The Perfect Comeback

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The Perfect Comeback Page 28

by Kacey Shea

  “Sounds good, bro. Catch ya later.” He winks and heads toward Xavier. He’s a bold motherfucker, I’ll give him that. I’ve no doubt he’ll try and sway Xavier over to his gym right now. Son of a fucking bitch.

  “So, do you have to stick around or can we head to the party now?” Mia says.

  My eyes meet her expectant stare. Party. Right. The thought of hanging out with a bunch of drunk assholes in costume sounds like absolute hell right about now. Glancing over Mia’s shoulder, I spot Kyle waving me over. He’s with the UFC scouts. It’s not possible to miss them all tramp stamped out in their sponsored apparel. “Actually, I need to stick around for a while.”

  Mia nods. “Oh, okay. Then I’ll meet you there? I’ll text you the address.”

  Damn it. Right before my eyes Spencer’s got his arm around Xavier’s shoulder, pointing at Kyle and the UFC scouts. “Yeah. Hey, I gotta run . . .” I drop a kiss on the side of her face, the one that’s not covered in stage makeup, and jog over to Kyle before this day gets any worse.

  “Matt Haywood! Here’s the coach of the hour. Noah Bibby, Ethan Sharp, you’ve met Matt before, I think.” Kyle makes introductions.

  “Noah, Ethan. It’s great to see you again. Enjoy the fights?” I say.

  Ethan nods. “Hell yeah, we did. That Xavier Johnson is really something. You got time to grab him so we can talk?”

  This is it. Everything I wanted. So, why is it after I snag Xavier and we sit down to a late dinner with these UFC reps I feel as though I’ve lost the best thing I ever had in my life?

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Matt walks away and it feels very much like rejection. I’ve never been one to run after a man, but I can finally understand the urge to do so and that thought angers me enough to leave. I’m already late for the party. Jared and Rae have been texting me photos of their fun all night. I thought I’d made the right choice by splitting my evening and coming here first, but now I’m not so sure. Between witnessing the altercation with his father and now this brush off, I’m not positive Matt’s the man I thought he was.

  “Mia! Wait up!” Matt’s brother Danny calls out and waves. Nikki’s attached to his side, much as she’s been all night. I have to admit as much as I don’t want to like her merely because of her connection to Violet, she’s been friendly all evening. I wouldn’t go so far as to invite her to hang out, but she’s not the vile person I first assumed.

  “Hey,” I say as Danny and Nikki reach me in the crowd. There are still quite a few people loitering around.

  “You sticking around to wait for Matt?” Danny asks.

  “No, actually I need to catch a bus uptown. My friends throw this killer Halloween party each year and I’m already late.”

  He nods. “You want a ride? We were about to take off.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to put you out.”

  Nikki hooks her arm in mine. “Seriously, Mia? Come with us. Danny’s ride is a thousand times better than a city bus!” She doesn’t even wait for my answer and tugs me outside along with them.

  “So, what did you think of the fights?” Danny asks. “First time?”

  “Yeah, first fights I’ve watched live. Well, organized and for sport. I’ve seen my fair of bar fights.”

  “I’m not gonna lie. There’s something super hot about two guys going at it on the ground.” Nikki giggles and Danny rolls his eyes. “What? Tell me I’m not alone in this, Mia? It’s fucking hot, right?”

  “Two dudes. Totally hot.” I agree to that part.

  Danny laughs. “Doesn’t work on the flip, though. Two chick fighters? They scare the shit out of me. Those two tonight. Did you see the rage? I think my balls jumped back to hide in their pre-pubescent position. Nothing sexy about that.”

  Nikki giggles and murmurs something in Danny’s ear that causes him to clear his throat. I don’t want to know what she said, though my guess is something dirty. These two take touchy-feely to the extreme, and don’t even get me started on the baby pet name. It’s great they’re so in love, but not everyone needs to be subjected to it. We approach a sleek black SUV and Danny produces a key fob that unlocks the doors.

  “See. Better than a bus.” Nikki grins and so does Danny. He’s a total gentleman and opens the passenger door for her first, then the back one for me before getting behind the wheel. The SUV is complete with GPS so I give Nikki the address as we roll out into the busy Saturday evening traffic.

  “Man, it was so good seeing Matt in his element tonight,” Danny says with admiration.

  “How was he as a fighter?” I ask because I’m genuinely curious. Matt doesn’t talk about it, and all I know are from the photos he hangs in his gym.

  “Incredibly focused. Owned the room from the minute he set foot inside. A lot like his last kid tonight, Xavier Johnson.”

  “Yeah, Matt said he thinks he’ll go pro,” I add.

  “I’m sure he will after tonight. But that fight was nothing. Damn, I wish you could’ve seen him back in the day. It was his passion and his whole life.”

  “Sounds like it,” I mumble, because as much as Danny’s going on, I feel even more removed from who Matt is. He had this entire career before we met and even though I know about it, I’ve never pushed for details. I want to ask why he quit. Or if he did? Because that argument he was having with his father got really heated. I only caught a few words but I have a feeling there’s a lot more about Matt Haywood he hasn’t shared.

  Glancing out the window, I ponder something to say that won’t come off as prying. “Matt said you guys grew up in South Shore. That’s not far from here, is it?”

  Danny laughs and shakes his head. I don’t understand what’s so funny until he glances at me through the rear view mirror. “I’m not sure whether you noticed, but Matt and I have different mothers.”

  “That part I got.” I roll my eyes.

  He quirks his brow and then continues. “I didn’t grow up in South Shore. I grew up in the ’burbs with my mom and grandparents. I had the good childhood.” It’s the way he says that last part that begs for questions. If Danny had the good childhood, what did Matt get? The possibilities hurt my heart.

  “Oh, okay.” I’m still confused and trying to piece it together when Nikki twists in her seat so she can meet my gaze.

  “Basically, their father was a manwhore back in the day. He never married, slept his way through half the city, and knocked up both of their mothers. Danny and Matt are the only two Haywoods—we think.”

  “Nikki!” Danny shakes his head and flicks his gaze back to mine in the mirror. “I’m not sure Matt would appreciate us blabbing our family crap.”

  “God! Your brother’s such a downer.” Nikki groans and shoots me a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, Mia. I know you two are together.”

  I don’t bother correcting her. I’m more concerned about the fact Matt hasn’t. Does he just let his brother assume we’re a couple? Nikki fills the rest of the ride with her mindless chatter until my temple begins to throb. It’s not her fault, though. It’s all these half-truths, and if I’m being honest, it’s the fact I saw something in Matt tonight that reminded me a whole hell of a lot of my ex-boyfriend from college.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when Danny’s SUV finally pulls up at the curb of Jared and Rae’s apartment. “Thank you so much for the ride.”

  “It was no problem. We’ll see you around?” Danny’s eyes hold an anxiousness I don’t understand but it makes me agree with a nod just to earn his smile. “’Night, Mia!”

  “Have fun at your party!” Nikki calls before I shut the door.

  That is my exact mission as I walk into the foyer and ride the elevator up to the rooftop. I step out of the car and push open the steel door that leads outside when my phone buzzes in my hand. I look down to find a text message from Matt.

  Matt: Sorry, I’m not gonna make it.

  Glancing over to the time icon, I find it’s only a few minutes past eleven. Sure, it’s late, but this is Ma
tt we’re talking about. I’ve witnessed that man work into the early morning hours almost every single night, then get up at dawn to do it all again. I know he’s not too tired. If he’s ditching the party, it’s because he doesn’t want to be here. He doesn’t want to be with me.

  An actual growl leaves my lips as I shove my phone into my coat pocket.

  “She comes with sound effects, too. Special!” Jared’s waiting for me when I raise my chin. On further inspection of my face he claps his hands wildly. It’s alarming, especially with how he’s completely bleached his hair and eyebrows white.

  “Salt?” I tilt my chin and take in the white high top sneakers, white jeans, and white mesh tank top.

  “Don’t you love?” He spins in a circle.

  “Marvelous. When do I get to meet Dr. Pepper?”

  “He’s in law, not medicine, and he’s dying to meet you, too. Come on, Kitten.” Jared hooks his arm in mine and practically skips. He drags us across the party to an attractive—and older—man. That is, unless he had his hair treated to appear to be a forty-something.

  “Logan, this is my Kitten. Mia, meet Logan.”

  “So nice to meet you.” Logan hands Jared his glass and wraps me in a tight embrace.

  “You, too,” I say, stepping out of his arms. My lips pull up with a smirk as Logan takes his glass back and slides his other arm around Jared’s waist. Where Jared went all white, Logan’s varied it up with a pair of black and white wing-tip tuxedo shoes, black dress slacks, and a black suit vest sans shirt. His white bow tie and cloth pocket napkin complete his outfit. Regardless of the fact he must be at least five to ten years older than Jared, they fit perfectly together.

  Jared waves Rae over, and once she sees me, she screams. It doesn’t stand out over the music, but her enthusiasm makes me laugh anyway. She grabs two beers from the cooler on her way and after doting over my costume, and I over hers, the four of us gather to chat and drink.

  “So, Logan . . . Jared tells us you are quite the defender of the innocent.” I can’t help but tease and Rae covers her mouth to hide her giggle.

  Jared glares but Logan takes my question in stride. “If you consider legal research and drafting documents for my firm to sign as their own . . . I guess I do.”

  “Don’t let him fool you. Logan’s firm does amazing work for our community. Several of the partners and staff take on domestic violence cases pro bono. Logan’s a part of that team.”

  “Handsome with a good heart. Where do I find the straight version?” Rae blinks and glances around the party.

  “Not here.” Jared laughs and she slaps him across the chest. “Hey, when is Matt getting here?” he asks but before I can answer, Rae interrupts.

  “Yeah! We can’t wait to see his costume!” Rae nods and then looks at Logan. “Matt’s got a manbun, and he’s a retired fighter. If he shows up dressed with a giant hammer in his hands, you’ll have to hold me up. Because I’ll totally faint over that.”

  “Thor obsession,” is all Jared has to say and Logan sighs with understanding. All eyes are back on me, waiting expectantly for an answer.

  “He’s not coming, actually.” I force the words through my lips.

  “Why? Did something happen at the fights?” Mia’s eyes widen with concern.

  “No. Yes. It’s complicated.” I shake my head and now all three of them are looking at me as if my cat died. Well, as if a cat I loved died. Mick’s still an asshole. Their concern only makes me uncomfortable and I reach for the closest half-truth that will get them off my case. I don’t want to be the downer of this party. “One of his fighters went to the hospital.”

  “Oh, my God! Is he okay?” Rae gasps.

  “I think so. They think he has a concussion. But his other two fighters won. One was the last fight, too. He won a shiny belt and everything.”

  “I’m sorry, Mia.” Jared reaches over to squeeze my arm. “We were really looking forward to him coming.”

  “Me, too.” I nod and manage to hold a smile. Tipping back my beer bottle I finish it off and meet my friends’ stares. “Anyone want another? I need to catch up!” They all decline, their drinks still full, and I turn to walk toward the cooler. Relieved their prying eyes aren’t on me, I drop my front for a moment and pull out my phone. Maybe I’m reading too much into this. Maybe Matt has business to take care of with the gym or he’s going to see how Ricky is. Either way, we need to talk. I don’t know anything about Matt’s life prior to meeting him at Zig’s.

  Mia: Come over later?

  I send the text and then turn off my cell so I won’t be tempted by his response. Pulling two beers from the cooler, I pop the tops on both and make my way back to my friends with the determination to have a fun night regardless of the cloud that rolled in on my life. All thanks to Matt Haywood.

  “Where’s Jared?” Rae plops onto my lap, her sexy butterfly wings long deserted so she’s wearing not much more than a short skirt and bra.

  “He and Logan disappeared an hour ago. I wouldn’t try to find them.”

  “God! Everyone’s getting laid tonight but me.” She snuggles her head onto my shoulder.

  “You and me both, sister,” I say because I’m still livid about the text Matt sent. I finally gave in and checked my phone about thirty minutes ago. Most everyone from the party has either left or is passed out.

  “What? Why no Matt?” She slides off my lap and onto the seat next to mine. “Go get yourself some Thor lovin’. I would. This party’s over.”

  “What would you do about this?” I shove my cell in her face, and I might be a little drunk because she has to push it back off her nose to read the screen. I already know what it says.

  Matt: Sorry, don’t feel like company.

  “Shit.” She swears and I bob my head with agreement.

  “Right? Fucking asshole has fucked me every night this week but tonight he doesn’t feel like it.” I scoff and finish off my drink.

  Rae shoves me with her hand. “You’ve been sleeping with Thor!”

  I close my eyes and shake my head. “Matt. It’s just Matt.”

  “Fucking asshole.” She shakes her head. “Hey! You need to go find him right now. Tell him to man the fuck up. If my girl wants to have zombie sex with his Thor self, then he needs to be there for you.”

  “Right?” I shake my head with utter disappointment. “He’s probably asleep by now.”

  “You know where he lives. Go get your Thor-Matt.” She giggles. “Thor-Matt. Doormat.”

  I pat her face. “You’re drunk, Rae.”

  She grins and wrinkles her nose. “So are you, Mia. Don’t drive a car though.”

  “I’ve got this.” I find the app and type in the cross streets to his apartment. Matt Haywood wants to try and hide? Good luck, buddy. This zombie is ready to hunt his ass down. I might even bite his head off. Depends on what he has to say for himself and whether that’s a good or bad thing.

  My Uber driver pulls up alongside Matt’s building and eyes it suspiciously. “Need me to wait here?”

  “No, thanks.” I exit the car. Sure, it’s not the greatest part of town, but it’s not unsafe. I climb the stairwell and follow the catwalk until I’m outside Matt’s apartment. I knock at the door, and resort to banging when he doesn’t respond or open. I know he’s fucking home. The lights are off inside, but he was texting me an hour ago.

  “Matt! Open the goddamn door!”

  “He’s not there, honey.” An angry looking elderly woman pokes her head out two doors over.

  “You saw him leave?” I say, hopeful that maybe I’ve missed him. Maybe he changed his mind and went to find me.

  She laughs but it holds no humor. “No, he’s been gone for weeks. Moved when we got the out.”

  My face must show my confusion.

  “The building’s going condo. He moved out, honey. He ain’t here.”

  The fuck? Where the hell has he been living? “He’s not fucking here?” I shout and head down the stairs. “Fucking hell!
” I pull out my phone and consider calling an Uber back home. Why didn’t he tell me he moved? I guess sure, it never really came up and it wasn’t as if I ever asked to go to his place since he’s been spending every night at mine. But it’s still concerning. Where could he be now? That’s when I wonder . . .

  The gym isn’t far from here and the taxi ride is less than five dollars. There’s no way to ring the door bell, so I pound on the glass and hope I’m right. There’s no movement from inside so I pull out my cell and call his phone.

  “Mia?” His voice is rough with sleep.

  “I’m outside. Let me in,” I demand, not even a little bit nice. I’m tired from this entire night. From going to his fight and getting the brush off, to hanging out at the party without him. He ruined my favorite night of the year.

  “What do you—” His voice stops short and that’s when I see his cell, a bright flashlight from inside the gym. He ends the call and comes over to unlock the doors. “Mia, what are you—”

  “Why? Why would you just bail? Why did you move and not tell me?”

  “Come inside. It’s cold,” he says, glancing up and down the street. I know I’m causing a scene but there’s no one out here to notice. “Mia, please come in.”

  I consider staying outside just to spite him, but it’s the cold and the please that move my feet forward. I walk inside and wait for him to lock the door. Once it’s secure he stalks further into the building away from me. I’m guessing his intent is for me to follow but I’m still really pissed.

  “Matt, what the hell?” I throw up my hands.

  He stops and turns before he reaches the light switch. His brow furrows as I come near. “Mia, it’s almost three in the morning. Can we just sleep and talk in the morning?”

  “Sleep? Where? Is this where you’re staying?”

  He shrugs and drops his gaze. “For now. Kinda. I’ve been at your place most nights.”

  “And what? You just don’t have an apartment? You didn’t think that’s something I’d like to know?” I’m sputtering but I don’t know how else to feel than totally betrayed.


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