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The Virgin Madam (Dark Star Doms Book 5)

Page 13

by Ivy Barrett

  “It’s distracting.”

  “Only if you let it be.” She squeezed her inter muscles as hard as she could, and he groaned. “All right. It’s distracting.”

  He lifted her off him and she scrambled off the bed, looking around for something with which to cover herself. Deciding his shirt would have to do, she slipped into the t-shirt before turning her attention back to Jericho. He’d used several pillows to prop himself up against the headboard, but he made no move to cover his nudity. Worse, the amusement in his gaze told her how silly he found her sudden need for modesty.

  “Did you have another vision or did something else happen while you were in the trance?” He raised one knee and rested his forearm on it, his pose utterly indolent.

  Sitting on the far corner of the bed, she tugged the hem of the shirt down in an attempt to cover her thighs. She had no idea why she became so uninhibited whenever he touched her, but her inhibitions returned full force as soon as her passions cooled. “I had another vision, but I’m not sure what it means.”

  “Tell me what you saw. We’ll work through it together.”

  Mistrust reared its ugly head for a moment before she forced it to retreat. She had no reason to be suspicious of Jericho. He’d protected and assisted her every step of the way. Still, her habitual mistrust had been cultivated over decades. She couldn’t expect to conquer the impulse in a matter of days.

  “I saw a woman with silvery-blue hair dressed in… Well, other than thigh-high boots, she wasn’t wearing much of anything.”

  “Go on.”

  “I thought she might be Blue, but Aren didn’t say anything about her being a Pleasure Mistress. This woman’s vocation was obvious. She commanded a small group of participants using her voice and a bright blue flogger.”

  “What did she command the participants to do?”

  It was the next obvious question, but she felt odd describing the lurid events. “It was all very ceremonial. There were three men and two women kneeling before the blue-haired Mistress. Each crawled forward and kissed the toe of her boot then turned around and offered their ass for a swat from her flogger.”

  “It’s a fairly common show of respect. Did any of the participants say anything or catch your attention?”

  “No. The vision was focused on the Mistress, and my mind was filled with the most bizarre emotions. But they weren’t my emotions. It was as if I were intercepting someone else’s emotions, or… I don’t know. It’s hard to explain.”

  He leaned forward and caught her wrist, drawing her closer to him. “Can you describe the emotions?”

  “I didn’t understand it at the time, but it was like what happened with you.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “I was feeling someone else react to the scene.”

  He thought about that for a moment and then said, “You experienced the vision from someone else’s perspective?”

  “I hadn’t realized such a thing was possible, but I’m pretty sure that’s what was happening. I felt anger, but there was no reason for what I was looking at to make me angry.”

  “What else did you feel?”

  “I sensed a certain distance, as if the person were across a large room or even viewing the scene from a remote location.”

  “Like a security booth?”

  He was thinking of Paul Zettalli, which wasn’t a bad guess. But Tamara wasn’t quite convinced. “Anything is possible. But I also sensed frustration and pain. Especially when the Mistress started interacting with the others. The person felt responsible for what they were seeing, yet they were infuriated by their own guilt. And above it all there was desire. They were repulsed by what she was doing, but they were even more turned-on by watching her fuck other people.”

  “So, who would be angry, frustrated, guilty and turned-on all at the same time?”

  “A priest?” She laughed at his horrified expression. “I was just kidding.”

  “No, I think you’re on the right track. It sounds like this person desires Mistress Blue Whip, yet their desire is inappropriate and they know it.”

  “I filtered the personnel files by gender when I looked through them before. I should look through the files again and see if I can spot Mistress Blue Whip.”

  Jericho nodded as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. “If she’s not in the files, I’ll see what I can find out from Zettalli.”

  She had started for the door, but she turned back around. “I’m going with you.”

  “No you’re not.”

  “Aren is right. It makes more sense for me to go with you. I’ve never been to the Dark Star before. Their security scanners won’t have me on file. All we need to do is alter my appearance and—”

  “I’m not taking the chance.”

  “It’s not your decision to make.” She planted her fists on her hips and glared at him. “People see what they expect to see. Tamara Owens is a reserved professor with no interest in the pleasure industry. You can deck me out like a sex slave or your mistress or whatever makes the most sense.”

  “All it would take is for one person to recognize you. You’d be arrested. You’re not leaving this house.”

  She wasn’t happy with the conclusion, but he had a point. Once she was arrested, they would be forced to play by the Enforcers’ rules. Jericho would be powerless and so would she.

  Rather than argue, she whirled on the ball of her foot and rushed down the hallway, emerging in the living room. He strode past her and motioned her toward the sofa. A central holo-projector allowed them to access the computer from anywhere in the room. She sat beside him and waited for him to bring up the personnel files.

  “You’re sulking,” he said as he navigated through various screens.

  “I’m allowed. This is much nicer than a detention center, but I’m still a prisoner.”

  Her response made him chuckle, but concern warmed his gaze. “I promised to protect you and I take my responsibilities very seriously.” He motioned toward the waiting files. “Female only this time.”

  She scrolled through several files, trying to picture each woman with a sleek blue wig. “Wait a second. Before I search for a needle in this haystack, is there a file for Misty Blue?” Jericho entered the parameter and a profile shuffled into view. “That’s her. But Aren said Blue was Paul Zettalli’s partner, not one of the Mistresses.”

  “For all intents and purposes, Zettalli is head honcho at the Dark Star right now. He would have his pick of all the Mistresses or Masters, whatever floats his boat. It’s not hard to imagine how a Pleasure Mistress would become his exclusive partner.”

  “If I’m having visions about Blue, then I have to go with you. It’s worth the risk.” She pushed to her feet, too anxious to remain seated. “Aren said he sensed a connection, and my abilities confirmed it. What if the person I’m sensing is the killer? I have to talk to Blue, or better yet, see if I can scan her. She knows who this bastard is! You have to let me try.”

  He stood and caught her upper arms. “If Blue is involved, it makes the situation even more dangerous. She could be in league with the killer.”

  “She’s not.”

  “You don’t know that,” he snapped, his fingers tightening on her arms. “Your powers have been active for all of two days. Do you honestly feel qualified for a stealth maneuver?”

  “She’s brand new too. Aren just found out what she is.” Tamara twisted out of his grasp but held her ground. “There has to be a way. You have to let me try. I will not live in fear for the rest of my life!”

  Rather than grab her again, he held out his hand. “Where is this stubbornness coming from? You’ve been so reasonable up until now.” He softened the criticism with a charming smile.

  She sighed and placed her hand in his. “I’ve been terrified up until now. You’re finally getting to see the real me.”

  He laughed and pulled her into his arms. “Thanks of the warning.” He held her for a moment, his hands slipping u
nder the shirt to explore her naked back. “How far are you willing to take this? Are you prepared to sell any role I set for you?”

  Concern flickered through her eyes as she looked up and met his gaze. “What do you mean?”

  “Masters love to show off their slaves. An obedient slave is a reflection on a skilled Master. Are you willing to demonstrate your obedience in front of others?”

  “What would I have to do?”

  “Get naked.”

  “I’m not ashamed of my body. My—Master assures me I have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “Will you let me touch you, make you come while others watch?”

  “As long as you’re the only one touching me.”

  “It’s a host’s right to sample a visiting slave.” His gaze was shuttered, his tone giving nothing away.

  “I will not let Paul Zettalli fuck me.”

  Fierce possessiveness flashed in his eyes before he was able to conceal it. “It would never come to that, but could you handle it if he insisted on touching or tasting you?”

  She shuddered and a knot formed in the pit of her stomach. Was this a test? Was Jericho trying to scare her, make her change her mind? Summoning her mother’s stubbornness, she squared her shoulders and looked him in the eye. “Anything is better than remaining in this limbo. And I’m sure as hell not going to prison for the rest of my life.”

  He shook his head and relented with a sigh. “Then I’ll do some checking while you shower. See if I can formulate a safe compromise that won’t require you to sacrifice too much of your soul.”

  * * * * *

  Misty Blue stood out of camera range while Paul spoke with Jericho James. Jericho was their closest competitor—their only real competitor—and Paul had no reason to trust him.

  “This seems rather sudden,” Paul said. “What motivated this offer?”

  “I’ll explain when I arrive, but I’ll say no more over a comlink.” Jericho’s expression made it obvious he wouldn’t bend.

  “I assure you our communication system is secure. There’s no reason—”

  “Aren suggested I give you a com.” Jericho’s dark brows arched meaningfully. “Was he wrong in his assessment?”

  Paul’s gaze shot to her for a moment before he gave in. “Use the small landing pad on the southeast corner of level nine. I’ll have you escorted directly to my office.”

  “We’ll arrive within the hour.”

  The comlink went blank and Blue shivered. “We? Who is he bringing with him?”

  “He didn’t say.” Paul pushed back from his desk and stood. He’d shed his jacket earlier, but he looked no less intimidating in shirtsleeves and dress pants. “Aren told me he’d have someone contact us, someone who could help train you.”

  She pressed her hand against her throat and shook her head. “Jericho James is the last person I want training me.”

  Paul pulled her into his arms and stroked her hair. “I said never again, and I meant it. No one touches you but me.”

  “But what if he—”

  “I’ll send him away and we’ll find someone who knows other techniques. I don’t care if we have to travel to Temple-Tuttle to find someone with the appropriate skills. I will never put you through that again.”

  She tried to accept his assurance, had no reason to doubt his sincerity. Still, trepidation vibrated through her, making her tense and uneasy.

  Almost the full hour passed before Jericho and his guest were escorted to Paul’s office. Dressed in an expensive suit of charcoal gray, a solid red tie adding a splash of color, Jericho looked far too dangerous to be a mere businessman. His wavy dark hair brushed the collar of his dress shirt and his bright green eyes assessed the room with quick precision.

  “Mr. James.” The men shook hands, leaving the women a moment to eye each other.

  Jericho’s guest wore a tan trench coat with black stockings and stiletto heels. The coat was firmly belted and Blue wondered if she wore anything beneath. The sleek black bob was obviously a wig, but the sophisticated style complemented her fair complexion and beautiful violet eyes. Around her neck was a simple black chocker, which likely meant she was Jericho’s slave.

  “You’ll have to excuse my reticence earlier,” Paul was saying. “When Aren told me he would have another mystic contact us, I never dreamed he meant you.”

  “For obvious reasons, I don’t broadcast my abilities. No one wants to do business with someone who can read their mind. That’s not one of my abilities, by the way, but no one would care. A mystic is a mystic, and none of us can be trusted.”

  “I understand your concern.” Paul motioned them toward the small furniture grouping in the far corner of the room. “I’ve had to reexamine my own attitudes regarding mystics since I found out about Blue’s condition.”

  Jericho chuckled. “You make it sound like an illness.”

  “I apologize.” Paul paused as he approached the woman. “Is she allowed to speak?”

  “Of course. Lily is my slave, but it’s not in that capacity that she’s here today.”

  “Then what is her role?” Paul’s gaze swept over Lily with obvious awareness and Blue tensed. Nothing tempted Paul more than an obedient sub. Yet after only a cursory look, Paul returned his gaze to Jericho, and Blue smiled.

  “Lily is also my apprentice. She has abilities that will be helpful to Blue.”

  Paul nodded then turned to Lily. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Lily took his hand without raising her gaze. “Thank you for having us.”

  “Would either of you like something to drink?”

  “My time is rather limited,” Jericho told him. “I’d rather get right to work.”

  “Of course.”

  Jericho chose the overstuffed chair and Lily sank to the floor at his feet. She curled her legs to one side and demurely overlapped the coat, covering most of her shapely legs. They were the perfect picture of a powerful Master and his contented slave. Blue sighed. Would she ever find this sort of harmony with Paul? It wasn’t Paul’s fault that their relationship was challenging. She was the one with all the baggage.

  Rather than follow suit, Blue sat beside Paul on the sofa. This wasn’t a sexual encounter, so Paul wouldn’t expect a show of submission. “Can you teach Paul how to release my energy, or can I be taught how to release it myself?” She cut right to the heart of the matter, too anxious for any other approach.

  “That depends on a number of factors. It will take someone with mystic abilities to tap into your energy supply. If you’re a passive feeder, as most feeders are, you won’t be able to release the energy yourself.”

  “Are you one of these passive feeders?” Paul asked.

  “My abilities are unusual. As a mystic, I’m unremarkable, but I have skills beyond those of most feeders.” In a tender show of affection, Jericho slipped his hand under Lily’s hair and stroked her neck. She turned her head to the side, offering him more of her creamy skin. Blue was so fascinated by the subtle display that she almost lost track of his explanation. “Lily can assess Blue’s true potential more accurately than I, but she’ll need access to Blue’s mind.”

  Blue looked at Paul, unsure what she should do. She didn’t want anyone snooping around inside her head, but there didn’t seem to be any other way.

  “It’s up to you,” he responded to her nonverbal question.

  “Will she need to…touch me like Aren did?” Heat suffused her skin and pooled between her thighs as she pictured Lily kneeling between her legs, licking her pussy. Oh God, would Paul allow such a thing? Would he see a woman touching her differently than he saw a man? More importantly, did she want to have sex with Lily? The other woman was certainly beautiful, but she wasn’t really attracted to her. Was she?

  “Distraction is a useful tactic, but the distraction doesn’t always need to be sexual,” Jericho assured her.

  Paul reached over and squeezed her hand. “Disappointed, pet?”

  “Of course not,” she snapped, em
barrassed that he’d obviously guessed her thoughts. She had no desire to be touched by any man but Paul, but this was different somehow. Would it be cheating if Paul enjoyed the show and she only touched another woman?

  A dangerous light erupted in the depths of Paul’s dark eyes as his gaze shifted between Blue and Lily. “I see no reason to explore other distractions when sexual pleasure is so much fun.” He looked at Jericho and their gazes locked—the familiar battle of alpha male with alpha male. “My sub is obedient. Is yours?”

  “Lily is here as my apprentice, not my sub.”

  Paul waved away the objection. “I’m just as possessive as you. No one touches Blue but me. Even so, I don’t see why this little experiment can’t be entertaining for everyone. Lily’s a guest in my house, so I’ll let her choose. Would she rather lick or be licked?”

  Blue looked at Lily, hoping to find anticipation smoldering in her thick-lashed eyes. Instead, Lily stared up at Jericho, clearly panicked. Jericho brushed Lily’s cheek with the back of his hand, his gaze warm and caressing. “How about if I lick Lily while she scans Blue? It will be a challenge to see if she can concentrate while I make her come.”

  “That won’t distract Blue,” Paul persisted.

  Jericho shot to his feet, pulling Lily with him. “This is nonnegotiable.”

  They started toward the door, but Blue rushed after them. “Please. Don’t go.” She grabbed Jericho’s elbow and dug in her heels. “We didn’t mean to insult you.”

  “We’re not here for sex games. Is that understood?”

  “No one will bring it up again. I promise.” She glanced at Paul to make sure he’d agree. He consented with a stiff nod and she guided Jericho back across the room.

  Jericho motioned her toward the chair he’d just vacated, his expression still annoyed. “Have a seat.”

  Blue sat, pressing her thighs together in an effort not to inadvertently flash him. Her skirt was ridiculously short, just the way Paul liked it, and she never wore panties anymore. Another one of Paul’s predilections.

  “Put your hands on the armrests and relax,” Lily said from behind her.

  “I’ve changed my mind,” Jericho decided with a chuckle. “Paul needs to distract you while Lily scans.”


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