. “Alright, well here you’ve got the kitchen, living room right past that, to your left you’ve got the bedroom with attached bathroom that has a door to your room and then one that comes out right by the kitchen, and then the laundry room is right off of the closet. It’s not much, but it’s nice and secure, and close to school.”

  I was leanin’ against the counter when I was suddenly kickin’ myself for not bringin’ one of the girls with me. I didn’t know what was a good deal, or if this place had everything I need. Ugh, why did I have to be so bull headed? “So what is the rent again?”

  “Because you’ll be going to school at SJSU, I’ll cut you a deal. How does $600 sound?”


  “Too much?”

  “No, no not at all. I just can’t believe you’re willin’ to let me rent it for so cheap. Back home, a place like this would run anywhere from $1200 to $1400, dependin’ on the neighborhood. So $600 sounds awesome to me. How much for utilities?”

  The guy laughed, “No man, it’s $600 for everything.”

  I practically choked. “Done!”

  “Alright, sounds good. So here’s the lease. Just fill in your name and all that info, and then we’ll both sign on the line and you’ll be all set. You want a glass of water or something?”

  I reached for the pen in front of me and started fillin’ out all my information, “Yeah, water would be nice.”

  “So what position do you play?”


  “Ah, nice man. I remember those days.”

  “Nice! Where did you play?”

  “I played at SJSU for four years before I finally got picked up by the Raiders. It was a short lived career, but it was definitely one of the best two years of my life.”

  “That’s awesome, man. I gotta say, I’m hopin’ to get someone from the Niners to notice me. That’s why I moved out here from Texas. I figure this way, I’m close and they have no choice but to see what I can do.” I laughed. “Obviously I know there is more to it than that, I guess I just needed to start fresh somewhere new and this seemed like the best option for now.”

  “No, I totally get what you’re saying. The more you’re around where your dreams are, the closer you are to them. Keep your head up man. I’m sure you’ll get noticed in no time at all. So, you want the place or what?”

  “Hell yeah I do.” I replied as I slid the paperwork towards him.

  He reached into his front pocket of his jeans and held out a key ring with two keys on it. “Welcome to your new home, at least for the next year. The only rules I have are to make sure you are being courteous to your neighbors. No loud parties on school nights, and try not to get the cops called on yourself. Here’s my business card with all of my numbers, please feel free to call with any questions, concerns, or if you need bailed out of jail.” He laughed. Your mailbox is downstairs when you first come in the building. It’s box #3, and other than that, I think you’re all set.”

  I started walkin’ him to the door, “Look, thanks man, for takin’ a chance on someone you don’t even know.”

  “Absolutely, you remind me of, well…me. Just don’t fuck up my place and we’ll be good.” He smiled. “Oh, and good luck man. I have a good feeling about you.”

  “Thanks man.” An
d with that…he was gone.

  I closed the door to my new place, and sat back to bask in the glory of knowin’ that I did it all on my own. Of course that was all interrupted when my phone began blarin’ the craptastic ringtone that I had set for when Kayla calls. I rolled my eyes and let out a loud sigh as I answered.

  “Hi KJ. I made it here just fine, I’m still alive, and yes I am extremely exhausted from all of the drivin’, thanks so much for askin’.” I knew she couldn’t wait until tomorrow to hear from me.

  “I’m sorry, Jo, but when you told me that you were renting an apartment from someone you’ve never met, I couldn’t help but be worried. I just wanted to make sure you were okay is all.” I could hear the worry in her tone.

  “Well, now you know I’m fine, and you don’t have to worry. The apartment complex is extremely secure. I’m talkin’ key code security box on the outside of the building, code to use the elevator, and fingerprint scan on the door. Make you feel a little bit better?”

  “I suppose.”

  Somethin’ in her tone of voice was off, and though I didn’t want to pry, I had to. “KJ, everything okay with you? Mia okay?”

  “Oh yeah, yeah, everyone is fine. Sorry, I’m just tired is all. I’m going to let you go. Sleep well, Jo. I’ll talk to ya tomorrow.”

  “Night, KJ.”

  I tossed my phone on the bed after hangin’ up with her. Though she said nothin’ was botherin’ her, I knew KJ better than she knew herself most days, and I wasn’t goin’ to stop tryin’ til I found out what exactly it was that had her soundin’ so down. But first, I needed sleep, badly, so badly that I literally don’t even remember fallin’ asleep that night.

  Chapter 12



  Troy’s voice was echoing throughout the house, but I was stuck in the shower, and I was sure she would be able to hear me over her wretched music, but I tried anyway. “I’M IN THE SHOWER!”


  Ugh, seriously bugger off already. “I’M IN THE SHOWER, TROY!”

  “Oh hey, here you are. Hey, are you still looking for a job?”

  I pulled the curtain back enough so just my face was showing, “Yeah, why?”

  “Well…looks like we have an opening at the merchant stand that I work at in the stadium over at SJSU. It doesn’t pay a ton, and the hours suck a bit, but it’s money, and you get to watch the games for free. Oh, and the owner said that whoever does well enough this season, sales wise, then he will think about hiring them at Levi Stadium.”

  I looked at Troy in confusion, “What is Levi Stadium?”

  She started hysterically laughing, and I wasn’t exactly sure why. “It’s the football stadium where the San Francisco Forty-Niners play. You know, the professional football team of the city and state we live in.” She kept laughing.

  “Brilliant. Sure, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. I do need a job, the one I have currently is shit. When can I start?”

  “Yay! Oh my gosh, we are going to have so much fun working together.” Troy was bouncing around all over the bathroom and trying to hug me through the shower curtain. “Sorry, I’ll let you finish up. Come find me downstairs when you’re done.”

  This job couldn’t have come at a better time. I was struggling with my job at the coffee shack currently, and it took away from all my schoolwork that I wasn’t even sure if I’d be able to finish this semester, and not finishing a semester would kill my father. Then it suddenly dawned on me, I hadn’t spoken to my father for about a month, and if I didn’t ring him soon, he was really going to start to worry. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. I never expected University to be this hard. Not even when my father warned me, and not even when I knew I didn’t have to have a job.

  I quickly dried off and dressed for the day. I had a few classes this morning that I absolutely could not miss, and apparently I now had a job interview afterward. I was just finishing up my hair when I heard Troy come bounding up the stairs. “I’m almost ready, I swear.”

  “No worries, hun. I just wanted to let you know that you’ve got about ten minutes to leave before you’re late.”

  “Serious? Ugh, I swear this day has already gone to shit and I haven’t even left the house yet.” I grabbed one last bobby pin and stuck it through the thick loop of hair that was wrapped around my pony, and then ran downstairs to gather up my things. “Anything specific I need to wear for this interview?”

  “No, what you’ve got on will be fine. I’ll meet you outside of the East End parking lot after your last class and we will just ride there together. It’ll take us about an hour to get there, give or take. Sound good?”

  “That’s a long way to go for work, love.”

  “I know, I know, but I promise the job is totally worth it. Plllleeeeeeaaaaase?” Of course she had to use her baby voice on me.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a bit. Have a good day, love.”

  I was walking out of my last class when my cell phone began to ring. I dug through my bag as fast as possible, and caught it just in time. “Hello, hello?”

  “Well there is my darling daughter who refuses to call her dear old dad. How are you baby girl?”

  “Hi Daddy. I’m getting on. How are you? How’s everyone back home?”

  He let out a small laugh, and I suddenly missed him very much. “Everyone is well. I am well, but I’m wondering more about you. Why haven’t you called?”

  “I’m so sorry Dad. It’s been absolutely crazy around here. I’ve been trying to keep caught up on schoolwork and such, but it has been a little rough. So between that and work, I’ve been swamped.”

  “That’s okay, love. I was just starting to get worried about you. I want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself, and not letting everything overwhelm you. Are you still glad you chose to go to school in the States?”

  I sat there pondering his question, and wondering if maybe I had made a mistake. If I would’ve just gone to University back home, I could’ve stayed in my flat that was already paid for, and I wouldn’t have had to worry about a job. Not to mention that my father would’ve been right up the road from me as well. “Of course I am. It’s perfect, Dad. Just takes a bit of getting used to is all. Speaking of, I gotta run, but I’ll give you a call later tonight. Love you Daddy.”

  “Love you too, baby girl.”

  I quickly hung up my phone and jogged over to my car where Troy was patiently waiting for me. “Hey hey, let’s get going.” I shouted as I jumped into the driver’s side. “You know, why don’t you drive. At least you know where you’re headed.” I laughed as I crawled across the armrest in the middle while Troy ran around the outside of the car. When she got back in, I sat there laughing out how ridiculous it was that I didn’t just get out and walk around.

  About an hour later we were pulling up in front of San Jose State University. As I got out of the car, I couldn’t help but stare up at the beautiful architecture that stood around me. Architecture in the United States was nothing compared to the type of stuff we have back home, but in rare instances I was able to find something that reminded me of home. I was completely lost in my own mind when Troy grabbed me by the elbow and turned me in her direction.

  “This way, lonely wanderer.”

  I couldn’t tell which direction we were going, but I figured if anyone knew the way, it would be Troy. We were passing by a large group of students, when one of them caught my eye. I tried to turn and say something, but the words got caught in my throat, and then suddenly I was tumbling to the ground. My hip was just about to crash into the concrete below me when a strong pair of hands caught me, holding me steady from falling flat on my face. His piercing blue eyes held my attention, and I just couldn’t make myself look away.

  “I’m sorry. Do I know you?” His voice was just as comforting as his eyes, and I could feel myself melting into him.

  “, sorry.” I shook my head, trying to dislodge the daze I was currently in.

  “Not that I would mind knowing someone like you.” He grinned, and I could feel the heat from the blush rising up my neck, making its way onto my pale cheeks.

  I wish I had it in me to flirt back, but as soon as I saw that it wasn’t Joey holding me in his strong muscular arms, I completely lost all interest. “I’m sorry. I thought you were someone I knew.” I stood myself up out of his arms, and slowly backed away.

  “Are you okay?” Troy’s soft voice caught me off guard enough that I swung myself around too fast and lost my balance yet again. Lucky for me, the sexy bloke was still standing behind me, and easily caught me.

  “Looks like I caught ya again. Should I take this as a sign?” He smirked.

  “Thanks again, love, but I’m pretty certain I’ve got it from here.” I gave his chest a light pat, and then turned my attention back onto Troy. I leaned in to whisper so he wouldn’t overhear me, “Boys around here just don’t catch a clue, do they?”

  “Afraid not.” Troy laughed as she looped her arm through mine.

  “I tell ya what, today just isn’t my day. I’m starting to wonder if maybe it’s time for me to…you know what? I’ll be right back.”

  I quickly turned around and took off running. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to say to him, or if he was really even interested at all. Maybe he was just being polite, and I took it in the completely wrong way. Either way, I suppose it was time for me to get over my fear, and put myself out there, as girls say these days. When I finally caught up to him, I was beyond out of breath. I clutched onto his shoulder as I tried to catch my breath, and couldn’t help but notice the cocky smirk that formed on his lips.

  “I…know this….is a bit for...ward, but-“ I tried to breathe in deeply so I could get out a full sentence without dying, but I was going to lose my nerve if I didn’t hurry and get it all out, “wou…would….you like to may…be get a bite together…sometime, or a pint?”


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