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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

Page 11

by Crystal Dawn

  “You’re making it hard for me to think things through. I need to determine my feelings without sex involved.” She pointed out.

  “Sex is part of this kind of relationship. It will be a big part of ours. You know that don’t you?”

  So she had to admit he was right. The sex was amazing. But she worried it would overshadow the other parts of their relationship. “What about the feelings and living together?”

  “Where do you want to live?” He asked. Now they would have their first disagreement.

  “What about here?” She asked as she waited for his to disagree.

  “Okay. We’ll give it a try.” He grinned.

  Giving it some thought. She realized there wouldn’t be enough room. Viv and Caro would also be a problem where privacy was concerned. They’d get caught in the act all the time. Her eyes narrowed as she figured out he’d let her work it out herself.

  “You’re too sneaky.” She admitted.

  “Who me?” He gave her an innocent look.

  Let me clean up and I have to get to work.” She admitted.

  “Me too. I’ll see you for supper.”

  Azrael dressed and left. If he’d arrived with Diniel, how did he leave? He must have planned ahead. She pushed those thoughts out of her head as she got to work on her emails and finding housing for hundreds of people. Her alarm was set so she could pick up her two wolves once they got off work.

  Two days later, she took Viv to the apartment house that had been completed slightly early in her absence. Her daughter was relieved it was done but disappointed she hadn’t been there to do the work. She gave her workers a week off and a bonus, except for the two new ones. They got to start work on the playground that was going in the center area between all the buildings.

  It was a good start on the four building complex that would house a good number of cats. She’d found some old houses to remodel and the motel she’d bought was now in the middle of renovation. By going out thirty miles, she would be able to house everyone if there were enough people willing to live a short distance away.

  Some of the models liked living on the lake and worked long hour days but only a few days a month. Those were the ones living slightly outside the area so far. That, and a few where family members worked in Branson for whatever reason. Right now it looked like most of the first two waves would be settled in before the next group of cats hit the area.

  It was the next three types of cats she felt the sorriest for. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad since new construction was exploding. That had to have the next three groups in mind. The houses for the fifth group was already being built and the leap house was nearly done. This little town and the surrounding area was bustling.

  She was still searching for more homes to remodel and even considering more new construction on lots in town she owned. Ariel was also busy all the time. It was too bad both her sons had left the business. There was no one to take it over.

  It was time to get something started for supper so she decided on meatloaf. They would have fruit gelatin for dessert. When she got things started, she let it cook while she searched for more housing online. Once the meatloaf was nearly done, she got the potatoes started and made gravy. Hot buttered corn and sweet carrots would go with the bread.

  Having groceries delivered made things easier. Cucumber salad was one of her favorites and she hoped they all liked it. With everything mostly done, it was time to get the boys. It was odd that Viv and Caro were sleeping late today. She hoped they’d be up before all the food was gone.

  The boys were doing great on the playground they had started on yesterday. It seemed they weren’t lazy they just had a hard time sticking with things. Once everything was put up, they went home. Viv was up now and had the table set.

  “Caro left with Lucia.” Viv admitted.

  “That’s okay. They’re young and should have fun now while they can.” She observed.

  It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door. Azrael and Diniel were there. “What’s on the stove?” He asked.

  ”It’s meatloaf tonight. It won’t be long and you’ll know everything Mom cooks.” Viv observed.

  “Nothing wrong with that.” Azrael mentioned.

  Viv giggled. “Might as well live here.”

  “That could happen.” He admitted.

  “Why don’t we all get the food on the table and sit down?” She asked.

  Caro came back. She gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I came back because I was hungry.”

  Everyone washed up then grabbed something to set on the table. The two wolves were learning good manners from Azrael and Diniel. They’d improved greatly. Now everyone sat at the table eating family style. The platters and bowls were passed around as everyone got their food. It reminded her of when her kids were younger.

  What would it would be like to be mated again? Especially since she noticed she looked younger than her daughter and had energy to burn? Things would be like they’d been way back then. If anything, she’d have more strength and speed. Her senses were improving and she wondered if she and Azrael would have offspring.

  Oh, God! She’d done nothing to prevent it. It would be a mixed blessing. Viv might accept it readily, her other kids might not accept it at all. Would that matter? She rarely saw them, not even on the major holidays because they had jobs far away and kids of their own. It might not even matter to them. Except her son had been angry about the paranormal history of their family. He’d not even wanted to believe it. Her other daughters had said it wouldn’t affect them, they were happily married. Their lives would continue just as they had.

  That might not be completely true. None of them had come home since Ariel had shared that information. Only Viv had come home and that was because her life had come unraveled. If she was honest, she’d not liked the news herself. She’d not been against it, she’d just figured she was through most of her life and would die before it had an effect on her.

  Now here she was, mated to a cat. Some changes she could feel in her body and she knew she would become a paranormal soon. She would become a fluffy fur ball soon. Usually she had dogs not cats, but at least she’d liked cats well enough.

  “You have such a serious look on your face. What are you thinking about?” Azrael asked.

  She realized her fork was in front of her mouth so she took the bite. “Nothing really. Just life in general.”

  “I call bullshit.” He replied.

  “It won’t help you. I’m not saying anymore.”

  “I’ll get it out of you later.” He declared.

  She thought about it and wasn’t sure if he would or not. “Why does it matter so much?”

  “I want to know everything about you.” He admitted.

  “That takes time.”

  “Let’s get back to our food before it gets cold.” Viv suggested.

  They all started eating and finished off their food. She got up and pulled the fruit gelatin out of the fridge. Once she put it on the table, it got eaten fast. Sitting back, she felt full. “I’ll clear the table.” Caro offered.

  “We’ll help.” Dillon said dragging Todd along.

  “Where’s Lucia?’ She asked.

  “Lucia has a boyfriend and is out on a date.” Caro informed.

  “I’m happy for her. Is he a nice boy?” She asked.

  “It’s Terry Sanders. He’s as nice as they get.” Caro admitted.

  “He is a nice boy. He’ll treat her right.” Viv agreed.

  They began to clear the table and she went into the kitchen putting up the leftovers first. Azrael joined her filling the sink with water and adding soap. It seemed so odd for him to do household tasks. She nudged him out of the way and began to wash and rinse the dishes. As she filled the drainer, he dried the dishes and put them away.

  It was like they were an old couple that had been together forever. That felt strange, but she liked it. Everything was cleaned up in no time. The boys had gone to the barn while Viv and Caro were watc
hing TV in the living room. Diniel was in there with them as if he was waiting around. Azrael gave him a look and he said his goodbyes.

  “Did he just leave without you?” She asked.

  “I have something to stay for.” He whispered low so Viv and Caro wouldn’t her. What was this male doing to her? Her whole life was changing. “Ready for bed?”

  “You’re taking this too fast.” She pointed out.

  “You’re going too slowly. Believe me, this can get painful if we don’t move ahead. You’ll be going through the change soon. That’s when you’ll want me with you.”

  She knew from the tidbits she’d picked up that he was right. The heat that would come on her would be painful without a male to help her through it. That was already showing itself a bit at a time.

  “Okay, I believe you.”

  “That’s because you’re a smart female.” He insisted as he took her by the arm and led her to her bedroom.

  “I need to get ready for bed first.”

  “Not ready for shower sex?” He asked with a grin on his face. “Okay, I understand. I suppose you didn’t do that when you were young.”

  She just turned her back and walked to the bathroom. Stripping as soon as she closed the door, she stepped into the shower once the water was warm. Wasn’t having sex in the shower dangerous? The floor was slippery and he’d have to hold her up for them to line up. Of course she’d heard about young people doing it, but the tub was much safer.

  As she’d grown older, she’d accepted some modern things but sex hadn’t been something she’d dealt with. Technology, like computers and smart phones, she’d worked with and learned about. Now she knew sex would be added to the list. Azrael would want to do many things she’d never tried. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

  People talked about how old people were set in their ways but she’d never thought she was that bad. Now she would be drawn out of her comfort zone. It was obvious they were mated and it scared the hell out of her. His world was never one she’d wanted to be pulled into, but here she was.

  Once her shower was done, she felt more relaxed. Drying off, she pulled on her night shirt and exited the bathroom. “If you need to take a shower you can.”

  “Sure.” Azrael said and she noticed he had a small bag. Apparently he was prepared for an overnight stay.

  As she snuggled under the covers and hoped she’d be asleep before he came back out, she was thinking about him naked and in the shower. That didn’t help her sleep at all. Needless to say she was still awake when she heard the door open. The fresh smell was of soap mixed with his musky outdoorsy scent.

  The bed was pressed down as he got into it. “I know you aren’t asleep. Do you want to talk?”

  “I’m not sure how this mating thing works.” She admitted.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Why me? How did you know I’d be the one for you?”

  “There’s an attraction beyond anything I’ve ever felt. I had a need to bite you I couldn’t help myself. I dreamed about you all the time. You’re scent drove me wild. Those were all new feelings I never had before.”

  “When were you sure?”

  “I knew the moment I heard your voice the first time. I tried to deny it since you didn’t seem to return my interest. When I saw you in person, I thought I would pass out. You didn’t seem to feel what I did, or you were better at hiding it.” He admitted.

  It was funny how they ended up falling asleep and she woke in his arms. Now another day would begin.

  Chapter 9

  My Kitty

  It was the next evening and he was once again sharing her bed. He was here more than he was in the other house, but he expected that to change soon. This place was perfect for Viv and Caro. If Maddie moved in with him they would have the privacy a newly mated couple needed.

  Lying in bed waiting for her made his body go crazy. The heat was coming on her and soon they would be having sex often. Not a bad event in his mind. He’d put Lucia in charge of more things and Diniel had more to deal with as well. In truth, he should have done that years ago. Both were capable of dealing with the things he’d passed on to them.

  It would free up time to spend with Maddie. She looked much younger now and she was able to get around like a twenty years old. Everyone would notice even more with her than they had with Ariel. Something would have to be done. Hopefully Maddie would have an easy solution. These white wolf females were sharp.

  His cock ached, no surprise as his mind constantly envisioned him with his lovely mate. It was something he’d not anticipated much, unlike some others of his kind. It made him wonder why he’d been so blessed, but he was thankful for it. Now that they were together, he’d do anything to keep them that way. The sound of the bathroom door opening made his shaft jump. Goddess, it wouldn’t take much to make him get off. He was just like a youngster just learning about sex.

  Turning his head, he stared at his female. She was a vision even in the sleep shirt she wore. “I can’t wait to see your cat.”

  “Already tired of my human form?” She asked with a smirk.

  “Never. I’ll never get tired of you in any form.”

  “Maybe we’ll try in the morning.” She released a heavy sigh.

  “Don’t you want to meet your cat?”

  “I do, but I already know it will be causing trouble. Its outlook is more like mine as a teenager.”

  “She’s been communicating with you?”


  “It’s not surprising she’d have a young outlook. She’s not very old.” He pointed out.

  Maddie grinned. “You’ll be the one dealing with the trouble she causes.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m up to the task. She’ll be too tired to cause that much trouble.” As he looked at her, desire rolled over him and he knew she could see it. Her face turned a lovely shade of pink.

  “We should get some sleep.” She suggested.

  His body protested at the thought of not having sex two nights in a row. That just wasn’t going to happen. As soon as Maddie was in bed and settled, he made his move. Rolling on his side where he faced her, he pulled her into his arms.

  “Goddess, you feel like heaven.” He admitted. His lips dropped to hers as he kissed her and the need began to spread.

  The sweet scent of her desire began to fill the air. His hands softly stroked her body, playing it like a fine tuned instrument until she moaned with abandon. Sliding a finger between her legs, he pulled it back out coated with the nectar of her need. Inserting it between his lips, he groaned at the sweet delicate favor he sucked from it.

  “Dear Lord.” Maddie said breathing heavy as she watched him.

  “You taste like heaven too.” He whimpered. Control was hard to maintain around this beautiful wonderful female.

  All he wanted was to sink deep inside her and there was no way to hold back now. He rolled her under him and slid between her legs. This first time would be faster because he had almost no control left.

  He could feel her heart racing just like his as he moved his cock head over her well lubricated opening. She jerked below him, sensitive to his touch. Holding on tight, he refused to let her loose. His shaft pushed in hard and deep until he was balls deep inside her. Pausing, just for a moment he enjoyed the feeling of being one with his mate.

  The need called to him and he couldn’t stay still any longer. Picking up his speed, he moved in and out in a dance as old as time. Faster and faster until he went quicker than a human could go, but his mate was well into her change and she could handle him. She encouraged him and arched to meet each thrust and the muscles of her channel massaged him as he moved inside her.

  Never had he felt more stimulated than he did right now. His perfect match, in all the ways that mattered. He was so close to a killer climax, he needed her to come first. The angle of his entry changed until he found her secret hot spot. She squirmed and moaned with each touch there.

king his final plunge inside her set her off just as he came himself. His whole world narrowed to him and his mate. The intense feelings of joy washed over him and the strongest love he’d ever felt for anyone gelled inside him. At that moment he knew he would die for this female, his female.

  Rolling he rover with him, he held her tight in his arms as they drifted off to sleep together. With her in his arms, he slept deeply and woke well rested. Maddie still slept, probably exhausted with her change upon her. Getting up, he went to the kitchen where he made coffee. It was his only cooking skill because it was simple. The bags were already filled with coffee and the water went in up to a premeasured point.

  The scent of coffee filled the air and he could hear footsteps headed in his direction before long. It wasn’t Maddie, but Viv who came through the door. “Mom still asleep?” She asked.

  “Yes, she’s about to change. It’s a hard time physically, mentally, and even emotionally.”

  “You put on the coffee?” She looked surprised.

  “I did.”

  “Why didn’t you start breakfast?”

  “I’m no cook. If your mom would move in with me, I have a cook who fixes my meals.”

  “So you would just abandon Caro and me?”

  “You’re a grown up and Caro can cook.”

  “I can too.” Viv said as she started to set food next to the stove.

  “If that’s true, why are you trying to make me feel bad/”

  “Seemed like fun at the time. What did you think of Glen?”

  “Kidnaps women? That Glen?”

  She sighed heavily. “Yeah, that one. He’s been emailing me and wants to come here for a visit.”

  “He’s not your mate. You deserve the right one for you. Don’t settle for less.” He suggested.

  “Like I did the first time?”

  “If you’re not still with him, he was the wrong one too. Don’t get pushed into the wrong mating. If you need sex, plenty of males would want to be with you. Diniel might be a good choice.”

  “He’s not interested.”

  “Did you ask him?”

  “Of course not. A girl can usually sense those things.”


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