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Predator's Refuge (Gemini Island Shifters, Book 3)

Page 21

by Leo, Rosanna

  “Your father was horrible. He locked you and your brothers in a cage and made you fight each other.”

  He locked his now-clear gaze on her. “And did Anton ever fight back? No. He just took it. He was no help to me.”

  “He was a scared child.”

  “As was I.” He shook his head. “No, Anton has to go. He ruins everything. He thinks he can return to Hungary and claim the throne on a whim? I don’t think so. He doesn’t deserve it. I’m sure he also thinks he can drag your peasant carcass back with him and make you a princess. Well, let me assure you, darling, you are no princess. And Anton has sniffed around enough cunts to know better.”

  Marci bit back a curse at the rude dig and slid her feet backward until she hit the shore once again. The flames of embarrassment spread through her limbs upon being naked in front of Gabi, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was too busy cursing Anton, stomping in the water.

  The man was mad. She didn’t want her mate anywhere near him.

  Marci! I’m in the area. Tell me exactly where you are.

  No. She purposely cut her telepathic connection to Anton. She didn’t want him to see his brother like this. It would break his heart, especially after everything else his family had made him suffer.

  Marci… he threatened, before his voice cut out.

  She stood up straight. She would deal with this. “I love you, Anton,” she whispered. She aimed her furious gaze at Gabi. “Did you hurt April and Charlotte?”

  “Who?” he answered, frowning in genuine confusion. “Oh, those sluts? Yes, I suppose so. Just honing my hunting technique. Unfortunately, in both cases, I was interrupted before I could finish.”

  “You evil shit. I won’t let you hurt anyone else.” As a furious cry exploded from her, she shifted once more into her spitting, clawing lynx.

  As Marci raced toward him, splashing through the water again, Gabi shifted into his tiger. Their animal bodies propelled themselves at each other. She knew he outweighed her, but didn’t care. She knew she could never take him down, but didn’t let it stop her. He’d hurt innocents on her island and had terrorized his own family, and so help her God, she would make him feel pain.

  Over four hundred pounds of bulk tackled her eighty-five pounds of dainty lynx. As Gabi hit her, all the air flew from her body. He knocked her into the water and pinned her under, snarling and snapping at her.

  As she began to swallow lake water, Marci panicked. He was too heavy, and her body had already been pushed to extremes during their mad chase. She fought to bite him, but he remained out of reach of her teeth. Doing the only thing she could think of, she kicked her strong back legs forward and gouged his tiger balls.

  Gabi hurled himself backward into the lake, almost doing a backflip. She emerged and gasped for air. Her fur, so drenched and heavy, made it even harder to move, but she forced herself back to the beach, sure every step would prove her last.

  She didn’t look back, even though Gabi was already lurching out of the lake after her. Marci sprinted over the beach toward the veil of trees.

  It was only when she went flying through the air that she realized she’d stumbled on a piece of driftwood. She fell and rolled, and was conscious of Gabi roaring triumphantly behind her. For a second, her fear got the best of her, and she closed her eyes.

  He pounced, and then whoomp! From out of the trees, another tiger leaped high and raged toward Gabi.


  The horrible pummeling noise made when the two predators slammed against each other was one Marci knew would haunt her the rest of her days. The ground shook, leaves fell off nearby trees, and she could have sworn it registered on the Richter scale. Dazed, and pretty sure she was bleeding from many different places, she looked on as Gabi and Anton rolled all over the beach. At one point, Anton was on top and seemed poised to kill; at another moment, Gabi appeared the victor. The brothers were so well matched in size and strength, she wondered if the fight would continue indefinitely.

  She had to do something, but they moved so swiftly it was sometimes difficult to see who was who. Their tiger forms could not have been more similar, both a striking orange with white patches, identifying their Siberian heritage. She thought, in her delirium, that Anton’s teeth appeared sharper, but Gabi’s claws looked longer. Who the hell would ever come out on top?

  Feeling light-headed, Marci shifted into her womanly form and looked down at her belly, only to find a huge gash there. Damn. When had Gabi done that? Crumpling, her eyes fluttering, she hit the sand.

  No! Anton’s voice shot into her brain. She tried to open her eyes and was vaguely aware of him wrenching himself away from Gabi, only to bolt over to her side. But then her head nodded, and she stopped seeing him.

  Cicuskám, stay with me. He nudged her face with his wet tiger nose.

  In that split second, Gabi struck, knocking Anton to the ground. Her mate’s haunted cry of agony compelled her to open her eyes, and she spied Gabi atop him, his massive teeth clenched around the back of Anton’s neck.

  As time stood still in that nightmarish moment, it seemed to her she’d never seen blood so thick and red. Crimson rivulets penetrated his beautiful coat, changing it into something garish and surreal.

  Her mate would die from his brother’s bite. Deep inside, Marci and her lynx knew they had two choices: watch Anton slip away, causing her to die a thousand deaths herself, or fight until her last breath.

  She opted for the latter.

  Forcing herself to stand, she dragged what already felt like a corpse toward Gabi. Summoning her last ounce of power, she forced her mangled lynx to come forward as she shifted, and pounced on the larger cat. She sank her teeth into the back of his neck. Crunching through matted fur and sinew and bone, Marci tore at his flesh and felt his royal blood seep into her mouth. How she wanted to spit it back at him. The predator in her raged and clawed. Underneath her, Gabi stilled, and his hold on Anton relaxed. He twitched and she sank her fangs into a few very important veins, and ripped.

  It got his attention.

  With a savage cry, he released Anton from his stranglehold, tossing him behind. Roaring, he threw himself backward, crushing her smaller body underneath his. As white-hot pain tore down her spinal cord, she lay on the beach and apologized to her poor, battered lynx for not protecting her better.

  I’m so sorry.

  Weaving, Gabi advanced to make the kill. Marci tried to maintain eye contact with her killer through her lowering eyelids. He veered toward her.

  As she blinked, causing yet another lightning strike of physical anguish in her head, a shadow crossed her line of sight. The shadow moved, pouncing on Gabi. As her vision blackened around the edges, she was cognizant of tearing noises, of grinding teeth and howls of fury. And then the sound of two large bodies falling to the ground.

  Open your eyes.

  She tried, but her lids seemed welded shut. Cursing in her head, much like Charlotte did on an hourly basis, Marci forced her eyes open.

  The two tiger heirs to the house of Árpád lay prone on the beach in front of her. Neither moved.

  Oh, God. Anton.

  Now she could die.

  In her agony, she shifted once more, and her wounded human body responded with renewed aches. While she gazed at him, her eyes began to cloud over, and her peripheral vision turned muddy gray.

  Somewhere in that murky mess, Anton’s human face appeared before her. His lashes fluttered, caked with blood from his wounds.

  “Kitten,” he whispered.

  And then they both closed their eyes and tumbled headlong into a welcoming, but very scary, darkness.

  Chapter 17

  When Marci awoke, her tongue’s texture seemed to have become that of a worn bath mat. To make matters worse, and more disgusting, she still tasted Gabi’s foul blood. Damn. She’d gargle with sulfur for the rest of her life if it meant she could get rid of the wretched taste.

  Gabi. The fight on the beach.

  Anton. Oh, please… />
  She pried open her eyes, and found herself drifting in a warm, green pool. Only this pool had hands, big hands that caressed her face. She blinked a few times and her vision improved with each slow blink.

  Anton’s beautiful face smiled back at her, his eyes watery. Man, how had she ever thought he was less than beautiful? “Anton,” she croaked through her dry throat as her own eyes flooded with tears.

  “Shh, cicuskám. Don’t talk. Rest.”


  “He’s gone. Don’t worry.”

  She gazed at him, in awe of every small detail in his face. The regal arch to his eyebrows, the happy curl to his lip. The love in his gorgeous eyes. She shed more tears just looking at him, and he brushed them away with a quiet chuckle.

  “I understand. You look pretty amazing to me, too.” As raw emotion lanced across his face, he leaned in and offered her the most gentle of kisses, as if anything more would break her. Even still, his tongue darted out to taste her, and she licked at the corner of his lips as well.

  Immediately, the vile taste in her mouth disappeared and contentment filled her soul. She closed her eyes as she lay against her pillow and squeezed his hand. Everything was good. Everything was right.

  Only it wasn’t. The things Gabi had done … she needed to tell Anton.

  “Shh,” he urged, putting a finger to her open lips. “I know, baby. I know it all.” He let out a nervous laugh. “Did you know you talk in your sleep?”

  “Oh, God,” she moaned quietly. “I knew I did embarrassing things in my sleep.” She pulled him in for a cuddle and he squeezed in next to her on the bed. For several moments, they just lay there, and Anton played with her hair. “So you know…?”

  He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. “Everything. Some of it, I had pieced together. The rest I watched you relive in your nightmares. I’m so sorry, Marci. So sorry you got pulled into this.”

  “He was evil.”

  A low grumble sounded in his chest. “I don’t know. Maybe I failed him. Maybe I should have protected him better. Maybe I should have killed Father and Istvan years ago.”

  “That would have made you no better than Gabi.” She shook her head, feeling the rasp of his stubble against her hair. “I’m so glad this is over.”

  “Is it over?” She looked at him and he ran a finger along her jawline, concentrating his gaze on her lips. “All this has made me think I should return to Hungary, just to check on things. Perhaps none of this would have happened if I’d simply accepted my role as heir.”

  Strangely enough, she wasn’t filled with dread, as she’d imagined she’d be upon hearing his statement. “You want to be Grand Prince?”

  “All I know is I want you at my side.” His lined face reflected all his own worry. “Whether I am a prince or a pauper.”

  Yes, it made perfect sense. She and her lynx had been searching for something for so long, and she’d always attributed part of her restlessness to career ambitions. She’d always known she had a higher calling. She’d just been listening to the wrong call.

  “That’s where I want to be too. At your side.” She grinned at him, her chest swelling with love. “Whether I’m a princess or an assistant manager.”

  The single tear that spilled from Anton’s eye filled her with so many conflicting emotions she didn’t know where to look. “I don’t want to take you away from the home you love, Marci.”

  Did she love Gemini Island and the Ursa Lodge? Yes, with all her heart. But her heart had also expanded recently, adding on a new and significant wing. The Anton wing. And she wanted to explore that magical place, to become acquainted with all its nooks and crannies. She wanted to curl up there and never leave. “You’re my home.”

  He lay his forehead against hers and whispered, “Fuck, I love you, Marci. I love you so much, my princess.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too, tiger.”

  * * * *

  Anton watched her drift in and out of sleep for the next hour or so. He knew full well several of her friends lingered outside, waiting to see her. Why, Charlotte alone had threatened to break the door down a couple of times, she was so anguished over her friend’s condition. Luckily, Bart had managed to keep her in her seat.

  Those wolves suited each other, whether they realized it or not.

  Just as Marci rustled again, waking on a sigh that set his heart racing, a soft knock sounded on the door. When Anton saw the head that poked around the corner, he welcomed the person in. Upon hearing the footsteps, Marci’s eyes popped open and she let out a little shriek.


  The bear shifter walked in with a smile, his arms outstretched to give Marci a hug. He grinned at his employee, but Anton saw the anger simmering below the bear man’s surface. Ryland’s jaw clenched as he inspected Marci’s bruises and cuts. “Damn, kiddo. If I’d been here…”

  “You’re here now,” Marci said quietly. And then her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, please tell me you didn’t cut your honeymoon short!”

  “Nah, we’re right on time. In fact, Lia’s just at the resort store, raiding the magazine and chocolate aisles for you. She insists you won’t heal properly without trash literature and saturated fats.”

  “She’s probably right,” Marci concurred, giggling. She then lowered her voice, and Anton felt her pain. He squeezed her hand, offering comfort. “Ryland, there was crap on my watch, after all. Huge, steaming piles of it. And I almost did burn down your resort. Oh, and in the interests of being aboveboard, I also seduced a new employee.”

  Anton had to laugh, even though she was so ashamed. “Excuse me, Ms. Lennox, but I think I seduced you. If Ryland should fire anyone, it’s me.”

  “Well, it appears you’re mates,” Ryland replied, his brow arched in amusement. “So I won’t go too hard on you.” He turned to Marci. “Tell you what. I’ll punish you by making you assistant manager.” The bear shifter smiled widely and leaned back in his chair, as if expecting to be mauled in glee.

  His beautiful mate just turned to him, her eyes burning with love, and she smiled. Anton smiled back, knowing whatever they decided, they’d make sure it worked for both of them.

  “Ryland,” she said. “Thanks, really, but can I get back to you on that?”

  “Uh, sure. Take all the time you need.” He shot looks at both of them, narrowing his eyes at them, but smiled. Clearly the bear shifter understood the pull of a mate. He chortled. “You know, if I can’t tempt you with the job, I can always enlist Soren. My brother owes me a few favors, and I can’t think of any better way for him to repay me than by having him work on some sales spreadsheets.” His eyes flashed with the excitement of a frat boy pulling a prank on a stodgy professor. “I can see it now. It might kill him.”

  Anton didn’t know why the thought of pranking his brother gave Ryland such glee, but he accepted it without question. He’d have to ask Marci about that story one day. Truth be told, it made him envious to see a man teasing his brother in such a good-natured way.

  It was something he’d never have again.

  Sensing the regret inside him, Marci rubbed his hand and gazed at him, full of love. He felt better immediately. Yes, he came from the most fucked-up family ever in existence, but her presence would elevate it, would redeem it. Christ, he loved her.

  “I won’t keep you waiting,” she affirmed, “but Anton and I need to talk over a few details.”

  Their boss stood up. “I get you. Take your time, grasshopper.” He leaned over and kissed the top of her head, and then headed toward the door.

  “Oh, Ryland,” she said, winking. “Are you going to tell us about that private pool?”

  The bear man stood at the door, blinking furiously as he grew red in the face. “Um.” He cleared his throat. “No chance in hell.” With another grin, he was out the door.

  As he left, she arched a naughty brow. “I’ll get the dirty details from Lia.”

  Anton chuckled. “I had no idea my mate was such a busybody.”<
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  “Just one of my faults,” she said, pulling him closer and wrapping her arms around his waist. “I have many, you know.”

  “I’ll take them all.” He closed his eyes and held her until Charlotte finally burst in.

  * * * *

  Marci awoke to the gentle noise of cruise boats gliding down the Danube. Having lived steps away from Lake Gemini for so long, the sounds of water vessels didn’t disturb her. In fact, she liked that her new home sat right above Budapest’s picturesque river. Even after a week of living with Anton, she still gazed out their windows each day, marveling at the domed Parliament building and other historic edifices. She thought she’d known beauty on Gemini Island; this was another beauty altogether.

  They occupied a luxury flat in a two-hundred-year-old building, an apartment that sprawled over an entire floor. Anton had no wish to return to the family castle, and Marci had no desire to see the place where he’d been abused. If she ever glimpsed that dreaded cage…

  Stretching her arms and legs under satiny sheets, feeling the satisfied pull of well-loved muscles, she opened her eyes. Her mate gazed down at her, his black hair mussed, his wondrous eyes hooded. The tiniest grin tickled the side of his mouth as he dragged his fingers through her hair.

  “Good morning, Ms. Lennox-soon-to-be-Gaspar,” he whispered close to her ear.

  His warm breath fanned over her neck, heating her through, priming her body for love. He leaned over and rained a trail of soft kisses along her neck, and his hand roved over her nude body. It danced over her waist, squeezed her hip, and teased its way over her belly and between her legs.

  She gasped at the expert touch of his fingers, but closed her legs, edging him out. “We can’t, baby.” She turned to check the time. “We’re due to meet your tribe in an hour and a half. We need to get ready.”

  “We have lots of time.” He dropped a kiss on her mouth, licking at her bottom lip until she had no choice but to open her mouth to him. As soon as she allowed him in, he eased his hand between her legs again, chuckling into her mouth because she was so wet there. Hot desire washed over and through her, making her womb clench. She snatched at an elusive breath. It seemed all she’d done during the past couple of weeks was attempt to regulate her erratic breathing patterns. Since Gabi had attacked her, and since Anton had destroyed him, they hadn’t been able to take their hands and mouths off each other. They’d made love so many times, and in so many ways, with a crazed passion because they’d almost lost each other.


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